Standing Next to History: An Agent's Life Inside the Secret Service

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Standing Next to History: An Agent's Life Inside the Secret Service Page 29

by Petro, Joseph

  My years in and around the White House allowed me to work with and get to know some truly first-class individuals. Bill Henkel, Mike Deaver, Tom Pernice, Jeannie Bull, Rick Ahern, Grey Terry, Jim Hooley, Andy Littlefair, Gary Foster, Jim Kuhn, Dave Fisher, Dan Murphy, Steve Purcell, Tom Fleener, and Craig Whitney. These are men and women who, along with many other staff and press corps members, made working at the White House such a unique experience. Many of them dedicated years away from more lucrative careers in order to serve their country. Knowing them and sharing all those unforgettable moments with them has been a highlight of my career.

  Thankfully, there is life after the Secret Service. For that, and for so many other things, I am enormously grateful to Sandy Weill and Chuck Prince. I especially want to thank my colleagues in Citigroup Security and Investigative Services, most notably my good friend and colleague, Dick Steiner.

  Because there have been so many people who contributed in various ways to this project or have been an important part of my life, I worry that I may forget a few. If I do, I hope they will understand.

  I want to add a few words, here, about my parents, Joseph and Dorothy. Both of them, in their own way, provided my brothers and me with a loving and supportive home. Their faith in us and encouragement were always there, paving the way for us to pursue our dreams.

  Finally, there is my daughter, Michelle. From the day she was born, she brought sunshine into my life. I love her and am so very proud of her.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages of your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem

  advance trips, overseas

  Aetna Life Insurance

  Africa, Quayle in

  Aga Khan

  Agca, Mehmet Ali

  Agnew, Spiro

  Air Force One

  backup plane for

  descriptions of

  Soviet Union and

  Air Force One (film)

  Air Force Two



  Albert, Carl

  Alexandria (Virginia)

  Allentown (Pennsylvania)

  American Express

  American President, The (film)

  Anderson Air Force Base (Guam)

  Andropov, Yuri

  Annan, Kofi

  Annenberg, Walter and Leonore

  AOPs (“attacks on the principal”)


  in water

  Apocalypse Now (film)


  Aquino, Benigno

  Arafat, Yassir

  Arge, Andy

  armored cars

  See also popemobile

  armored coat

  armored train

  armored vests


  deterrence of

  scenarios of

  studies of films of

  See also specific persons

  ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms)

  Augusta (Georgia), hostage incident at

  Australia, Parker as Reagan’s representative to

  B-52 bomber

  Baker, James


  Ballyporeen (Ireland)

  Baltimore Orioles, Reagan throws out ball for

  Bangkok (Thailand)

  Bassac River

  Bayeux (France)

  Bean, Alan

  Beijing (China)

  Beirut (Lebanon), Marine barracks bombed in

  Bel Air, Reagan’s house in

  Bell, Hubert

  Beltsville (Maryland) training center

  Ben Luc (Vietnam)

  Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

  Bhutto, Benazir

  Bitburg (Germany) cemetery

  Black Muslims

  Blair House

  Bloomingdale, Betsy

  Blumenthal, Michael

  Bower, Casey

  Bradley, Omar

  Brady, James

  Brazil, Quayle and Castro in

  Bremer, Arthur

  Brezhnev, Leonid

  Brinkley, Christie


  Reagan in

  Rockefeller in

  Secret Service weapons in

  bubble room

  bubble top, protective

  Buendorf, Larry

  bugs (listening devices)


  in limousines

  in Soviet Union

  universal use of

  Bull, Jeannie

  Bundy, Ted

  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)

  Burma, Martyrs Mausoleum bomb in

  Bush, Barbara

  code name for

  Bush, George H. W.

  Air Force One trips of

  code name for

  McGaw and

  as vice president

  Bush, George W.

  aircraft carrier landing by

  Cain, Jimmy

  Callaghan, Jack


  Campbell, Shawn

  Camp David

  description of

  name of

  Reagans at

  Camp Liberty (South Korea)

  Canada, Secret Service weapons in

  canine corps

  Cape Canaveral (Florida)

  Cape Verde

  Carmelite nuns

  Carter, Amy

  Carter, Jimmy

  code name for

  cost-consciousness of

  Hinckley and

  inauguration of

  jogging by

  Mondale as guest of

  Carter, Rosalynn, code name for

  Case Western Reserve University

  Castro, Fidel

  author’s encounter with

  Quayle and

  CAT (Counter Assault Team)

  Cavalry Charge, The (film)

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  Chabin, Michele

  Challenger, explosion of

  Charles, Prince, code name for

  Chau Doc (Vietnam)

  check forging

  Cheney, Richard

  Chernenko, Konstantin

  Chile, Quayle in


  bugs in

  trip to


  Cleghorn, Earl

  Cleveland Browns

  Clinton, Bill

  Lewinsky scandal and testimony against

  CNN, head of security for

  Coccia, Barbara. See Petro, Barbara

  Coccia, Mary (mother-in-law)

  code names

  Collier, Blanton

  Columbia (South Carolina)

  Conrad, Charles

  Constellation, USS

  Constitution, Secret Service protection of

  Counter Assault Team. See CAT



  Couric, Katie

  cover and evacuate

  Cramsey, Leo

  Crawford, Cindy

  Crockett, Davy

  Croker-Poole, Sally


  Dallas (Texas), assassination of Kennedy in

  Davis, Richard

  Deaver, Michael K.

  at Baltimore Orioles

  Bitburg visit and

  genius of

  on Mrs. Reagan

  Reagan and

  Reagan’s Canada visit and

  resignation of

  on trips to Asia

  Declaration of Independence, Secret Service protection of


  Delahanty, Thomas

  De Niro, Robert

  DeProspero, Bob

  background of

  significance of

  Detroit (Michigan), pope at Silverdome in

  Devaney, Earl
br />   Dietrich, Cliff

  Dignitary Protective Division (DPD), author in charge of

  Dilbert Dunker

  Dimon, Jamie

  Disneyland and Disney World

  Dokuchayev, Mikhail

  Domestic Intelligence Branch

  DPD. See Dignitary Protective Division

  Dziwisz (aide to the pope)

  Eastwood, Clint

  Edwards, Don

  Eisenhower, David

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Elizabeth II (queen of England)

  code name for

  Enright, Mark

  Executive Office Building (EOB). See White House

  Executive Two (Rockefeller’s Gulfstream)

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  failed 1963 sharing of Dallas information by

  fails to pay informant

  Kerry surveillance of

  Finn, Barbara

  first lady’s detail

  Fisher, Dave

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, on the rich

  food for the president

  “football, the,”

  Ford, Betty

  code name for

  Ford, Gerald

  assassination attempts on

  becomes president

  code name for

  outdoor White House pool of

  skiing by

  as vice president

  Foreign Intelligence Branch

  Foster Grandparent Program

  Foster, Jodie

  Fowler, John

  Foxhall Road (Washington, D.C.), Rockefeller’s house on

  France. See Mitterand, François; Normandy landings

  Frank, Anne

  Fromme, Lynette “Squeaky,”

  Gandhi, Indira

  Gandhi, Rajiv, funeral of

  Garmon, Steve

  Geneva (Switzerland) summit

  George Washington University Hospital

  Giant Slingshot operation

  Giminish (horse)

  “Gipper, the,”


  Go Dau Ha (Vietnam)

  Goldwater, Barry


  gooney birds

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  author’s protection of

  at Geneva summit

  rapport between Reagan and

  at Reagan’s ranch

  at Reykjavik summit

  strategy of

  Gorbachev, Raisa

  Graham, Billy

  Grand Canyon, Quayles’ trip through

  Grenada, U.S. invasion of, and Reagan’s visit to

  Grier, Rosie

  Guam, B-52s at readiness in

  Guarding Tess (film)

  Gulf War

  Gutenberg Bible, Secret Service protection of

  H-53 helicopter


  Hannan, Philip M.

  Hardin, Wayne

  Hast, Bob


  agent killed in crash

  on pope’s U.S. trip.

  See also HMX; Sikorsky H-3

  Hellcats of the Navy (film)

  Henkel, Bill

  background of

  at Baltimore Orioles

  as “best political advance guy,”

  Bitburg visit and

  on Reagan’s superstitiousness

  Soviets and

  on trips to Asia

  Henn, Lisa Zanatta

  Hepburn, Audrey

  Hess and Eisenhart (firm)

  Hill, Clint

  Hinckley, John

  HMX (helicopter)

  Hogan’s Alley

  Homeland Security Department

  Hope, Bob

  horseback riding

  by Marilyn Quayle

  prepared for Reagan in Switzerland

  at Reagan’s ranch

  “Horsepower” (code name)

  hospital agents

  hostage incident at Augusta

  hotels, protection problems with

  Houphouët-Boigny, Felix

  Huey helicopter

  Huffschmidt, Holly

  Huse, Jim

  Hussein (king of Jordan)

  “impromptu, an,”


  India, Quayle in

  Indonesia, survey trip in

  In Performance at the White House (TV series)

  Intelligence Division

  Intourist (Soviet Union)


  hostage crisis in

  Rockefeller’s trip to

  Shah’s French restaurant in

  Ireland, Reagan in

  Ivory Coast

  Jagen, Dick


  advance team in

  G-7 economic summit in

  Reagans at children’s playground in

  Secret Service weapons in

  survey trip in

  Jaworski, Leon

  Jews, John Paul and

  Jockey Club (Washington, D.C.)

  John Paul II (pope)

  attempted assassination of

  author’s protection of

  code name for

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Just Say No campaign

  Kanishigi, Mr.

  Kansas City (Missouri) Republican convention (1976)

  Kasdon, Rob

  Keifer, Phil

  Kennedy, Carolyn

  Kennedy, Edward “Ted,”

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  Kennedy, John F.

  assassination of

  code name for

  Kennedy, John F., Jr.

  Kennedy, Robert F., assassination of

  Kerry, John

  Secret Service surveillance of

  Key Biscayne (Florida)

  KGB (Soviet secret police)

  Khaalis, Hamaas Abdul

  Khomeini, Ayatollah

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  King, Larry

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kish Island (Iran)

  Kissinger, Henry

  Knight, Stu

  Knute Rockne: All American (film)

  Kohl, Helmut

  Kuhn, Bowie

  Kuhn, Jim

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kykuit (Rockefeller’s estate)

  La Paz (Baja Peninsula, Mexico)

  Larkin, Frank

  Laxalt, Paul

  leadership, author’s philosophy on

  Lebarge, Paul

  Lefler, Dick

  Lejeune, Jacques

  Lennon, John

  Leonard, Don

  Lewinsky, Monica

  Libyan delegation at U.N.

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lincoln Town Car

  listening devices. See bugs

  Los Angeles (California)

  John Paul in

  Powis in charge of Secret Service in

  Reagan in

  See also Bel Air

  Lynch, Robert

  Lynch, Virginia

  MacArthur, Douglas

  McCarthy, Tim

  McGaw, John

  McKinley, William, assassination of

  magnetometers (metal detectors)

  Mahoney, Roger

  Major, John

  Manila (Philippines)

  Manley, Michael

  Mansfield, Mike

  Manson, Charles

  Marcos, Ferdinand

  Marcos, Imelda

  Marine Corps, U.S.

  Beirut bombing of

  Camp David protected by

  HMX detachment of

  Marine One

  Marine Two

  Martin, Jim

  Massino, Frank

  media. See press, the

  medical emergencies

  Meese, Edwin, 3rd

  Meiji Shrine (Tokyo)

  mental patients

  metal detectors. See magnetometers

  Mexico, survey trip to

  Miami (Florida), John Paul at

  Midway Island, gooney birds on

  Miller, G. William

  Miller, Rich

  Mira, George

  missiles, intermediate-range

  Mitterand, François

  Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (Shah of Iran)

  Mona Lisa, Secret Service protection of

  Mondale, Walter “Fritz,”

  Moore, Sara Jane

  Moscow (Russia)

  Motoishi (Japanese police head)

  Mountbatten, Lord Louis

  Muhammed, Elijah

  Mulroney, Brian

  Muskie, Edmund

  Nakasone, Yasuhiro

  Nancy Reagan Foundation

  Naval Support Facility Thurmont

  New Orleans (Louisiana), John Paul at Superdome in

  New York City

  author in

  Gorbachev in

  New York Jets


  9mm semiautomatics

  Nixon, Pat, code name for

  Nixon, Richard

  bellicose culture of White House under

  Bremer’s desire to kill

  China trip of

  code name for

  Kissinger promoted by

  protesters thrown out by order of

  Soviet trip of

  trip to Graham revival by

  Vietnam War and

  White House swimming pool covered by

  Ziegler shoved by

  Normandy landings, Reagan’s commemoration of

  nuclear codes. See “football”

  nuclear missiles

  Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)

  Oklahoma City (Oklahoma), federal building bombed in

  O’Meara, Dick

  Orange County (California), huge turnout for Reagan in

  Orloff, John

  Oswald, Lee Harvey

  overseas trips

  Palm Springs (California)

  panic buttons

  Panmunjon (Korea), Reagan’s visit to

  Parker, Fess

  Parr, Jerry


  of the president

  Secret Service

  Patton, George

  PBR river gunboats

  PCFs (Swift Boats)

  Pensacola (Florida)



  Perlman, Itzhak

  Pernice, Tom

  Petro, Andy (brother)

  Petro, Barbara Coccia (first wife)

  Petro, Dorothy (mother)

  Petro, Joseph (artist)

  Petro, Joseph A. (father)

  Petro, Michelle (daughter)

  blessed by John Paul

  Petro, Steve

  Petro, Susan Senderowitz (second wife)

  Petro, Tom (brother)

  Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)


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