Sugar, Spice, and Shifters: A Touch of Holiday Magic

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Sugar, Spice, and Shifters: A Touch of Holiday Magic Page 47

by Élianne Adams

  “Do you mind if I have a look around?” Jayrian asked smoothly.

  “Be my guest,” Paul said readily.

  Gretchen watched for a few moments as Jayrian walked around the shelves, looking intently at all the rocks. She hoped he knew something about the rocks he was looking at. And that whatever he picked was within her budget. She did have a physical limit even if she’d happily spend as much as she could to impress his family.

  Because as much as she was impressed that he was a dragon, and it didn’t change how she felt about him one little bit—she couldn’t imagine being with someone and not getting on with their family.

  Did she have any chance?

  Paul’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “How did your family’s Christmas go today?”

  “Not too bad. Too much food as always.” Gretchen grinned. “Is Karla home for the holidays?”

  “No, she’s spending Christmas with her boyfriend in England.” Paul’s voice was easy, but Gretchen could hear the sadness in his words. His wife had died not long after he arrived in Mungaloo, and Karla was his only child. He must be having a pretty lonely Christmas. Gretchen couldn’t help feeling sad for him.

  “How about these?” Jayrian stepped up in front of her, holding out a handful of small, milky opals. Each one was polished to a shine, and the fluorescent light above them glinted off the specks in them.

  Gretchen bit her lip. They were beautiful. Too beautiful to be within her budget, surely?

  But when Paul rang the prices up, she was surprised to find she still had some left over. She surveyed the display next to the counter, and her eye fell on some cut open thunder eggs. She remembered her thrill when Karla had brought a couple to school, and had cracked them open to show all the kids that something could look like an ordinary rock on the outside, but be filled with beautiful crystals on the inside.

  “Can I have a couple of these too? Unopened ones?”

  Paul grinned. “Sure.” He picked out a couple of big ones, and added them to her pile. “Here, have a couple of these too.” He pulled a couple of fossils with delicate ferns imprinted into the rock.

  “Are you sure?” Gretchen hesitated.

  Paul smiled. “I can’t give a present to my own daughter this Christmas, so let me give one to you.”

  How could Gretchen say no?

  As they walked back to her car and headed off, Jayrian turned the fossils over in his hands. “Is he part of your family?”

  Gretchen took her eyes off the road for a minute to look at him. “Who? Paul? No. I know him though. His daughter and I were friends in school.”

  “And he just gave you this? Because you were friends with his daughter?”

  Gretchen shrugged and tried to explain. “His daughter lives in England now. He doesn’t see her often. I guess I reminded him of her a little today. Hopefully, we have as much luck at the toy store.”


  As Gretchen drove back to Mungaloo, her car loaded with all the food from her family celebration, and presents from the rock store and the toy store, Jayrian found it hard to keep his eyes off her.

  This idea was crazy. Did he really think a Christmas celebration would convince his clan to trust Gretchen? Though all that food would certainly help.

  Trouble was, he really wanted them to like her. He cared about this far more than he should.

  Somehow, this had come to mean something more than just a way to wake Prince Taurian. When he’d first started to notice her, it had been with the idea that she might be the perfect person to wake Prince Taurian. Now, that was the last thing on his mind.

  Maybe waking the prince had just been an excuse to pay extra attention to her, to get closer to her.

  When he really looked at it, he could easily see he’d been keen on her from the start.

  If he hadn’t seen it then, he definitely should have realised when he kissed her in the car. He really shouldn’t have done that. But he couldn’t help himself. She was just so tempting.

  So where did that leave him? How could he even think of his own happiness when the safety of his prince, and possibly his entire clan, was at risk?

  Yet somehow, he couldn’t look away.

  Why? What was it that made her so different to all the dragon women he’d known? Was it that she listened to his plans and seemed to think they were a good idea, reasonable even? Was it that she seemed eager to get to know him and spend time with him?

  No. All those things were part of it, but not the main part. The main part didn’t have to do with how she saw him or responded to him, it had more to do with who he saw she was. He hadn’t known her for very long, but everything he did know pointed to someone who cared deeply—about her family, her dog, and now him.

  He sighed under his breath. This could go nowhere. So why was he still dwelling on it?

  He had far more pressing problems. Maybe, once Prince Taurian was safe, he could think about Gretchen.

  “What do you want to do now? Do you still want me to drop you at the library?” Gretchen asked, interrupting his thoughts.

  Jayrian hesitated. Staying the night with Gretchen could be dangerous. He could see that. But he didn't want to leave her alone. Not now. The Trima dragon knew who she was. And she was still his best bet at convincing the Rian clan to trust humans. He definitely should stay with her.

  It had nothing to do with the fact that he badly wanted to stay. Because when he was with her, the situation didn’t feel overwhelming and impossible. He felt like he could do anything.

  Anything he wanted.

  Did her waking Prince Taurian mean there couldn’t be something more between them? It wasn’t like completing the Mesmer ritual with someone meant you were bound to them for life. The ritual only took a few hours, and then each dragon, or human in this case, went about their normal lives.

  There was really no reason why he couldn’t do what he really wanted tonight. So long as Gretchen wanted to too.

  No matter which way he looked at it, the prince wouldn’t care about Gretchen, or what she had done before or after waking him. Waking someone from the Mesmer ritual, especially someone so important, was an honour, but it implied no long term emotional connection or feelings. It was rare for someone in an established relationship to participate, but not unheard of.

  So why was it bothering him so much?

  He glanced over at Gretchen, her eyes focused on the road, and sighed. He wasn’t worried about the prince or the elder’s reaction, this concern was purely for himself and his own feelings. Could he cope with watching Gretchen walk off to the prince’s Mesmer chamber, knowing what was going to happen?

  The alternative, to keep his distance from her until after it was all done, wasn’t much better. This was going to be hard, no matter what order he did things in. Maybe, if he could be certain of her feelings before it started, it would be easier.

  It couldn’t possibly be any worse.

  “I really think we should stick together,” he said, hoping his voice didn’t give his thoughts away. “I have no idea where the Trima dragon went, and I don’t like leaving you alone.”

  Gretchen shivered at the thought and nodded enthusiastically. “I’d much prefer you stayed,” she confirmed.

  A tingle of excitement ran through him. He felt like a dragon going on his first flight. Like he was doing something exciting and forbidden all at once.

  The feeling persisted for the rest of the drive, just intensifying every time he looked over at her. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this, but he couldn’t help it. It persisted as he followed Gretchen into her house, his arms loaded with food she’d said needed to go into the refrigerator.

  He was a little distracted when he thought of all this food, and what it would mean for his clan. He still found it hard to believe Gretchen’s family had given it to them so freely, and put in so much effort to help make bringing Christmas to the dragons possible. It was all a little overwhelming, to be honest.

  Of course, none of them knew h
is family was actually a clan of dragons. They might have offered a little less help if they’d known that fact.

  Or they might not have. It was hard to say for sure. Gretchen certainly didn’t seem to be swayed by it.

  “Put that plate of fruit in here. I think it will fit,” she directed.

  “Okay.” Jayrian obediently bent down to squeeze the platter into the space she indicated, his bare arm brushing up against hers as he did so.

  Her skin was warm and soft compared to the cool air that billowed out of the refrigerator. Jayrian swallowed.

  Neither of them had discussed what was going to happen tonight. Gretchen had said she wanted him to stay, but what staying entailed…

  Her eyes met his, then quickly slipped away again. “I think that’s everything out of the car, I’ll just check in case.” And she disappeared out of the door.

  Jayrian couldn’t sit still. He paced up and down the kitchen, waiting for her to return. Now things had slowed down a bit, doubts and fears were beginning to rear their head. What was he doing here? Could he really trust a human? Were the elders ever going to go for this Christmas celebration, or had Gretchen put in all this effort for nothing?

  It suddenly occurred to Jayrian that Gretchen was outside by herself with the possibility of a Trima dragon appearing at any minute. The dragon hadn’t seemed particularly interested in her, but it still wasn’t worth taking any chances. He should be out there with her.

  With that in mind, he headed for the front door. He put his hand on the knob to open it, just as it moved in towards him. He jumped back in time to avoid the door hitting his face, but not fast enough to avoid Gretchen running into him.

  Somehow, he had his arms full of a warm, soft, curvy human.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realise you were there.”

  Gretchen made to pull back, but Jayrian couldn’t make himself let go.

  “That’s okay, I don’t mind.”

  She looked up at him and a blush stole across her cheeks.

  Jayrian felt his eyes shift, the pupils narrowing, his focus centring on the woman in his arms.

  Her breathing deepened, and her blood temperature rose slightly. He could smell the change in her, her scent changing from fresh and rosy to warm and sultry.

  His own body responded, fire rushing through his veins, setting every nerve ending alight.

  Unable to help himself, he bent and kissed her, savouring the taste of her lips, and their velvety softness. She tasted different to a dragon. With a dragon, he could almost taste their magic. Hot and spicy for fire dragons, fresh and invigorating for water dragons. With Gretchen, the taste was all her, all unique. He’d never felt anything like it.

  He couldn’t get enough of it.

  When her arms went around his waist, pulling him close, her body pressing up against him, he couldn’t help a groan escaping his lips.

  He let himself revel in the feel of her for a few moments, before forcing himself to pull back. “It’s been a big day. And tomorrow is going to be just as big. We should get some sleep.”

  It wasn’t what he wanted to say, not at all. Right now, he couldn’t be further from sleep. But it would be the sensible thing to do. They had a big day tomorrow, starting it sleep deprived wouldn’t help anything.

  Gretchen shook her head. “I can’t possibly sleep,” she insisted. “Today has been so exciting I’m never going to be able to just forget it and drift off. But, should we do anything, if I’m going to wake your prince?”

  “Participation in the Mesmer ritual is only a short commitment, a few hours, not a lifetime. What is done before and after is your own business. We don’t even know if the elders are going to agree yet.”

  She thought about that for a moment then nodded. “Well, I think that in order to sleep, I need something to help me relax first.” She looked up at him through her eyelashes, her expression coy.

  It was obvious what she meant, but Jayrian really couldn’t see how that would be relaxing. Maybe he was missing something?

  Then her hips swayed against his as she kicked the door closed behind them, and he suddenly didn’t care anymore. Who was he to argue if she thought bedding him would help her relax? He should at least give her the benefit of the doubt and try it. It might just work.

  Gretchen took his hand and pulled him into the bedroom. When they got there, she gave a nervous giggle. “Sorry, I didn’t make the bed this morning. I always seem to sleep through my alarm and be rushing to get to work on time.”

  Jayrian glanced at the rumpled bed, imagining her sleeping here, tangled in the sheets. The thought just turned him on more. “I think it looks very inviting.”

  She blushed again, and looked around the room, seeming uncertain what to do next.

  Jayrian didn’t have the patience to wait. He closed the distance between them, and pulled her into his arms again. His lips found hers, and it was quite a while before he could think of anything but her body against his.

  This time, Gretchen was the one who pulled back. Her cheeks were flushed, and her breath ragged. As Jayrian’s eyes roamed her body, she started to undo the buttons on her shirt. She took her time, her fingers lingering on each button as she pushed it gently through the buttonhole. Her eyes didn’t leave his.

  He couldn’t decide where to look. At her beautiful eyes, so warm and bright, or at the curve of her breasts revealed by her slow unbuttoning. He settled for stepping closer, his hands going to her hips, where his gaze was able to watch both her face and the cleavage revealed below it.

  After waiting as long as he could stand, his hands went to help her, trying to be gentle enough not to pop off any buttons as he almost pulled them undone. Gretchen giggled quietly, and sped up her disrobing. His hands slid up her body, grazing her breasts in their lacy, satiny cover that barely hid anything, and slid the shirt off her shoulders.

  Gretchen’s breath hitched, and she let the shirt slip to the floor.

  Putting his hands up to cup her cheeks and tangle in her hair, Jayrian kissed her again, letting his lips graze over hers, feeling her breath flutter against his lips. His lips traced a path down her neck, nibbling slightly, tasting every part of her skin, just in case some of it tasted different. His hands dropped lower, cupping her small but pert breasts, kissing the exposed skin, and then nibbling below that at the fabric.

  Her breath came in small gasps now, and her hands gripped his shoulders as though leaning on him for support. “Jayrian,” she breathed.

  He looked up at her, and grinned, his heart hammering in his chest. “Yes?”

  “Don’t stop.”

  He wasn’t going to stop. He had every intention of licking and sucking every single inch of skin. Of course, that might take a little while. Far longer than tonight.

  Gretchen’s legs wobbled a bit, and Jayrian stood up and frowned. He could see her eyelids drooping slightly, tiredness etched in the lines on her forehead and in the corner of her eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this now? We can get some sleep if you want?”

  Her definitive shake of her head reassured him. “There’s no way you’re stopping now,” she insisted.

  “Or what?” he teased.

  She slapped him playfully on his bottom. Jayrian was sure it had the opposite effect to the one she’d intended. He ground his hips against hers, and she sucked in her breath. “Or you can go sleep on the couch with Sugarpup,” she threatened.

  Jayrian gave a low laugh. “We can’t have that. Sugarpup doesn’t like me,” he growled. “So I guess I’ll just have to keep going.”

  He resolved though, not to take his time tonight, much as he wanted to. There would be plenty of time for that in the future. He hoped.

  With that aim in mind, he searched the material covering her breasts for a catch or fastening to remove it, but found none. He tugged at the straps slightly, frowning.

  Gretchen reached behind her back and released something and it slipped off.

  Her pants, at least, he could figure out. He rel
eased the button and slid down the zip before sliding them over her hips and down.

  Gretchen tugged at his clothes, and he helped her remove them until both of them were naked.

  He wanted to stop and admire her, but he was conscious of the time passing. Pulling her over to the bed, he climbed onto it and lay down.

  Gretchen stared at him for a moment, her eyes darkening as they roved up and down his body. He hoped she liked what she saw. His body responded to her look, and when she saw it, she climbed onto the bed beside him, reaching for his hardness, wrapping her hands around it with a firmness that took his breath away.

  He didn’t move for a few moments, focused on savouring every touch and thrill of desire that pulsed through him. But he couldn’t keep still for long. His eyes touching her body wasn’t enough, he needed to feel her, to touch her.

  With a sigh, Gretchen lowered herself onto the bed next to him, her hand never leaving its warm perch. Jayrian pulled her close, tangling his feet around hers, his lips joining with hers. He couldn’t get enough of the taste of her.

  When Gretchen’s hand moved, he almost groaned at the loss. He didn’t object to the fact that it moved to squeeze his bottom, but he did miss it where it had been. But only until she lifted her leg to crook it around his thighs, putting him close.

  Her position left her warm folds open to him, and he nudged between them, revelling in the soft, slippery feel. She was so ready for him.

  He wanted to take longer. To taste that part of her, to see if it was different to her lips. He was sure it would be a stronger, deeper taste, but still uniquely her.

  But he was mindful of her tiredness. She needed sleep soon. They both did.

  So he contented himself with sliding back and forth between her folds a few times.

  Her hips rocked against his, and the soft murmurs of encouragement she gave were almost his undoing. Before he could disgrace himself, he buried himself in her warmth, groaning at the feel of her, tightly wrapped around his length.


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