Incubus Seduction

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Incubus Seduction Page 1

by Emma Jaye

  Incubus Seduction

  INCUBUS, Volume 1

  Emma Jaye

  Published by Purindoors Publications, 2017.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. September 15, 2017.

  Copyright © 2017 Emma Jaye.

  Written by Emma Jaye.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page







  Emma Jaye Books

  This series was inspired by a 'what if' moment when reading through one of my other series in search of theme for an anthology titled 'Paranormal Lust'.

  As such, eagle-eyed fans may notice the occasional similiarity with situations/places I have portrayed elsewhere, but the characters in Incubus are entirely unique.


  Butterflies the size of seagulls had taken up residence in his belly, but Finn was determined to carry out his plan. Hiring the posh car and chauffeur’s uniform had eaten all the Christmas money from his mum. Hopefully, this afternoon would be worth surviving on noodles, baked beans on toast and whatever food his housemates had left over.

  Finn’s stockbroker boyfriend had been in the States for the whole of March on business. The British Airways flight was due to land any time, hence Finn’s current location, the hangar-like arrivals hall of Gatwick airport. The river of people coming from the baggage hall ebbed and flowed; sometimes a trickle, sometimes a flood. He felt anonymous, insignificant and nervous about surprising Charlie. The man was a planner down to his handmade shoes, and found surprises unsettling.

  Only using text to communicate while Charlie was away had annoyed the hell out of Finn, but the reason had been quite sweet. Charlie said he’d be too distracted if he heard Finn’s voice. Even with the ban on actually speaking, Finn had still managed to get in some serious sexting. He’d had a lot of fun imagining Charlie’s face when he’d read some of the more explicit texts Finn had sent.

  The last text he’d received from Charlie had come through while Finn was sitting in a psychology lecture late yesterday afternoon.

  SORRY, GOT MEETINGS tomorrow afternoon after I get back. Boring work dinners to go to on the weekend, will see you next week.

  Miss you,



  THE EXPLETIVE THAT left Finn’s lips at the thought of waiting yet another week to see Charlie earned him a hard stare from the female professor. Turning scarlet, he’d mumbled an apology and slumped down in his seat, ignoring his sniggering classmates.

  Being the plus one at work events was out of the question. According to Charlie, ‘gay’ didn’t fit with being an up and coming stockbroker. Finn would probably choke on all the ‘my mansion’s bigger than yours’ boasting Charlie and his work colleagues would do anyway. Plus, having to keep his hands off Charlie would be torturous.

  For a twenty-eight-year-old, Charlie worked too damn hard. All work and no play would make Charlie a dull boy. Hell, he was already dull when it came to sex, even if he was gorgeous and so controlled it both pissed Finn off and turned him on so much he could hardly stand it.

  One day, he’d get Charlie so turned on he’d lose it and become the passionate, rough lover Finn craved. He had his fingers crossed that today might just be that day. A month with only his own hand for company had to have made Charlie desperate for some action – it certainly had Finn.

  So far, their sex life consisted of Finn sucking Charlie off while Finn jacked himself to completion, usually into a handkerchief Charlie provided. The question, ‘Do you want a hankie?’ was one of their few in-jokes, although it was getting less amusing every time Charlie said it. Yes, Finn loved sucking dick, the taste, the feel, the smell all turned him on. But efficient, mess-free sex, usually in a car at night, wasn’t the pinnacle for him that it seemed to be for his boyfriend.

  He’d held his tongue, knowing that Charlie was looking for a place of his own where they could be together. Charlie had moved in just before he’d gone on this trip but Finn hadn’t visited the new house yet. Hopefully, privacy would expand their sexual horizons. Not that Finn needed a house to do that, hence today’s roleplay scheme. If he didn’t chicken out before Charlie arrived.

  The longer Finn stared at the arrivals board, the harder it was to feign the boredom the other chauffeurs were exhibiting. The other men were either chatting or playing with their phones as they all stood in the roped off waiting area.

  Consciously, he relaxed his hands. Creasing the ‘Charles Whittaker’ sign, would annoy his student house’s resident artist, Pixie, of the pink hair and nose ring. This had been her idea, and he was regretting taking her advice more with every passing second.

  Shifting from one foot to the other, he yet again resisted the urge to scratch his temple. The stupid chauffeur hat was making his head itchy in the unusually warm spring weather. The father pulling a suitcase in one hand and a whining, wiggling toddler with the other had his sympathy. Why the hell am I here again?

  His fellow students, including a very vocal Pixie, and even the university staff, constantly went on about making the most his time. Students needed to step outside their comfort zones. Well, this was a whole continent outside Finn’s, a bit like starting his university career as a non-heterosexual. Far from being a life-changing experience, the other students hadn’t batted an eyelid when he’d mentioned he had a boyfriend. It had been both a relief, and a bit of a disappointment.

  At school, he’d kept his uncertain thoughts about his own sexuality to himself. The question of whether he was bi, pansexual or gay was still something he was working on, but the girls he fancied were always athletic, tomboy types.

  The sudden appearance of a ‘landed’ message for Charlie’s New York flight made him physically jump and swallow despite his dry throat. The impulse to make a run for it and pretend this had never happened ate at him.

  The familiar, ramrod straight figure at the tail-end of the crowd, appeared as suave and sophisticated as always, even after a transatlantic flight. Charlie was only taller by an inch, but he always seemed bigger than Finn due to the way he dressed and carried himself. It gave Charlie an air of superiority that Finn had found attractive from the moment Charlie had walked into the coffee shop where Finn had been working the last two summers.

  The money from the job while he’d been at sixth form had gone into the family pot. The money he’d spent on this idiocy had probably come from his own labour, returned in a Christmas card. It made him feel a little less guilty if this went tits up. That job had also been how he’d met Charlie, and Finn might still be working there if he hadn’t. University hadn’t been a possibility with his family’s finances.

  As he’d cleared tables, watching the impeccably dressed, fit blond businessman had brightened Finn’s day. The way the expensive, dark grey cloth stretched over his back, butt and thighs had Finn fantasizing about what was underneath. After the man left, Finn cleared the table and found a plain white card with an invitation to meet in the car park. It had been an exciting start to the most significant and frustrating, romantic relationship of his young life.

  Despite being younger by seven years, Finn felt as if he was the only one pushing the boundaries in their relationship. Most of their dates, if you could call them that, had taken place in Charlie’s car, away from populated areas. The exhibitionist in Finn had found it exciting, before he realised the main reason for hiding out in the middle of nowhere was that Charlie didn’t want to be seen with him. Over the eighteen months they’d been together,
both the sex and the setting had become... boring.

  First roleplay in a comfortable environment, then the entire Kama Sutra. Finn hoped to god Pixie was right about that, because all he could see right now was the start of a complete disaster walking towards him.

  Charlie hesitated, looking to either side before heading in his direction. Finn had his ‘Mr Whittaker, would you come this way?’ greeting all planned out, but Charlie didn’t give him a chance.

  “You got a car?”

  Finn tried not to hunch his shoulders at Charlie’s sour expression. “Erm... yeah. I’m not wearing this lot for nothing.”

  “Why are you...? Never mind. Let’s get out of here.”

  Not willing to give up without a fight, Finn reached for Charlie’s bag. For a moment, it seemed as if Charlie was going to fight him for possession of the luggage. He held onto the handle when Finn’s hand closed over it.

  “All part of the service, sir,” Finn said tightly.

  At the reminder of Finn’s costume, Charlie released the suitcase and let himself be led out of the building.

  Once they were alone, Charlie asked, “What else does the service entail?”

  Deciding he might as well go for it, he turned and gave his boyfriend a wink. “Personal in-flight entertainment.”

  The flirting felt deliciously wicked, especially as Charlie, after an initial look of embarrassment, shook his head and chuckled.

  “You are so bad.”

  “Only in a good way, sir.” Finn led the way to the hired silver Mercedes in the short-term car park.

  Wearing a bemused smile, Charlie allowed himself to be seated in the front passenger seat.

  Finn put the luggage in the boot and got in the driver’s seat. Checking his mirrors carefully, he pulled out.

  “I guess ‘did you miss me’ is a stupid question?” Charlie asked, a lilt of amusement in his voice.

  Keeping his eyes on the road, Finn let loose a broad grin.

  “I always miss you, but don’t distract me. Multi-tasking isn’t my forte. If I lose my deposit, I’ll be selling my sweet backside on street corners for the next decade.”

  Instead of joining in the banter, Charlie frowned. “So, what brought all this on? Feeling guilty about something... or someone? I wish you would transfer to a better class of university. I told you I’d pay.”

  Finn gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, both for the insult to his own moral fibre and that of his fellow students. Yes, Sussex University wasn’t in the same class as Cambridge where Charlie had gone, but it was where Finn could afford and had been accepted with his less than awe inspiring grades. Not everyone in the world could be a straight A student. Or a saint. It wasn’t particularly mature, but attack was as good a defence as he could muster under pressure.

  “Just because I’m out and living in a gay friendly town like Brighton, it doesn’t mean I’ve been fucking around.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Charlie flinch. Charlie didn’t like him swearing, drinking, eating junk food or doing anything other students might consider ‘fun’. Judging by the poor shambling wrecks he saw at some morning lectures, Charlie’s advice was spot on.

  “Sorry, sorry, it’s just that one of the partners got caught doing his PA by his wife. Shit and fan is an understatement.”

  Now he had Charlie on the ropes, Finn pressed his righteous indignation attack. “Yeah well, just because you’re paranoid, and I’m making an effort, it doesn’t mean I’ve been doing the entire student body. Or any bodies, for that matter.”

  A hand landed on Finn’s inner thigh and squeezed slightly. How he managed to keep the steering wheel straight, he didn’t know.

  “I’d love to make it up to you, but you can’t stay tonight. I’ve got that meeting and a ton of work to do before tomorrow.”

  “I know. But where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

  Charlie’s eyebrows rose in question, making Finn grin again when he glanced over.

  “I checked the timetable. You’ve got an hour before your train leaves,” Finn said as he waggled his eyebrows. “I have a cunning plan.”

  After a few minutes, he pulled off the main road and onto a country lane he’d already checked out on Google Maps.

  Guiding the car into the dead-end track that led to a field, he’d barely taken the key out of the ignition when Charlie’s hand fastened in his collar-length brown hair. He was pulled into a deep kiss. Charlie’s powerful spicy cologne filled his senses as the dominant man took his lips. The way Charlie controlled the kiss and held him exactly where he wanted made Finn’s head spin as blood flooded south.

  This, this was what I want.

  Moaning into Charlie’s mouth caused the blond man to pull back a fraction, as breathless as Finn from the intensity of their shared desire.

  “What am I going to do with you?” Charlie asked, as the grey eyes Finn loved searched his face.

  “Well if you haven’t got any ideas, I certainly do.” Letting Charlie take the lead, which was what he preferred, hadn’t gotten him what he wanted so far. Finn unfastened his seatbelt, then boldly reached over to squeeze the bulge in Charlie’s trousers.

  Charlie groaned and his hips pushed up into Finn’s hand. It was unlikely they’d get caught, but the possibility of a passing dog walker made it more exciting. At least, it did for Finn. Charlie preferred their infrequent assignations to occur at night.

  Finn teased for a few moments, stroking the cloth covering Charlie’s erection firmly until his breathing quickened. Unzipping the fly of the expensive suit trousers, Finn reached inside, finding the hot, hard flesh he’d been fantasising about for weeks. Charlie’s eyes were closed in pleasure and Finn enjoyed watching every muscle twitch. Usually, Charlie’s face was only illuminated by passing traffic.

  Driving his first and only lover so mad with lust that one day, maybe even today, they’d finally fuck was his aim. It didn’t much matter which way round it was the first time, but he hoped he’d get to try it both ways. He liked the idea of being on the receiving end of a vigorous partner, but it didn’t mean he wasn’t curious about how it would feel to sink into another person. Time to get to work.

  Charlie twitched and let out a heartfelt groan at the pressure of Finn’s thumb against his slit.

  “Fucking hell, Finn; you’re driving me crazy.”

  You ain’t seen nothing yet. There was more than enough room to lean over the central console and put his head over Charlie’s lap as he pulled the other man’s dick free of his clothes. Licking slowly up the musky length, Finn moaned his delight.

  “Fuck, I love your dick.” Finn could barely leave his prize long enough to speak.

  Charlie thrust up at his words so Finn anchored himself more firmly by wrapping his hand around a muscled, hairy thigh.

  “Crap, no hankie. Do you mind if I go solo?”

  In reply, Finn closed his lips around the head of Charlie’s straining dick and sucked lightly.

  “Christ, I don’t deserve you, Finnie. That’s... ah, bloody fantastic, don’t stop.”

  Finn smiled against him. He might not have much practical experience at other sexual acts, but he knew how to do this, on Charlie anyway. His technique of alternating circling the head with his tongue and taking him deeper nearly always cracked Charlie’s control.

  Draping his arm over Finn’s back, Charlie’ hand squeezed Finn’s arse hard, before pushing down the back of his rented trousers.

  Finn froze. After nearly eighteen months, he wasn’t going there, was he?

  Charlie chuckled when he discovered Finn was wearing a thong, rather than his normal briefs.

  “Naughty boy. You’re full of surprises today, aren’t you?”

  Finn sucked him into his mouth again. Charlie swore under his breath and gripped Finn’s hair, pulling him off.

  “I want more than that. Get in the back.”

  Excitement and trepidation combined at the uncharacteristically rough gesture and the display of
dominance. A car wasn’t the place Finn had imagined losing his cherry, but he was probably in good company. It was, after all, a classic location. At least it wasn’t going to be around the back of the bicycle sheds at the school prom like so many of his classmates. Various positions spun through his mind; he couldn’t decide whether he’d prefer doggy style or facing Charlie so he could see his expression.

  Relocating to the back seat was uncomfortable, given his straining erection and the too tight trousers he’d selected to show off his butt. Once there, he swiftly toed off his shoes and pulled off his trousers, as Charlie pushed his own down to give Finn better access. Drawing up his courage, Finn retrieved the condom from his trouser pocket and held it up.

  “At least one of us was thinking. Good idea, no mess that way. Go on then, pop it on; or shall I do it for you?” Charlie said, reaching for the little foil packet.

  Finn’s mind stuttered at the thought that Charlie wanted to bottom. Face turning red, Finn decided it was now or never, they had to talk about this if it was going to work. “I was hoping you’d do me, the first time that is. But if you’d rather–”

  The moue of disgust on Charlie’s face said it all.

  Charlie drew in a breath and exhaled slowly. As his chest deflated, so did Finn’s dick.

  “I thought we discussed this?” Charlie asked. “What we do is quite enough for me, and it used to be for you too.”

  Watching Charlie’s brow furrow, Finn braced himself for the hideously embarrassing lecture he could see galloping towards him like a herd of elephants.

  “What’s got into you, Finnie? I believe you when you say you haven’t cheated, but who have you been hanging out with while I’ve been away? Tell me that pink-haired weirdo hasn’t been egging you on to ‘make the most of your time at Uni’ again? Just because Pixie’s a slut, it doesn’t mean you should let her drag you down to the gutter, too.”

  Turning away to hide his burning face, Finn reached for his trousers and pulled them on. The sooner he got out of here and pretended this had never happened, the better.


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