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Three Page 15

by Twyla Turner

  “They’re so cute!” Simone laughed.

  “Yep, they’re my babies. I’m the reverse of a cat lady.” Xander joked and Simone laughed. “So here’s the crappy part of the job, well besides shoveling dog shit. We have to find all their dog bowls buried under the snow.”

  “Oh, okay. I can do that.” Simone said confidently.

  “To make it a little easier, each dog bowl is chained to each of their doghouses.” Xander said, demonstrating with the closest dog house to them.

  “Oh, that does make a difference. How about while you fill each one I’ll pull out the next bowl, to make it go faster?” Simone suggested.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Xander said, as he sat down the large bag of food and started scooping out some into the bowl he’d pulled out.

  Simone and Xander worked silently for a little while, enjoying working together. Xander was bending down filling a bowl when something whizzed by his head. Looking over quickly at Simone, he saw her petting one of the dogs, not paying him any attention.

  A few moments later he heard it again, but this time past his shoulder. And once again when he looked at Simone, she was in the middle of pulling another bowl out of the snow.

  This time he kept an eye on her, to see what she was up to. And sure enough, when she thought he wasn’t looking, he saw her gather some snow, pat it into a perfect ball and lifted her arm in his direction.

  “Caught y-” Xander started before the snowball smashed him in the face.

  Xander heard choked laughter as he wiped the snow from his face. Simone had her hands over her mouth trying to cover her laughter.

  “I’m so sorry, Xan! I didn’t mean to hit you in the face. I’ve never had a snowball fight before and I just wanted to try it.” Simone said between giggles.

  “Well then, I don’t wanna get in the way of your first snowball fight experience.” Xander said deceptively sweet, as he made a show of reaching down, grabbing a handful of snow and patting it into a perfect ball.

  “Xander…be nice. I didn’t try to hit you in the face, you just so happened to turn at the same time I threw it.” Simone said backing up with hands raised in surrender.

  “Oh no, you started it woman and I’m gonna finish it.” Xander said stalking towards her.

  Simone turned to run and Xander wound up his arm like a pro baseball player and aimed and released the snowball safely at her back. When the snowball hit her back fairly softly she fell face down in the snow unmoving.

  Her prone body made Xander panic. He ran over to her, squatted over her and turned her gently.

  “Simone, are you okay?!” Xander said with worry.

  A split second later, Simone’s eyes popped open and she smashed a handful of snow in his face. Simone’s delighted laughter rang out as Xander sputtered and the dogs looked on curiously as they ate.

  “I couldn’t resist!” Simone said between laughter.

  “You better be glad I like you.” Xander growled before he lowered his face to hers and started to rub the cold wetness all over her face, making her laugh and squirm even more.

  Pulling back slightly, Xander looked down at her. They grinned at each other like besotted fools. Simone reached up to stroke a finger over one adorable dimple. Xander’s smile disappeared and he lowered his face to hers again, capturing her lips in a sweet cold kiss that quickly heated up when his tongue dipped into her warm mouth.

  Simone shivered from a combination of the cold snow and the passionate kiss. A cold nose and a warm tongue on Xander’s cheek stalled the moment. He looked over to see Delilah waiting impatiently to get her bowl of food.

  “Let me finish up here, before the dogs decide to make a meal out of me. You go on in and get dry and warm and I’ll meet you in a minute.” Xander said before giving her another soft kiss, promising more to come.

  “Okay.” Simone said quietly, in anticipation.

  Xander stood up and reached down to help Simone up from the snow. She headed into the lodge, stopping here and there to pet the dogs along the way.

  Once back in her room, Simone quickly stripped out of her coat, shirt and cold wet jeans. As she finished pulling the jeans off of her ankles she heard the door close. Turning in just her bra and panties, she saw Xander standing there watching her with barely concealed desire. She realized that he must have rushed through feeding the rest of the dogs in record time. There had to have been at least ten more dogs to feed and bowls to pull up out of the snow.

  Simone crossed her arms in front of her, feeling awkward under his close scrutiny. He never took his eyes off of her as he slowly stripped out of his snowsuit. Once he was out of the suit, he started on his red flannel and low slung jeans, until he was in just his boxer briefs.

  His striptease over, Xander quietly strode over to her, plunging his hands into her hair and he attacked her mouth with the force of his need for her. His tongue dipped and dived into her mouth, tangling with hers. He released her lips on a gasp, dropped down to his knees in front of her and grasped her panties and pulled, rending them in half. Before she could even be shocked by the barbarian move, his mouth was on her quivering heat.

  “Aahh…Xan!” She shouted out at the sudden assault on her clit.

  Xander swirled his tongue around her hardened clit and Simone reached down grasping handfuls of his hair in a death grip as her hips pumped out of control against his gifted mouth. He dipped a long finger into her snug slick heat and once it was fully wet with her juices he guided it back to her tight anus. Simone flinched in surprise at the forbidden touch.

  “Don’t fight me. Let me show you. Let me get you ready for both of us.” Xander said looking up at Simone, as she nodded her ascent.

  Xander continued wreaking havoc on her clit and again dipped his finger inside her, lubricating it once more. Hitting her g-spot a couple of times making her cry out, before pulling out and caressing her puckered flesh again. Slowly he pressed in and stopped at his first knuckle, letting her body adjust around him.

  When her body relaxed further, he stroked his finger out and then back in a little further. Xander repeated the slow method until his finger was buried deep inside her to the last knuckle, all while continuing to pleasure her clit with teasing swirls and flicks.

  Simone’s body had remained still the entire time, trying to adjust to the foreign feel of her forbidden entrance being breached for the first time. And Xander having fully reached his goal began an onslaught of sensual pleasure that made Simone’s body come alive.

  His full lips covered and sucked at her sensitive nub, while his tongue flicked it relentlessly. His finger in her tight rear entrance started to stroke in and out. The buildup of this climax was nothing that Simone had experienced before in their other encounters. It came on stronger, faster and harder than ever before. One moment she was enjoying the pleasure and adjusting to the new sensations, and the next an almost painful orgasm ripped through her like a tornado. The unexpected climax tore a ragged scream from her throat and her legs collapsed from under her.

  Xander’s quick reflexes caught her and he placed her on the edge of the bed.

  “See I told you.” Xander smiled down at Simone, as he leaned over her.

  “Oh my God! What was that?!” Simone exclaimed breathless.

  “I think there’s another g-spot in there that brings out a more powerful orgasm.” Xander explained.

  “No kidding. Sheesh! I think I almost blacked out.” Simone said with eyes closed.

  “If that almost made you black out, then you probably will when we take you at the same time.” Xander smirked.

  “That sounds a little terrifying. But I have to admit after that, I am the teeniest bit curious.” Simone confessed with a blush.

  “My work here is done! I’ve brought you over to the dark side.” Xander grinned before lowering his head to one tightened nipple.

  He lapped at the turgid brown peak, pulled back and blew cool air over the damp skin, making it draw up even tighter. Simone’s hips rose
from the bed trying to make contact with what she wanted most. Obliging her, Xander quickly pulled his boxer briefs down and plunged into her wet recesses.

  Simone whimpered with pleasure at the sensations Xander was drawing out of her with each powerful stroke of his hips. She thought that making love with just one of them would be less intense, less overwhelming, less…everything. But she couldn’t have been more wrong.

  With all of her focus on Xander alone the intimate connection between them as they flexed and strained towards each other, radiated an intense warmth that spread through every inch of her of her already heated flesh. The warmth seemed to extend to her pounding heart and filled it to near bursting.

  As Xander varied the speed and depth of each pump of his hips, bringing Simone closer to the crest of her climax, she looked into his golden green gaze and her heart stopped at the unguarded look of adoration in his eyes. And the look disappeared an instant later, replaced by subtle look of trepidation. He closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of her neck. The warmth in her heart faded away, traded by a near debilitating disappointment. So much so that her orgasm that was close to its crescendo, died a sad unsatisfactory death.

  Xander’s body shuddered over her as he reached his release. He rolled off of her and laid next to her, trying to catch his breath. Simone felt more vulnerable and naked than any other intimate moment with the two men. Feeling awkward and just a little hurt, Simone reached for the blanket and wrapped herself in it protectively. Xander’s cellphone rang from his pants pocket that had been thrown carelessly on the floor.

  “Um…I…I’ll be right back.” Simone stammered as he answered his phone and she quickly escaped to the bathroom.

  Closing the bathroom door, Simone collapsed on it and gulped several times, trying to tamp down the emotions that threatened to rise up and choke her. She knew that even with her limited experience that she was falling for the two men. She could still vaguely remember the looks of love and passion between her parents before her father was killed. And she knew that she was already starting to look at Jackson and Xander with the same look of love her mother gave to her father. And she was willing to bet her life that the brief look that Xander had given her in that unguarded moment, was at least a shadow of how her father looked at her mother.

  But what does it matter? Why am I so upset? What am I gonna do…drop everything back home and move here? And it’s only been a few days, how can I expect them to fall in love with me already? Stop being so stupid Simone! You’re smarter than this. Take it for what it is…an amazing moment in time that I can carry with me for the rest of my life.

  She knew that this experience was probably going to be the only time that she would ever encounter this kind of passion. She knew what life was like back home. She knew that men didn’t look at her the way Jackson and Xander did. Once she was back home, it would be all work and no play, like before. She would cherish this moment and think on it often and fondly when she was old in her bed years from now.

  A tentative knock on the bathroom door brought Simone out of her reverie. She quickly swiped at the moisture that had gathered in her eyes and swallowed hard to unblock the knot in her throat.

  “Y…yes?” Simone said to the closed door.

  “Hey Si, you alright?” Xander asked from the other side.

  “Yeah I’m fine. What’s up?” Simone answered.

  “That was the vet calling. I need to go pick up Sampson. I was thinking that you might want to pack up your things and then we can go get him and bring him home with us. He needs to be comfortable and looked after closely while he heals.” Xander explained.

  “Oh okay. I’ll be out in just a little bit. I want to get cleaned up first.” Simone said with a tiny bit of hope spreading through her body at the word ‘home’.

  “Alright. My staff should be here by now. I’m going down to have a meeting with them, I’ll be downstairs waiting for you. If you need help with your bags, just call down to the front desk and myself or one of the staff will be up to help you.” Xander finished before pushing away from the door.

  Simone expelled a harsh breath through her full lips, easing the tension in her limbs, now that the awkward conversation through the door was over. She released the blanket that she realized she had in a death grip around her body, as if he could see her vulnerability through the door. Shaking her head at the absurdity of the emotional ups and downs of a relationship with a man, Simone stepped into the shower, hoping to wash away some of the doubt and disappointment of their passionate turned cold encounter.

  Chapter 9

  Xander carried Sampson to the truck from the animal hospital, Simone had been waiting for him in the truck and now slid out to open the door for him. He gently placed the tan and white husky in the middle of the bench seat, to lay between the two of them on the way home. As Simone got back in on the passenger side, Sampson whined and slapped his tail affectionately against the seat and then put his head in her lap, looking up at her with sad eyes.

  “Oh he’s going to milk this for everything its worth.” Xander joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  Xander knew that he had messed up at some point during making love to Simone. He hadn’t missed the fact that she didn’t orgasm and that the moment it was over, she turned inside herself. Reverting back to her shy and extra quiet demeanor. And after an hour of the silent treatment, Xander couldn’t take it anymore. So he tried to do what he did best, making her laugh.

  “Yeah.” She chuckled a little at the sad blue puppy dog eyes looking up at her.

  She scratched and rubbed behind Sampson’s ears tenderly. The dog answered with a heartfelt whine and more vigorous tail smacking. They both laughed in response.

  “Oh, cut it out ya big baby.” Xander scolded with a smile that deepened his dimples as he patted the dog’s back gently.

  Xander looked up at Simone, turning the full force of his smile on her. She swallowed hard at his angelic face, finding it hard to stay upset with him. She smiled back timidly and Xander breathed a slight sigh of relief at being forgiven for whatever had troubled her.

  “So when are you going to finally go and meet your tribe?” Xander asked as he shifted the truck into drive.

  “Hmm…I don’t know. Tomorrow, maybe.” Simone answered quietly as she absentmindedly stroked Sampson’s soft thick fur.

  “What are you so afraid of?” Xander asked, taking his eyes off the road for a moment to glance at her.

  “God! I don’t know.” Simone said in frustration at herself. “I think I’m afraid that they won’t accept me. They were so mad at my mom for leaving the reservation. So I don’t know if her half-breed offspring would be well received. And they’re the only family that I’ve got left.” Simone finished sadly.

  “All the more reason to go and meet them. They at least deserve to know that you exist.” Xander encouraged.

  “Yeah. But don’t you see? In some ways it would be so much better if I went on believing that they would claim me as one of them…to love me, than to actually meet them and they shun me or look at me with disgust. Because then the illusion would be shattered and I could never go back.” Simone admitted, though it ripped her heart in half to do so.

  “Si, you can’t let that get to you. Just meet them and let the chips fall where they may. If they don’t want anything to do with you, then it’s their loss. You’re amazing and they’d be lucky to know you.” Xander said, reaching over to clasp her hand that was fanatically stroking Sampson’s fur in a nervous fidget.

  “Alright. I’ll try to get up the courage to go tomorrow.” Simone conceded.

  “Good.” Xander said, looking at her with a tender smile.

  She smiled back at him, completely confounded by his rollercoaster treatment towards her. One minute he was distant and the next the looks he gave her could melt the coldest of hearts. She shook her head in wonder as they rode the rest of the way in silence.

  After a while Xander turned down a private driveway th
at hadn’t been plowed yet. He turned on the trucks four-by-four power and they bumped through the deep snow, winding past a dense part of the forest.

  They came around a curve, in what Simone assumed was a road, though she couldn’t tell with all the snow covering the ground. Suddenly the trees fell away into a clearing and in the middle sat a gorgeous sprawling two-story log home. Simone audibly gasped at the sight.

  “This is your home?” Simone said in wonder.

  “Yeah. You like it?” Xander said proudly.

  “Well, yes. B…but I thought you guys said that it was a cabin? That looks more like a log mansion! It’s incredible.” Simone said, her mouth still agape.

  “Well I suppose it helps that Jackson owns a lumber mill.” Xander smiled at her dumfounded reaction.

  “No joke. Wow.” Simone breathed in awe.

  “Come on, Si. Let me show you around.” Xander said as he pulled into the three car garage.

  They both got out of the truck, Xander turning back to pull Sampson into his arms. “Could you get the door for me? I’m gonna get Sampson settled, then I’ll show you around. And don’t worry about your luggage, I’ll bring them in for you after the tour.” Xander said as Simone opened the door into the house.

  They stepped into what Simone assumed was a mudroom that had built-in shelves for shoes, a coatrack and giant fluffy towels, if needed for coming in out of the rain or snow. She slipped off her coat and hung it on one of the rungs on the coatrack. And at Xander’s suggestion, she sat on the bench and took off her boots and slid her feet into Jackson’s giant slippers.

  “He barely wears his anyway. Most times he walks around barefoot or in socks. The man never gets cold. I think he was a bear in his past life.” Xander joked about his best friend as he led Simone into the enormous kitchen.

  Again Simone was struck dumb as she took in the kitchen. It was done in tones of rich reds, burnished gold and soothing browns. The wood of the cabinets and island were a type of red wood that complimented the slightly lighter hardwood floor. The countertops were a dark tan and golden flecked stone. The ceiling was done in a dark brown wood with crossing beams. The lovely hanging light fixtures gave off a warm golden glow. And to break up the warm tones were the stainless steel appliances and the accents of dark gray stones that created a rustic alcove for the stove and the built in fireplace on the opposite side of the room, where the kitchen table sat.


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