Helheim (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 2)

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Helheim (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 2) Page 20

by Debbie Champion

  "What?" she murmured, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

  Alex smiled down on her and brushed a lock of her chestnut brown hair out of her eyes.

  "Time to get up sleepy," he whispered. "The storm has stopped."

  A loud persistent cawing outside woke Sasha and Matt.

  "Oh my life, someone shut that bird up," cried Matt grumpily.

  Alex poked his head out of the tent and jerked back as a large raven hopped forward into the tent. It had a large thick vellum envelope in its beak.

  "What the hell?" cried Alex.

  "Dude, don't tell me you just got into Hogwarts? You're really a wizard, not a demigod," asked Matt, backing away from the bird.

  It had cocked its head to one side and was looking at them with sharp, beady, black eyes. The bird dropped the envelope, cawed loudly and hopped back out of the tent. A flutter of wings told them it had flown away.

  "That was a raven you idiot not an owl," said Sasha, poking him in the ribs with her elbow. "Quick Alex, read it. It must be a message from Valhalla."

  Alex tore open the envelope and read the note inside. "It says we're being picked up. The Light Elves have entered Asgard and are attacking the warriors on Freyja's field, Folkvangr. Thor wants me by his side. He thinks they've brought my mother to use as a threat. Where is this place, Folkvangr, Sasha?"

  "This is bad. It's close to the main city, you know near the Bifrost bridge? They must be after Iduna's orchard."

  "Come on, let's get out of here," said Alex, lifting the flap of the tent. "What about the goats, we can't leave them here?"

  "I'll untie them and send them back to Valhalla," said Sasha, crawling out of the tent.

  She ran over to the wet and very miserable looking goats and untied them whilst Matt, Alex and Becca took down the tent. They heaped the canvas and pegs onto the back of the chariot and Sasha sent the goats off with directions to make all speed to Valhalla.

  "So what do you reckon our ride is?" asked Matt, looking at the back of the receding goats. "I sure hope it's better than that."

  "Oh Matt, you're in for a treat," said Sasha, looking up at the sky.

  Four large birds were swooping down towards them from the sky.

  "Hang on," said Matt shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun. "That's a woman...a woman with wings."

  "They're Valkyries," corrected Sasha.

  She was waving frantically, trying to get the attention of the Valkyries. When they saw her, they started to descend rapidly and came to a running stop just before them. The Valkyries looked magnificent. They each had a set of raven black wings, which stretched out to double their height. As soon as they landed they tucked their wings behind their backs neatly. They were dressed and armed for war, with gleaming silver breastplates over short white tunics and helmets any ancient Roman would have been proud of. Long swords were strapped to their backs between their wings and thigh length, heeled black leather boots completed the look. Alex suddenly recognised the one who had landed first. It was the one who had served them drinks at the feast.

  "Hey, Mist, isn't it?" he asked her.

  She grinned and her eyes shone gold with excitement.

  "We heard you needed a ride. You would have missed the battle if you had used Thor's chariot to get there. You won't want to miss this," she said, bouncing on the balls of her feet impatiently.

  "How bad is it?" asked Alex.

  "Oh really bad. King Ingwe has brought his whole army. We have no idea how they breached our defences. There must be a traitor in Asgard. Odin went bat crazy when he found out, he demanded Heimdall's head on a plate. He's meant to warn us of danger after all. The Light Elves really caught him napping."

  "Look, I'm not taking these guys into a battlefield. Take me and take them back to Valhalla or wherever it will be safe," said Alex.

  "No way," said Sasha. "You can take Becca and Matt back but I'm coming with you. I can fight you've seen me and I bet my dad is there. I need to keep an eye on him to make sure he stays safe."

  "You're not getting rid of us," cut in Becca. "I'm a first aider, I'll be able to help."

  "Yeah and I can pack a punch. We're not leaving you buddy. All for one and one for all," said Matt, squeezing Alex's shoulder firmly.

  "There's no time, they'll have to come with us anyway," said Mist. "I can't spare two of my girls to take them back. We need every warrior in Asgard for this fight. The messengers said the Light Elf army is huge. Let's get going, we'll carry you there but drop you behind the battle lines. These two should be safe at the back, providing the elves don't break through. If they do then we're all doomed. Alex, you're with me."

  Mist extended her wings fully and Alex stood in front of her. She reached out and gripped him tightly around the waist and he put his arms around her shoulders.

  "Hmm, you sure work out don't you?" she grinned at him.

  The next second she had pushed off from the ground and the wind was rushing past Alex's head. His legs dangled in the air and he wrapped them around her waist quickly before he slipped out of her grasp. The ground fell away quickly and she beat her wings hard, climbing higher and higher over the mountains. Alex looked over her shoulder and saw the other three gripping to their Valkyries like spider monkeys.

  When Mist had gained enough height she spread her wings wide and glided on the warm currents of air. They were soaring over the craggy mountains and the sight took Alex's breath away. Asgard was beautiful; lush green valleys were nestled between the mountains and high waterfalls cascaded down the sides, feeding multitudes of rivers which wound their way through the valleys. In no time at all the mountains levelled off into gently rolling hills and then the land flattened out completely into vast green plains.

  Up ahead Alex could see water at the edge of the land and beyond the water the golden turrets and marble buildings of the main citadel which were perched on a hill on an island. He could just see the rainbow glow of the Bifrost bridge connecting the island to the jagged cliff where Heimdall's house was built.

  "Hold on," shouted Mist, in his ear. "We're going down."

  She folded her wings behind her into a v shape and accelerated towards the island. Alex held on as tightly as he could but he felt his legs starting to slip with the force. Just when he thought he was going to lose his grip he felt a thud as she landed. She ran a few steps with the momentum and came to a standstill.

  "Ok, you can get off now," she said, peeling his arms from her neck.

  His muscles felt frozen from holding on so tightly. Three more thuds announced the arrival of the others. Matt jumped down straight away and whooped with delight.

  "Oh man, that was awesome. Scared the bejeezus out of me but that totally rocked."

  Alex rolled his eyes, rubbed his sore muscles and looked around. They were standing just outside the gates to the golden citadel. Before them was a flat grassy plain which stretched as far as the eye could see. It was filled with the army of the Light Elves. They stood in neat blocks, comprised of what looked like about eighty elves in each block. There were five blocks at the front and these were made up of more elves than the ones behind them. Alex did a quick count and reckoned there were a hundred and fifty in each of the front blocks. The blocks went on and on and Alex estimated there were about sixty of them stretching into the distance. Working it out quickly in his head he reckoned the army before them numbered about five thousand.

  Sunlight glinted off the Light Elves silver armour. They all looked exactly the same; tall with long blonde hair, which was tied back away from their faces and covered with a silver helmet with cheek pieces. Their identical blue cloaks fluttered in a light breeze and they all held long rectangular silver shields before them.

  "Well that explains something," said Matt, standing beside Alex.

  "What?" he asked, looking at the vast army.

  "I always wondered where they got all the extras for the Lord of the Rings films," grinned Matt.

  Alex snorted and folded his arms, surveying the ar
my before him.

  "Great, it hasn't started yet," said Mist, rubbing her hands together in anticipation. "Our army is gathering over there," she said, nodding to the right of the citadel. "Becca, go into the town and ask for Eir. She's the goddess of healing and will probably need a hand today."

  Becca turned to Alex and held his hands to her chest.

  "Be careful," she whispered, with tears in her eyes.

  The enormity of what was before them had struck her and she was terrified. Her hands trembled and he held onto them tightly.

  "Stay in the citadel no matter what. I'll come find you when it's over," he said, seriously.

  She nodded her head and stood back as Alex turned to Matt.

  "Matt, please go with Becca. This is really serious and I know you can kick ass but I'm immortal and you're not. I need to know that Becca is safe. Can you keep her safe for me?" he asked gripping Matt by the forearm.

  Matt looked at Becca and then the army and nodded.

  "It's ok, I've got this. Those big eared freaks won't get anywhere near her. What about Sasha though? I think she should come with us too. She doesn't have powers like you yet."

  "Says who?" said Sasha, biting into a juicy golden apple. "I've felt different since yesterday. I'm not sure what I can do yet but I've got a feeling it's going to be awesome," she grinned. "Here Alex, have a top up," she said, tossing him a golden apple.

  "Where did you get this?" he asked rolling it around in his hands in wonder.

  The sunlight glinted off the apple and cast spots of bright light on the grass.

  "I gave it to her!" said Iduna, walking out from behind one of the Valkyries.

  "Auntie! Good to see you and wow, you're actually wearing something I can't see through...oh man did I just say that out loud?" he smacked his forehead with his palm.

  "Very funny," she said.

  She was dressed for war in a pleated knee length metal skirt and a golden breastplate. Two short swords were strapped to her back in a crisis cross and Alex could see sharp daggers attached to her knee length boots.

  "You're going to fight?" he asked surprised.

  "Not in the main battle but if they come near my orchard may Odin help them," she said savagely.

  "Where's Lexi? She's not fighting is she?" he asked, worried.

  "Are you serious? No she's not fighting. She's with Eir, ready to help with any casualties. Becca you had better go there now, the battle is about to start."

  Becca nodded and Alex reached for her quickly and gave her a quick hug.

  "Stay safe," he whispered into her hair.

  She nodded again and blinked back tears. Matt grabbed her hand and pulled her through the golden gates. Alex sighed with relief; he knew Matt would keep her safe.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Alex and Sasha made their way quickly to the area where the Asgardian army were gathering. Alex saw his father talking to Heimdall and made his way over to him.

  "Hey Dad," he called.

  Even now it felt weird to call him dad.

  "Son," cried Thor, gripping his forearm hard. "Did the Norns lift the curse on you?"

  "Well they will when they feel the time is right, probably after a couple of bottles of wine," said Alex, shrugging his shoulders.

  "Hmm, cryptic as ever," said Thor, shaking his head. “It’s impossible to get a straight answer out of them. They love holding that power over us.”

  "Well I'm ok for now. What's the plan? Where are they holding my mum?"

  "I was just discussing that with Heimdall. Baldur and Odin are talking to King Ingwe, trying to talk sense into him. This is not a fight they can win. Odin loves war and chaos but this fight is too one sided. Five thousand Light Elves against the gods and goddesses of Asgard and the warriors of Valhalla. It's madness."

  "Well I'm thinking they have something up their sleeves otherwise why would they risk it?" asked Alex.

  "The only way they could even the odds is if the Jotnar Giants threw in their lot with them. Now that would be a formidable army. I could get my teeth stuck into that," said Thor, smashing Mjolnir into his palm.

  "What if they had a god on their side?" asked Alex, peering into the distance.

  Amongst the blue flapping cloaks he could see a figure dressed all in black.

  "Look over there," he said, pointing to the black figure, he could see in the distance.

  Thor looked over to where Alex was pointing and he swore loudly.

  "Loki," he spat. "They rescued Loki and now he stands against us."

  "Yeah and I think he brought a few friends," said Alex, fear gripping his bowels.

  Beyond the army of the Light Elves he could see large dark shapes amassing behind them.

  "Jotnar Giants," hissed Thor. "Heimdall, how is this possible?"

  Heimdall looked thoroughly confused. "I've told you already, I don't remember anything. I was at the feast and returned to my post when Alex left. The next thing I know I was waking up at my kitchen table and the Light Elves had crossed the Bifrost bridge."

  "You were drugged," said Sasha, certainly. "Who gave you food or drink?"

  "I ate the same food as everyone else. The Valkyries gave me mead, no one....wait, hang on...Sif gave me a drink. She said she couldn't finish it and didn't want it going to waste. No... It can't be," he said, shocked.

  "Sif!" cried Thor. "Oh yes, this has got her name all over it. When she took me outside, she said I would be sorry for making a fool of her," said Thor, rubbing his hand over his face.

  "How could she?" cried Sasha.

  "A spurned woman is a dangerous woman," said Heimdall, looking at Thor severely.

  "I know, I know. I never thought," he sighed.

  "Er, they're moving," said Alex, pointing to the Light Elves.

  The army was moving forward slowly and the Light Elves were beating their drawn swords on the edges of their shields. The noise was unnerving and rang through Alex's ears.

  "They're trying to provoke the fight. I guess Baldur and Odin couldn't make them see sense. This is war," said Thor, with a glint in his eye. "Alex, Becca, stay back to start with. Try and see where they’re holding your mother. You might be able to outflank them and rescue her. As soon as she's safe, we'll go all out and annihilate those big eared freaks."

  Suddenly Alex could feel the ground vibrating.

  "Odin is back from the negotiations," said Heimdall.

  Alex looked over to where Heimdall was pointing and he could see Sleipnir striding up the side of the hill, his eight legs kicking up great tufts of earth and grass. Odin was sitting up straight in the saddle, his cloak was billowing out behind him and he held his golden spear aloft. A black raven hovered just above his shoulder, beating his wings every now and then to keep pace with the horse. Baldur was following directly behind on a large glossy black stallion. He was dressed for war in golden armour which flashed as it caught the sun, blinding them. As soon as they reached them Odin threw himself off Sleipnir and came over and patted Alex on the back. The black raven perched on Odin's shoulders and cawed noisily.

  "Good, you made it in time," he said grinning. "I'm looking forward to seeing their faces when I unleash you. They have no idea of the power you have and Sasha, I sense your power has been triggered. The two of you will be formidable."

  "Father, I told Alex and Sasha to stay at the back. They need to find Mathilde and remove the Light Elves bargaining power," said Thor.

  "Pah, she's no bargaining chip. I couldn't care less what they do to that Midgardian. I agree Alex and Sasha should stay back though. They're my secret weapon," said Odin, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

  "Did you talk to Loki father?" asked Thor.

  "No, the little numbskull kept his distance. Very wise move. Looks like he managed to sweet talk his way around the Jotnar giants. I should have foreseen that, trickster that he is. I'll wring his neck when I get hold of him," growled Odin.

  "No, he's all mine," cut in Baldur. "I've waited centuries for my rev
enge. No one is taking that away from me."

  He looked around the group daring anyone to say otherwise. They all nodded in silent agreement, though Thor looked surly about it. He would have loved the chance to teach his brother a lesson again.

  "Muninn," Odin said to the raven on his shoulder. "Go and tell Tyr to start leading the warriors of Valhalla out now. He can deal with the first wave. Baldur you can go and see if you can corner my idiot of a son. Don't kill him though. He and I need to have another word. Thor, I'll leave you in charge of the giants. I know how you like to play with them," he sniggered. "You can lead the warriors of Folkvangr. Alex and Sasha, you're to stay with me. I'll tell you who to target and you can take them down one by one."

  The raven took off with a flap of his wings and soared down the hill.

  "Er, just one problem," said Sasha. "I feel different but I don't actually know what my power is yet. How will I know if it will help? It might be completely useless here like being able to write poetry really well, making people fall in love..."

  Odin laughed and shook his head. "Oh Sasha, you are funny. Did you think that having a father like Baldur would lead to you writing poetry? No my dearest, you have a power equal to Alex's. You can summon and control fire. Feel within yourself, there should be a spark, deep inside. Tap into that spark and hold on. When you feel the essence of the fire course through your veins you can release it."

  "Cool, you're like Cyclops, the guy from the X-Men who can vaporise anything with his eyes of fire," said Alex, impressed.

  "It won't come out of her eyes," Odin clarified, confused. "Your hands Sasha, use your hands. Try it now. Concentrate on the spark and see if you can summon a flame."

  Sasha closed her eyes and tried to feel for something inside, but it was no good, there was nothing there. She screwed her face up in concentration and held her breath.

  "It's no good," she gasped. "There's nothing there," she said, disappointed.

  "Oh it's there alright, we just need to find the right trigger to release it," said Odin, knowingly. "Come with me, we need to get in position above Tyr. We'll keep to the hill so I can see what's going on."


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