Cooper Bad Boys of Dry River, Wyoming Book 3

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Cooper Bad Boys of Dry River, Wyoming Book 3 Page 3

by Susan Fisher-Davis


  Cooper rode his horse, Zeus, through the north pasture checking the fence and the cattle grazing there. It was a beautiful day. The sun warmed his shoulders as he slowly rode the fence line while his Stetson shaded his eyes. He reined the horse to a stop and dismounted, wanting to walk a while. There were no signs of the fence being down anywhere but he loved riding along it anyway. The electric fence ran to a small transmitter in the barn. Most ranches used them nowadays. The red light would come on if a section of the fence were to come down.

  Cooper knew it was all fine but he just needed to get out for a while. He couldn’t concentrate on anything other than Kendra. She was beautiful and he’d love to take her out, but how was he to get past the fact that she hated him. Damn it! She needed to get over it. He’d never been into petite women, and Kendra didn’t even reach his shoulder. He’d always hated trying to kiss a woman who was short. He supposed he could always pick Kendra up. She did have one hell of a body on her. Her long, wavy brown hair was beautiful and he seriously found himself wanting to wrap his fingers in it. Her pert little nose with its smattering of freckles was sexy as hell and a man could definitely drown in those hazel eyes.

  Cooper adjusted his crotch as his cock hardened. Shit! He mounted his horse and nudged Zeus into a run. The horse tore through the tall grass at lightning speed. The wind hit him in the face and he laughed as he leaned down over the horse’s neck to gain speed. When his hat flew off, he reined Zeus to a stop and spun him around to retrieve the hat. It was then he saw one of his ranch hands riding toward him. Cooper leaned down from the saddle, scooped up his hat, and put it on his head. He waited for his ranch hand to reach him.

  “Damn, boss. I’m glad you saw me. There was no way I was going to catch you and Zeus,” Bobby Thomas said to him.

  Cooper chuckled. “We were hauling ass, weren’t we?”

  “Don’t I know it.” He panted. “You have a visitor at the house. Some guy. Looks like a city slicker to me.”

  Cooper frowned. “Did he say what he wanted?” Bobby shook his head. “All right. I’ll see to him.” He nudged Zeus into a run and headed back toward the house. Bobby followed. As he headed into the barn, he glanced toward the house and saw a Mercedes sitting there. What in the hell? He dismounted from Zeus and a moment later, Bobby rode into the barn behind him and dismounted his horse.

  “I’ll take care of the horses, boss. Go see to your guest,” Bobby said to him.

  Cooper gave him a nod and walked out of the barn toward the house. The Mercedes’ driver side door opened and a man stepped out narrowing his eyes at Cooper.

  “Mister Lang?”

  Cooper nodded. “What can I do for you, Mister...?”

  The man walked toward him with his hand out. “Conrad. Tyler Conrad.”

  Cooper shook the man’s hand, but something about him didn’t feel right. Cooper didn’t trust him. “What can I do for you, Mister Conrad?” he repeated.

  “I’m a businessman and I’m interested in buying your ranch.”

  Cooper was sure his jaw dropped at first, but then he started laughing. “I don’t know where you got your information, but my ranch isn’t for sale.”

  “I didn’t get information from anyone. I’m in Wyoming to buy land and I like the looks of your place.”

  “Just how would you know what my ranch looks like?”

  Tyler Conrad smiled at him. “I saw it when my plane flew over yesterday.”

  “Dry River is a small town. Less than a thousand people, but full on a ranching community. You won’t find anyone here who will sell to you. There are horse, as well as cattle, and pig ranches spread out on the outskirts of town. All of them passed down through generations. No one will sell to you,” he repeated.

  Conrad glanced around and back to him. “I like this ranch.”

  Cooper stared at him. Something just didn’t sit right with him regarding this man. “I’m sorry you wasted your time. It’s not for sale.”

  “Everyone has a price, Mister Lang.”

  Cooper stepped closer toward him. “I don’t. Have a good day.” He gave Conrad a terse nod and after a slight hesitation, Conrad sighed and walked back to his car. He stopped before getting into his vehicle, and held up a small business card.

  “I’ll just set this on your porch. In case, you change your mind. Good day, Mister Lang.” After laying the card on the porch, he climbed into his vehicle and drove off.

  Cooper stared after him. What would make this guy think he wanted to sell his ranch? He shrugged. It didn’t matter since he told Conrad he wasn’t selling, Cooper was sure he’d never see him again. He decided to walk down to the bike shop and see how Livingston’s bike was coming along.

  When he entered the shop, he sighed at the feel of the air conditioning.

  “Hey, boss,” Mitch said to him.

  “How’s Livingston’s bike coming?”

  “It’ll be done tomorrow, ahead of schedule.”

  Cooper gave him a nod and entered his office. He took a seat behind the big oak desk and booted up the computer. As he looked through the monthly scheduling, he saw they were going to be busy. His crew could handle it though. Of that, he had no doubt.

  The rest of the afternoon flew by and before long, Cooper was walking out of the shop and telling the men, he’d see them tomorrow. He was sure of that, since tomorrow was Friday and payday. Rarely did they miss Fridays. He stopped and picked up the card Conrad had laid on the porch before entering his home and heading straight for the bathroom. A shower was in order since he’d ended up helping Brady work on a tank. The garage was air-conditioned but he was still sweating from helping out, and his lower back was killing him. He didn’t know how Brady bent over all day, welding those bikes. He glanced down at the card with its raised embossed gold scroll around the edges and the name Tyler Conrad in the center. Two phone numbers were under the name. There was nothing else on the card. Nothing indicating with whom the man was associated or any type of business listed. Cooper tossed the card into the trash as he entered the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  The bathroom quickly filled with steam as Cooper stripped, and then stepped inside the shower. He groaned as the water hit his shoulders. Fuck! That felt fantastic. He turned his back to the spray and almost collapsed in relief when the water hit his lower back. Grabbing the soap, he lathered up and washed. After he washed his hair, he stepped out, dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist, and entered the bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and lay back. He’d get up in a few minutes was his last thought, as he closed his eyes.


  Tyler Conrad entered his hotel room, and immediately dialed Jasper Nelson.

  “How’d it go?” Jasper said in way of answering.

  “I don’t know what she sees in him.”

  “Really? Why do you say that?”

  “He has the personality of a jackass. I suppose some women might find him attractive.”

  “What did he say when you told him you wanted to buy his ranch?”

  “It wasn’t for sale, which is just as well, seeing as I’m not interested in buying it. I just did what you ask me to do to see what your ex saw in him. You’re obsessed with her, Jasper.”

  “No one walks away from me. I want her back. If I find out Lang’s interested in her too, I’ll make him disappear. Did you see her today?”

  “I followed her like you asked me to. She was shopping for clothes. I spoke to her but she acted afraid of me.”

  Jasper laughed. “Kendra’s cautious now. I’m sure she knows I’ll be coming for her. Just keep an eye on her.”

  “I will. Don’t worry about it. I’ll try to keep an eye on him too, but I don’t think he leaves that ranch too often. The sign says it’s a cattle ranch but there’s a motorcycle shop too.”

  “Cattle and motorcycles? What the hell is that all about?”

  “No idea, but I’ll keep you posted. I’m going to dinner. We’ll talk later.” Tyler hung up befo
re Jasper had a chance to say anything else. Taking a deep breath, he called the front desk to ask about a restaurant close by. After hanging up, he left the room and walked down the street to get something to eat.

  Chapter Three

  Kendra sat in the living room waiting for her friend, Chloe Baxter, to pick her up. They were going to go into town to the Fireside Bar. A local hangout. A few years ago, the Fireside was Jonesy’s until Barry Jones decided to retire and sold it. The bar had a band every Friday and Saturday night, and Kendra wanted to get away from the house. It was her parents’ anniversary and although they were out for dinner now, they would be home soon and Kendra wanted them to have at least this night alone. She was planning to stay at Chloe’s house tonight.

  She jumped up when she heard a car horn sound out front.

  “Hey girl,” Chloe said when Kendra hopped into the front after putting her suitcase in the backseat.

  Kendra smiled. “You look fantastic as usual.”

  “Of course I do.” Chloe laughed.

  Kendra laughed along with her. Chloe was a tall blonde haired woman with a killer figure. Her peaches and cream complexion glowed with a minimal amount of makeup. Her long hair flowed down around her shoulders. They were night and day but the best of friends, along with Emily Taggart and Isabella Bradford. Chloe was outgoing and always on the go. Kendra was shy and reserved. It was one reason Jasper had been able to intimidate her. She mentally shook her head. Jasper no longer mattered.

  “I hope the Fireside is filled with hot cowboys tonight. I want one,” Chloe told her.

  “Just as long as you remember I’m staying with you tonight,” Kendra reminded her.

  “Pffft. No problem.” Chloe glanced at her. “I can always take him to the parking lot.”

  Kendra gasped. “Chloe!”

  Chloe burst out laughing. “I’m kidding. Although, it’s been so long since I’ve had sex, I might consider it.”

  She pulled into the parking lot of the Fireside Bar but had a tough time finding a parking spot. Finally, she found one, quickly pulled into the spot and moments later, they walked toward the doors.

  They could hear the music blaring from inside. Louder each time the big double doors opened. Chloe grinned at her as Kendra opened the door. Together, they entered the bar but then laughed when they saw it was wall-to-wall people. They were lucky to find a small table close to the dancefloor, and quickly sat down. Almost immediately, two cowboys stood beside the table grinning at them.

  “Could we join you ladies?” One of them asked.

  Kendra glanced at Chloe and saw her smile at them. “Maybe later, boys. We just got here.”

  The men tipped their hats and moved on to try two other women. Kendra laughed. “I don’t think they’ll be back.”

  Chloe looked at her and grinned. “Plenty more where they came from.”

  “I’ll be so glad when I can get my own place. I love my parents but I’m twenty-nine, for God’s sake. I need to be alone.”

  “I know, honey. It won’t be much longer, I’m sure,” Chloe told her. “Now, let’s find a cowboy or two.”

  Kendra wasn’t there to hook up, only to have a good time and maybe dance, with a few of the cowboys. Chloe signaled the server and they ordered their drinks. The band was playing a slow song and two more men came over toward the table, this time asking them to dance. Chloe stood and walked to the dancefloor, while the other man sat down with Kendra. She picked up her drink, took a sip, and almost choked. It tasted like straight whiskey. The cowboy seated with her chuckled.

  “Strong?” he asked.

  Kendra nodded, while her eyes watered. “I think she forgot the coke.”

  “I can get you another one, if you’d like?”

  “No. Thank you. I’m fine. I’ll just let it water down a little.” She didn’t trust anyone she didn’t know getting her a drink.

  “My name’s Caleb Green. My friend is Austin Morris.” He smiled at her.

  Kendra smiled. He was a very good-looking young man. He just didn’t appeal to her. “I’m Kendra Mattingly and my friend is Chloe Baxter.”

  “Nice to meet you, Kendra. Do you live in Dry River?”

  “Yes. All my life. You?”

  “No, ma’am. We’re just passing through. We’re traveling to Cheyenne for a rodeo. We were just in Kalispell, Montana.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “Dallas.” He grinned at her.

  Was that supposed to mean something, Kendra wondered. She frowned. “Okay.”

  “I suppose that doesn’t impress you?” He laughed. “I’m sorry. Most women love cowboys but I see that’s all you seem to have here.”

  Kendra burst out laughing. “This is Wyoming.”

  “Would you like to dance?”

  Kendra stood and let him lead her toward the dancefloor. She stumbled slightly when she saw the man, who spoke to her at Clarice’s, sitting at the bar staring at her. Caleb put his arms around her waist, she placed her hands on his shoulders, and they moved slowly to the music. Kendra couldn’t keep her eyes from straying back toward the bar where he sat. When he saw her looking at him, he raised his beer glass toward her and grinned at her. She shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Caleb asked. “I think it’s hot as hell in here.”

  “I’m fine,” she whispered. She was far from fine. Who was he? Was he following her for some reason? She glanced up at her dance partner. “Could we sit down, please?”

  He looked a little startled but nodded, and led her back to the table. The song ended right as they sat down, and Chloe and Austin took seats at the table too. Chloe frowned at her, and then leaned toward her. “Are you all right?”

  “I need to go to the restroom. Please come with me.”

  Chloe pushed her chair back and stood then followed her. Once inside, Chloe took her hand. “You’re as white as a sheet, Kennie. What’s wrong? Did that cowboy say something inappropriate? I’ll kick his ass.”

  Kendra explained about the man at the bar. “He was in Clarice’s too, and spoke with me. I don’t know who he is, but I don’t have a good feeling about him.”

  “Honey. Come on. He could just be passing through town. Just because you saw him at Clarice’s and now here, doesn’t mean anything.”

  “You’re right. I know you’re right, but...”

  “No buts, Kennie. It’s a coincidence and he recognized you. That’s all.”

  Kendra didn’t think so but she wasn’t going to go into it. “Let’s just go sit down. I’ll be fine.”

  “All right.” Chloe grinned at her. “So, do you like Caleb?”

  Kendra smiled. “He’s nice. What about you? Is Austin nice?”

  “He’s a nice guy. Just not feeling it, ya know?”

  “Oh dear God! Chloe, would you feel it with someone?”

  Chloe burst out laughing. “I sure hope so. Come on, girl. Let’s go have some fun. Maybe some more hot men will show up.”

  “Just how do you plan on getting rid of Caleb and Austin?”

  “Tell them we’re not looking for hookups tonight, and since they’re just passing through, they won’t take it too hard. I’m sure they won’t have any problems finding willing females.”

  Later, Kendra and Chloe weaved their ways through the tables to sit down after being in a line dance. They waved to the server and she came over to take their orders. When Chloe sighed, Kendra glanced at her.

  “What was that for?”

  “Cooper Lang, Lincoln Cole, and Storm Bateman just walked in.”

  Kendra quickly glanced toward the doors to watch as the three men made their way to the bar. Women stopped them along the way to flirt as they tried to reach their destination of the bar. She couldn’t take her eyes off Cooper. Would she ever get past loving him? She turned her head back toward Chloe when her friend snapped her fingers in front of her face.

  “Here.” Chloe handed her a napkin. “Wipe the drool away.”

  Kendra slapped her hand at her. �
�I hate you.”

  Chloe burst out laughing. “No you don’t. Kennie, no matter what you tell anyone else, I know you still have it bad for Coop. I don’t blame you one bit, but you need to do something about it. He is so fucking hot. All of them are. If Storm wasn’t so pissed at women, I’d go after him in a heartbeat.”

  “Storm is gorgeous. So is Linc.” Kendra sighed. “All six of them are...Lucas, Mont, Dakota, and those three.” She nodded toward the bar and froze when she saw Cooper looking at her. She turned in her chair. “Cooper saw me.”

  Chloe laughed. “Yep. They’re all heading this way. We’ll need more chairs.”

  “Don’t you dare ask them to join—”

  “Hello boys. Have a seat.” Chloe smiled up at them while Kendra muttered under her breath.

  “Hi Kennie,” Storm spoke first. “How are you?”

  She smiled at Storm. “Wonderful and you?”

  Storm grinned at her. “I’m good.” Then his gaze swung to Chloe. “Chloe.”

  “Storm,” Chloe said in a husky voice.

  “Cooper,” Cooper said, grinning at them.

  “Linc,” Lincoln added.

  “Well, now that roll call’s out of the way, we can order some drinks.” Cooper raised his hand at the server.

  Kendra mentally groaned. How was she going to sit here next to him for who knew how long? She kept her eyes on the glass in front of her and ran her finger around the top of it. She glanced up when she heard her name. “What?”

  “I asked if you wanted to dance,” Lincoln told her.

  She smiled. “Of course, I’d love to, Linc.” She followed him out onto the dancefloor.


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