A Final Paige (Hidden Kingdom Trilogy Book 3)

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A Final Paige (Hidden Kingdom Trilogy Book 3) Page 22

by L. Rose

  Cedrick’s hands landed on my shoulders. “Relax, beautiful. From what I’ve seen so far, I love everything about your home. I look forward to living here once this is over.”

  “Really?” I asked, turning in his arms and smiling widely, as I—quite possibly looking crazy—peered up at him.

  He grinned back. “Really.”

  Tipping my head back, I puckered my lips. He chuckled and leaned down to claim my mouth. I curled my arms around his waist, but then slid them around his neck when he picked me up off the floor to deepen the kiss.

  The door behind us opened. “Aunty Paige” was screamed by a little monster. Cedrick quickly placed me on my feet in time for Sophie to crash into the back of my legs with a tight hug. She buried her head into my hip. “You’re back. I’ve missed you so, so, so much.” She pulled back to stare up at me, but then her gaze drifted to the side. “Whoa, you’re tall.”

  Cedrick laughed. “I am, and you must be Miss Sophie. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Cedrick.”

  “You were kissing my aunty. Does that mean you’re her mate as well?”

  “It does.”

  “Cool,” she drew out. “Can I call you Uncle Cedrick?”

  “I would love that.” He reached out to ruffle her hair, which had her smile brightening even more.

  “Do you change into anything like Uncles Nate and Ezra? Or are you really fast like Uncle Asher? Or maybe you’re like my aunty or Uncle Thorn?”

  “I’m different again, sweet one. I’m an elf.”

  She gasped and pushed me aside to get closer to Cedrick. Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms and waited to see what she was about to say. “Are you like an elf on the shelf? Are you magical like Uncle Alex?”

  I giggled but covered it with my hand. Cedrick looked confused as he looked up at me. “What is an elf on a shelf?”

  Shaking my head, I smiled. “I’ll explain later. Sophie, Cedrick isn’t like one of those, but he is a bit magical like Alex.”

  “That’s so awesome.”

  “Sophie, you’re supposed to wait by the door, not move out it,” Oliver, my nephew, said as he appeared in the doorway. “Aunty Paige.” He smiled and was about to step out to give me a hug when he saw Cedrick. “Who’re you?”

  “Prince Cedrick Nelydriel, from the fae land Airrile.” Cedrick bowed. “I have heard all about you, Oliver.”


  “Yes, your aunt talks about you a lot.”

  “He’s Aunty’s boyfriend like Asher, and Nate, and Ezra, and Alex, and Thorn.” Dear lord, did she have to list them all. “Isn’t that the bestest?” she cried, and grabbed Oliver’s arm waving it around. “He said I can call him Uncle and that he’s an elf, but not like an elf on the shelf,” Sophie informed her brother.

  Oliver nodded. “That’s cool.”

  Sophie smiled. “That’s what I said.” She sobered and then looked back up at Cedrick. “Wait, you said you’re a prince? Like a real-life prince? Do you have a crown?”

  “I am, and yes I do.”

  Sophie screamed, jumping up and down. It was then Leon and Jake, the bear shifters who helped guard my family, appeared with guns drawn. “What?” Leon yelled before he noticed Cedrick and me. “My queen, you’re back.” He bowed, as did Jake, both putting away their weapons.

  “Only for a little while, guys. It’s good to see you both.”

  “You as well, my queen.” Jake smiled and Leon nodded, also grinning. Then they both looked at Cedrick.

  “This is Cedrick Nelydriel, Prince of Airrile, my new bonded mate.”

  “Welcome, Prince Cedrick. I’m sure you’ll love it here as we do now. We have such an amazing queen,” Leon said with a bow, and I blushed right away.

  “I’m sure I will. She is wonderful.”

  “Can we go now?” Oliver asked.

  “Of course we can.” Jake tapped Oliver on the arm with his fist. “This little guy is keen to watch the guards fight, and Miss Muppet would like to wander the stalls. She heard there may be cotton candy.”

  My brows dipped. “The guards are fighting?”

  “In competition, yes.” Leon nodded.

  “What for?”

  “To be on the force to protect the queen and her wonderful family.”

  My body jolted in shock. “People want to beat each other up so they can work for me?”

  Jake laughed, and Leon grinned, showing all his teeth before saying, “Of course, it’s an honor. But don’t worry, it’s not fighting to the death, else we wouldn’t be allowed to take the children to see. Yasmin said so.” He glanced down at the children. “We must be on our way. Our best wishes for the times ahead, my queen.”

  “Thank you, Leon and Jake. Kids, give me big hugs.” I opened my arms, and they walked right into them. I wrapped them tightly and kissed the tops of their heads. “Be good, and remember, who loves you the most?”

  “Ezra,” Sophie shouted.

  “Nate.” Oliver grinned.

  “No!” I cried. “I’m going to have to talk to those two. Now, who is it?”

  “You,” they said at the same time.

  “That’s right. Have fun.”

  Sophie turned to Cedrick. “Can I give you a hug?”

  “I would love one.” He bent so she could wrap her arms around his neck. She let out a squeal when he picked her up.

  “It really is high up here,” she commented when he straightened. Laughter rang around us all.

  Leon clapped his hands and held them out for Sophie. “Come, missy, let’s get you hyped up on candy so we can hand you back to your parents.”

  “Yay,” she cheered.

  They started off down the hall, but before they were out of earshot, Leon said, “Children, you know we both adore you, but we have to talk about the rules again. What’s number five?”

  They groaned, but recited, “Don’t open the door to anyone. Only an adult can open the door.”

  “Yes, so what happened?”

  “I’m sorry,” Sophie said. “I heard Aunty’s voice and got excited.”

  “That’s okay. We all make mistakes. Just please try and remember it from now on.”

  “We will.” Oliver nodded.

  Cedrick’s hand touched my waist. “They are good men.”

  Smiling, I leaned into him and nodded. “They are.”

  “You are a wonderful queen, Paige. I can see it in your people and how much they love you.”

  I shrugged. “They hardly know me.”

  “Yet, they look at you as if you’ve saved them. I know with time, when they do know all there is to know, they will adore you more.” He turned me toward him and looked down at me. “I’m happy to be by your side, with the other men, while it happens.”

  Reaching up, I traced the backs of my fingers over his smooth, pale skin on his cheek. “I’m so glad you’ve come into our lives.”

  “As am I.” He pressed his lips against mine.

  “All right, you two, keep it behind closed doors. Unless I can join in,” Ezra teased as he and Alex walked up to us. Alex and Ezra popped back with us for the few hours, while Nate, Asher, and Thorn stayed back to go over things with Xi and the other guards.

  “Did you see Sophie and Oliver? We just did,” Alex said. I loved how my men all warmed to my niece and nephew as if they were their own.

  “That reminds me.” I looked to Ezra with a mock glare. “Are you telling them to say they love you the most when I ask them?”

  “I would never…. Okay, maybe.” He grinned cheekily.

  I playfully slapped him on the stomach. “Come on, let’s go and see Yasmin so we can get back to the others.” I didn’t like being away from them for long; it made my skin crawl with unease.

  Since the door was still wide open, we walked in. I wasn’t even sure if she, or even Eric, would be there or at Sakura’s. I chanced it anyway. I started for the kitchen when I heard voices coming from the bedroom area.

  “Hello?” I called.

  I was s
ure I heard someone answer, which was why I made my way to the bedrooms. It was why I opened their door without thinking and then screamed. I covered my face with both hands and chanted, “Oh my God, oh my God.”

  “What’s wrong?” Alex asked. I felt him move me aside and enter the room, only to yip and brush by me when he quickly exited.

  “Huh, I didn’t think about that move,” Ezra said.

  “Is now a good time to meet them?” the smart-ass Cedrick asked with humor in his tone.

  “Shut the door. Shut the door!” my sister yelled.

  Blindly, I reached out, grabbed the knob—not Eric’s that had been dangling—and pulled the door closed with a loud bang.

  Turning, I stalked back out into the living room and paced. “That was something I could have gone without seeing.” I groaned and placed a hand on my stomach. “I feel sick.”

  “You do realize other people have sex, right?” Ezra asked with a chuckle. “It’s not just you.”

  “Shut up,” I scolded.

  I stopped by Alex and rubbed his back since he was sitting on the couch with his head buried in his hands. “You could have told me they were… that all three of them… that they were….”

  “Fucking, doing the tango, bumping uglies—”

  “Ezra,” I warned.

  Ezra threw his hands up. “Our poor boy can’t even say it. I was just helping him along.” If only he would wipe that smirk off his face, then I may have believed him. Then again, I probably wouldn’t.

  “Paige, it will be fine. Don’t worry,” Cedrick tried.

  “Fine? You saw more of my sister than I would want you to. As well as Eric and Sakura.” I scrubbed a hand over my face.

  I froze when I heard the door being opened and then footfalls coming our way. Was it too late to make a run for it? Save me and my mates from this embarrassing moment?

  My sister came around the corner with a bathrobe on. Her hands went to her hips as she glared at me. I scowled right back.

  “Don’t you know about knocking?”

  “I called out. I thought I heard a reply, so I came to see. Maybe you shouldn’t be doing that during the day.”

  Ezra choked on a laugh, but when I shot him a deadly look, he stopped. I lasered Cedrick with one as well since he was smiling like a maniac.

  “Like you can talk. If you’re not doing your queenly duties, you’re doing your men all the damn time.”

  “So what? I’m allowed to.”

  “And I’m not?” she yelled.

  “Ladies, I think we all need to calm down,” Eric said as he turned the corner into the living room wearing only jeans. Sakura followed him, but at least she was dressed properly in pants and a shirt.

  “Calm down?” I demanded.

  “Paige,” Cedrick murmured into my ear as he stepped close and put his hands on my hips. “It was an accident. Let’s forget about it and move on, beautiful. I would like to meet your family.”

  “Oh my,” Yasmin breathed. “Is he yours?”

  I grinned over at my sister. “He is.”

  “Yasmin,” Sakura clipped. As soon as my sister looked to Sakura under Eric’s arm, she warmed, her eyes softened, and her body relaxed while she took in the couple she loved. It was wonderful to see. Sakura smiled shyly, her cheeks heating. “That’s better.”

  Alex suddenly stood and blurted, “I’m sorry for seeing parts of your body I shouldn’t have.”

  Everyone looked at his burning cheeks and laughed.

  “Alex,” I called and held my hand out. He walked right to me, placing his hand on mine. I tugged him close and kissed his cheek. “You’re the best.”

  “For now,” Ezra added with a wink.

  “Yasmin,” I called after she’d walked to Eric’s other side and curled into him, taking Sakura’s hand and resting it against Eric’s stomach. “Eric and Sakura, I would like you to meet my mate Cedrick Nelydriel, fae prince to the land of Airrile.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet all of Paige’s family.”

  “Um, sorry about what you saw, but, ah, welcome to the family,” Yasmin offered.

  Cedrick chuckled. “Thank you.”

  An hour had gone by quickly as we sat around and caught up on things. I now knew Yasmin had controlled her hunger in such a short amount of time. Though, I thought it had to do with her wanting to get back to her children. The people treated my family with kindness, and Yasmin even admitted they made her feel like a pop star. Lenora, Michael’s wife, had stopped by to spend time with Yasmin, which was good to hear. I knew they would get along.

  “How are things with the guards, Sakura?”

  She opened her mouth to reply, but the door opened abruptly, and Alma entered. Actually, it was Virginia in her twin sister’s form. I could tell when she cried, “My son.” She rushed over to Ezra, raining him with lots of kisses.

  “Fucking hell,” Ezra complained, but I could see the soft smile he had.

  “It’s so good to see you.” She beamed, cupping his face in her hands.

  “Mom, it looks weird you being in Alma’s form and so vibrant. Can you change back?” Ezra asked, pulling her hands away from his face.

  “Of course.” Her body shimmered, and then there stood Virginia, a woman who looked too young to have a son Ezra’s age. She faced me and smiled. “I thought it good to present myself as Alma in front of your people. I didn’t think they would like to deal with me as Lucifer’s woman.”

  She would be correct.

  “Good thinking, Virginia.”

  She wiggled her fingers at me. “Come, come, let me take a look at my daughter-in-law.” I moved over to her with a smile. She was crazy—in a charming way. She gripped my wrists and studied me. “Hmm.” She nodded to herself. “Very nice.”

  “What are you talking about?” Ezra asked.

  She ignored her son and turned to Cedrick. “You must be the new mate. You are a mighty fine fae.” She curled her arm around my waist and nudged my hip with hers. “You must be pleased.”

  “I am.”

  “I can see why. Would you spin for me? I do like a nice ass.”

  “Mom!” Ezra yelled. “If Dad heard you say that….” He shook his head.

  She scoffed. “He knows I like to look, but I would never touch when I have such an outstanding man in my bed.”

  Ezra groaned. “I don’t need to know anything about your bed.”

  Virginia laughed. She hugged me tighter to her side, and then her face went blank.

  “Give her a moment,” Ezra said with a roll of his eyes.

  Virginia sucked in a deep breath and blinked rapidly. She turned me, put her hands on my shoulders, and smiled brightly. The only thing that concerned me were the tears in her eyes. “Oh my hell. This is—” She coughed on what she was about to say. Though she didn’t seem too concerned about what she saw in her vision. Did I dare believe it was good news?

  “This is what?” I asked. She opened her mouth and choked on her words. I thinned my lips, wishing she could say something more. “I hate that you can’t say anything.”

  She nodded but wouldn’t stop smiling. She then raced toward Cedrick and hugged him tightly. The shock on his face brought a grin to my lips. She pushed him back, patted his arm, and then moved to Alex for a hug. Alex let out a sound when she squished him to her. Finally, she was back to her son and hugging him.

  “I must run and tell Lucifer.”

  “Is it about the council? Our meeting?” Alex asked.

  Virginia opened her mouth, made a sound, and closed it. Her brows pinched in agitation. So it could be about the council.

  “What is any of this about?” Cedrick questioned.

  “Cedrick, I’d like you to meet my mother, Virginia Morningstar. Seer.”

  Cedrick’s eyes widened. “You see the future?”

  “Yes, it can be a blessing and a curse.”

  “I believe it would be.”

  Yasmin cleared her throat; to be honest, I’d forgotten they were in the r
oom. “Can you at least hint at something?” Worry tightened her voice. She glanced to me and then back to Virginia, who shrugged.

  “You know what?” I started. “Let’s just not worry about it now. Besides, it doesn’t seem too bad if you’re smiling.”

  Virginia shrugged and then announced, “I must go, and you all should as well.”

  “Why?” I questioned, fear taking hold inside of me. “Is it the others? Are they okay?”

  Virginia pointed at Alex. We all jumped when his phone rang. Slowly, he pulled it out of his pocket. “Nate? Right, yes. We’re coming back now.” He hung up. “They have news from the council. We’re needed back there.”

  I glanced to Virginia, but she was already gone.

  “I don’t like this,” I admitted.

  “Me either,” Yasmin whispered.

  If I could go back and hit myself for wanting to go home, I would because saying goodbye to my family was hard. Cedrick wrapped me in his arms, while Alex held Ezra close as we transported back into the motel room we’d left from. Alex also carried a container of food for Thorn and me. Apparently, Nate had ordered him to grab some before on the phone.

  I had a feeling it was so Thorn and I would be at our full strength, which was possible after feeding.

  My stomach was in a nervous flutter of knots though. I wasn’t even sure I could eat. At least not until I knew what was going on.

  Dizziness swept through me when we reappeared. Asher, Thorn, and Nate stared at us from across a table. I stepped from Cedrick’s hold, as did Ezra from Alex’s, and we looked back, waiting for them to tell us what was happening.

  “The council have contacted us.”

  “How?” Alex asked.

  “Somehow they knew where we were. A bellhop dropped it off.”

  Lifting my arms, I ran my hands through my hair from the stress taking shape in my mind. “I don’t like it. They know where we are. They knew we were going to Cedrick’s. The only place they didn’t show was when we saw the shifters.”

  “As it’s been said, we believe they’re doing what they suspect we would do. They’ve realized we aren’t stupid and want people at our back if it comes to war.”

  “It’ll come to war,” Nate grumbled.


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