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A Final Paige (Hidden Kingdom Trilogy Book 3)

Page 20

by L. Rose

  “A pleasure, Cynthia. However, if you disrespect my queen, my bonded mate, as you did once more, it won’t be a pleasure next time.”

  She made a noise in the back of her throat. “I didn’t think you would want to bond to something so—”

  “Watch what you say here, Cynthia,” Asher snarled. “Why are you acting as such? I spoke highly of you, and this is how you pick to show yourself to my clan?”

  She laughed without humor. “Your clan. Of mixed race?”

  “My clan. My family, my pack, my everything. I never knew you to be prejudiced, Cynthia. What’s going on with you?”

  “Something’s happening. The guards are moving,” Nate said into the link. He pulled me close and then gently pushed me toward Alex, who slid an arm around my waist.

  A rattle startled me. I glanced back and saw the gates were closing.

  “Kiered just told me Xi is concerned also.” Cedrick added into our minds.

  For some reason, I wanted people on the other side of that gate before it closed us all in fully.

  “Cedrick, can Kiered take Xi to the other side of the gate?”

  “Yes, but why?”

  “I don’t know. I just feel like we need to.”

  “That’s all I need to know.”

  “No,” we heard Xi clip.

  I shifted my gaze to them standing near the rear vehicle. Xi started toward me but Kiered grabbed his wrist and they disappeared for a second to reappear outside of the property, just as the gates finished shutting.

  “I am sorry, Asher.”

  “Cynthia, what have you done?” Asher’s gaze moved all around the area. Into the link he ordered, “Gather around Paige, now!”

  My men quickly surrounded me. Thorn held his swords out and up, ready. Nate half shifted while Alex called his powers forward, only to groan and clutch his head. He swayed and I reached out for him, crying his name as terror seized my heart and cooled my body. My hands shook as I ran them over him, searching for a wound but finding nothing. Dread twisted my insides painfully.

  Ezra helped me steady him. “Alex, what is it?” he questioned with panic in his voice. Our others surrounded Ezra and me with Alex. Each trying to pay attention to what was around them and off what would be concerning them the most. Alex.

  “Tell me what’s happening?” Asher demanded into our minds as he stopped next to us and threw Cynthia to the ground. She rolled over and stared up at me with a tired look.

  “What’s wrong with Alex?” Nate’s panicked tone rolled through everyone.

  “Alex? Dammit, Alex, answer us,” Thorn called.

  “I have Kiered seeking help. We need to find out why Alex is as he is,” Cedrick said.

  “Alex, please, tell us what’s wrong,” I begged aloud, cupping his cheeks under his hands and holding his head.

  Alex’s weight took Ezra and me to our knees with him. His pain-filled gaze met mine. “Father” was all he said before crying out and gripping his head once more.

  “What does he mean?” I yelled at Ezra.

  “I don’t know. I don’t fucking know.” I had never seen the pure fear in Ezra’s features before, and I knew my own would show the same. Wide eyes, pinched brow, lips shaped in a frown or thinned.

  “He means me” came a voice. Nate and Thorn parted enough for me to see a man standing on the top of the stairs near the front doors.

  “What is this?” Asher snarled. He picked Cynthia up by the throat and threw her so she sailed up the stairs to land next to the man.

  The man, who I presumed was Alex’s father, glanced down at Cynthia in distaste before smirking back at us.

  Alex moaned. He lifted his head and sucked in a shuddering breath. He licked his dry lips and whispered, “Help me up.” Ezra and I did, only we didn’t dare release him to stand on his own since his body shook like it had just run a marathon. “I should have known you would be a part of this.”

  “You were always the slow one in the family.”

  “What did you do to him?” I demanded, glaring up at the short, stout man in front of us. Alex looked nothing like his father, and I could never see my Alex having that sneer of hatred on his face. How did my Alex turn out so pure, so sweet when he had a father as such? One willing to hurt his child for the council’s sake.

  “And you must be the pathetic ghoul queen.” He looked me over, causing Ezra, Nate, and even Asher to growl under their breath. “I’d heard my son had taken up with you. Tell me something, bitch, how are you better than the one he’d been intended to? One with pure magic running through her veins? One made from a fine magical family?”

  “Simple, my pussy is made of magic.”

  A startled laugh dropped from Alex and Ezra. Nate, of course, snorted, while my other men smiled.

  The douche’s face turned a dark shade of red. “You disgusting piece of rubbish.”

  “Watch what you say,” Alex warned, his tone harsh and deadly.

  “His name, Alex?” Thorn asked.

  “Anthony Smith.”

  Anthony’s gaze locked onto Alex. “You dishonor our family for this?” He waved a hand my way.

  “Yes. I would do it over and over again because I never understood how I could have been born into such a cold, uncaring family. Paige has shown me love, as any mate would.”

  “Mate?” he yelled. Spittle flew from his mouth. “Mate?”

  “Yes, mate.”

  “Tell me it hasn’t been completed,” he ordered.

  Alex straightened even more, seeming to gain energy back. “It has.” Alex smiled. “I am also mated to Nate. He and his wolf chose me to be one of his.”

  Anthony paled just before he spit to the side. “You’ll never be accepted back into the family. You are dead to us.”

  Alex laughed, but cut it off with a snarky smile. “I have my family. I do not need any of you.”

  “Alex, what did he do to you before?” I asked through the link, needing to know so I could prepare if it happened again.

  “Since I am of his blood, he used it against me and blasted my mind with a magical stunning spell. Families are able to cross through our barriers easier than any other.”

  “Can he do it again?” Asher asked.

  “He’s already trying. I’m managing to block him now that I’m prepared for it.”

  “I shall help, Alex. My mind skills are above most,” Cedrick said. I reached back and squeezed his hand.

  Alex looked over his shoulder to Cedrick and smiled. Tension eased from his face and body, so I knew Cedrick already helped him block his father out, no matter the family connection they had for each other. Like Alex said, we were his family now, and I would make sure none of Alex’s former family wanted anything from Alex again.

  Obviously, they never deserved him in their lives.

  “You can’t protect your mind from me forever, Alex,” Anthony warned.

  “I can, Father, because I have help from people who actually care about my well-being.”

  Anthony scoffed. “Is this about your cousin? Your tantrum took you into their arms because you couldn’t handle a little heat?”

  Alex’s magic resurfaced; his eyes glowed brighter than they ever had. He took a step forward. Ezra’s and my hands fell away from him. “A little heat? You allowed my cousin to test his spells on me while I was magically bound.”

  Anthony waved a hand around. “He had promise. We had to test his skills.”

  “If any of it killed me, would you have cared?”

  “We would have missed your powers.” He licked his lips as if he could imagine tasting something delicious.

  It dawned on me then. “You’d offered him up to the council.”

  Anthony’s gaze slid to me. “I didn’t have to offer. The boy wanted to work for them to get away from us.”

  I couldn’t say I blamed Alex. I would have as well if my family were mental cases.

  “The council wanted to see if his powers would increase under them.”

So they had more to drain from him, you mean,” Nate growled.

  Anthony smiled. “Yes.”

  “Did they promise you his powers?” Cedrick asked.

  He smiled, and it wasn’t pleasant. “No, they were going to the magical members on the council.”

  “Then what were you getting from knowing about it and keeping your mouth shut?” Thorn questioned.

  “Money and status.”

  “Jesus fuck, does everyone care about money and status?” I demanded loudly, frustration taking over my mouth for a moment.

  “Unfortunately, most do, love,” Asher answered.

  Cynthia scoffed. “All you cared about was money and status back in the day. You act like you don’t now, but look at you, a mate to a queen. My, you have grown.”

  “I learned money and status wasn’t everything the moment I met Paige. In the short span of our time, she has shown me there is so much more to life. As have the men in my clan. Even if Paige hadn’t been fated to be queen, I would still be with her no matter if we lived on the street because she opened my eyes to a love so consuming it’s everything.”

  A pained expression washed over Cynthia’s face, and her eyes darkened.

  “She loves you.”

  Asher’s gaze was full of surprise when it swung to me. “No.”

  I nodded and offered him a small, sad smile. “I’m sorry,” I gave her. It was her turn to look at me in shock.

  “What are you talking about?” I felt “fool” was left off the end of her sentence.

  “Paige,” Asher called.

  I shook my head and stepped up beside Alex. “Asher spoke highly of you. I didn’t like it, of course, because I’m a possessive woman, but he thought of you as a close friend. I’m sorry he didn’t love you as you do him. I’m sorry your feelings are crushed as he stands with me. I’m sorry for your pain as you look at him, knowing you have lost him. I would never want that for another person. Especially not someone who cares for one of my mates as much as you do.” I paused, letting my words sink in and watching as a few tears overflowed from her eyes. “But I can’t say I’m sorry for meeting him, because my life wouldn’t be the same without him in it. He helps me in so many ways. I love him with every breath, with every heartbeat, with every look, touch, and taste.” I glanced to Anthony. “I love all my mates the same and will do anything in my power to make sure their future, our future, is one filled with harmony.” I glanced back to Cynthia to find her looking at Asher longingly.

  “I thought we would eventually be together. I was giving you time to love me as I love you. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that. I should have told you how I felt many, many years ago because then we would have been together, and you wouldn’t have found her. But I listened to your dreams of being something by working for the elite enforcers. You wanted to do good for the people. I respected you for it. I understood why, and then I let you walk out without saying anything. Since then, I thought you would see what I could have been for you. I kept waiting. I shouldn’t have, and I should have stopped you from walking away from me. I should have held on to you and never let go.” She looked to me and studied me for a couple of beats before looking back to Asher. “Now it’s too late.” She closed her eyes for a moment from whatever she saw on Asher. When she opened them, more tears dropped. She took a large gulp of air and then composed herself. “I wasn’t the only sister who fell though.”

  “Shut up,” Anthony yelled. He went to grab her, but she easily sidestepped him.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “My sister hunts you all, not only for your powers and life source, but because she also loves a man who can never be hers.”

  “Shut your fucking mouth, vampire,” Anthony bit out.

  “Who?” Nate clipped.

  “Jessica. Sister by blood, but not sire.” She laughed without humor. “I asked her to take care of you since she just started out on the council when you arrived there.”

  “Jessica is your sister?” Asher asked.


  “But you’re nothing alike,” Alex said.

  “We had different mothers.” She dodged Anthony’s hand again. “There’s something you should know—” She cried out as blood bloomed on her chest.

  “Father, no!” Alex screamed. “He’s shredding her heart.”

  Only it was too late. Whatever spell Anthony used had already taken hold, and he smiled gleefully as blood soaked more and more of her gown. I watched as Cynthia met Asher’s gaze one last time and she mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

  “Forgiven,” Asher called solemnly, just as she dropped to the ground. Completely dead.

  The area around us was silent for a moment, and then chaos reigned down upon us all. The vampire sentries appeared from nowhere, flashing into existence after their master was killed. They went for Anthony but were bounced off an invisible wall. Still, they kept trying and trying.

  More mages appeared behind Anthony. Alex cursed. “My family have come to help him.”

  I chanced a glance away from the battle to Asher. He stared down at Cynthia’s body. My heart ached for him. I pushed the thought away of Asher regretting his chosen path when he could have had one with Cynthia and concentrated for a moment on more so wanting to wrap him up in my arms and tell him he would be okay, but we didn’t have time. “Cedrick, why can’t Kiered and Xi get back in?”

  “There’s something blocking them. It’s as if the house and grounds are wrapped in a protective bubble,” he replied.

  Alex added, “It will be linked only to those under Anthony’s coven. I was cut from being a member a long time ago.”

  “Shit.” I’d seen that before when I’d first met Alex and the others, and I’d walked right through Alex’s…. I had walked right through their protective bubble.

  Could I walk people back with me?

  We would have to join the fight soon, and we may need all the help we could get. I sent the plan to my men.

  “I’ll go and try to counter their spell to get the others through,” Alex said into our minds. I grabbed him and kissed him quickly.

  “Stay safe and remember you are stronger than any of them. You’re amazing, Alex Smith.” He nodded with a smile, and a light blush coated his cheeks. There was my mate. I looked to the others around me. “Ezra, Thorn, and Cedrick, please help him. Cedrick, find out if you can trick them with an illusion. Ezra, see if you can frighten them. Nate, you’re with me.” I took Nate’s hand in mine and turned toward the gates.

  “You also need to stay safe, sweetheart,” Thorn called.

  “I will,” I said back through the mind link.

  “What will you have of me?” Asher asked. His voice sounded low and full of hurt.

  “Place Cynthia’s body somewhere safe. She’ll need a proper farewell after all this.”

  I stumbled when Asher blasted me with his love. I let mine wash over him more slowly as Nate straightened me and we finished the mad dash toward where Xi looked like he was about to have a heart attack as he banged on the invisible wall right in front of the outside of the entrance.

  The gaps in the gates were wide enough for a small woman, like me, to slip through. But then how would I get them back over to this side? That was if I could get them back through. Then there was also the risk, if I did go out there and couldn’t get Xi back through, he would probably keep me out there for safety.

  Stopping at the gate, I said, “If I can get through and drag you back through the magic shield, are you able to break the gate wide enough for you both?”

  “Yes,” Xi hissed, his eyes pure black. Oh, he was angry and wanted to hurt people. Kiered stood back waiting, rolling his eyes at his mate. He was calm and collected; really they were perfect for one another.

  “Promise me you won’t keep me out there even if I can’t get you through?”

  He snarled at me, his upper lip tipped as he kept growling. Nate got closer and growled in his own way, which had Xi stopping and nodding. I wish I co
uld speak beast; I was sure they just had a conversation.

  “All right.” I nodded. When I started to move closer, hands gripped my waist and I was suddenly turned in large, extra-hairy arms. Nate looked down at me in his half form. Concern bled in his eyes. Reaching up, I cupped his cheek. “I’ll be fine. You just keep an eye out, okay?”

  He nodded, stuck his nose into my neck, and drew in my scent. “I’ll be a bigger dick if you get hurt from doing this.”

  Laughter bubbled out of me. I kissed his cheek and stepped back. “Then I better make sure not one hair on my head gets damaged.”

  He grunted.

  Turning back around, I moved closer to the gates. Slowly, I put my hands up and pressed them forward, expecting to feel something stop me before I touched the metal on the gates, but there was nothing there. I pushed a hand past the poles on the gates and found that same tingle I got when I walked through Alex’s shield. Quickly, I turned my body enough to slip through the tight gap between two poles. My whole body hummed from the shield.

  As soon as I was through, Xi grabbed me and pulled me all the way out. Nate snarled at his roughness, but I ignored it because I knew he was worried. I was his mission. If he kept me alive, the others would do anything to stay alive, and that included Lucifer’s son.

  Xi’s hands trailed over my body, searching for any injuries and causing Nate to growl threateningly at the man.

  “Do I need to leave the two of you alone?” Kiered sniffed.

  “Ew, no. He’s like a father figure to me with how protective he is.”

  I regretted saying anything because Xi suddenly stood and his chest puffed out. His eyes, even though they were still black, seemed to soften as he took me in.

  Kiered groaned. “You’ve touched on his fatherly instincts.”

  It was my turn to groan. “Now I’ll never get rid of him.”

  Kiered moved, stepping in front of Xi. Xi’s gaze moved down to his mate, his lips starting to tip up right before Kiered kissed him. “You good now? Your girl is safe, your mate is safe, can you come back to me?”

  “Yes.” He nodded, though his eyes didn’t switch back. His beasts were close to the surface.


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