Twisted Bliss

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Twisted Bliss Page 18

by C. A. Williams

  “Right,” Zoey dragged out. “I have a feeling you won’t be coming home. You’ll be too busy getting frisked.”

  Exactly what I was thinking.

  I LOOKED OVER at Justin, sitting there in his tight-fitting police uniform as he navigated his car out of my parking lot, and felt like jumping on top of him right that very second. He was mine. I really could do it. He normally changed before I saw him but I was perfectly fine that he hadn’t. If he never wanted to change again, I was okay with that, too.

  Justin smirked at me before changing the station, and I smiled weakly at him. He knew exactly what was running through my head, I could tell. I was worried that there would be some tension between us from the whole Nash thing.

  I found Nash last night. It really wasn’t too hard. His mom had no clue where he was, but I did. I found him in our favorite spot on the other side of the lake. The same spot that we used to spend hours at when we were kids. The same spot he had led me to last year when he wanted our relationship to be taken a step further.

  He was heartbroken. That was the only word that I could use to truly describe him right now. Mariah screwed him over royally, making him think that little boy was his. She must not have thought he would ever question it. I guess that’s why she was trying to blame me.

  I sat there with him and let him cry on my shoulder, and that was all I could do. I had no idea how to make things better; I guess only time would be able to do that. Callie was wrong. I didn’t let myself get caught up in the moment, because I didn’t have any of those types of feelings for Nash. I wasn’t ping-ponging back and forth between him and Justin. Justin was it for me. If Nash thought that things could work for us since Mariah was out of the picture, he didn’t let on. I’m sure he hadn’t even considered it yet, and I hoped he didn’t.

  Justin pulled into his driveway, turning off the car and ran around to open my door. “Are we stopping so you can change?”

  He reached a hand in to help me out of the car and opened the back door to take out a few bags. “Nope. We’re having our date here tonight.” He grinned, grabbing my hand with his free one, and pulled me into his house.

  “Okay.” I tried keeping the smile out of my voice, but it was impossible. I knew tonight would be the night. I actually started to get nervous. This time around was different. “What do you—”

  My voice cut off as I stepped inside, Justin pushing back against the door so I could pass by him. “What in the world is this?” I scanned his living room, not able to see a single piece of furniture because they were all covered by blankets and sheets. This wasn’t Justin whatsoever. The mess had to be killing him, because he was seriously a neat freak.

  “It’s part of our date.” He grinned, shutting the door behind us. “Come on.” He tugged on my hand, dropping to his knees once he got near the edge of where his couch normally was, and he flung back one of the sheets.

  “Oh wow.” I was literally speechless after that, like no actual words could form because this man was just that amazing. No, it wasn’t one big giant mess of blankets thrown about. It was an adult-sized, inside fort that he made. For me. Pillows were piled up right in front of the TV that was also underneath the blankets, stacks of movies sat on top of the DVD player, but that wasn’t the best part. Nope. The multiple strands of colored lights that were dangling down like tiny little icicles was. The fort made me feel like a kid again, and I liked the feeling.

  “Do you like it?” His dimples popped out, and I reached a hand up, tugging on his hair that he was letting grow out again.

  “Um, no…I love it. This is amazing. I really don’t know how you’re going to top this one. I don’t know how you come up with these things.”

  “Easy, it’s called Pinterest.”

  “What? You can’t be serious.” I laughed, dropping down to sit on a pillow while he started up the TV and handed me a stack of movies.

  “Completely. You wouldn’t believe the kind of shit you can find on there. I think it might be better than Google.”

  “Wow, I didn’t think guys even knew about Pinterest.”

  “Oh, I’m just getting started, princess.” He pushed me backward so I was flat on my back, staring down at me with those gray eyes of his and I reached up to cradle his chin in my hand.

  “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I ask myself that every day,” he responded before crashing his mouth against mine. I sighed at the comfort, feeling some tension leave my body, and just savored the moment with Justin, in our own private blanket fort where it felt like we were worlds away from everyone.

  It was an assault, and there was no way in hell I was putting up any resistance. His tongue invaded my mouth after forcing my lips apart. Whom was I kidding? There was no force needed, but Justin normally liked to think there was, so I let him.

  He pulled away, holding my lower lip between his teeth, before he slowly released me. I couldn’t form any words, and even if I could, I wouldn’t be able to get them out anyway. That kiss had stolen all of the air from my lungs. And he knew it.

  “I’m gonna give you a minute.”

  I watched as he exited out the makeshift door of our fort, and collapsed back onto the pillows, enjoying the peacefulness. It was nice to have that sometimes. I felt like I was going nonstop, and it was good just to take a minute and breathe. I heard Justin moving around in the kitchen and soon he was ducking back under the blankets, wearing a pair of low-slung pajama pants and nothing else. He had something in his hands but I really didn’t notice because my eyes were occupied on the vision in front of me. I think I actually felt a little bit of drool hit my chin.

  Justin came over, reaching down to close my mouth that was hanging open and threw a shirt down to me. “I figured you’d want something more comfortable. Did you pick something out?” He pointed to the stack of movies and I chose one, popping it into the DVD player after changing out of my clothes and pulling his shirt over my head. He went back and forth a few times to the kitchen before finally sitting down.

  “’kay, we got popcorn, candy, and the best part….” He turned on a small single burner hot plate, setting a pot on top that was filled with something. “Chocolate fondue.”

  “You are spoiling me so bad.” I grinned, watching as he opened up little bowls that contained strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, and tiny brownie squares. “How am I ever going to compete with all of these dates? I feel guilty that you’re always doing amazing things for me. When’s it my turn?”

  “Never. I don’t like surprises, but I love giving them.”

  “Mmhmm,” I murmured right before he placed a chocolate-covered strawberry in my mouth. He swiped a finger across my lips to wipe off some leftover chocolate and stuck it in his mouth. I couldn’t think of any place I’d rather be than right here.

  I was seriously going to have to come up with something good in order to pay him back for all of these special dates he kept coming up with. He was really proving how invested he was in our relationship and it couldn’t have made me any happier.

  We started up the movie, and ended up watching about three more after that, curled up in each other’s arms underneath all of the blankets and eating all of the junk food Justin had gotten. I yawned loudly after the last one was over, stretching my arms above my head, Justin’s head resting on my chest. “Do you want to watch another one?” I ran my fingers through his hair, loving that he was growing it out again.

  “No.” He sat up, and pulled me with him so he could place me on his lap. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist and he groaned when my body shifted even closer against his. “I need to ask you something.” His tone was serious, and I swear he was actually nervous, too. That didn’t happen very often with Justin Parker. He had one of the biggest egos around, and it was one of the things I loved most about him.

  “Okay,” I dragged out, my mind racing with all of the different things that he could be asking me, some good, some bad, some I wasn’t so sure about, some I definitely w
asn’t certain about.

  He licked his lips, blowing out a breath and then finally asked, “Will you come to my mom’s house for Thanksgiving with me?”

  A bubble of laughter escaped my lips, and after that, I couldn’t stop it. I flopped backward, giving him the opportunity to cover my body with his, and continued laughing. I couldn’t believe he was actually nervous to ask me something like that. I thought that maybe he might ask me to move in with him, or something like that. I couldn’t really even comprehend the other scenario that had popped into my head. Popped being the key word.

  “Are you done now?” His face was just inches from mine and I took a big deep breath in, nodding my head. “I think so. I’m sorry. I just thought…never mind. Of course, I’ll go with you. I was actually a little worried that you hadn’t asked me; it wasn’t as if I were going to invite myself, or something. I thought maybe you didn’t want me there.”

  “Didn’t want you there?” he repeated. “Are you insane?” He pressed a kiss to my lips before pulling away. “I love you.” My heart started beating wildly at those three words that came out of his mouth so easily, so naturally. It was the first time either one of us had said it since we got back together. I could feel it between us; the words just hadn’t been spoken. He placed another kiss to my neck, and then moved down to my shoulder. “I want you with me all the time, wherever I go.”

  I pulled his head back up, forcing his eyes to meet mine. “I love you, too. I never stopped, not once, even when I thought I hated you.” I lifted my head up, bringing my lips to his, trying to pour all of the love that I felt into that one kiss, but it still didn’t feel like enough.

  We started undressing each other slowly, our clothes landing in a pile underneath all of the blankets that were cocooning us in our own special spot. This time wasn’t a frenzy, wasn’t rough and quick. The pace was slow and sweet, just what we both needed. Our lips finally broke apart; our bodies naked against each other’s, and Justin reached down to stroke my hair away from my face. “I never stopped either, princess.” He gently slid in and I gasped at the way he filled me, sitting up slowly with my legs wrapped around him until he was buried deep inside of me, in more ways than one. “I couldn’t stop.” He started to quicken his pace, and I worked my hips faster to keep up with him. His hands were all over my body as we moved together, and I dug my nails into his back, hanging on for the ride. “I can’t stop. Ever. I won’t.”

  He lifted my hips, practically pulling completely out, before thrusting back into me, and I screamed out his name at the overwhelming feelings running rampant between us, physically and emotionally. I buried my head against his neck, whimpering against his damp skin. I was so close to the edge, but I wasn’t ready for it to be over yet.

  Something about this time felt like a turning point in our relationship. Maybe it was because we finally said the ‘I love yous’ out loud, or maybe it was something else. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but this time was different from all the rest. Sure, I wasn’t going to lie and say I didn’t love the rough, dominant Justin, who told me what he wanted and when. I loved that Justin. But this one was different, so sweet, and gentle, a completely different side that I loved just as much.

  “You feel so damn good.” He tugged on my hair, tilting my head back until we were staring into each other’s eyes and put a hand in between our bodies, his skilled fingers working their magic while I clung to the solid muscles in his arms. He moved faster and deeper and I tried to keep up with him. He was in a frenzied state so it was almost impossible, but I tried my best.

  And then I was pushed completely over the edge.

  Every single part of me went limp. My body shuddered and trembled with an orgasm so powerful I lost all sense of my surroundings. Justin wasn’t far behind me. He thrust once more, holding himself there, before he groaned loudly, pressing his face into the side of my neck and murmuring incoherent words against my skin.

  I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but eventually we both collapsed against the pillows, the dangling lights flickering above us as we fell asleep wrapped up in each other’s warmth. The perfect ending to a perfect night.

  “HI, SWEETIE!” GRAMS grabbed both of my cheeks in between her hands and squeezed. “I’m so glad you’re here. And look at whom you brought with you! Hi, girls.” Zoey and Callie both got the same treatment from Grams, but Mia hung back from the group, probably remembering her last time here. She wasn’t exactly nice.

  “And we brought Mia, too.”

  Mia gave an awkward wave to everyone and Grams’s nose turned up slightly before she said a polite, “Hello.” I explained to Grams that Mia had come around, and we were actually getting along for the most part, but Grams wasn’t forgiving her so easily. I guess I grew up a lot in the past year, because the old Della wouldn’t have either, but with Grams it was different. She would give the smack down to anyone who hurt me, no questions asked.

  “No Justin?” Grams peered over my shoulder, her hands pressed together hopefully. I rolled my eyes, telling her once again that he wasn’t coming. “He had to work, remember?”

  “Oh, I know. I was just hoping he would be able to make it.”

  I pressed a kiss to her cheek. “That’s from Justin. He said he’ll make it up to you.” I swear she started swooning on the spot; her cheeks flushed bright red, and she began fanning herself, acting all hot and flustered like a schoolgirl over my boyfriend.

  “That boy has too much charm for his own good. Well, I guess I’ll have to wait to see him then.” She frowned deeply in disappointment.

  My grandpa rolled his eyes, wrapping me in a hug, before passing me along to my dad. “Glad you could make it, sweetie. I tried my hardest to be home for Thanksgiving, but couldn’t get it to work.”

  “Not a big deal, Dad. We can celebrate early. And at least Grams and Grandpa are travelling with you this time so you won’t be all alone on the holiday.”

  Like my dad said, he tried to be home for Thanksgiving, but I understood how important his job was and that he had to do it. Grams and Grandpa decided to go with him, only after they knew I was spending Thanksgiving with Justin’s family. I know just the three of us would’ve been perfect, too, but I was looking forward to spending it with Justin. Whom was I kidding? I looked forward to every second I could spend with him, and was miserable whenever he wasn’t around. I know that sounded a little depressing, but I just couldn’t help myself. I wanted all of him that I could get.

  All of the girls gathered in the kitchen to help Grams prep the rest of the food for dinner, even Mia. I wasn’t sure if she ever even stepped foot in a kitchen before, since Gerald tended to spoil the hell out of her, but she seemed up for anything, even the job I hated most—peeling the potatoes. Yes, I had gotten used to having maids around, too, after we moved into Gerald’s, but Grams made sure to teach me my way around the kitchen at a very early age and it luckily stuck.

  Callie elbowed me in the side as she started slicing up vegetables. “So, Grams has the hots for Justin? That boy has way too much going for him. Has she gotten to see him in his uniform yet, though?”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head, as I grabbed a platter to arrange the vegetables on from the top cabinet. The girls had already gone into a very lengthy discussion about Justin in his police uniform. I mean, I was his girlfriend and the way they were talking about him made me blush. They begged me to get him over there again as soon as possible. I’m sure Justin would think it was funny and find it flattering. They were probably hoping for a little stripping action or something, but that would remain for my eyes only.

  “Well, that’s probably a good idea.” She pointed her knife at Grams who was busy teaching Zoey how to make an apple pie. Zoey seemed about ready to run for the nearest door. The kitchen wasn’t exactly her favorite spot.

  “Why’s that?” I asked absentmindedly, taking the potatoes that Mia peeled, and quartering them before adding them into a huge pot of water sitting on the stove.r />
  “Because she would have a freaking heart attack if she saw that boy in his uniform,” she said to me out of the side of her mouth, and I snorted loudly.

  “You’re probably right.”

  Grams really outdid herself with all of the food. Instead of preparing enough for eight people, she could have fed about twenty. The eighth person to show up? Nash. I hadn’t seen him since the day Mariah told me the news about the baby. I found him, depressed as hell and not really wanting to talk to anyone. We had spoken on the phone since then, but that was it. I felt guilty but school and work took up all of my time, and when I wasn’t busy with those things, I wanted to spend it with Justin.

  “So, how are you doing with everything?” I sat down next to Nash on the davenport, as Grams liked to call it, picking at the plate of dessert Grams had piled high for me, shoving it into my hands and nudging me toward Nash. Don’t get me wrong, Grams was all for Team Justin but she always had a soft spot in her heart for Nash.

  Nash blew out a breath, raking both hands through his sandy brown hair that looked like it was in major need of a cut. “I really don’t want to talk about that shit, Della. Something else, anything else, but that. All right?”

  I nodded, definitely understanding not wanting to discuss something that could cause so much pain. But at the same time, it wasn’t always best to keep it bottled up inside. Eventually everything would explode all at once and that was never a good thing.

  “So, we should hang out soon. You seem like you’re always so busy whenever we talk. Are you too busy for me?” His lips quirked up slightly and it was nice to see a little bit of the old Nash peek through.

  “No.” I squirmed in my seat, not exactly wanting to explain why I was so busy lately. I hadn’t told him that Justin and I were back together. I wasn’t ashamed or anything—far from it—it just never came up. Nash had way too much going on to worry about my love life. “Maybe we can hang out this weekend before school starts back up.”


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