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Orion Page 4

by Cyndi Goodgame

  “Thanks.” I pulled the sheet closer intending to really read it as to not risk looking like an idiot again, but he put his hand on mine. A shock of electricity shot up my arm. I yanked it back and rubbed my hand under the table wide-eyed and staring at him. He had the same look of surprise.

  “What did you do?” he whispering rubbing his hand.

  I hate when people say that. Being a species that acquires many questionable circumstances in life, I’m usually guilty of something I had different intentions for and even more, different results. But, an inquisition usually requires a confession to the offense I didn’t intend or understand.

  “I didn’t. What did you do? Go fetch your own clue,” I quipped back sarcastically.

  “I’ll play fetch if you’re the lioness I’m tracking. I’m also very good at catching my hunt. So if you’re willing, I’m your man,” he studied my reaction though he knew very well what he was doing. This boy was dangerous, but he had a facade about him that made me curious.

  I huffed and looked away at everyone else in the class instead. Neither of us responded again. The lab started and we both refocused. He led mostly, but I caught on quickly enough.

  His longhaired friend and other tall guy were both in the class too. They were lab partners directly behind Hyde boy and me. I heard tall boy say raucously loud enough to meaning to be heard, “Looks like I got the shaft on partnerville. Why did I have to switch? I’d have enjoyed the tasty new snack.”

  Not looking, I heard the smack of the other partner slapping the other somewhere, but I wasn’t sure. I felt like the caviar on display at a salad bar but I didn’t flinch. I wasn’t sure but I thought I heard a growl from somewhere beside me.

  “Okay, okay!” I heard from behind.

  “Ignore them,” I felt a warm breath next to my ear.

  I jerked too fast. I was sure the color had drained from my already pale face at his sudden nearness.

  He chuckled under his breath.

  I looked up, his face close to mine like I guessed. Wide-eyed and mouth in an O, I just stared. The same electric current from when he touched me before shot up my body when his mouth touched my ear.

  Worse, Hyde boy knew it too. Ugh!

  We continued with the lab and finished with his expertise. He seemed to be good at this. Which was a good thing, because I was not. Still, not knowing what this tutoring involved with the Hunter boy sitting beside me, I was worried. At least maybe, I’d have a chance to rummage through Dr. Quinn’s desk. There was an advantage here.

  As if listening to my thoughts, Dr. Jekyll returned answering them, “So do you want to meet right after school or later?”

  “Right after is fine. Do we have to come in here every time or can we meet somewhere else?”

  He raised one eyebrow. I watched as it raised and fell again while the side of his lips on the same side of his face went into a sideways grin. Fascinating! I’d never noticed anyone’s face doing all this motion.

  He watched my reaction then asked, “Do you think we can do chemistry experiments anywhere else?”

  I walked into that one, and for once, I caught it. I squeezed my eyes shut for a solid second knowing he was toying with me, but he’d at least lost the rude and crude.

  From behind me I heard, “Oh she can probably rub a lot of chemistry all over me.” I ignore this. I spoke too soon on the crudeness.

  Calum gave them a rude gesture with his hand behind his back and I considered it a piggyback on his return, so I gave my attention back to him.

  Now, at least he was just being playful, I think. I’d have to play along a little to keep the appointments in the lab. “No, I didn’t mean…I meant that some of it would be book work and maybe we could work in the library.”

  After a second of consideration, he decided, “Sure.”

  “I’ll meet you there after last class then,” I bit off the words I was about to say.


  On second thought, “Do you mind if we meet officially, maybe ten minutes after. I have something I need to do in the library first.”

  “No problem. I’ll change and head that way,” Calum indicated.

  Why did he have to tell me that? Did he think he was extra sweaty or something? He was really sweaty at the gym. I giggled at the reminder of fighting him and no one else had knowing I shouldn't be thinking anything of the sort.

  “Something funny?” Calum asked.

  I didn’t think he heard me. Oops!

  Before I could answer anything, Dr. Quinn called, “Time.”

  Everyone packed up. Books were shuffling everywhere.

  “I can’t save you in the next class. I have math,” he mused.

  Before I could catch what he meant I asked, “How do you know what I have next?”

  “Looked it up in the office.” Very anticlimactic.

  Both eyebrows raised, I pulled my mouth tight before I could show the big O again. He chuckled.

  “You have World Histories, correct?”

  I nodded just as a voice laughed behind me. “Don’t worry Blondie, I’ll take care of you. If this is the part where you show me those mad-ass fighting skills, I’ll be your punching bag.” The tall and most similar to Calum boy winked at me. His orange menacing eyes really gave me the creeps.

  “Just an eye out,” he added giving a scared look. I rotated back to Calum who had his hands in the air. My name for him was living up to his dark facial expressions even to his friends because his expression changed drastically the second I faced him. He softened, but not before I caught his somewhat growl in Tiger’s Eyes direction.

  “This is Derrick. He will…” he looked at his friend.

  Derrick finished, “Make sure she gets her blonde butt to class okay.”

  “I’m not a freaking child. I can get there myself. If you boys need a dang hobby, it’s not me.”

  The eyes of Hyde narrowed, smiled just barely…all devil-like. “On the contrary, I think you can get there quite fine, but I would feel better knowing my DANG hobbies are well protected.”

  Well, Hyde was truly...showing his Mr. Hyde side. I’ve never met anything like him. I snorted and left them standing there.

  “Well, she’s a feisty one. You sure about all this?”

  A sudden jerk and Derrick was against the classroom door. His shirt was cinched up to his throat at a steaming Calum in his face. “Yes, Derrick. And be sure she isn’t pawed by anyone.”

  “Already done.” He was released seconds later and stormed off mumbling under his breath. But not before he shot me a “What the heck did you do to him” look before stumbling off in the other direction.

  The other quiet short boy mumbled his own assessment, “What’s with him and this girl? Yeah, she stands out, but he’s acting like she’s the queen. Sure, she’s hot and all, but she’s a bi—“

  Calum’s hands shot daggers as he grabbed his arm. “A more perceptive one would see my way right now."

  “Whatever, man. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Three I don’t understand it…

  I was in World Histories unfolding my books when the two Hyde boy toadies strutted in and took seats somewhere behind me.

  I listened to the teacher rattle on about how they’d just finished chapter five and chapter six and will focus on vampires of yesterday and today and their likes and differences. I knew a lot of what she said was for the benefit of the new girl to be sure I could keep up with what was being studied. I really was listening as I looked around and realized I knew no one but the toadies when she called my name. I’d missed it at first because she pronounced it Miss Ro-ok or something like it.


  “Yes, you are aware of how many vampires there are in today’s world or no, you are not?”

  “Yes, there are over 11,000. And growing.”

  The teacher was disappointed I think.

  “Yes, correct.” And she continued about the current Lord Cross in charge of the vampire faction and the loss of the ol
der Cross lord years back. Their presence can go unseen since vampire powers include hiding in the shadows and other dark magic.

  A finger poked my arm from behind.

  I chanced a peek back and found red head boy diagonal to me smiling a wide toothy grin with a full mouth of white teeth.

  “She’s harmless. It’s all in the book. You can drown her out and still ace the test. She copies it straight from the book.” He tapped out his last words to get his point across. It was the one class I was looking forward to other than Literature and Folklore.

  I smiled at him, nodded, and turned back.

  A note was lobbed at me from the opposite direction. I unfolded it, unknowing what it would hold.

  You are not wanted here.

  Well, my warm fuzzy welcome just ended. And here I thought this assignment would be a piece of cake. This high school stuff was very melodramatic. Private tutors simply check your work, grade it, tell you what you need to fix, and send you on. Here, I am practically going to have to survive the glares and taunts of a grade school playground. I went one year, not a whole one, of human grade school before my dad pulled me back out. His attempt at a more normal life, I thought. He spent more time explaining to the principal my Supergirl strength was all a misunderstanding, but he just couldn’t explain when I threw the soccer coach’s son across the bleachers to the other side because he stole my Twinkie and ate it right in front of me. The nerve.

  And I didn’t make one friend. My father disallowed it.

  I folded the note back up and continued listening to the front of the room’s vibration of vampiric healing properties moving through the air from our teacher. When the class ended, I headed to my next class.

  I didn’t look back to see if my two tether balls were stringing behind me in tow. I could feel them. At least short stuff boy. He radiated anger and fear.

  So thankfully, I was relieved when I saw Maze and Liz entering the same room I was for math. Not the greatest end for my day, but at least I knew someone. And they weren’t acting like bodyguards. At least I didn’t think so. Checking for my tether balls as I walked in, I grabbed a seat next to Maze. Peeking back out the door, I saw no balls.

  They asked me all about my chemistry/partner time with Calum. When I mentioned him and the two toadies surrounding him, they both swooned with their hands to their foreheads.

  “You are so lucky. I still don’t see why the attention is there in the first place. So you look different, but I’m telling you, something’s not right.”

  Maze rolled her eyes. “Liz get’s these feelings. She’s never been wrong yet.” She paused, “Except when she was predicting the Fall Ball last year. Who knew Barry would actually dance. He was a sight.”

  I didn’t know all the details of the banter, but it was better than being fawned over. Hopefully, her feelings don’t see my brother or I or what I was here for. They continued until the class began then ended, it seemed, not long after it started. Dismissed, we headed out the door.

  “Do you know your room number yet? We can meet in our room for some great gossip and rainbow licorice.”

  “Sorry, sounds great, but I’ve been told I have to tutor in chemistry for the remainder of the semester to catch up. Quinn’s the only one making me.” I was told he taught Supernatural Studies, but I wasn't placed in that class.

  Both girls raised their eyebrows and crooned in unison. “Who’s tutoring you?”

  “Da—Calum,” I tried very hard to say it flat and without emotion almost calling him by one of the nicknames I’d titled him.

  They both squealed. “OMG!” in unison.

  “Okay, I admit, I was jealous this morning of your skills, girl, but right now, I really want to know what you did to deserve this?” They were both glossing me over with more than just friendly interest. I wondered briefly if this is how humans acted too. I’d watched movies all my life, listen to my music, but couldn’t put myself into any of those situations real or fantasy.

  “What is so great about him? Why is everyone all hyped about his apparent interest in ‘helping’ me? I don’t need the help.”

  “Oh, yes you do! And you will need lots of it from him. He’s the most untouchable guy in this Hunter’s den. Some rumor he’s never even kissed a girl, some say he just doesn’t kiss and tell, and now that you put such a spell on him, you can’t appreciate it anyway.”

  “And you believe all that?”

  “Well, you’re gonna find out for us soon, I bet. Besides, if any girl had, she’d have told by now.” More giggling.

  “I have to go. I’m late now. Where is the library?” I’m tired of listening to how this Hyde boy’s projectile missile tongue is going to find me as a target. I have some meaningless Hunter school studying to do.

  “Is that where you’re meeting him?”

  “Yes!”I replied impatient now.

  “Left at this building, then right, and through the double doors. We’ll be sure to spy.” More giggling.

  I waved them off and headed that way. I hurried in and asked the front desk where the fiction section was to save time. I got my bearing and found the A section right away for Austen. I’d read a book once on how talking to male’s would be beneficial. Back home, I knew my father would pick an appropriate male to carry own our species. There was never any of this giggling among us. He’d just simply pick for me and I’d be introduced by my father. It had been that way since all history, but I wasn't sure if I wanted it or not.

  I would have to study a little to get the male’s here to get me the information I needed. I don’t need to look for the information, but listening to those two girls made me remember a scene in Pride and Prejudice from a few years back. The two sisters in the book went back and forth about a male they wanted to marry and who he played his affections for. I will have to be ready for the next time. Maybe it’s archaic, but in my movies the girl never understood what the guy was saying. They always read them wrong.

  I found the book, pulled it, and examined the cover. It was worn and I was just about to flip to page one when a voice whispered in my ear, “Whatcha reading?”

  This ear talking has to stop. My heart stops, flip-flops, and a tickling sensation vibrates in my stomach at the touch of my whisperer. Physical touch only ever came in fighting. Never had a boy been this close. I almost wanted to duck for fear of my father’s wrath.

  I recoiled backward and ran into my whisperer. Stepping on the whisperer’s foot, I turned to say sorry and looked up at Calum as he caught me falling into him. I landed against his chest with a thud and a mouthful of my own blonde tresses. He was holding both of my arms as he swung my body back from laying against him. The fluttery feeling popped in my stomach again from the jolt it sent.

  He held me there forcing my face into his neck. He smelled like fresh clean air and a tinge of musky maleness. I couldn’t think of another name for it. When I looked up, I discovered it was a very bad, bad idea to look directly at this particular boy. I blinked, twice and again at his staring. His hand went to my cheek where he held his fingers there. I was frozen burning from the sting it was leaving.

  It was an experiment, I could tell. The fingertips grazed my jawbone before I pulled back and righted myself. We didn’t speak at first both felt the electric current thing again. He’d shivered at the same moment when I did, then when he grabbed my arms neither of us demanded anything about it this time.

  His eyes were full of curiosity but he only looked down at the book I had in my hand. “What are you reading?”

  “Chemistry. How quickly you forgot.”

  “She has humor. A-ha!” he smiled swallowing and visibly analyzing the sting we both felt. “What is your other choice?” He pointed to the book in my hand.

  I hid it behind my back not sure why I did it. It’s not like he’d know why I was reading it.


  “Okay. That secret, I take it. I’ll know in a moment.”

  I didn’t want to give him cause to doubt m
e already, so I pulled the book back to show him. I couldn’t afford to tell him my real secret that I had been so stupid to mention anyway.

  “Jane Austen! The way you fought this morning, I was expecting War and Peace.”

  “That’s not fair. I only do what I’ve been brought up to do. I can’t help what I have no choice in.” That was more than I should have spoken. I angered too easy towards him.

  “No choice. So you wouldn’t fight if you didn’t have to?”

  “Well, no. I’m more of a pacifist. Why fight when you can battle with words. Such a male!” I held up the book as if it backed my cause. I said too much. Darn! I don’t sound anything like a dang Hunter. Darn! Darn!

  “Well said Miss Pacifist. Either way, you can hold your own. No one else can do what you do around here for that matter, even me the male, when you’re around,” he seemed to say the last part more to himself.

  That’s because I’m Valkyrie! I could destroy you. I drew up my eyes at the admission in my head. Please say he can’t read minds.

  “What are you thinking right now?” he asked with the one eyebrow raising in sync with his toothy grin.

  Oh lord! How could I miss this back home? No male ever did this with his face.

  “Maybe I just trained harder being brought up by tutors. School seems to suck anyway.” I looked around. “Too many mindless rules.”

  “A rule breaker. We may get along yet.”

  “Who says were getting along? You’ve done nothing but agitate me.”

  “Well, I’m truly sorry for that. I’ll accept your apology for being rather rude back to me. I was only trying to help. Others might find your pacifist attitude a bit offensive in the midst of a Hunter compound, but I’ll let it slide for now. If you’d like to go ahead and give the I’m sorries for all the fifty rude comments you’ll make in the next twenty four hours, I’m all ears.”

  He was offended and offensive on both counts, but I still didn’t let him off the hook. Dangerous ground here, but I couldn’t let him get the best of me.


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