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Three Page 19

by Twyla Turner

  “Trust me Jackson, I think you both have left an indelible impression on me. Even if I didn’t stay, I don’t think I could be with anyone else.” Simone said honestly.

  “Life happens, Simone. It could sneak up on you, without you even realizing it.” Jackson said inconsolable.

  “Come here.” Simone held out her hand to him.

  Her hand fit into his like a small child’s. Simone knew the power behind his hands, she had felt it. And though he could do anything he wanted to her, she trusted that he would only use his strength to protect her, no matter how angry he got. Wanting to feel that strength, she led him to his desk chair. Once he was seated, she instantly crawled onto his lap.

  “I know I haven’t decided yet, but I’m gonna need you to calm down and stop acting like a big ol’ grumpy bear.” Simone smirked at him.

  “Harrumph.” He grumbled.

  Taking his arms, Simone wrapped them around her waist. She placed her hands at his temples, brushing his soft dark curls from his face. Her fingers traced over his thick straight masculine eyebrows and down his slightly crooked nose.

  “I broke it playing football with some friends.” Jackson answered her silent question.

  Undeterred by the interruption, Simone continued to trace his face like a blind person would trace Braille. Jackson closed his eyes and sighed contentedly as her thumbs brushed over his long eyelashes. Next her fingers stroked down his scruffy jawline. The hairs contradicting themselves with their rough but soft scrape. She outlined his lips with her the tip of her index finger and his mouth opened slightly. Taking advantage, she leaned forward a little and took his full bottom lip between her teeth, grazing the tender skin and Jackson shivered in response.

  Sliding a hand into the hair at the nape of her neck, Jackson pulled her in for a tender kiss. This time the kiss was easy and loving. Simone’s hands found their way into the thick satiny curls at the base of his neck, as she held on for dear life. God, I want to stay! But can I uproot my life for them…for this. Fuck yeah, you can! Oh, shut up!

  Simone deepened the kiss, trying to shut out the racket going on in her head. Jackson responded in kind and ravished her mouth. He sat up, pulling her off of his lap. He turned her to face away from him and bent her over his desk. Simone’s cheek rested against the cool wooden desk. Sitting behind her, Jackson caressed his hands up her legging clad legs, up over her ass to the waistband of her pants. He slowly slid the pants along with her panties, down her legs. He helped her out of her boots and bottoms, till she stood naked from the waist down.

  Her gorgeous plump caramel-coated backside and wet pussy beckoned him like a moth to a flame. Burying his face in her heat made her cry out with need. He tormented her this way for a few minutes, before turning her around and lifting her up to sit on the edge of the desk. Pulling the chair closer, Jackson raised her legs to rest her feet on the arms of the chair. Then his head bent down to go to work.

  Raised up onto her elbows, Simone’s head fell back as she felt his tongue dance across her clit lightly. She moaned deep in her throat at the pleasure he was inflicting upon her. Unable to resist watching, Simone lifted her head that felt weighted and languid to look down at him paying homage to her most intimate place.

  She watched his dark head bob and swivel with every lick. His eyes were closed, savoring her taste. And his pink tongue flicked delicately at her swollen nub. She stared as her hips pumped towards his eager mouth. Observing what he was doing to her heightened her awareness and her clit started to tingle in answer. And just as she was cresting over the edge, his molten silver eyes opened to look up at her. The connection and the final flick of his talented tongue, sent her in an upward spiral and her hips bucked furiously against his awaiting tongue. At the last second, she threw back her head and cried out her pleasure.

  Before she could come back down from her high, she felt the tip of his cock at the entrance of her fluttering walls. “Look at me.” She heard Jackson command from what felt like far above, as if she was submerged in a pool sensations. Slowly she glanced up at him as he stood poised at her threshold. And as she met his gaze, he plunged into her to the hilt. Her eyes widened and she gasped at the fullness of him.

  His height put him in an awkward position as he tried to crouch down to her, so grabbing her around the waist he pulled her off the desk onto his lap as he sat in the chair. Her legs draped over the arms of the chair, widening her legs and deepening their connection. She felt him at the top of her womb. Using his hands, hips and powerful arms; he rocked her onto his massive erection.

  Simone placed her hands on the back of the chair on either side of Jackson’s head. Clutching the chair tightly, she used all of her strength to lift her weight and then released to slide back down his length. They both groaned as they put their foreheads together in deep concentration. Every thought, every move was centered on where their bodies joined. Grasping her ass tightly, Jackson’s arms bulged and a thin sheen of sweat broke out across his skin as he increased his speed to a near superhuman pace. He battered at her aching pussy with savagery. Constant cries escaped her lips as he growled deep in his throat.

  Simone realized that this was not just sex or lovemaking. This was possession. He owned her in that moment. He took from her and then gave back just as much. He held her gaze and she was entranced, unable to look away. His jaw clenched tight, the square angle becoming more sharp and defined. His nostrils flared and the looked of naked love that shown in his eyes as he came hard inside of her, sent Simone over the edge as well.

  I am his. Theirs. Fuck…


  After they redressed, Simone helped Jackson pick up all of the papers he had thrown to the floor.

  “Nope. Still worth it.” Jackson said to himself.

  “What?” Simone looked up at him curiously.

  “I asked myself if I regretted throwing the papers off the desk. And I just answering.” Jackson grinned at her.

  “Do you have a habit of talking to yourself?” Simone smiled back.

  “Just taking my cue from you. You definitely have a habit of accidentally saying what’s on your mind often enough.” Jackson shot back.

  “Ha ha.” Simone laughed sarcastically.

  An alarm on a loud speaker squawked so loudly that Simone nearly jumped a foot in the air. Her heart pounded as Jackson jumped up and ran to the window, ripping open the blinds to look down on the mill.

  “Something’s wrong.” Jackson said as he ran to the door, swung it open and ran down the stairs.

  Simone ran after him, though trying to keep up with his long legs was next to impossible. She saw him round a corner and she ran to catch up, colliding into his solid back when she came around the corner. Peaking around him she saw a man on the floor cradling his hand and rocking back and forth, pain etched on every line of his face.

  “Shit Daryl, what happened?!” Jackson exclaimed.

  “Something was stuck. And instead of turning off the belt like I was supposed to, like a jackass I reached in to loosen the board. And when the board finally came loose, the belt started up again and the fucking machine crushed my hand.” Daryl groaned in pain.

  Simone came from behind Jackson and strode over to the injured man with a purpose. “Can I see?” She asked him softly.

  Trembling with pain, Daryl held his mangled hand out to her. She took it gently and inspected each digit. “I think you’ve broken all of them expect your pinky.” Simone stated matter-of-factly.

  “That’s useful.” Daryl grumbled.

  “How far is the nearest hospital?” Simone asked turning to Jackson.

  “About forty-five minutes to an hour. Give or take weather and traffic.” Jackson answered, liking her take charge attitude.

  “I need you to get me two thin boards and some cloth.” Simone order calmly.

  “Yes, boss.” Jackson grinned at this new side of Simone, as he obeyed her order.

  Jackson was back a few minutes later and handed her two thin pieces of
plywood and a ripped up t-shirt.

  “Thank you, Jax. You’re wearing a belt, right?” Simone asked looking up at him from her crouched position next to Daryl.

  “Yeah, why?” Jackson asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Can I have it please?” Simone asked, not giving much away.

  Jackson just shrugged and undid his belt and handed it to her.

  “Okay, Daryl. I’m gonna need you to bite down on this.” She said holding the belt up to his mouth. Daryl looked at her with trepidation and Simone explained further. “I’m going to try to set your fingers and then put your hand in a makeshift splint until you can get to the hospital. There’s not always a lot that they can do about broken fingers, but in your case I think they might have to surgically put pins in. But anyway, I don’t want your fingers to start setting on their own in the shape they’re currently in.” Simone finished.

  Daryl looked up at Jackson, questioningly.

  “She’s a nurse. You should probably listen to her. Here, you can hold my hand if you need to. Squeeze as hard as you want.” Jackson said crouching down on his left side and clutching his good hand.

  Simone held the folded belt up to Daryl’s mouth and he bit down nervously. Holding his hand out flat, Simone gently grasped his thumb and pulled it into position. Daryl bit down and screamed in agony. Simone made quick work of the other three fingers, placed his hand in between the two pieces of wood and wrapped them together rapidly with the t-shirt.

  The belt fell limply from Daryl’s mouth and he swayed alarmingly. “Thank you.” He whispered before promptly passing out.

  Loud applause broke out around them and Simone looked up in surprise. She hadn’t noticed the crowd that had gathered around them, too absorbed in helping her patient. She blushed from her roots to the collar of her flannel.

  “Alright guys, get back to work. Shows over.” Jackson stood up, unfolding to his full six-feet-five inches, instantly commanding the room.

  The men scattered immediately.

  “Let’s get him to the hospital.” Jackson sighed, as he gently lifted the unconscious man up and over his shoulder like he weighed next to nothing.


  “You were a rockstar today! I’m so proud of you.” Jackson said as they walked out of the hospital.

  “Thanks, Jax.” Simone blushed, warmth spreading over her at the compliment.

  “So…if you stay, you know you’ve got a job here. You heard what the hospital staff said, they could always use the help and they were definitely impressed with you.” Jackson approached cautiously.

  “I know. It’s definitely something to consider.” Simone replied vaguely.

  Jackson sighed in resignation. “Since Daryl’s wife came to pick him up and we don’t have to take him back, I thought we might as well grab a bite to eat. I sent a text to Xander and he said he’d meet up with us for lunch. You hungry?” Jackson asked, getting off of the subject of whether she’d stay or not.

  “Yeah. Now that the excitement has died down, I realized I’m starving.” Simone said, grateful that he let the subject go.

  “Good. I could personally eat a small village.” Jackson said, rubbing his flat stomach.

  “I bet you could.” Simone laughed, looking at the gentle giant who could definitely be mistaken for a bear.

  “Let’s roll.” Jackson said as he opened the truck door for Simone to get in.

  As they drove to meet up with the other point in their strange triangle, Simone silently contemplated actually staying. I have no family back home, unless I consider Amber and her family. But it’s not like I won’t be able to see her if I wanted to. Besides, she’s eventually going to start her own life without me. Knowing Amber, she’ll probably meet someone and get serious sooner than later. Then I’d be alone anyway.

  Can I really walk away from all they’re offering me? Near constant love and affection that I’ve been without for far too long? A home that they’re offering as my own? To live near my mom’s tribe? Not to mention unbelievably mind-blowing sex? I mean panty-dropping, bend over and beg for it sex?! I never even knew I wanted sex. And now that I’ve had it, could I actually give it up? Amber’s always saying how hard it is to find a man that knows what he’s doing in bed. And I found TWO! What are they teaching the guys up here in Alaska?!

  They pulled up to a quaint little diner named Bacon.

  “Well that says it all.” Simone chuckled, looking at the word made out of strips of bacon and the O was a sunny-side up egg.

  “Yep, you can never go wrong with bacon.” Jackson said as he helped her out of the truck.

  “I’m assuming this place is pretty popular with the men of Fairbanks.” Simone hopped down and held the hand Jackson extended to her.

  “Oh we come in droves. They have great food and just like the name, nearly everything on the menu has bacon in it.” Jackson held the door open for her.

  As Simone walked into the restaurant, she instantly spotted Xander at a curved corner booth. Her heart fluttered at the radiant smile that spread across his beautiful face. His shaggy blond hair brushed his face, his eyes glowed at the sight of her and the stunning muscle defects that were his dimples pulled together the heavenly work of art that was his angelic face.

  He slid out from the booth and walked to meet her halfway. Wrapping his strong arms around her waist, he lifted her off her feet and kissed her soundly in front of the whole dining room.

  “Xander…everyone is watching.” Simone hissed under her breath. Her face turned beet red, not sure how to act with them out in public for the first time.

  “Eh. They’ll get over it. I missed you.” Xander smiled down at her as he placed her back on her feet.

  “It’s only been a few hours.” Simone shook her head with a smile as she walked to the table.

  Xander turned to Jackson and clapped him affectionately on the back as they followed Simone. Jackson slid into the curved booth first, then Simone scooched in next to him and Xander finished out the sandwich on Simone’s right.

  “Is there a reason why more often than not you’re on my left side”, Simone asked looking at Jackson, “and you’re on my right?” She finished looking at Xander.

  “Well, I guess it’s because I’m left-handed, so I favor the left of a woman and Xander’s right-handed, so he favors the right. I never really thought much of it. It’s just something we’ve done from the start.” Jackson shrugged, looking over at Xander.

  “Huh, you’re right, we do. I didn’t think much of it either. Does it bother you?” Xander asked.

  “Oh no, not at all. Just wondering.” Simone smiled at him.

  “Okay, good. Maybe one day we’ll switch it up to throw you off and spice things up.” Xander grinned rakishly and waggled his eyebrows, making Simone giggle. “So I hear that you saved the day today.” Xander changed the subject.

  “I didn’t do anything special. Anyone would have in my position.” Simone brushed off the praise.

  “I don’t buy that. You’re a remarkable woman.” Xander caressed a finger down her cheek. “You have so many sides. Shy, intelligent, focused, independent, passionate, sexy and brave. That’s a whole lot of amazing wrapped up in one gorgeous woman.”

  Simone hadn’t blushed so much in her entire life, as she did in the presence of these two men. “So…what’s good here?” Simone dodged as she grabbed the menu. Both men chuckled, but let her off the hook and decided to order instead of embarrassing her with more compliments.

  As they ate and interacted with each other, Simone felt the frequent glances that they received. Looks that ranged from innocent curiosity to blatant carnal interest, all the way to downright disgust. And the guys weren’t helping the situation either. They touched her affectionately; brushing her hair behind her ears, rubbing her hands or arms with a stroke of a thumb, stealing kisses and even feeding her from their plates, letting her sample their meals.

  When they were finally done and walked out to their trucks, Simone breathed a sigh o
f relief at finally being away from the constant scrutiny. Xander walked with them to Jackson’s truck. Xander opened the door for her before turning her into his arms for a warm embrace. Pulling back a little, he brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her softly.

  “Are you ready for tonight?” Xander asked after he pulled his full lips away from her.

  “No.” Simone said honestly.

  “It’ll be fine, Si. They’ll love you.” Xander comforted her.

  “We’ll see. I have absolutely zero experience with meeting a guy’s family. I have no idea how to act or what to say.” Simone said frantically, working herself up.

  “Act like yourself. And just say whatever you would say to anyone you’ve just met.” Xander reasoned.

  “I don’t do that very well in general. You do remember when I first met you last week. Not so great.” Dear God…it’s really only been a week! Not even. It feels like it’s been a year. Good Lord, these guys wear me out!

  “So what, you’re a little shy. It’s no big deal. What would be a problem, was if you talked a mile a minute while cursing like a sailor and belched in between forkfuls of food. You don’t do any of that, at least not that I’ve noticed. So relax.” Xander winked at her, kissed her softly and then helped her into the truck. “See you two in a couple of hours at the house. We’ll get ready and then head out.” Xander said before closing the door.

  “Xander’s right. You’ll do fine, just be yourself.” Jackson leaned over and kissed her forehead and then started the truck to head back to the mill. “So I need to go back to the mill for a little bit. Apparently I need to have another safety meeting with my employees. Then I need to make a few calls. But we can head back home a little early, so you can relax and get ready for tonight.”


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