The Convict and the Cattleman

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The Convict and the Cattleman Page 12

by Allison Merritt

  She left and he gestured for Thomas to sit with him on the porch.

  “Wherever did you find her?” Thomas asked.


  “She’s the convict you hired?” Skepticism colored the question.

  “Aye. I’m fortunate to have her.”

  Thomas, a good twenty years Jonah’s senior, stroked his salt-and-pepper mustache. “Do you want to hear about the permanent nursemaid I’ve found for you? She came highly recommended.”

  The air seemed drier than normal. Jonah cleared his throat and squinted at the paddocks, avoiding Thomas’s eyes. “Who is she?”

  The mustache twitched. “You’ve heard of Taggart Station?”

  “Aye. Up north, on the Brisbane River.”

  George Taggart was a sheep grazier. He’d emigrated to Australia only a dozen years ago. His entire station was run by convicts from Moreton Bay, though transportation to the area had ended the previous year. He pressed for free settlement of the penal colony. A prominent citizen, he’d no doubt get his wish granted if he leaned heavily on the governor.

  Thomas nodded. “His eldest daughter is a widow. Charity Burbank has worked as a governess for the last four years. I spoke directly with her charges’ mother. The woman went on and on about the fine manners her children learned. However, they no longer need a governess. She’s young enough to marry again, if she wishes, but hasn’t taken any suitors. She expressed an interest when I told her the position was here.”

  Jonah’s colt, Coalface, cantered around the paddock, mane flying in the wind. Bridgit’s troublesome nanny goat was tied to a tree, bleating at the horses. In the silent seconds that followed, he made up his mind.

  “Tell her the position has been filled.”

  Thomas fiddled with his collar. “You’ll have the chance to tell her yourself.”

  Jonah met Thomas’s eyes. “She’s coming?”

  “Later this evening, I’m certain of it. It seems Taggart wants to see Laurie Lark for himself. Rumors about your operation are reaching far and wide. I suppose he wants to make certain his daughter isn’t headed for some grass hut on the edge of civilization.” Thomas straightened his collar and patted his mustache again. “Wouldn’t you?”

  Someday he’d look after Olivia that way. Taggart wanted the best for his daughter, reasonable enough. Jonah had never turned away a guest and he wasn’t about to start. Let them come, enjoy the festivities, and he’d inform her Bridgit was staying on. After the party, they’d make another trip to Parramatta and fill out the paperwork for Bridgit’s continued employment.

  Leaning back, he looked out at the paddock again. “I’ll speak with her about it. Bridgit hasn’t been here long, but she’s fit the role quite well.”

  “You might want to hold the decision until you’ve seen Mrs. Burbank. As I said, she’s still young and she’s the picture of elegance and grace. If you want my advice, you wouldn’t go amiss by courting her. Olivia needs a mother more than a nurse, don’t you think?”

  “I’ve made up my mind, Thomas.”

  “The convict girl is lovely, Jonah, but she’s not the sort you and I hire to raise our children. Mrs. Burbank’s position could turn into something more. Think of what you would gain from marrying her.”

  Thomas’s advice had guided him through many complications when he’d become sole owner of the station. There would be certain advantages to marrying a fellow grazier’s daughter. Advantages he didn’t need.

  Behind them, the door slammed shut. He turned to find the cause of the racket, but he or she must’ve gone inside.

  “I’m raising cattle, not sheep.”

  Thomas strove for a casual voice, but no one could miss the excitement when he said, “You could corner both markets.”

  “I have enough keeping me busy here without worrying about a bunch of woolies.”

  “I’ll let you sleep on it. I’m going to have a cuppa. Perhaps if I meet this convict who’s blinded you to other women, I’ll understand what’s got you so keen on her.”

  Nothing to do but wait. Troubled by the ideas Thomas brought to light, Jonah rocked and watched dust billow over the road. Most of the guests would arrive before darkness fell, but a few might straggle in come morning.

  Behind the house, the jackaroos were laughing as they set up tents for the guests. Martha, Millicent, Bess and Farjana were preparing dishes for dinner. A roasted steer hung over a fire near the kitchen. The finest Andrus beef for his company.

  He left the porch and walked toward the cemetery. Stone crosses, bearing his parents’ names, stood out against the landscape. He didn’t doubt they’d be glad he’d continued the tradition of the party. Much of the station’s early success was due to friends and neighbors.

  People who would soon learn of Olivia’s birth. Charlotte’s daughter was as much a part of the station as he was. Let those who would judge her, judge. The rest would accept her. The country was made up of people with shifty backgrounds and those willing to beg, borrow or steal. Charlotte wouldn’t have hidden Olivia away. Out of respect for his sister, he wouldn’t, either.

  More wagons and buggies were coming down the rutted road. Time to smile, greet guests and help them settle in. Charlotte’s warm nature drew people. He preferred to stand back and watch. No luck this year. Someone had to shake hands and make small talk. It wasn’t so bad, knowing Bridgit waited for him at the end of the day.

  * * * *

  A sturdy black gig arrived at the house. The Chinese driver set the brake and jumped down to assist a young woman with a parasol.

  Jonah, deep in conversation with Niles Jackson and Phil, hardly noticed the newcomers until Phil let out a low whistle, his eyes trained on the woman.

  “Who’s that bit of lovely?” Phil asked.

  Thomas appeared from nowhere with an answer. “That, gentlemen, is George Taggart and his widowed daughter, Charity Burbank.”

  Taggart was a robust man with a full head of white hair. His clothes looked expensive, boots shined to perfection. The horse pulling the gig was huge and easily as glossy as its master’s boots.

  Mrs. Burbank folded the parasol down. Sunlight kissed her features. If the day’s heat affected her, it didn’t show. A mass of dark curls spilled over one shoulder. Her traveling suit was free from wrinkles, accenting her curvy figure and narrow waist. The pink material matched the glow of her cheeks. Thin eyebrows rose as she looked over the grounds. When she saw the men, a radiant smile formed on her face. Wide brown eyes framed with thick lashes widened.

  “Thank you, Ping. See to the luggage,” Taggart requested.

  “My pleasure, sir,” Ping answered.

  Taggart offered his arm to her. She slipped her hand through the crook of his elbow and they mounted the stairs. Jonah, Phil and Niles stood.

  “Welcome to Laurie Lark, Mr. Taggart. It’s a pleasure having you here. I’m Jonah Andrus.” His eyes were drawn to Charity, but he forced himself to hold Taggart’s gaze.

  Taggart took his hand and shook it. “A pleasure for me as well. We’ve heard a great deal about you and the station. This is Charity, my daughter.”

  Jonah gestured at his companions. “Phillip Banner, a long-term jackaroo here. Thomas Server, I believe you’ve met Mrs. Burbank. And Niles Jackson, who runs a stock agency in Sydney.”

  They exchanged greetings and Taggart looked over the porch and the grounds. All eyes remained riveted on Charity. She acknowledged each man with a nod and smile, but her face brightened when she greeted Jonah. Thomas gave him a sly wink. She was a sight, but Bridgit’s features and bell-like laughter rose to mind.

  Charity stepped away from her father. “Mr. Andrus. I’ve looked forward to meeting you for a couple of weeks now. I hope we might find time to have a quick chat while your man shows Papa the best parts of your station.”

  He nodded. “Yes, of course. Phil, make sure you convince Mr. Taggart that Coalface is the colt to bet on tomorrow. Mrs. Burbank, this way.”

  He opened the doo
r for her and caught Thomas’s pointed look. The older man pursed his lips and raised his brows in a what-did-I-tell-you gesture.

  “What a beautiful home you have, Mr. Andrus. Papa was certain we were coming to the farthest reaches of civilization. He swears bushrangers pour from the darkest parts of the foothills or some other nonsensical thing.” Her face was graced with a smile that brightened her eyes.

  “Thank you. I can’t say I’ve much interest in the interior of the house. Most of my time is devoted to the land on the horizon.”

  They strode past the parlor, but he stopped short when he saw Millicent there. She looked between the stranger and him with a concerned frown on her face.

  “Just having a moment of peace, away from the noise of the kitchen, Jonah. Don’t let me keep you from business.”

  “Perhaps you’d like to offer Mrs. Burbank a refreshment,” he prompted.

  Millicent, eyes agleam, nodded. “Of course. I’ll fetch tea.” She gave them a sweet smile and left.

  He motioned for Charity to follow him again.

  “My cook’s youngest daughter. She means well.” Except her sudden appearance seemed odd. Shrugging it off, he led Charity to the study.

  He waited until she settled into the heavy leather chair on the other side of his desk before taking his seat. The light from the window seemed drawn to her.

  Charity folded her hands, leaned forward slightly and smiled again. “You’ve no idea how excited I was when Mr. Server informed me of the position here. I’ve heard many things about the progressive way you run this station. Cattle, a marvelous idea.”

  “Credit for that venture goes to my father. He preferred beef on the table at dinner.”

  “A clever man, one no doubt canny enough to see his family would make strides in bringing money and prosperity to Australia. I’m sure you know Taggart Station is merely my father’s hobby farm. All his money is invested elsewhere.” Her smile faltered a little.

  “I know his reputation, but I thought the sheep industry benefited from his attention to breeding.”

  “Oh, it does. Of course it does,” she agreed.

  He got the feeling she no more knew what she was talking about when it came to business than he knew about bringing up children. Little girls, in particular.

  “About the position–”

  “I know I must seem young, perhaps ill-suited because of my youth, but I assure you I am older than I look. I turned twenty-three my last birthday. Although I’m a widow with no experience raising children of my own, I enjoy the pleasure of spending time with children. Mr. Server told me you aren’t married, but have a baby girl. I assume you must have lost your wife recently and you have my deepest condolences.” One hand fluttered above her heart.

  Jonah wanted to interrupt, but she prattled on. “I don’t expect you to feel that my employment here is a ploy to arrange a marriage between us. I know my father has asked around about you. If he thought for a second you would compromise my position as a lady, we wouldn’t have come. I’m here solely to look after your daughter, Mr. Andrus. I enjoy male companionship, of course, but I take what I do very seriously.”

  For a moment he didn’t speak, waiting to see if she would carry on the narrative, or if she’d had her say.

  She replaced her hands and blinked.

  Her nervousness only made her looks more endearing. Thomas was right; Charity was special and courting her wouldn’t be a hardship. With a woman like her in his household, and his influence, no one would dare speak ill of Olivia. A piece of pink ribbon no longer than his index finger was trapped under the foot of the chair where Charity sat. It must have fallen from Bridgit’s sewing basket. He covered his mouth with his hand, hiding a smile. That was Bridgit, turning up when he least expected it. In his mind, in his bed, a perfect fit in his life.

  “Mrs. Burbank, I’m afraid I have some bad news about the position.”

  * * * *

  Bridgit barely looked up when Millicent bounded into the kitchen.

  “Mother, I need a pot of tea for a very special guest.”

  “You well know where the kettle is, Millie.”

  Millicent filled a porcelain teapot and arranged cups on a tray. She sent Bridgit a sly grin.

  “Bother! Come here, girl! Not you,” Martha snapped at her daughter. She pointed at Bridgit.

  “Aye, Mrs. Jackson.”

  “Take this pitcher of punch out and add it to the bowl. Don’t drop it, or it’s your head,” Martha warned, thrusting a heavy pewter ewer into Bridgit’s hands.

  Farjana shot her a sympathetic look. The last two days had been a bit tiring. An endless stream of pastries and biscuits flowed in and out of the cast iron stove. Bess had arrived the previous day, carting along her own contributions. She’d been much nicer when issuing orders than Martha. She’d disappeared, probably off seeing that her daughters stayed out of trouble. Young Davy wouldn’t stray far from the jackaroos, talking to anyone who listened about the horses and tomorrow’s races.

  Martha used every advantage to make Bridgit her personal maid. Glad to get away from the kitchen, Bridgit clutched the cool metal container. A few times, she’d been sent out to greet guests and make sure they were comfortable. No one looked at her as though they suspected she’d steal from them, and so far, Millicent had remained too busy taking orders from her mother to make any trouble.

  Bridgit transferred the punch from ewer to bowl without mishap. The table, covered with fine linen and vases full of flowers from the garden, looked festive. Men and women mingled around the tables brought from the barn by jackaroos. There was a merry air about the grounds.

  Jonah was absent as well, but he’d spent most of the day out front, greeting his friends. She trailed her fingers down the front of her gown. With a few adjustments, it fit like it was made for her. To keep the scars around her wrists from showing, she’d lengthened the sleeves with some ivory lace set against the pale blue damask and added some at the throat as well. Several ladies praised her design. She felt like one of them, a woman with freedom and the right to love, raise a family and enjoy occasions such as this.

  “Enjoying the festivities, Bridgit?” Millicent’s sweet tone made her cringe.

  Smiling despite the dislike she felt, she answered, “Aye. Looks as if everyone is.”

  Millicent’s smile didn’t waver. “I might have a quick word.”

  “With me?”

  “Mmm-hmm. I thought you should hear this from a friend before the rumors circulate. That way you’ll know what’s truth and what isn’t.”

  Bridgit stared. There were no feelings of friendship between them. “Alright. Let’s have it.”

  “I overheard Mr. Server and Jonah talking about your...replacement.”

  “Is that so?” She struggled against building alarm snarling her stomach.

  “She’s attending the party. They say she’s beautiful, but that isn’t the whole truth.”

  Still uncertain about Millicent’s intentions, she stared. “And you know this how?”

  “Why, I’ve seen her. Her name is Charity Burbank. Her father owns a sheep station outside of Brisbane. Can you imagine? Well, if I were her, I wouldn’t waste my time frolicking around Australia, but she’s decided to take the post of Olivia’s nurse. Calling her beautiful doesn’t do her justice. She looks like one of those, what do you call them, you know the fish-women who lure men into the water.” Millicent waved her hands like a wounded bird.

  “Mermaids,” Bridgit supplied.

  “Without the dreadful fish tail,” Millicent continued as though she hadn’t asked. “According to Mr. Server, she’s a widow. Young and wealthy, but knowledgeable about children. He suggested Jonah court her because a marriage between them might reap considerable benefits. You know Jonah, he’s no layabout. Upon Mrs. Burbank’s arrival, he escorted her inside. They’re discussing your dismissal and negotiating the terms of their marriage.”

  The air seemed thick and heavy with heat. A trickle of sweat poole
d between Bridgit’s breasts. She looked at the house, innocent with its whitewash coat and colorful flower decorations. She couldn’t trust Millicent.

  The smile the cook’s daughter turned on her was sickening. “It must be difficult knowing you’re days away from returning to the Factory.”

  Glaring at Millicent, Bridgit picked up her skirt and stalked off. Blind to direction, she replayed Millicent’s words in her mind. Jonah plotting to send her back. Charity Burbank wearing a wedding dress and becoming Olivia’s foster mother. Worse still, Jonah enjoying his wedding night with the all-too-willing widow.

  The lace around her neck threatened to choke her. Fumbling with the tiny pearl buttons at the throat of the gown, she forced the collar open. Beyond the manicured flower garden, no breeze stirred the grass. She stood alone, staring, but not seeing the rolling land before her.

  Foolhardy girl. This isn’t your life. Pretending it is won’t change the facts. It’s gaol for you and nothing else.


  “What’s got you lookin’ like your best mate’s run off with your favorite dog?” Phil’s rich baritone broke through Bridgit’s dark thoughts.

  The hour was late, but as many as twenty people still lingered on the lawn. Someone played a mournful tune on a fiddle and another person accompanied it with a mouth harp. The melancholy music suited her mood.

  Abandoned in favor of the fire burning in the pit, the garden made the perfect refuge for someone with a broken heart. At least until Phil appeared. She tugged at the lace on her sleeve and shook her head.

  “Not a thing. Why do you ask?”

  “Bess said you’d disappeared and I volunteered to find you before anyone caught wind a wild convict was runnin’ loose among them.” He sat beside her on the stone bench, smelling of wood smoke and tobacco. “Has anyone told you what a terrible liar you are?”

  She wanted to ask if Jonah had looked for her. Hope against hope it wasn’t to dismiss her, but because of a genuine concern for her safety.

  “I’ve never been good at untruths. My mum said God gave some girls fair skin to keep them from developing wicked tongues.”


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