Incubus Seduction

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Incubus Seduction Page 7

by Emma Jaye

  “I also have other abilities. I can entice humans, lower their level of anxiety, increase their desire by looking into their eyes or touching them, skin to skin.”

  Finn opened his mouth to speak, but Ezra put his finger on his lips. It sent a spark of desire to his dick.

  “I’m reducing your anxiety right now so you can pay attention to what I’m saying, but I’m not enhancing your desire or lowering your inhibitions. All that delicious lust you’re feeling is your own. I confess that I did nudge you a little in my shop and at the restaurant. I’m telling you this because I want your willing cooperation. I don’t want to expend energy deceiving you all the time.”

  Although the explanation seemed reasonable something was niggling at the back of Finn’s mind. Was Ezra saying he’d force my cooperation if I don’t agree? I shouldn’t–

  A large, warm hand cupped his cheek. “I’m lonely, Finn, but I can’t stop what I do with others. I need to be strong, even stronger than I am now, to defend and protect the people in my territory. Vampires are real, and unlike my kind, they travel in packs. They kill your kind and they imprison and use the weaker of my mine.”

  Even though his mind was clouded, Finn fought to work out what Ezra was asking and he didn’t like what he came up with.

  “You want me to be one of a bunch of permanent partners? This feels a lot like what Charlie wanted. Will you pay my course fees as well?”

  Ezra scowled. “Forget the bloody degree, and that lying shit of a human. But yes, I’ll pay for it if that’s what you want. I’d rather have you with me full time.

  “You’re special, Finn, I knew it as soon as you walked into my shop. I just didn’t know how special. Most of my kind spend their lives looking for someone like you and never find one. You are a vascellum, my gorgeous boy. You can collect the sexual energy of others and pass it on to one of my kind. I can’t wait to taste you when you’re all charged up.”

  Ezra leaned over him, forcing his back into the seat. The demon closed the gap between them before Finn realised he was moving. He hovered his lips over Finn’s for a second, as if anticipating the moment, then he took his mouth. A heavy hand landed on Finn’s groin and squeezed. Head spinning, Finn was lost in sensation. He moaned into Ezra’s mouth, thrusting his hips up for more.

  Pulling back enough to almost breathe the words into his mouth, Ezra said, “Your desire is intoxicating. I want you to give yourself to me willingly. In return, I will pamper you for the rest of your life.”

  “If I say no?”

  Ezra sighed and sat back. Bereft of the heat, the weight of Ezra’s body, Finn had to work hard not to grab for him. “I’d erase your memory of this conversation and me. But I’d watch over you. The power you could bestow on one of my kind makes you a target and others might not take your wishes into account. Although I can’t promise I wouldn’t try to feed from you again.” He grinned. “You are very tasty.”


  “Don’t tell anyone, but–” Ezra looked from side to side as if he was about to impart a secret. Finn found himself leaning in to hear. “I already had a little nibble. In the alleyway beside the restaurant. That’s how I know you’re a vascellum. I could taste Charlie’s desire in you as well as your own.”

  Finn tensed and pulled away. “You mean I missed losing my cherry? Fucking hell, Ezra, that’s not–”

  A deep, wicked chuckle coincided with a firm squeeze on his upper thigh. “Don’t worry, little Finn. When I do that, you’ll remember. I merely tasted your passion. We kissed, there was a little touching through clothes, nothing more. You were a hundred times more succulent than anything on that overpriced menu.”

  “Why don’t I remember then?”

  “You got upset, so I took the memory away.”

  Finn frowned, not about to take what anyone said as truth, particular not from a self-confessed demon. “You told me you wouldn’t lie if I asked a direct question. I want to know why I got upset.”

  Lifting his hand, Ezra attempted to brush Finn’s hair out of eyes.

  Finn grasped his forearm, over his shirt, stopping the movement and the intended skin contact. “Tell me.”

  The incubus sighed. “Remember, you asked. While we were kissing you humped my leg till you came in your underwear. You were mortified. That’s why I took your memory, and why Pixie took your clothes once I got you home, so you wouldn’t know.”

  Finn wanted the ground to open and swallow him. Yep, Ezra was right, that would’ve upset him. It did now, and he couldn’t even remember it.

  “Now do you see why I did what I did? I always have a reason, little Finn. You need to trust me if this is going to work. Coming when I wanted you to is not shameful. I am what I am. Sex demons who can’t produce that effect die within a week of becoming adult. But I apologise for forcing the issue. I was bursting with the need to experience your climax to confirm my suspicions. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you. As soon as I caught your scent in my shop, you didn’t stand a chance.”

  Ezra shifted until his nose was pressed up against Finn’s neck. “I need you, Finn. Please say you’ll be with me.”

  The heat coming off the man – no, the incubus– was seeping into Finn’s bones, his soul. He couldn’t think, he didn’t want to think, all he wanted was more of Ezra.

  “I didn’t see you naked that night, but ah, Finn, you have no idea how tasty, how beautiful you are. I’ll do more than pay your stupid university fees if you agree to be mine. We will travel the world together, everywhere there are people to feed me. Plus, little Finn, did I mention that having regular sex with an incubus means you don’t age? You’ll stay young and beautiful as long as you’re with me. We will sustain each other through the centuries.”

  Finn gave in to need and kissed him, hungry for his mouth.

  Ezra eased back a fraction of an inch. “If you don’t think you want this, now’s the time to say. I’ll drop you back home, without the memory of this conversation.”

  “Why now? Can’t I sleep on it?”

  That wicked smile was back. “It’s now or never, little vascellum. I’m hungry and it would be a damn shame if I have to make you forget the lessons I’m going to give you.”

  Delicious trepidation swept through Finn. He was almost trembling with desires. One touch, hell, one word, and he’d disgrace himself again.

  Swallowing hard, he got himself under enough control to ask, “What sort of lessons?”

  “How to produce the best orgasms in the business. Are you in or out?”

  “Would you just drive already? I’ve gone off getting jiggy in cars.”

  EZRA’S TWO-BEDROOMED flat above the shop wasn’t huge, but it was modern and masculine, with light oak wooden floorboards and dark leather furniture. Finn took it all in from the door.

  “Sex paid for this?”

  Finn’s dick twitched like an obedient puppy as Ezra grinned. He was broad, muscular, and every inch was built to drive Finn to distraction. He wanted that weight on him, wanted those muscles driving them both to–

  “And it’ll pay for a whole lot more, once I don’t have to spend so much time hunting. Which I’ll be able to do, thanks to you. Oh and this place is soundproofed so don’t worry about getting loud. I love loud.”

  Finn’s heart dropped as something occurred to him. “You haven’t got any appointments tonight, have you?”

  “Nope. I try to have one night a week to do what I want. Which, in case you haven’t noticed, is you.” He waggled his eyebrows. Finn couldn’t help laughing at the blatant flirting. It felt fantastic to be desired, even if he was dinner.

  “You’re awful.”

  “No, I’m bloody good, hence I only open the shop in the afternoon. My nights are busy.”

  “Did you see a client after you dropped me off the other night?”

  The smile dropped off Ezra’s face. For the first time, Finn felt a little worried for his safety. Ezra might not have normal human morality, but he had been hone
st with him.

  “Do you really want me to answer that?”

  Finn looked him in the eye. “Yeah, I do. I want to know how this is going to work.”

  “In that case, yes, I did. Humans aren’t the only ones who want to eat multiple times a day. One human, even if they were a raving sex addict, wouldn’t be able to keep up. I need genuine desire from my meals, not someone going through the motions. Saying that, I’ve no idea how often I’ll still need to feed on other with you being a vascellum. I suppose it’ll depend on how much energy you pick up. But even if you work flat out, I’d still be hungry to a certain extent. My kind don’t get full up like you humans do after a large meal; we just get stronger the more we feed. Does that bother you?”

  “That you think of me as a fast food delivery service? Yeah, I guess it does.” Finn looked towards the door wondering how he’d agreed to this although he knew he had.

  Ezra shook his head and put a hand on Finn’s shoulder. He seemed bigger than he had earlier.

  “Finn, Finn, Finn. Have you learned nothing? You’re the first human I’ve asked to join me in a century and a half of life; the first I’ve ever revealed myself to. Now, would you like to learn how to be my everything, or do you want to go home to your mother and forget this ever happened?”

  “You won’t get tired of me, turf me out if I don’t feel like it one night?” Finn hated the needy tone in his own voice but the thought of being rejected again was more than he could bare.

  Putting his hand on the wall next to Finn’s head, Ezra smiled, his eyes warm and soft. “It’ll be nice to hold someone, without expectations, sometimes. Besides if you don’t want it, I won’t want it.” He grinned. “And I must be getting old because I can’t believe I said that. I don’t sleep with people, Finn, I have sex to feed, then leave. I’d like to see what waking up with someone feels like. That irritating pink-haired fae is the nearest thing I’ve got to a friend and we can’t stand each other’s guts most of the time.”

  Now that Ezra was close again, it all made perfect sense. “I’ll be your friend.”

  A finger stroked down his cheek and Ezra touched their lips together.

  “You understand what that means, right? You’ll have to be with other people to soak up their energy and then pass it on to me.”

  “I don’t know how to–”

  “I’ll teach you everything you need to know. I mean it Finn, I’ll look after you.”

  “What’s first?”

  The way Ezra switched off the sexiness and went into lecture mode made Finn’s head spin.

  “Cleanliness is next to sexiness. Unless you know them, or they’ve obviously recently showered, ask them to wash. Saying the smell of soap turns you on always works.”

  The ensuite bathroom Ezra showed him looked as if it had just been installed. After pointing out the bulb douche on the side, he left Finn alone. It was quite clear that Ezra intended to fuck him tonight. It was reassuring that Ezra had been lying to Charlie about selling Finn’s cherry. The thought that this was finally it was both exciting and scary, but he couldn’t ask for a more experienced partner.

  With trembling hands, he undressed and got in the shower. It felt odd to be getting clean for someone who wasn’t Charlie. It was even odder that this was a foregone conclusion and not the usual ‘will we, won’t we’ road to disappointment.

  After washing his hair with Ezra’s apple shampoo and body wash, he used the douche, wondering how often the powerful, dominant Ezra used it. Did he need to, seeing as he was a being made for pleasure? The dark eyes, wicked mouth and knowing hands certainly appeared to be designed with sin in mind. That those large hands would soon be running over him, producing sensations that he’d never felt before, made him hurry. He’d waited too damn long to experience this.

  After wrapping one of the two white bathrobes around himself and brushing his teeth with a spare toothbrush, he went back out to the bedroom. Almost shaking with nerves, he watched Ezra pottering around, folding up some clothes.

  “I might as well jump in too.”

  Finn nodded and perched on the bed, every inch tense, while Ezra went into the bathroom and closed the door. There hadn’t been a compliment or a smile. It seemed awfully business-like. Finn wasn’t sure he liked it, but perhaps this was the point. If he couldn’t hack the role of a vascellum, he was useless to Ezra.

  The longer he was out of contact with Ezra the more he concluded he should leave, but the incubus was only out of his sight for a matter of minutes.

  When Ezra came out, he only had a towel wrapped around his hips. All thoughts of leaving vanished. Standing up, Finn drank in the sight. Ezra didn’t seem to mind; in fact, the slight smile showed he liked the attention.

  His torso was tanned and muscular, but not musclebound. There were a few curls of dark hair on his chest although he wasn’t a bear, just intensely masculine. Finn was lacking in the chest hair department. Fuck, should I have shaved my pubes? The bottoms in the porn movies always did.

  “Erm... I didn’t shave. Do you want me to–” He gestured at the bathroom.

  Ezra walked over, invading Finn’s personal space without a word. He couldn’t meet those penetrating black eyes. What if he doesn’t like me now he’s seen me without clothes? Going back to Pixie with my tail between my legs and my cherry intact will be so bloody embarrassing I–

  “Look at me, Finn.”

  He obeyed without hesitation. A wave of goose bumps spread over his flesh at the commanding expression and tone that had replaced the earlier flirting.

  “If I wanted you smooth, I would have asked. That’s something you’ll have to get used to. I might pander to my patrons, listen to what they think, what they want, but you’ll never be that. You, little Finn, will be mine and I will do with you what I please. I’ll make your desire soar to such heights you’ll pass out from pleasure. Even if you don’t understand why I’m doing something, even if you don’t like it at first, I’m doing it for a reason. So, if I don’t say anything, you’re doing everything exactly right. Trust me, that’s all I ask.”

  Finn blinked, his mind whirling at the implication of Ezra’s words. He’d heard of BDSM and other kinky stuff, who hadn’t, and the thought of trying everything this sex demon knew was mind boggling. In that second, he wanted in all.

  “This is your last opportunity to leave. If you don’t, I’m going to make every inch of your gorgeous body remember me until the day you die. The bond between a vascellum and its demon is profound. Saying we’ll miss each other when we’re apart for more than a few days is an understatement.”

  Even though they hadn’t done anything yet, well anything that Finn remembered, the thought of losing Ezra was like a spike in his chest. But could he, should he do this? He didn’t think Ezra was lying when he said once he did this, there would be no going back.

  The dark eyes that seemed to look right into his soul pulsed with a golden light, and the uncertainty vanished.

  “The truth, little Finn, always the truth. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”

  Finn managed a shaking smile. “Being with you, making you happy, is exactly what I want, all that I want, but while you were in the shower I–”

  Ezra reached out a hand and brushed a tear Finn didn’t even know he’d shed from his cheek.

  The impulse to simply accept Ezra’s offer warred with suspicion. The effort to speak rather than accept made him tremble. “Are... are you manipulating me?”

  Ezra didn’t hesitate. “Yes, I am.”


  “Because you’re something all my kind dream about possessing. There hasn’t been a new vascellum found in my lifetime. You could make me the most powerful sex demon in the country, a major player on the world stage and I won’t lose you now I’ve found you.”

  “I can’t say no?” His question was academic. Finn had no desire to move any further away from Ezra than the few inches that still separated them.

  “You won’t want
to say no.” Ezra pulled the belt on Finn’s gown, jerking them together. At the touch of that bronze skin against his own, he went lightheaded. Ezra put an arm across his shoulders, pushing the gown down, then cupped his buttock and squeezed hard, making Finn gasp at the sudden pain.

  “I’m not human, Finn. I’m a selfish demon. Once I knew what you were, you didn’t stand a chance. I’ll lie, cheat, and manipulate you to get what I want, which is you, all of you, for the rest of your life.”

  Finn looked into the brightly glowing eyes, and a smile curled his lips. No one had ever needed, craved him like this. It was intoxicating.

  “In that case, can I ask you, Mr Demon, if you think you could cope with me fucking for you, and with you, for the next century or so?” The obscene words felt strange in his mouth, but also liberating.

  “I think I might be able to manage that, my little vascellum.”

  Pressing himself against Ezra’s large body, Finn wrapped his arms around his neck, and kissed him.

  It was glorious. Finn closed his eyes, losing himself in sensation. Ezra’s minty lips spread against his, and his stubble scratched his cheek.

  Why was I so stupidly faithful, when I could have been having this?

  Leaving his lips, Ezra kissed down his jaw, then bit gently at his neck. It was more erotic than anything he’d done with Charlie, because Ezra wanted, no, he needed Finn’s pleasure, not an orgasm for himself. Shivering, Finn decided there wasn’t any reason to wait.

  He tugged Ezra’s towel loose and the demon took a step back, as if inviting Finn to look at him.

  Ezra’s cock was beautiful, even magnificent; long, thick and oh so ready for him. His balls were heavy but didn’t hang down like there was too much skin. Finn couldn’t think of a better word than perfect.

  A bead of pre-cum appeared from the slit, and ran down the shaft, followed by a second and third. Mesmerised, Finn reached out a finger and touched the shaft lightly. It moved forward, as if trying to get closer to him. Finn pulled his hand back as if bitten, he’d never seen a dick move so decisively, yeah they twitched but that was–


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