A Final Paige (Hidden Kingdom Trilogy Book 3)

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A Final Paige (Hidden Kingdom Trilogy Book 3) Page 2

by L. Rose

  “What’s going on?” Eric demanded.

  With a clenched jaw, Asher placed his hands on Eric’s shoulders and turned him our way. He paled, and a mournful cry fell from his lips as he dropped to the ground and crawled to Paige’s other side.

  “Yasmin,” he choked. His hands fluttered out before pulling back again.

  “It’s okay to touch her,” Alex reassured. “I have her body frozen in place so… nothing moves.” He gulped, unsure if he said the right thing, but a reassuring and wobbly small smile from Paige had Alex relaxing a little. One of Eric’s hands brushed his wife’s hair away from her forehead while he used the other to gently press two fingers against her neck. Over her weak pulse. The pulse that we could all hear slowing even more.

  “Eric,” Paige started, her voice shaking, “you have to listen to me.”

  “Yasmin,” he whispered, leaning into her, putting his face next to her. “Baby, you can’t leave me. You can’t leave the kids.”

  “Eric,” Paige tried again.

  “Honey, we need you.” He laughed humorlessly. “I can’t survive without you.” He made a pained noise in the back of his throat, then shook his head. “We can get through this. We can.” He straightened to his knees as his tears dropped freely. “Tell me she can get through this. Then fucking tell me who did this so I can kill them.”

  For some insane reason, I wanted to yell, “She has a fucking knife sticking out of her heart, how do you think she’ll get through this?” Yet I clamped my lips closed because I knew, along with all of Paige’s men, that our mate would have a plan, and by the way she looked up at Asher, I knew exactly what it was.

  With Asher’s slight nod, Paige moved her gaze back to Eric. “There is only one way.”

  Eric nodded. “Becoming something more?”

  “Yes,” Paige whispered.

  “What?” he demanded. “A shifter? A Ghoul? A vampire?” He laughed humorlessly. “I’ve been living here and it’s still crazy.” He looked back down to Yasmin, his bottom lip trembling. “But I would do anything to have her with me.”

  “You know everything will change?” Thorn questioned.

  “I know.”

  “Your children—”

  He shook his head. “Will want their mom in their life. No matter what she is.”

  “Yasmin?” Paige whispered.

  His watery gaze fell on hers. He reached out and took Paige’s hand that rested gently against Yasmin’s shoulder. “Will never regret the choice we make for her because she’ll want more days with her children.”

  Paige glanced down at her sister and took a shuddering breath. “She wouldn’t want to die,” Paige said, more to herself than anyone.

  “No, she wouldn’t,” Eric stated. He sniffed, wiped at his face, and straightened even more. “So, what shall she become?”

  “Eric, has she ever said anything to you about what she would prefer?” Asher asked.

  Eric nodded. “Yes.”

  “A vampire,” Paige uttered.

  Eric looked at her. “How did you…?” He shook his head. “Never mind. You two know everything about each other, even if you haven’t spoken of it. Yes, a vampire.”

  Jealousy hit me, only it wasn’t mine. It was Paige’s, yet it was quickly replaced by guilt.

  “It doesn’t have to be me, love,” Asher said softly.

  She shook her head. “It does. You’re the only one I trust to do this, to help her through this, to guide her properly. I… just… I hate to say it, but I won’t be able to be around when you do it.”

  Understanding dawned through me. She’d already thought of Asher siring Yasmin. She wasn’t comfortable, but like the amazing woman she was, she’d put herself, her needs aside for others she cared for.

  Tightening my hold around Paige, I said, “Alex, take Yasmin to your room with Asher and Eric. Nate, go to the children and reassure them things are fine. Paige, you’ll be with me and Thorn.”

  Paige nodded. She looked at Eric. “She’ll be okay.”

  “She will be. We can’t lose her.”

  “No, we can’t.”

  “I will do everything in my power to make sure your sister lives, my love,” Asher reassured, bending to kiss the top of Paige’s head. She tilted back, waiting. Asher pressed his lips against hers.

  “I know you will. I love you.” She was so free with showing her feelings, it was beautiful. The night I watched her dig her way free from the ground was when I knew she would be my mate. I’d cursed everything I could that I wasn’t allowed to show her my true form. I’d been spelled to stay as my hellhound for at least a year as punishment for disobeying my parents. Yet it had also been a blessing as I’d been by her side from the beginning, to teach her, get to know her, and love her deeply.

  “As I love you.”

  Not only could I feel her anguish, her guilt, her love, but I could see it in her tense body, her drawn brows, and in her eyes. I curled her in tighter against me and kissed her temple. Asher’s hand landed on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

  “Take care of our mate,” he said.

  “With my life,” I answered.

  “Always,” Thorn added.

  In a blink, Alex disappeared with Yasmin and Eric. The breeze picked up, and Asher swept away to meet them. Paige drew in a shuddering breath, even when she didn’t have to breathe. Nate, still in his wolf form, stood and licked Paige’s face.

  She nodded. “I know she’ll be fine. She’s in good hands.” Her lips thinned before she whispered again, “She’ll be fine.”

  Nate’s body contorted with the change. It was smooth and fast, but painful. Still, the man didn’t show that it affected him. His expression stayed neutral. Then he was kneeling beside Paige, pulling her into him.

  “You’re naked,” Paige muttered.

  Thorn and I snorted. Fear bombarded her, yet she still managed to care that someone would see her mate naked.

  Nate let out a huff. “No one is around. How about you stop panicking and worrying, which gets you nowhere, and go to the training area to kick Ezra and Thorn’s asses?”

  I winced. It was harsh, but Nate worked Paige in a way that got her annoyed or pissed enough to be distracted. It was what she needed.

  “You’re a dick,” she mumbled with a sniff.


  “At least you’re my dick.”

  He kissed her neck. “That I am.”

  “Fight or fuck?” Nate asked her. My dick jerked behind my jeans.

  Her eyes narrowed on what was left of the witch. “Fight.”

  I stood and held out my hand. “Then we’ll battle.” It would be good for all of us. The witch had died too soon, too easily, and I needed to get rid of some of the burning adrenaline inside me. I bounced on the balls of my feet as Paige took my hand, and I pulled her up. Thorn got close while Nate also stood.

  “I’ll go to the kids,” Nate said. He leaned down, pressed his lips to Paige’s swiftly, then up to Thorn’s. He hesitated when his gaze met mine. I puckered my lips and made kissy faces at him. It was good to see Paige smile, even if it disappeared a second later and her eyes drifted off toward the castle.

  While I was distracted by Paige, Nate moved in front of me. With one hand he pinched my cheeks so my lips stayed puckered and kissed me hard and fast. My wide gaze caught his shining wolf one. “You’re the only one not claimed. That’ll change.”

  I mumbled through my squeezed cheeks until he released them. “Beast to beast, I’d like to see who wins.”

  His eyes flashed. His teeth lengthened and a snout appeared. “I’ll bend you to my will, hellhound,” he growled roughly, his wolf riding his voice.

  I rolled my eyes. He snapped his teeth in my face before he called forth the rest of his shift, his body twisting and snapping. Nate landed on all fours in his wolf form and strutted to Paige, pushing his head under her hand. Her eyes shot down to him, and she smiled softly, curling her fingers into his hair. Nate bumped his body into hers before
he took off on a run, straight back to the castle, not only to reassure the kids—Paige’s niece and nephew—but to be there for them.

  Thorn stepped up behind Paige, and just as his hands landed on her waist, a form appeared out of nowhere. It was lucky Thorn and I had fast reflexes, or Alex would have been dead. Thorn stopped short from throwing a dagger at him, and I pulled back on my punch at the last second.

  “What’s wrong?” Paige demanded, fear evident in her high-pitched tone. She grabbed for Alex, taking his arm. “Shouldn’t you be with Yasmin?”

  “My powers still hold her suspended.” He reassured her and looked at us. “I’m taking Paige to my room, both of you meet us there,” Alex stated. He curled his free arm around Paige’s waist, and with a bright flash of white light, they disappeared.

  Thorn and I shared a look before racing toward Alex’s room.

  We arrived and turned a corner to find Paige in the face of a woman I’d never seen before. I chanced a glance at Thorn, and he said softly, “Sakura, vampire.”

  Guards stood behind the other woman and glared down at her, while Asher and Alex stood at Paige’s back. Eric must have been in the bedroom with his wife.

  “Please, please, majesty, allow me to be the one,” the woman begged, her eyes down to the floor.

  “For the last time, I don’t know you, and you expect me to trust you? I’ve never seen you around. How can I trust you have good intentions?”

  “What are you asking of our queen, Sakura?” Thorn questioned.

  Only it was Asher who spoke. “She wants to be the one to change Yasmin. I heard her approaching and warned Alex. We both came out here before she could barge in. The guards showed soon after she arrived.”

  “Why do you want this?” I questioned harshly, wanting an answer she’d yet to give Paige. Yasmin was family as far as I was concerned. We had to be cautious of everyone who tried to be a part of our close-knit connection. I didn’t know this vampire, and it seemed neither did Asher or Alex. I glanced at Thorn.

  He caught my gaze and said to all, “Sakura is a part of our elite force. She has been one who guards your sister and her family on and off.” Thorn looked to Alex’s bedroom. “Is Eric able to hear?”

  Alex shook his head. “No, the room is soundproof.”

  “We can’t leave my sister suspended much longer without risk.” Paige then mumbled to herself, “There’s always risk.” She lifted her eyes to Asher. “We need to finish this. Can you please—”

  “No, he can’t. You don’t understand the connection,” Sakura cried, then snapped her lips together. She went to grab Paige. I snatched her suspended hand and spun her, so I had her back to my chest and locked my arms around her tightly.

  “Never touch the queen,” I snarled.

  Sakura shook in my arms. She stank of fear and determination. “Please, please, let me speak.”

  Paige’s brows dipped as she glared down at my hands. “Ezra.” I dropped my arms but stayed where I was. Paige nodded and then said to the vampire, “I know I don’t know the connection between a fledgling and their master, but Asher does, and he hasn’t advised against it. I trust him and his knowledge that it wouldn’t be bad by siring my sister.”

  Sakura shook her head. “Your bonded male would make an excellent sire; I have no doubt. I know their connection would never come between a bonded pair or group. Bonds are stronger than anything, even a master’s hold,” she said softly, then dipped her head, eyes back to the floor. “However, Yasmin and I have grown… close. I believe she would prefer if it was I who changed her.”

  Paige’s eyes grew wide. “Close? Ah… as in… you mean you’re a friend of my sister’s?”


  “Oh, right,” Paige said, laughing a little. I could sense from her how she’d jumped to another conclusion and then thought she’d been silly for it.

  “And something else,” Sakura confessed even quieter.

  “Leave us,” Asher ordered roughly. The guards filed down the hallway.

  Paige’s anger twisted through me; she had her hands fisted at her sides. “Do you mean you’ve come between Yasmin and Eric?” I now understood her anger. When I’d first been with Paige and stuck in my hellhound form, she often spoke about how special Yasmin and Eric’s relationship was. She would hate anything or anyone that had come between her sister’s marriage. Our Paige wished many times to have had a connection like theirs with a man.

  Now she had it with us all. It honored me to be a part of it, to have her love and be free to give it back.

  “No,” Sakura said quickly. “It… no, it wasn’t like that. It… I do not wish to explain when you should hear this from someone in your family.”

  Paige turned her head to capture Alex’s gaze. “Get Eric out here.” She then stared back at Sakura, who still looked to the floor as Alex disappeared into the room.

  Paige’s anger still simmered. I moved from behind Sakura, knowing Thorn would grab her if she tried anything—though I couldn’t imagine her attacking—and moved to Paige’s back. I ran my hands from her shoulders, down her back, and stopped at her waist. She leaned into me, sighing, letting the anger lessen enough that it didn’t cloud her mind.

  My body hummed in contentment and amazement every time I touched her and she accepted it without a thought. I was really hers, connected for eternity. It made me fucking ecstatic, like a child learning something new and thrilling for the first time.

  The door opened to Eric demanding, “What’s going on? Why are we not helping my wife?” He saw Sakura. His eyes widened in surprise then welled. “Sakura,” he whispered.

  The vampire sniffed and dashed for Eric; their arms wrapped around each other in a tight embrace. In a second, I had Paige turned away from them as she screamed and tried to move in my arms to get to them.

  “You cheating, motherfucking, stinking asshole. I will kill you. Kill you, bring you back, and kill you again,” she roared.

  “Paige,” Eric yelled as he pushed Sakura behind him. Over my shoulder, I caught him stepping closer to Paige until Alex grabbed him by the shoulder, shaking his head.

  Eric sighed. “Paige, I would never cheat on my wife, on your sister. She’s the love of my life. You know this.”

  “Take a moment, mi corazón,” I whispered into her ear, then kissed her neck. “Let’s listen to them, and then if we don’t like it, I’ll help to gut him like a pig.”

  She drew in an unnecessary breath, shook out her hands, and then straightened. When she nodded, I dropped my hands and moved to her side as she turned to face Eric.

  “Explain,” she ordered.

  He swiped a hand over his face. “Okay, all right. It’s not what you think. Well, it is—” Paige made a grab for him. Asher and I held her back when Eric yelled, “But, there’s a but….” Paige settled. “Jesus, you should know to trust me, Paige.”

  “I’ll trust you when I know why you were hanging off a woman I don’t even know like she is… is… something to you.”

  “To us. To me and your sister. She’s something to us.”

  Paige’s head jerked back. She shrugged off our hold and threw a hand out. “Explain that.”

  Eric threw his own hands up in the air. “Explain you, explain this place, the people, the connection you have with five men. I don’t know how anything works, but since spending time with Sakura, Yasmin and I have both… I don’t know, grown to like her… a lot.”

  “You and Yasmin?”

  “Yes! I wouldn’t cheat on my wife.”


  She nodded and lifted her head, her eyes meeting Paige’s. “I believe they are my bonded.”

  Eric’s head whipped around. “Wait, what?”

  “Say what?” Paige said.

  Eric stepped up to Sakura and took her hands. Paige grumbled behind her thinned lips. Eric ignored her. “Do you mean like Paige has with her men?”

  “Yes,” Sakura said softly, glancing away from Eric. “I didn’t want to say an
ything. Your marriage is important to me. I care for you both enough to let this go since the bond hasn’t been completed.” She blushed. How was this woman a guard?

  “She has only light duties with other members of the force,” Thorn explained as if reading my thoughts. I nodded. Knowing Thorn, he would have employed Sakura if she had asked or if her family had pushed her into the duty. The ghoul was hard when he had to be, but soft under it all.

  “She wants to be the one to change Yasmin,” Paige said.

  “You do?” Eric asked.

  “Yes, but… even if either of you do not want me as a bonded, then I would still like a chance to sire Yasmin, so then when I do leave, I will know within myself that she is well or in need of help.”

  “You would do that for them? Leave if they don’t want you?” Thorn asked.

  She didn’t look away from Eric’s gaze. “I would do anything for both of them.”

  We all heard Eric swallow thickly. Paige didn’t look away from Eric’s thumb caressing Sakura’s hand.

  “Yasmin would want you to sire her,” he told her.

  “Eric,” Paige warned.

  He faced Paige. “She would.” It was his turn to blush. “You, ah, look, this is awkward as hell, but we’ve been spending time with Sakura. We know there’s something we feel about her that we can’t and won’t deny. There’s a connection. We haven’t said anything because it’s still new.”

  Paige studied him—his firm posture, his determined eyes. Still she asked, “Are you sure Yasmin would want this?”

  “Yes.” His voice held strong. “Sakura should sire Yasmin.”

  I could feel the war within her. She wasn’t sure what to believe since she knew nothing about Sakura. Shock and fear, as well as sadness, rolled around inside her. Thorn and I both reached out to her at the same time. We brought her back against us, and just our touch seemed to help.

  “Okay,” Paige said quietly. “Save my sister, please.”

  Sakura’s bottom lip trembled, and she bowed her head. “It would be my honor, my queen.”

  Alex opened the door to the bedroom again. Eric quickly hugged Paige, plus Thorn and me since we were so close. “Thank you.” He kissed her cheek, and I growled out a warning. Eric smiled and then went to Sakura, curling his arm around her waist and leading her into the room.


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