Happy Endings

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Happy Endings Page 6

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  “Are you sure about that?” Her voice was sharper than he’d ever heard it, even when she kicked him out of the studio. “You married someone because they wanted you to. I’m not sure I want to be involved in that sort of drama.”

  He should have known that would be a problem for her. She hadn’t been shy about expressing her disgust with his divorce, after all. She believed in true love and long-term relationships. A girl like her would sure distract him from his work if he wanted a chance with her.

  Before he could question himself, Quinn stopped the car, pushed the gearshift into park, and grabbed her hand. “I’d understand if you cancel our plans tomorrow, I really would, but I’m hoping you’ll reconsider. I want to get to know you better. I... like you.”

  She squeezed his hand briefly. “I like you too, Quinn, but I’ve had my heart broken before, and I’m really not looking for someone who is so obviously unavailable. You don’t want a relationship. You’re too consumed by work.”

  He knew she was right. So why did it hurt to think of not spending more time with her? “What if the reason work was always more important was because I hadn’t met the right girl?”

  “I’m not sure I want to risk myself while you figure it out,” she said softly.

  Before he could second-guess himself, Quinn reached across the darkness, running his hand along the smooth skin of her neck and pulling her toward him. “What if I already figured it out?”

  Leaning down, Quinn found her mouth with his, reeling from the excitement that zinged across his skin when their lips met.

  Larissa made a soft moan that sounded like encouragement, and Quinn wrapped his other arm around her, pulling her as tightly to him as he could with the console between them.

  She stroked a hand up his cheek, the soft skin of her palm leaving a trail of heat as she made her way to his hairline. Larissa ran her fingers through his hair, pulling it slightly toward her as she opened her mouth and sucked on his bottom lip.

  Quinn’s heart beat so fast, he wondered if she could feel it. The heat of her against him made his groin tighten with need. However, she wasn’t some weekend fling—he needed to control himself.

  He pressed another kiss against her full lips, but then forced himself to back off. His body begged for more, but Larissa already said she was an old-fashioned woman as far as love went. He was sure that extended to not having sex after the second date. Besides, no matter how much he desired her, the front seat of a car was no place for their first time.

  Their first time... He squeezed her hand and tried not to laugh at himself. Already so confident there would be a first time with her. Then again, she hadn’t pulled away from his kiss.

  “Please say you’ll come with me tomorrow,” he said. “I didn’t ask you because my parents wanted it. I asked because you’re the first woman who has invaded my thoughts and made it hard for me to work.”

  “I am?” She sounded breathless, and Quinn’s smile deepened. She’d obviously felt something in the kiss too, just like he had.

  “You are,” he confirmed. “I know my parents can be heavy handed when they want something, but this is my decision, not theirs. I’m my own man, and I am making my own choice here.”

  Larissa reached across and stroked her thumb against his lips.

  Quinn kissed the tip of it as his uncertainty left him. She craved his touch as much as he did hers. “Is that a yes?”

  “I have a client tomorrow, but I’ll be finished with him at ten. What time do you want to leave?”

  He leaned over the console again, pleased when she was right there to meet him. He kissed her softly. “Shadow and I will be waiting for you to finish. It’s a long ride to the waterfall, so we’ll leave as soon as you’re ready.”


  Larissa didn’t want to say goodbye to Quinn at her door... she wanted to invite him inside. However, there was only one thing they could do in there, and she firmly reminded herself she wasn’t that type of girl.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned against his hard chest. When Quinn’s arms circled her and pressed her tighter to his body, it was every bit as wonderful as she had imagined. She couldn’t quite describe the feeling as safe, because she knew he desired her as much as she desired him, but it felt right. Something she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  “I can hardly wait for tomorrow,” she said, forcing herself to release him and step away.

  Quinn nodded. “Neither can I. Sweet dreams, beautiful lady. I’ll see you soon.”

  Larissa grinned and backed into her room, holding onto her will power with metaphorical fingernails dug in. She wouldn’t invite him inside or to her bed—not tonight. “Until tomorrow, then.”

  He trapped her in his gaze, a slow smile spreading across his face. “No, not tomorrow. I’ll see you in my dreams.”

  Breathless, Larissa watched as Quinn walked to the elevator. She waited until the doors blocked him from view before retreating inside her room.

  He was probably right. She wouldn’t have to wait until tomorrow either. That blazing hot kiss was sure to play on repeat all night long. She wondered if she’d get any rest at all.

  Chapter Eight

  Quinn grinned at his youngest brother. “Will you fix something for us to eat? You’re the best, and I want to keep Larissa happy.”

  “Lucky I’m back on the island this season, huh?” Shane laughed and adjusted his chef’s jacket. “I never thought you’d take a girl to the waterfall. You barely let the rest of us go up there. She must be special.”

  Judging by how his thoughts had been obsessed with Larissa all night, and not his work, it was a fair bet she was something special.

  Quinn knew how his brother loved to tease though, so he wouldn’t admit it. At least not yet. Maybe if today went well. Once he was sure Larissa was as interested as he was, Quinn wouldn’t care how much Shane teased him.

  “Will you make our picnic or not? I’m horrible at cooking, and the only person I could ask besides you is Mom. I’m not letting her involve herself in this more than she already has.”

  “No kidding. I can’t believe she told your new girl about your old girl.” Shane rolled his eyes. “Lucky for me, I’ve gotten off easy in that department. It was good of Mom and Dad to let me spend the last few years in culinary school and then training around the world. Especially since it means they haven’t started digging their claws into my love life yet.”

  Quinn knew they likely wouldn’t. Shane was the baby, and got away with anything he wanted. Still, Quinn was happy to have him back on the island. Now that Shane had finished his training, he was taking over the position of head chef, and Quinn felt he could finally relax about what was happening with the kitchen staff. He might only be twenty-two years old, but Shane would do everything in his power to run things smoothly.

  Shane walked around the shiny steel counter, opening a mini refrigerator beneath it. “Picnics are harder, because it’s something you have to be able to get to the falls in saddlebags that will stay good.” Shane stroked his chin, staring into the fridge. “Is she a girly girl? I could make dainty sandwiches, a fruit salad, and send along wine. It would stay pretty cold if we put an icepack in the saddlebag, and that shouldn’t bother the horse much.”

  Quinn wished he knew what Larissa liked. “She’s not some rich girl who has to be wooed with caviar, that’s for sure.” He liked that though. Most girls wanted the lavish lifestyle, but Larissa owned one dress. She wasn’t out husband shopping and social climbing. “Camille was so particular, I could hardly stand it. Larissa’s not like that, so don’t take into account anything Camille would have ordered. Other than that, whatever you do will be great.”

  Shane smacked Quinn’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, bro. Go get the horses and come back. I’ll do it up right for you. Besides, the waterfall is romantic enough to woo her without fancy food.”

  With a nod, Quinn left the dining hall and hopped on his four-wheeler, headed for the stables. Brad ha
d promised to get a packhorse ready, and Quinn had blankets and bottled water all ready to go. All that was left was for him to saddle up Shadow and wait for Larissa.


  “All right, Mr. Skinner. I see you’re scheduled for a hot rock massage.” Larissa looked at her new client, a professional smile on her face. “Have you ever had a massage before?”

  The silver-haired man gave a smile that put her on edge. It could only be described as leering. “I get massages every time I’m on the island.”

  She sure hoped this wasn’t one of Vanessa’s ‘special’ clients. The look the man gave suggested he was.

  Taking a deep breath, Larissa indicated the changing nook in the corner protected by a yellow curtain. “You can take off whatever is comfortable for you, but I really need your shirt off, and your pants if that’s not too revealing for you. Feel free to leave your underwear on. There’s a sheet on the table, so lay face down and cover your body with that while I step outside.”

  She knew being exposed to the therapist was often a fear with massage clients, but Mr. Skinner didn’t have the look of someone who was going to be bashful about her seeing his body.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes and we’ll get started.”

  He gave another creepy smile. “I can’t wait.”

  Larissa held in her sigh until she left the studio, shutting the door behind her. The waiting room was completely empty, with not even the massage coordinator working today. Mr. Skinner was truly the only client for anyone, but Larissa wished someone else was in the building.

  She shook herself slightly. It wasn’t like she didn’t know how to handle clients. All she had to do was focus on work, and not worry about Mr. Skinner. If he wanted a happy ending, he’d soon learn Larissa wasn’t in the business of giving them.

  She was out of peppermint oil, and liked to use that since it did such a good job at opening the tissues. She walked to the oil display behind the reception counter. Swiping a new bottle, she glanced at the clock.

  Fifty-five minutes and this would be over. And she’d be on her first real date with Quinn. Sure, she was a bit nervous about being on horseback, but that was it. It surprised her, actually. She should be afraid of going out to the middle of nowhere with a man she just met. He could be a murderer or something, after all.

  She chuckled and crossed back to the studio door. The only thing she had to fear from Quinn was that he was a thief. It would be easy for him to steal her heart, especially the more she learned about him.

  “I’m ready in here,” Mr. Skinner called.

  First, to get this over with.

  Plastering a smile on her face, Larissa opened the door. The first thing she saw was Mr. Skinner’s bare butt. Not only had he stripped naked, he hadn’t bothered with the sheet. Even Quinn had draped it across himself with some level of decorum. Still, many clients preferred to go undraped, so it wasn’t that unusual. It was the creepy vibe the man gave off which made her nervous.

  Patting the pocket of her scrubs, the tiny bulge of her cell phone felt reassuring. If Mr. Skinner asked for anything untoward, she’d call Quinn, as instructed.

  “Okay, sir, the rocks are ready. Do you have any allergies? I prefer to use peppermint oil, but if you have a preference I have others available.” Larissa walked to the crock pot and extracted two of the smooth stones.

  “No allergies,” he said into the padded hole on the table. “I’ll take whatever you want to give me. I bet you’re good with your hands.”

  Oh, gag me!

  It looked to be a difficult morning. Larissa put oil on the rocks and went to the head of the table, leaning over him to rub the heated stones across his back. Above all, she was a professional. She’d get rid of Mr. Skinner as fast as she could. Then, she’d spend the day with Quinn.


  Quinn tied the guide rope onto the back of Shadow’s saddle, giving the packhorse, Sunfire, a friendly pat on the neck. “Looks like I’m all set. Time to pick up the food.”

  Brad finished fastening the last buckle holding down the blankets, and then gazed at his brother from across the back of the horse. “You aren’t getting in over your head this time, are you? Let’s not have another Camille debacle. She took a lot of money to get rid of.”

  Quinn’s eyebrows rose and he looked at his younger brother sharply. Brad usually did a better job of hiding his resentment. He and Brad had never really gotten along, since the only thing they had in common was their love for horses. His attitude didn’t come as a complete shock.

  “Is there something you’d like to say, Bradford?”

  Brad shook his head, running a hand across his stubbly face. “Sometimes I get tired of the golden child having everything handed to him, that’s all.”

  Out of all the kids, Brad was the one who most resembled Quinn. They both received their father’s dark hair and olive skin, while the rest of the children were fair like their mother. Quinn thought that was why people immediately identified them as brothers, but perhaps it was the obvious rivalry between them.

  “Golden child?” He glared at Brad, frustrated that he would try to spoil Quinn’s good mood. “If you really want Mom and Dad sticking their nose in your business, setting you up with girls, and dictating your every move, by all means, take over the spot as the supposed golden child. I never asked for it.”

  “Yeah, well, you got it. I’ve had my eye on Larissa all summer, just waiting for a chance to talk to her. Now, thanks to Mom and Dad, you’re the one dating her.”

  Quinn sucked in a deep breath and leaned against Shadow’s side. He had no clue that Brad even knew who Larissa was. “I wasn’t trying to steal her away, but I really like her. Did you ask her out?”

  “No,” Brad admitted, “but I was going to if she ever came to the stables.”

  Since Larissa admitted to having a fear of horses, that wasn’t likely to have happened. Still, it wasn’t impossible that they could have met at a company party. Maybe his younger brother would be a better fit for her. He’d never been divorced like Quinn. He was more pristine—more what Larissa hinted she searched for.

  However, the thought of breaking off his date made Quinn’s whole body tense with anger. It wasn’t as though he and Brad had ever gotten along. Even if Quinn broke the date, it would change nothing, except to make Quinn miserable.

  “You don’t know anything about Larissa.” Quinn struggled to keep his tone level and not show his irritation that Brad would try to guilt him out of dating her. “She’s just a pretty girl to you. You don’t actually care about her.”

  “So. Why does that mean you get to have her? I should have a chance.”

  “Sorry, little brother. I know in the past I’ve always given in and let you have your way, but not this time. Nothing I’ve tried before has made us friends, and I like Larissa a lot. I’m not breaking our date.”

  Brad crossed his arms, looking sullen. “I wasn’t asking you to.”

  He was, and Quinn knew that. Just like he’d asked Quinn to stop so many other things throughout their lives. It was never enough for Brad. Quinn didn’t know exactly what happened to make his brother so unhappy, but there was nothing he could do to fix it. He was tired of trying.

  Uncertain what else to do, Quinn ducked beneath the lead rope, coming over to Brad’s side of the horses. He grabbed the younger man in a tight hug. “I do love you, you know, even if you hate me.”

  Brad shrugged away from him. “Enjoy your date. Maybe one day you’ll actually learn how to love something more than the spotlight.”

  Quinn watched Brad stalk off, knowing it would be pointless to say anything else. That was how things always ended between them. It was exhausting, trying to figure out what Brad’s problem was.

  A shove to the back brought Quinn’s smile back as he turned around.

  Shadow nudged him again, pressing his black nose against Quinn’s chest.

  “Okay, old boy,” Quinn crooned softly, scratching the horse’s face up to his ears. �
��You always were part dog, I swear. Have to get in your lovin’.”

  Shadow sighed, leaning into Quinn’s hand and restoring Quinn’s happy mood with his antics.

  Brad’s pettiness wouldn’t spoil the day. After all, Larissa was the first girl special enough to show the waterfall. Anticipation of just what, exactly, might happen between them sent tingles through his body. He checked his watch again. She should be with her client by now. He’d just head over to get the food and then hang out near Larissa’s apartment. Shadow wouldn’t mind waiting. He loved being out of the stables.

  As Quinn put his foot in the stirrup and swung himself across Shadow’s back, his phone buzzed. He fumbled to pull it from his pocket, praying it wouldn’t be an emergency requiring his attention. He didn’t want anything to spoil this day.

  It didn’t look good. His father’s number showed up in the caller ID.

  He swiped to answer. “Hey, Dad. What’s up?”

  “Mr. Skinner, that’s what.” John’s voice sounded grim.

  “Excuse me? What’s happened? I don’t have a lot of time. I’m supposed to meet Larissa soon.”

  “Larissa’s why I’m calling. You know I checked her schedule yesterday so that I could arrange for your date today?”

  An uneasy feeling crept into Quinn’s belly at his dad’s agitation. “Yes. What about it?”

  “Her client is Mr. Skinner. The name was nagging at me, so I went and checked the records.” John sighed heavily. “He’s one of the guests who Vanessa claimed partook of her services.”

  Quinn took in a deep breath. That didn’t mean anything, not really. If he asked for a Happy Ending, Larissa was sure to tell him no. “Do you think he’ll get violent when he can’t get what he wants?”

  “I’m not sure,” John said. “But I think you’d better get over there. Say it’s a surprise inspection or something, but I have a bad feeling about her being alone with him.”

  Chapter Nine


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