NOMADS The Box Set

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NOMADS The Box Set Page 3

by Erin Trejo



  I wake up with my arm in an awkward position. Pain shoots through my shoulder as I glance up.

  “He did not!” I huff under my breath. He handcuffed me. To a bed. With him. How dare he? I want to get mad and be pissed but when I glance over at that sexy piece of man sound asleep next to me, I just can’t find it in me. His chest rises and falls, tattoos sneaking out from under the collar of his t-shirt. His arms are well muscled and sexy as colorful ink twirls and swirls around them. I could stare at him like this all damn day. I decide being cuffed to a bed next to him isn’t all that bad. Glancing around, I see he left his gun and knife on the bedside table. I wonder what the gun feels like? The idea hits me and as I sit up slowly, I slip one leg over his body and straddle him. He doesn’t move so I continue on with what I’m doing. Guns were never really my thing and daddy sure as hell didn’t let me get close to one. I’ve never actually seen one in person but this is exciting. I reach over and lift it in my hand. It surprises me that it’s as heavy as it is although I don’t know what I was expecting to begin with. I let the weight of it settle in my palm as I move my hand up and down testing it. I wrap my hand around it and let my finger slide over the trigger when the guy’s eyes pop open. They lock on mine and I nearly scream.

  “The fuck are you doin’?” he growls until he sees the gun in my hand. His free hand moves quickly, taking it from me and letting the clip fall free just as fast. He tosses the gun onto the bed next to us before his hand comes up to capture my wrist. His eyes are on fire as he stares into the depths of mine.

  “Thought you could kill me in my sleep?” his rough voice sends heat coiling inside of me.

  “No, I was just looking at it. There’s something sexy about a man and his gun,” I tell him letting my voice trail off. He watches me a little too intensely when I feel his rock hard cock beneath me. My eyes widen as I take him in.

  “Tell me somethin’ Governor ’s daughter. How the hell did you go from damn near runnin’ from me to damn near ridin’ me?” His question makes sense and I can almost hear Suzi telling me this is a bad idea. Of course, I ignore her.

  “I like what I see,” I say breathlessly as his fingers slowly slide down my arm.

  “You didn’t like what you saw earlier.”

  “I have a condition.”

  “What condition?” his fingers linger near my side, heat scorching me from his touch.

  “I have split personality disorder.”

  “What?” He looks confused and his hand suddenly drops away from me.

  “Just what I said. The girl you met earlier wasn’t me. It was Suzi and she only comes out when I’m afraid of something. It’s hard to explain,” I tell him shifting so that I can climb off him but his hand is back and wrapping around my waist, holding me in place. He doesn’t say anything as he watches me closely. His chest rises and falls but his eyes stay locked with mine.

  “I had a friend a long time ago that had that. He never knew who he was from one second to the next.” Is he questioning me now? I raise my eyebrows and glare at him.

  “So, what are you trying to say? I know when I’m me, asshole.” Again I try to move off him but that grip is too tight.

  “What you’re sayin’ is you’re not afraid of me right now?”

  “I think that’s pretty obvious if I’m here and she isn’t. Suzi is my protector, or at least she thinks she is. Okay, she was when we were little. I don’t know how to explain this to someone like you,” I finally huff.


  “What the hell is that?”

  “My name is Remi. And you must Giselle.” I roll my eyes because that much is obvious.

  “I know what she says and does, Remi. I just can’t break through to be me.” The sadness of that sentence guts me. I’ve tried for years to get rid of her. It’s not that I don’t love her, I do but I want to be me and only me and Suzi doesn’t let me do that.

  “Which one of you saw what I did then?”

  “Both of us but Suzi was in control. She wanted to run and go home and be all safe, her fight or flight mode kicks in and I wanted to jump on you and fuck you until I couldn’t walk.” I shrug my shoulder as he tilts his head to the side to study me. It’s almost like he’s amused with what I’m saying to him.

  “You’re the bad girl, huh?” His cock twitches beneath me and my god, do I want to ride it.

  “Something like that.” I watch him waiting to see if he’s going to make any kind of move but he doesn’t. He just watches me intently.

  “So, who is Giselle?” He asks, his voice turning softer.

  “Me. Giselle is the little girl that wasn’t wanted,” I tell him as I slip off his lap. Remi turns to face me, his eyes wandering. He’s interested in me? No fucking way. No one is interested in a girl like me.

  “Your dad doesn’t want you?”

  “Not after they adopted me and the shrink told them what was wrong with me.”

  “You were abused when you were little.” He isn’t asking me a question; he is simply telling me what he already knows.

  “How would you know that?”

  “I was adopted. My mom traded me for drugs. The guy she traded me to kept me,” he says his voice dropping even lower.

  “That’s horrible. Did the guy hurt you?” I find myself drawn to Remi for more reasons than one. He’s not only hot as fuck but he’s a little like me.

  “No. Him and his wife raised me as their own or what they could anyway. I wasn’t one to sit around and be loved on. I needed space. They never turned on me.” I nod my head as if I have a fucking clue what he means. Remi reaches out slowly, brushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

  “My mom didn’t really want me. She beat on me a lot. She would bring home random guys that would do things to me. Suzi protected me. She would wrap me up and hold me tightly where no one could ever hurt me again.” Admitting that part of my life was easier than I thought it would be. I don’t know why I’m spilling it to a random stranger but Remi has this aura about him that just says it’s okay to be me. In a strange way, I feel safe with him.

  “You conjured her up as your protector. It makes sense.”

  “I wish it was that easy. She can’t be controlled. Sometimes the medicine helps but when that fear seeps into me, she always comes back. I just wish I could be me,” I tell him closing my eyes. I take a deep breath but before I can release it, his lips touch mine. His tongue slowly sweeps over my lips, forcing them open. With his lips pressed against mine, his tongue swoops in toying with mine. He tastes like cigarettes and mint and I welcome every last drop of him on my tongue. His free hand moves to cup my hip, yanking me closer to his hard body. The heat in the air becomes heavy between us. His fingers dance teasingly along the edge of my shirt and my body responds like I knew it would. Bumps erupt over my skin as his kiss becomes more demanding. My free hand roams his side, pulling at his t-shirt. I want it off, I want him naked and exposed, I want to trace his tattoos with my tongue and explore every plain of his hard body. Remi pulls back and grins.

  “Eager little girl?”

  “I want you inside me.”

  “You don’t even know me. You saw me kill a man,” he reminds me.

  “I don’t care, please,” I beg him. His grin turns into a full smirk before he pulls his hand away and shoves it into his pocket retrieving a key. He leans up and uncuffs himself before reaching for my other hand.

  “I think I like you in these,” he says sexually. My body heats further as he cuffs my other hand to the headboard.

  “Yeah, you look sexy as fuck like that.”



  I never was good at making the right choices. I can just tack this on to the list of shit that I’ve done that I shouldn’t. I can’t stay in this room with her and not taste her. She was practically begging me for it. I stand up and quickly pull my clothes off my body and grab a condom before climbing on the bed between her legs. Reaching for the
button on her jeans, I unhook it and slowly slip them down her thighs. Giselle watches me with so much lust in those bright blue eyes that I almost come all over her without being inside of her.

  “Uncuff me,” she says breathlessly as she wiggles. I chuckle as I reach for her thin little panties. One twist of my wrist and they snap right off her hot little body. Giselle watches me, her breathing becoming even more sporadic.

  “I want to touch you.” God, something about her little whines nearly sends me over the edge. Shaking my head, I lean down between her parted thighs. I can smell her arousal and it just hardens my cock even more.

  “I’m gonna taste every inch of you, Giselle.” With my fingers, I spread her pussy open for me. I groan when I see what I want. Leaning my head down, I run my tongue through the wetness that awaits me. I didn’t think she would be this wet or taste this fucking good but fuck, she does. I dip my tongue into her and twirl it around. Her moans sing to me and encourage me to go harder. Dipping my tongue in and out she writhes on the bed beneath me. She tugs at the cuffs but she isn’t going anywhere. I slide my tongue up and suck her clit into my mouth. I can’t believe how responsive she is to me, to my mouth, my touch. A few sucks and she comes perfectly undone for me. I lap at everything she sets free, taking it all in as if she was made of gold. Giselle’s legs slowly fall apart leaving me with the sexy view of her drenched pussy. Sitting up on my knees, I tear the condom open and slide it down my length stroking it as I do.

  “You ready to take me little girl?” Giselle’s head snaps forward, her eyes locking with mine. I watch the way her teeth bite into her bottom lip as she nods her sweat slicked head. I inch closer and grab my cock, lining it up with her slick wetness. Reaching down, I lift her legs and push into her. The fucking tightness that wraps around me is unbelievable. Giselle cries out as my cock invades her.

  “Remi, please let me touch you!” I chuckle as I reach over and grab the key, letting both her wrists free. As soon as she free of her binds, her hands are all over me, pulling me, tugging me, tracing my muscles. I’ve never felt this kind of electricity in my life with anyone. Her pussy clenches, trapping me inside of her heat just like she was made for me. Her nails scrap over my skin, further setting me off.

  “Shit, little girl. You keep doin’ that and I’m not gonna last,” I tell her. I thrust into her getting as deep as I can. She pants and moans and with every hit she screams for me. I’ve never heard an angel sing until this very moment. Her cries are like music that I want more of.

  “Remi! Shit, you feel so good,” she screams again. I grin down at her before I lean in and kiss her hard. Her lips work magic on mine and all I feel is her wrapped around me. For the first time in a very long time I feel content. That’s not a normal feeling for me.

  “You wanna come, baby? Tell me. Tell me what you want,” I beg her. I want her to tell me what she needs and craves. I want her to scream my name as she comes hard.

  “Right there. Don’t stop, Remi. Make me come,” Giselle’s voice drifts through my head. I close my eyes and fuck her little body into the mattress. Her nails break skin as the sweat from my body burns into them. A couple more plunges and her body spasms, locking me inside of her as she pulls every last drop out of me.

  “Remi! Fuck!” Yeah, I like hearing that leave those sexy lips. Kissing her a few more times as I fill the condom full, my back tenses as what’s left of my orgasm blasts through me. My hips jerk but I kiss her neck softly.

  “Next time I’m gonna fuck that sweet little mouth of yours.” Giselle looks up at me, her eyes wide.

  “You’d actually want to fuck me again?” she asks sounding a little shocked. I reach up and brush her hair away from her face before pressing my lips to hers once more.

  “Why wouldn’t I? Have you not seen yourself?”

  “I’m crazy, Remi.” Her eyes fill with tears as those three words leave her lips. Shaking my head, I cup her face in my hands.

  “You’re not crazy, Giselle. What you have isn’t your fault. You can get better. You just have to believe it.” Giselle watches me as tears roll down her cheeks. I wipe each one away with my thumbs but she just cries harder.

  “We all have faults, Giselle.”

  “Suzi hates you.” I can’t help but chuckle at that.

  “What did I do to her?”

  “Nothing. She just is protective of me.”

  “We ain’t talkin’ marriage here darlin’. Look, I don’t know what the fuck you’re runnin’ from but I have some other business to handle. You can ride or I can toss you some cash to get yourself home. It’s all on you.” Pulling out of her, she moans once more. With a sly grin, I climb off the bed and pull the used condom from my now soft cock. Walking into the bathroom I toss it and wash my hands before coming back into the room. Giselle sits on the bed, my knife in her hands.

  “What’s it like?” She asks. I climb on the bed, sitting next to her.

  “What’s what like?”

  “Killing someone like that,” she asks softly. My heart nearly leaps out of my chest when she asks that.

  “It’s not easy like you think. You’re ultimately takin’ somethin’ that isn’t yours, it doesn’t belong to you. You don’t get to play the grim reaper and walk away unscathed.” She turns her head and stares into my eyes.

  “Are you ruined?”

  “More than you would know.”

  “Are we all destined to be ruined at some point?”

  “You’re not ruined, Giselle. What happened to you was shitty. You did what you could to protect yourself, there’s nothin’ wrong with that.”

  “Is that why you kill? To protect yourself?” I chuckle this time and take the knife from her hands. Starring at the glistening blade, I shake my head and say, “No. I like the kill. I like the rush that I get when I see them dyin’ in front of me. I like the energy that seeps into my soul when their life slowly fades. It’s a fuckin’ high and I enjoy it. Maybe I’m the sick one.”



  I’ve been with Remi for almost a week now. This other place her brought me, the Nomad clubhouse is wilder than the one we were at. People are constantly coming and going and girls are littered all over the place. Some look like they have lived through hell while others are bright eyed and full of life. They all look overly sexy if you ask me and it makes me wonder why Remi hasn’t fucked any of them. In fact, he’s barely even looked their way since we’ve been here. The other guys seem to be taking full advantage of the seemingly free pussy that dances around here. I’m not complaining since I get Remi to myself every night.

  “You want a drink?” The red head woman at the bar asks. I shake my head and watch as she rolls her eyes at me. Bitch. I keep myself in check because honestly, this place is exhilarating. Just a few days ago there was a bar fight and Suzi was pissed. She wanted to pick up the closest beer bottle and slam it into anyone that got too close but I managed to hold her back. It was like a whole new world opened up for me to see. Warm hands slip around my waist before I feel his lips on my neck.

  “Bein’ a good little girl?” Remi’s husky voice slips over my skin before I feel his tongue drag across my neck.

  “A very good girl,” I reply in my own wanton tone.

  “Good. Gotta talk to you about somethin’.” That doesn’t sound good. Is he going to get rid of me too? Is he done with me? Doesn’t want the crazy girl around anymore? It wouldn’t surprise me in the least seeing how every guy I tried to date in the past ran for the hills when they met Suzi. She can be such a cock blocker at times.

  “I don’t know why you’re all tense but relax, baby,” Remi whispers in my ear before sucking the lobe into his mouth. A moan leaves my parted lips making him chuckle. Remi pulls back and spins me around to face him.

  “I got a job I need to handle. I can’t take you with me. I can give you some cash and set you up a ride back home though,” he tells me as he watches my face for a reaction. My heart starts to beat faster. I saw it c
oming. I should have known. Shaking my head slowly, I shove him away from me and head for the door.

  “Giselle! Come on, wait a minute,” he yells behind me but it’s too late. Shoving through the door, I step out into the warm air and take a deep breath. I can do this. I can make it without him. I was planning on it anyway. Tears prickle my eyes as I wonder what the hell I was thinking to begin with. Remi isn’t my knight. He isn’t going to save me from myself and swoop me into his arms. I take deep breathes when I feel it.

  “Giselle. I didn’t mean to piss you off,” Remi stands in front of me and says. I open my eyes and look at the mistake she made. She should have known better, so now that she’s back inside crying like a baby, I have to fix this. I have to protect her.

  “I don’t need your money. Let me get my bag and I’ll be out of here.” God, I hate trying to sound like her. We are nothing alike. I hold a majority of the common sense where she is reckless in her actions.

  “Come here, baby.” Remi holds his arms out to me.

  “I don’t want you touching me, Remi.” A spark of realization hits him. She told him all about us so it’s not that it comes as a surprise.

  “Suzi.” He says my name like its poison. What a real asshole. He’s tossing Giselle to the side like everyone else does and he has the balls to act like I’m the problem? Placing my hands on my hips, I cock my head to the side and wait for him to further shove his foot in his mouth. His arms slowly lower to his sides.

  “I didn’t mean I wanted her to leave. I just meant that if she wanted to go home, I’d get her there.”

  “You want her around here while you’re gone? What a real man you are!” I snap at him.

  “She can’t come with me. I can’t risk her bein’ there when I handle my business, Suzi. Don’t make me the bad guy here,” Remi pleads. That’s cute.


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