Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust)

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Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust) Page 9

by Carpenter, Maggie

  ‘Pluh-please sir,’ she gasped, stunned at the suddenness of her bodily response, ‘m-may I?’

  ‘No, you may not, and don’t ask again,’ he grunted savagely in time with his thrusts. ‘You will wait until I say you can.’

  ‘Y-yes, sir…’ she sighed into the moving mattress.

  He could feel her tight channel gripping him deliciously and he knew she desperately wanted to climax, but the little minx would just have to wait.

  He continued to fuck her, mixing the power of his thrusts. He’d move slowly, then plunge quickly, and when he sensed she couldn’t control her own hunger he remained completely still, teasingly squeezing her breasts or agitating her clit, until eventually the pleasure was too great to resist any longer and he was ready for his own release.

  ‘Would you like to come now, Elizabeth?’ he grunted into her ear.

  ‘Oh yes, please sir,’ she cried, then hastily added, ‘if it pleases you, sir.’

  ‘And you’re going to show more patience from now on, as befits a demure young lady?’

  ‘Yes, sir, I promise,’ she wailed.

  ‘Then you may come now, my dear,’ he permitted, and increased his thrusts, tightly holding her hips. He plunged into her and she buried her face in the mattress to muffle her screams of joy. As her spasms took hold her pussy pulsated, sending him over the edge too, and he let out his own cries of carnal passion, exploding inside her. As much as her restrains would allow she rocked back and forth with him until they both collapsed. He felt his deflating penis slip out, but lay on top of her exquisite softness for a moment, catching his breath.

  When a little more composed he rose from her warm body and untied her ankles and wrists, then laid down next to her, removed her blindfold and pulled the covers over them. She snuggled close, resting her head against his chest.

  ‘My sweet, naughty Elizabeth,’ he murmured.

  ‘Oh sir, I’m really very sorry for being so headstrong.’

  ‘I should hope so. How does your bottom feel?’

  She clenched her buttocks to judge fully how they did feel, and grimaced a little. ‘Sore, sir,’ she told him. ‘Very sore.’

  ‘Good. I hope it stays that way for a while.’

  She cuddled even closer, and then raised herself on one elbow and looked into his eyes. ‘Lord Michael?’ she ventured, and then continued, interpreting his silence as permission to do so ‘The spanking, and how you tied me up, and then, well…’ as her voice tailed off she looked delightfully coy and uncertain, and decidedly embarrassed.

  ‘Yes,’ he urged, ‘what of them, my dear?’

  ‘Well…’ she eventually continued, summoning her courage to talk of such brazen things, ‘I just never felt… I mean… I just feel so… my heart feels so full. Is it permissible for me to say and admit that?’ Her eyes were sparkling and her face was adorably flushed from her spent passions.

  He smiled and pulled her back into his embrace. ‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘of course it is permissible for you to admit that.’

  Chapter 9

  Elizabeth’s eyes fluttered open and she sensed it was early. Her sleepy gaze drifted around the room, and fell upon the discarded scarves lying over the chair by the fireplace. The memory of the night before sent a warm glow through her, as did the feel of the tender flesh of her bottom. Lord Michael stirred, and lying on his side, pulled her close, and as she snuggled back into his warmth his hands covered her breasts. What a delicious sensation, she thought, feeling his hardness pressing against her from behind. She eased her bottom back tighter against him, and closing her eyes she felt him slide into her. Not all the way, but just enough to tantalise her.

  She waited for him to press deeper, but he didn’t. Impatiently she wriggled a little, and his voice whispered in her ear, ‘Be still, my sweet Elizabeth. Don’t move.’

  She held her breath and waited. His penis was sitting right at her entrance, teasing her dreadfully. She hungered for him, for the feel of his powerful length sinking inside her.

  The minutes passed and his fingers began to toy with her nipples. He was driving her insane. She was desperate to move, or at least have him move, but he stayed perfectly still, resting there. Then he began to kiss and peck her neck, whispering husky endearments in her ear, her aching need increasingly becoming too much to bear and she instinctively ground back with her hips. He reacted quickly, pulling away, and holding her breasts firmly he said, ‘What are you doing, Elizabeth? I instructed you to stay still. Now for your petulance you’re going to have to wait even longer.’ His fingers were still toying with her nipples and she moaned in frustration and at the foolishness of her impetuous behaviour.

  ‘Yes sir,’ she mumbled, ‘it’s just that I… I want to feel you inside me again so much.’

  ‘And you would be doing so at this very moment, had you listened and obeyed. You always have to learn the hard way, don’t you?’

  She sighed. ‘Sometimes it’s just so difficult to be good, sir.’ His fingers were still teasing her nipples, and then suddenly he pinched them tightly, a strident pain shooting through her. ‘Ouch!’ she cried, and he released his excruciating grip.

  ‘I have to teach you about your beautiful breasts,’ he whispered, ‘and your naughty nipples.’

  She felt her juices flowing and squeezed her thighs together. She didn’t know quite what he meant, but the prospect of anything he had to teach her was hugely enticing.

  His fingertips circled her pink cherries, tingling from the unexpected pinch, and then his hands moved down, between her legs, his fingers teasing her clitoris. She pressed against him.

  ‘You’re not getting anything more, Elizabeth,’ he told her. ‘You will learn to control your urges, and if you do not learn you will end up experiencing much frustration.’

  She craved him, hoping against hope he would slide his fingers inside her, but instead he pulled back and began tracing his hand down her spine.

  ‘And there is another area you must learn about, Elizabeth,’ he went on, his voice monotone. ‘It is another level of your surrender. It will show me just how sincere you really are about submitting to me utterly.’

  ‘Oh, sir,’ she gasped, ‘please do not doubt my sincerity. I may be spoiled, and still somewhat obstinate, but I do so want to please you.’

  ‘Pleasing me and complete submission are two very different things, Elizabeth. There are levels of surrender that you may or may not wish to explore.’

  She didn’t know what he meant. All she knew was that she could not imagine her life without him. Their voices fell silent, the early morning quiet broken only by the faint sound of a distant cockerel welcoming the dawn.

  ‘I must away to my quarters,’ he murmured.

  ‘Oh,’ she said, aching for his touch. ‘I do so love waking up next to you, sir. I just wish…’

  ‘I know what you wish, but you will have to wait. And as usual you have only yourself to blame.’

  She sighed and rolled over to face him, giving him a quick cuddle before he left her bed. She watched him rise, partly dress, then quietly leave the room. Closing her eyes she tried to go back to sleep, but could not, the yearning need between her legs preventing any rest.

  She wondered if she could find relief herself, but knew it would not be the wisest course of action. He had made it clear that he was in charge of her, completely, and he certainly had not told her he could satisfy herself. Just the opposite, in fact. So reluctantly she discarded the notion, and lay back in the dawn light, pondering his words.

  By the time Grace appeared and opened the curtains Elizabeth was wide-awake. After days of confinement to her sickbed she was anxious to be up and about. She looked out of the windows and saw it wasn’t raining. For the first time in days the sun was peeking between the clouds.

  ‘Lord Michael thought you might be able to make it to town,’ Grace announced, running her bath. ‘He’s waiting for you in the dining room. I told him I’d make sure you were down smartly.’

Elizabeth beamed. How wonderful! At last a day out! Hurriedly she took to her bath and then brushed her hair and dressed as quickly as she could. She then darted downstairs, anxious to join him, and found him as Grace had said, waiting in the dining room.

  ‘Good morning, Elizabeth,’ he said.

  ‘Good morning, Lord Michael,’ she replied, adding a little curtsy.

  ‘Are you hungry?’

  ‘I am, sir, yes,’ she answered.

  They sat at the dining table, and he watched his young charge ravenously devour her breakfast, and then ask for more. She had certainly made a full recovery, and he had to admit she looked as lovely as ever.

  When they had finished their meal he ushered her into the sitting room, guiding her to the full bay windows.

  ‘Grace mentioned a trip to town,’ she said hopefully.

  ‘Yes,’ he confirmed. ‘I am a little concerned about the roads, but it’s not far and the road there was in excellent condition before the weather set in. I was just looking to see if the skies were threatening again, but I see the clouds breaking. I think we should give it a try. What do you think, my dear?’

  She wanted to scream that she simply had to get out or lose her mind, that she wanted to mount her horse and gallop for hours, but instead she primly replied, ‘If it pleases you, sir, I would love to go to town.’

  He knew she was bursting to get out of the house and it must have been difficult to contain her natural exuberance, so he smiled approvingly. ‘Good, then I shall have the carriage brought around.’

  By the time Elizabeth was ready Lord Michael and the carriage were waiting for her at the bottom of the expansive front steps. Seeing her at the balustrade he strode up, and taking her elbow, guided her back down and opened the door for her. Gracefully she climbed in and took her seat, and felt immensely proud as he sat next to her.

  The driver cracked his whip and the single horse moved off, and as they rode to town Lord Michael put a hand on her knee.

  ‘Do you remember what we talked about early this morning?’ he asked, ‘about the different levels of surrender?’

  ‘Yes, sir, I do,’ she answered, feeling a flutter of nerves in her tummy.

  ‘Did you understand what I meant?’

  She felt a little embarrassed, because she hadn’t – not completely. ‘I have to admit, sir, I didn’t quite, no.’

  ‘Ah, just as I thought,’ he mused. ‘Not to worry though; you will.’

  The promise secretly thrilled her, and she knew he was teasing, making sure her thoughts were exactly where he wanted them to be.

  The town was full of life. People were bustling about, doing their best to avoid large puddles that had formed over the days of incessant rain. They were dropped near the main area of shops, making arrangements to meet the driver in two hours’ time. If they needed the carriage before then, Elizabeth knew where the horse would be resting.

  Taking his arm Elizabeth fell into step with Lord Michael, and they walked slowly down the busy street, not going anywhere special, just enjoying each other’s company. As they passed an odd little shop Lord Michael stopped and looked in the window. It was full of bits and pieces; clocks, watches, ivory-backed brushes and combs; all manner of enchanting knick-knacks.

  ‘Let’s go in,’ he suggested, and led her through the door, a little bell tinkling, announcing their presence. It was quite dim inside, and there was a distinct aroma of something Elizabeth could not quite identify. It wasn’t unpleasant; in fact she quite liked it. They browsed quietly, eventually coming to a large glass case and they admired its myriad contents, Elizabeth spotting a charming silver case.

  ‘Look, Lord Michael,’ she said in hushed tones, as though they were in a library, ‘what do you think that is?’

  He peered down. It wasn’t very large, and had delicate, ornate engraving.

  ‘Can I help you?’ The proprietor was an elderly man, thin and balding, with small round spectacles.

  Lord Michael asked to see the case, and Elizabeth watched in fascination as the old man plucked it out and showed them how it worked.

  It had four tiny doors. The two small ones at the top opened to reveal a round ball, and when the two larger doors below were opened the ball turned, playing a tune. It was a dear little music box, the interior lined with dark red velvet.

  ‘Isn’t it sweet?’ she squealed excitedly. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like it.’

  ‘Yes, it is rather lovely,’ Lord Michael agreed. ‘Would you like to have it, my dear?’

  A warm blush suffused her throat and cheeks. Her father was always buying her gifts, and there was almost nothing she could not ask for, but the offer from Lord Michael made her positively dizzy with delight.

  ‘I – um – I don’t quite know what to say,’ she blustered.

  ‘Generally speaking, since falling ill you seem to have learned your lesson and been a good girl,’ he acknowledged. ‘And when you’re good you get rewarded.’

  She felt her face turn crimson, both from the remark in front of the shopkeeper, and the stirring memory of what happened when she was naughty.

  ‘So, would you like to have this little music box?’ he asked again.

  ‘I would be so proud to own it, sir,’ she replied, barely able to speak.

  ‘Excellent, then we shall take it, thank you,’ he said, addressing the bespectacled man behind the old counter, and taking his wallet from his jacket he pulled out some notes. Elizabeth was so taken aback she didn’t know what the merchandise cost, and didn’t care. Whether it had been a shilling or a pound it would always be priceless to her.

  The shopkeeper placed it carefully in a sturdy box, and handed it over to Lord Michael.

  Elizabeth felt flushed and happy, and as they left she suppressed the overwhelming temptation to rise up on her toes and kiss him on the cheek. Such unladylike behaviour would not be appropriate in public, and now, more than ever, she wanted to be a very good girl indeed.

  They walked around town for some time, Elizabeth stopping to greet those she knew, introducing them to her escort. After a while Lord Michael suggested a cup of tea, and Elizabeth was grateful to accept; her feet were becoming tired and a refreshing cup of hot tea would be rejuvenating.

  They entered the tearoom, the only one in town, and Lord Michael found them a table near the window. A large woman waited on them, and he ordered tea and scones. After she waddled off he put the gift box on the table.

  ‘Why don’t you examine it more closely?’ he offered.

  Eager to do so, Elizabeth opened the present and withdrew the beautiful silver music box. She opened the little doors and marvelled at the intricacy of the engraving.

  ‘It really is beautiful,’ she sighed. ‘Thank you so much, sir. It was very generous of you to buy it for me.’

  ‘Not at all, my dear, I’m glad you like it. No matter what happens you shall always have that as a memento of our special time together.’

  The words struck her. ‘What do you mean, whatever happens?’ she asked, panic rising from her stomach.

  ‘Elizabeth, you’ve come such a long way in such a short space of time,’ he said worryingly. ‘You’re a different young lady to the one you were just a few days ago, wouldn’t you agree?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she admitted, ‘I would agree.’

  ‘And that may be all you wish for, but I told you about the layers of surrender, Elizabeth.’

  ‘Yes, sir?’

  ‘Well, if you do not wish to completely submit to me, in all the ways I require, then our journey must reach its end soon.’

  She felt the colour drain from her face. What was he talking about? ‘D-don’t you care for me, sir?’ she asked timorously, truly shaken.

  ‘Of course I care for you, my dear,’ he reassured her. ‘But it’s not about how much I care for you, it is about how much you care for me.’

  ‘But I don’t understand,’ she stumbled, feeling a lump in her throat. ‘I care for you deeply, sir. I have
given you all of me.’

  ‘Not quite,’ he countered, his voice calm and even. ‘There is more for you to learn, and I don’t yet know whether or not you care to learn it.’

  Elizabeth took a long deep breath, trying to quell the panic inside her. Then, with as much conviction and sincerity as she could muster, and looking him directly in the eye, she said, ‘Lord Michael, please know that I want to learn absolutely everything you wish to teach me. Absolutely everything.’

  He raised an inquisitive eyebrow. ‘I do not doubt you feel that way now, but your certainty remains to be seen.’

  The waitress was suddenly upon them with their tea, and Lord Michael watched as Elizabeth raised the delicate china cup from its saucer to her lips with a trembling hand.

  ‘Don’t worry, Elizabeth,’ he said, attempting to reassure her. ‘All will fall into place, one way or another. Just remember, ultimately it’s up to you.’

  The words eased her mind somewhat, and she recalled he had given her a choice once before, the night he tied her to the curtain rod. She sensed something similar was in store for her soon, but what could she offer that would be more of a surrender than her maidenhead?

  Lord Michael artfully moved their conversation to matters light-hearted, and she began to relax. Then after they finished their tea they set out to enjoy the rest of their time in town.

  In spite of his words she was encouraged by his manner. On more than one occasion he whispered salacious words in her ear, and by the time they climbed into the carriage to head home, she was feeling quite warm with need.

  Once home he took her arm and led her to the sitting room.

  ‘I suspect the tea and scones has dulled your appetite for further afternoon tea,’ he surmised. ‘Would that be correct?’

  Elizabeth was still simmering with yearning, and the last thing on her mind was food. ‘Yes sir, although I do have an appetite,’ she ventured cheekily, ‘but only for… for…’


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