Sugar, Spice, and Shifters: A Touch of Holiday Magic

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Sugar, Spice, and Shifters: A Touch of Holiday Magic Page 83

by Élianne Adams

  Heat raced up her cheeks. She was being silly. Not everyone out there was out to deceive or take advantage of her, just as not everyone thought her disabled. But many did. “No, it’s fine. Thank you.” She took a deep breath and reached out. His hand, much larger than her own, guided hers to the crook of his arm.

  “I’m Maddison, but please, call me Maddie. Thanks for doing what you did in there. You have no idea how often things like that happen.” She smiled up in his direction, then deciding to take advantage of having someone to walk with, she retracted her walking cane and stuffed it into her coat pocket. Something told her Luke wouldn’t allow her to bump into things or walk into traffic, so she’d enjoy the moment while it lasted. It wasn’t every day she was asked out for coffee, or anything else for that matter.

  She wasn’t foolish enough to go anywhere secluded with a total stranger, but there was no harm in going to the coffee shop. She knew Glen Farley well enough now. If he tried to pull her in the wrong direction, she’d know it. Besides, if she yelled for help in a small community like this, someone would come to her aid, wouldn’t they?

  “It shouldn’t happen. Ever,” he said, “but I’m glad I was there to prevent it this time,” he said.

  If the position of Luke’s arm was anything to go by, he had to be close to six feet tall. “I know this makes some people uncomfortable, but if you don’t mind, could you tell me what you look like?” She didn’t beat around the bush. Unless he allowed her to touch his face, she’d never know, and she’d like to have a mental image of him in her mind while they spoke.

  “I’m absolutely gorgeous. A hunk, really.”

  He laughed and she couldn’t help smiling again. “I have no doubt.”

  “Okay, so, what should I tell you?” He hesitated a moment. “I have brown hair and brown eyes. I have a bit of a beard, also brown. I keep it short. It’s due more to the fact that I don’t shave every day than a desire to look like a lumberjack.”

  The picture she wanted started forming in her mind. How would that beard feel against her cheek… or more sensitive areas? “Is it rough? The beard, I mean?” The instant the words left her mouth, she regretted them. What kind of question was that? Certainly not one you asked someone you had just met.

  He stopped walking and took her hand, then plucked her mitten off, and lifted it to his cheek. “Feel for yourself.”

  The cold wind whipped around her, and snowflakes melted on her cheeks, but right then, she didn’t care. The heat radiating from his skin warmed her fingers. She slid her hand toward his chin, relishing the feel of the stubble on her palm. It was a little coarse, but not as much as she would have thought it might be.

  A soft growl came at her, and she jerked her hand away. “Is that a dog?” It wasn’t that she was afraid of dogs, but she steered clear of those that growled.

  “It’s okay. You’re safe,” he said, his voice soft and sure.

  Luke slid her mitten back on, then placed her hand on his arm again.

  “So, where are we off to? Or did you want to keep wandering down the street until we find someone looking for cookies?”

  “Oh, we’re heading to the Woolridge house on Pine. I can’t remember the house number, but it’s the fourth house on the right once we get there,” she said.

  “I’m familiar with the place. We’re almost there already.”

  “I usually stay and visit with Gloria and Marybeth, but I’ll drop off the cookies and we can be on our way.” The spinster sisters would be disappointed, but she’d make it up to them the next time she brought something over.

  — — —

  Luke couldn’t contain his smile. Maddie was bringing cookies to the Woolridge house. What he wanted to do was spin her into his arms and plant a kiss on her she’d never forget, but it was too soon. The way she’d pulled away when his dragon had surfaced and almost purred at her touching his face told him as much. He took a deep breath, inhaling her scent, savoring it. “I know the place. I’ve been there once or twice. If you want to visit with Gloria and Marybeth, we can do that instead of coffee.” Of course, he wanted his mate all to himself, but he wouldn’t put his own desires above hers, or the Woolridge’s.

  “No, I’ll pop in on them tomorrow or the next day for a proper visit,” she responded without missing a beat, making him smile even wider.

  Maddie was stunning. Every part of her, well, what he could see that wasn’t hidden under her thick winter coat, looked perfect. Her skin was flawless, smooth and creamy. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her, when what he should be doing was watch that she didn’t slip on a frozen puddle or trip over a crack in the sidewalk. Not that he could see the walkway for the snow accumulating on the ground, but still, it was his job as her mate to keep her safe.

  “Have you always lived in Glen Farley?” He and the Dragon Blood clan had been around for a couple of years, yet not once had he set eyes on her, or caught her scent.

  “I grew up in Denver, but I needed to get away from the craziness. As much as they have amenities for the blind, the hustle and bustle was getting to me, so here I am. I’ve been here for close to four months now.”

  “Ah, that makes sense. I moved out of the village half a year ago.” He and his clan had purchased the estate on the mountain after Brycen and Stella were mated. There was no talk of little dragons coming yet, but they had all agreed a home away from people would be safer and easier to defend than one in the village. Besides, dragons weren’t meant to live alone, and there was more than enough room for them all without getting in each other’s way.

  “So you don’t live here?”

  “Not in the village, no.” He guided her to the walkway leading to Gloria and Marybeth’s house. Already, he could hear the high pitched squeals of the children inside. “They knew you were coming, didn’t they?”

  Maddie laughed, and his whole body responded. The sound went straight down his body, igniting him from the inside out. “I may have mentioned bringing a treat over when I called earlier today.”

  By the time they delivered the cookies and fielded the questions coming from both Gloria and Marybeth, and had gotten hugs from all the children, the storm the weatherman had forecasted was upon them. The howling wind made any kind of conversation more than a little difficult. Luke put his arm around her shoulder, enjoying having her close even with all the layers of clothing separating them.

  “Maybe we should take a rain check on the coffee. If you don’t get started up the mountain soon, the road might be closed when you get there,” Maddie suggested, her voice less chipper than it had been.

  “You’re probably right.” As much as he wanted to spend more time with her, having her out in a snow storm had all his protective instincts screaming. He had to get her home safe. “Will you let me take you on a proper date, then? Once the storm passes?” he asked.

  When she smiled and faced him, he had to fight from leaning in and kissing her. Every part of him wanted to—needed to—but he couldn’t. Not yet. He settled for pulling off his glove and brushing a couple of snowflakes that had dared land on her cheek.

  “I would like that,” she said. “I should probably get home, and so should you. Will it be safe for you to drive up the mountain tonight?”

  If he said no, would she offer him a place to stay? For half a second, he contemplated saying it wouldn’t, but that wouldn’t be fair. He’d have plenty of time with her once they were mated, and they would be mated. It was just a matter of time. “It’ll be safe enough. Let’s get you home, then I’ll go.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I can get there fine,” she said firmly, but without the earlier defensiveness.

  Should he push the issue? It had been clear when she’d objected to his carrying the box of cookies earlier that she valued her independence, and he respected that, but his protective instincts fought against reason. “All right, then.” He shuffled his feet, not wanting to go, but knowing she expected him to.

  Maddie’s smile grew. “Don’t you
want my number or something? So you can call once the storm has passed?”

  It hadn’t occurred to him to ask for it. He would have found her regardless, but using the telephone made more sense. “Beautiful, and smart too, I’m a lucky man,” he said, then pulled his phone out of his pocket. He glanced down at the screen. Three missed calls. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  She gave him her number and he programmed it in. “Perfect. Thank you.”

  “If it’s not too much trouble, would you mind giving me a ring once you get home? So I know you made it there in one piece? I imagine you would have been there by now had you not spent the last hour entertaining the children with me, and I’d feel horrible if something happened and no one was out looking for you.”

  “I’ll call.” Who would have thought that having someone, other than his clan, worry about his safety, would fill him with so much joy? “In fact, it would set my mind at ease to know you’ve made it home safely as well.” Not that he planned on leaving the village until she was safe indoors, but she didn’t have to know that.

  “Okay.” She took a step back, then took her walking stick from her pocket, extending it with a quick flick of her wrist. “It was nice meeting you, Luke. I’ll talk to you in a little while.”

  “Good night, Maddie.” He watched her until she rounded the corner, before heading into an empty lot and out of sight.

  It only took a few seconds to get rid of his clothes and place them with the eggnog, and nutmeg into the carrying pouch he had strung over his shoulder, and shift. In dragon form, the cold didn’t sting quite as much. It wasn’t that he liked it, but his higher body temperature tolerated it better.

  Once up in the air, he found her about a block and a half away. Only after she was safe inside did he beat his wings harder and soar up into the sky, heading home.


  Maddie pressed the button on her watch for the tenth time. Eight twenty-three, PM, the mechanical voice said. She groaned. Only six minutes since she’d last checked the time. She didn’t know how long it would take Luke to drive up the mountain, but with the storm, he’d be taking his time. Still, each minute that went by without hearing from him had a dull ache tightening her neck and shoulders.

  With the storm blowing in, it would take him a while to get home. Rather than sit there and worry, she headed into the bathroom and ran the water. A nice hot bath was what she needed. Although she had dressed well, the cold wind had chilled her to the bone. She might as well warm up while she waited for his call.

  She hit play on her audiobook, and sighed as she sank neck-deep into the hot water, and the smooth voice of the narrator filled the room.

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, but rather than concentrate on the story, Luke crept into her mind again. Her fingers tingled at the remembered feel of his beard beneath them. The heat of his skin, even as they stood in the cold, had warmed her hand. His scent, something natural, almost wild, had made her mouth water for a taste of him. Her heart sped a little. She had heard that there we dragon shifters in the area, but she’d never met one before. At least, she didn’t think she had. For all she knew, she could have walked by a fully shifted dragon and never known it. Could it be?

  “Chapter four,” The narrator announced. What had happened to chapter three? When she reached over to replay the story again, her phone rang. Water sloshed out the side of the tub as she jumped.

  Three times the phone rang before she could get her hand on it and her finger on the right spot to answer. “Hello.”

  — — —

  “Hi, Maddie, this is Luke. I take it you made it home safely after I left?” He knew darned well that she had, but he asked anyway.

  “I did. I assume you’ve made it back up the mountain in one piece?” Her soft voice had his body hardening. Her scent still teased his nose, and he had no desire to get rid of it.

  “Just got in. I haven’t even taken my coat off yet,” he lied. The truth was, he went straight into the vestibule as soon as he got home and grabbed his phone even as he put his clothes on. He didn’t even have his shirt on yet. Even though all of his pseudo brothers were used to seeing one another naked after shifting, they had started dressing before they entered the main part of the house out of respect for Stella.

  “Well, don’t let me stop you,” Maddie said. “I’m sure you’ll be anxious to get out of it and warm up.”

  Before he knew it, he was grinning like an idiot again. Maybe soon Stella wouldn’t be the only reason the other men dressed before entering. He pulled the phone from his ear only long enough to pull his shirt over his head, and managed two steps into the front hall before Stella was upon him.

  “Luke, where have you been? I’ve been worried sick.” She rushed over, eyeing him up and down.

  He lifted his hand, showing her the grocer’s bag, then indicated the phone in his hand. “Hang on,” he told Maddie, who had gone silent.

  “Sorry for worrying you. I had some pressing matters that needed attending.” As much as he loved Stella, telling her about Maddie right then would only have her asking questions, and he would rather spend the time talking with his mate.

  Stella gave him a squinted look, then chewed on her bottom lip. “Fine. Thank you for getting the stuff for me. I’m glad you’re okay.”

  She came over and gave him a peck on the cheek, and he’d swear he heard a gasp at the other end of the line. Then sloshing water? He waited until Stella was heading toward the kitchen before speaking again.

  “Sorry about that.” Luke listened but heard nothing in the background over the phone.

  “That’s okay.” Maddie’s voice was much cooler than it had been.

  “Is everything okay? You sound a little angry.” Dare he hope she was jealous over what she had heard? He grinned again, waiting for her response.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, so you didn’t hear Stella speaking with me, or her kissing my cheek?” he teased.

  She hesitated before speaking. “It doesn’t matter. I’m glad you’re home safe, I hope you have a good evening.”

  His smile dropped. He didn’t want the conversation to end so soon. “Hey, wait. Aren’t you curious about her? I mean, I did ask you out on a date a little while ago. Don’t you want to know why there’s a female kissing my cheek when I get home?”

  She hesitated again. “I would, actually. I don’t date men who are already involved.”

  His chest tightened at the thought of her on dates with other men. “Do you date often?”

  “No, not often. Weren’t we talking about your lady friend?” Maddie asked.

  “Stella is a friend. Nothing more. She’s my best friend, Brycen’s… wife,” he told her. He’d almost said mate, then thought better of it at the last second.

  “And she’s at your house?”

  “She lives here, as do Brycen, and a bunch of other people. It’s a sprawling estate with plenty of room for everyone. I’d love to bring you up here sometime. It’s gorgeous and so peaceful.” He closed his eyes and inwardly groaned. Of course, she wouldn’t be able to see how beautiful their estate was or the views of the mountains from each window. “I’d be happy to describe it for you so you could get an idea of what it looks like,” he offered.

  “I’d like that, but would you mind calling back in a few minutes?” she asked.

  Luke heard the distinct sound of water sloshing around again. “Of course. Is everything okay?” He listened again and the sound was gone.

  “Yes, fine. I’m getting cold. I want to change and get comfy.”



  His heart raced as he tried to keep his imagination in check. “Are you having a bath?” God above, he hoped so. Not that he could see her, but the idea of her naked in the tub and talking with him had his blood rushing through his veins and pooling in his groin.

  She gasped and was silent for a few beats. “I… umm… I was cold when I got home, so I…�
�� She sighed, and he held his breath. “Yes. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have answered the phone while I was in here,” she said in a rush.

  All the air rushed out of his lungs and a growl rumbled in his chest. “Don’t apologize, Maddison. That’s the sexiest damned thing I’ve ever heard.”

  Maddie’s laughter came through the phone to ignite his blood even hotter.

  “I’ll give you ten minutes, then call back. Will that give you enough time?” he asked. He sure as hell hoped so. If he had to spend much more time than that imagining her naked, he’d be ready to fly back down the mountain to go to her.

  “Yes, that’s fine.”

  “Okay, I’ll talk to you then.” He waited for her to hang up before stuffing his phone in his pocket and heading toward the west wing.

  “Did you get it?” Brycen hollered at him as he walked past the media room. Too preoccupied with thoughts of his naked mate, he hadn’t even noticed him and Jace sitting in there.

  “No. Sorry. They were out. My mate bought the last of them before I could get any.” He said it so casually that neither of them said anything for a second.

  “Damn. Thanks for trying… wait. What?” Brycen stood, his eyes rounded and his mouth gaped open.

  “What?” Jace asked, having missed the whole mate thing.

  “He just said his mate bought the last of the gingerbread cookies. I had asked him to pick some up for Stella while he was in the village,” Brycen narrowed his eyes at him. “What mate?”


  “What are you guys talking about?” Stella came in with three glasses of eggnog and set them on the coffee table.

  “Luke here was about to tell us about his mate,” Jace explained.

  “Your mate? I want to hear this.” She clapped her hands in front of her and squealed. “I’m not going to be the only girl here anymore!”

  “I met her tonight. That’s why I was late coming back. Her name is Maddison. She likes to be called Maddie. She’s absolutely gorgeous, and she’s nice… and I need to call her again.” He knew his smile was huge and the guys would bug the hell out of him for it later just as they’d done to Brycen for the past few months, but he didn’t care. If he had a goofy look on his face half the time, he’d take it. “We’re going to have to make some adjustments, though,” he said as he started walking out of the room again.


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