HDU #2: Dirt

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HDU #2: Dirt Page 12

by India Lee

  — R0X1E)





  holy shit. PRETTYKITTY!?!?! i’m pissed. why didn’t I think of this first




  omg. this is why Pretty is never around anymore. and this is why she banned Pop Dinner as a source they’re always dragging her cause they know she’s a giant SKETCHY BITCH. ADLKFJDLFKJF EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE NOW


  soo basically liam brody reads hdu and is still a dirty, implant-chasing piece of shit.


  pfft i would’ve done the same thing if i had the chance. more power to you, amanda nathan you evil whore. i think I like you now.




  knew that basic face couldn’t land his flawless ass. someone tell me what that megan chick thinks of this she is probably loling forever rn

  Upstairs, Amanda could hear Liam still on the phone with either Terrence or his publicist — he had been going back and forth between their calls since their car ride from the stadium. During that time, Amanda’s shaking hands had done their best to text Wendy since she was in entirely too much shock to speak anymore. She had used up all her words to give Liam a brief summary of how the hell this had even happened and his wordless disappointment had taken whatever wind was left in her completely out. And so she texted.

  wendy i am so sorry. i know this is bad and it looks crazy but i can explain. it isn’t fake not anymore at least. i am so so sorry

  It wasn’t the most convincing or eloquent of her writing samples, but it at least managed to garner a response from Wendy that seemed far less hysterical than those of Terrence and Liam’s own publicist.

  I walked in on you two on the night of your birthday. I know it’s not fake. Things are bad but keep calm. I will handle this and I will handle Tom.

  Tom. Shit. Staring out the window onto Mercer Street, at the sidewalk full of people who would soon know all about her contract with Liam if they already didn’t, Amanda swallowed. She had been so concerned with Liam’s job safety with Terrence that she hadn’t thought about her own with Tom.

  Quiet, still listening to Liam’s rising voice on the phone, Amanda felt her own lividness gradually building to a peak.

  Before she knew it, her feet were on the sidewalk. She could barely remember stepping out of Liam’s kitchen let alone his apartment but that was hardly a surprise considering the way her body continued to move without her consent. Before Amanda could pull her hand from the air, a cab had stopped in front of her and before she could stop her mouth from opening, her lips uttered Casey’s Lafayette Street home address.

  She’ll be home. Somehow, Amanda was sure of it. She had had enough experience with Casey to know that she anticipated everything before it happened and she was far too much of a sadist to miss Amanda’s in-person reaction by being unavailable at her apartment. It was the only place Amanda knew to go.

  “Hello, Miss Nathan — I’ll let Miss Mulreed know you’re on your way.”

  Amanda tried not to scowl at the dutiful doorman in the lobby of Casey’s loft apartment. After all, his big smile could very well be professional and have nothing to do with the news about her relationship. He might not even know yet — the article had been published on Pop Dinner less than an hour ago. Amanda took the smallest comfort in the fact that the entire world had yet to know. But only the very smallest bit since soon, everyone would know, whether they cared about celebrity news or not. It was just how things were.

  As she stepped into the elevator and turned to press the button on Casey’s floor, Amanda felt her jaw tighten, catching the bright, red Pop Dinner logo on the doorman’s iPhone screen just before the doors closed.

  As the floor numbers moved up toward Casey’s penthouse, Amanda felt her quiet fury rising from the knot at the bottom of her throat, all her bottled anger prepared to unleash the second the doors opened into the stark white apartment.

  But once again, Casey managed to anticipate Amanda. Once the elevator doors parted, Amanda felt herself freeze, too startled by the fact that Casey stood right before them, smiling and ready for her in a white tea dress with a yellow flower in her hair.

  “I’ve been expecting you,” she said, giggling at her own line.

  Amanda stared, frozen in the elevator as Casey’s stood in front of the door, managing to box her in with her petite frame.

  “So rude of me. Come in,” Casey said once she was finished reducing Amanda back to speechless anger. She spun on the heel of her bare foot, turning and practically skipping into her apartment. “Tea? Coffee?”

  “You were going to leak the story anyway.”

  Casey turned around, cocking her head with a smile. “Why are you telling me this like I don’t know it?”

  Amanda glared. “Why did you have me say anything for you to Fleur Magazine if you were going to leak the story anyway?”

  Casey plopped down on a white leather chaise, patting the seat next to her for probably her entertainment only since Amanda stood frozen and rigid between the elevator and sitting room.

  “Just wanted to remind the world of our roles,” Casey answered with a dainty shrug, gazing down at her lap as she smoothed her A-line skirt. “I mean let’s be honest, doll, I am the reason you have your silly job at Leadoff right now. I introduced you to Wendy — at a party that you couldn’t buy your way into if you weren’t so-called dating Liam. Basically, the only person who’s more of a nobody than you is your crackhead friend, Ian, so I really don’t think it’s appropriate for anyone to be drawing comparisons between the two of us. Don’t you agree?”

  Amanda blinked hard, shaking her head in disbelief. “You did all this because you were mad that one or two random entertainment bloggers compared me to you? Are you kidding me?”

  “No, I had you remind Fleur that you were a little nobody because of the comparisons. I leaked your contract to Pop Dinner because your quote about rehab got…” she blew her cheeks up with air, “Way more attention that it should have for someone who’s a little nobody. It’s like the world is forgetting that you’re not an actual celebrity. Like, your word should mean literally nothing — all you’re known for is being a Hollywood girlfriend who wears like, a size eight in jeans,” Casey laughed, shaking her head. “And yet you get mentioned in the same breath as someone who’s spent half of her life in this industry. Doesn’t it seem kind of ridiculous?” she asked Amanda, batting her lashes.

  “Only as ridiculous as the fact that you’re letting it get to you,” Amanda replied through gritted teeth. “You have your acting credits, your Oscar nomination. Your last name. Nothing I do should intimidate you.”

  Casey burst out laughing, covering her mouth with both hands. “Holy shit, doll, you do not intimidate me.”

  “Then what are you doing?” Amanda demanded, taking an angry step toward the white leather chaise. Casey raised her eyebrows, delighted. “Why are you still bothering me? I shouldn’t be any of your business anymore. You already have your show and your buzz thanks to what you did to Ian. We’re both keeping our mouths shut about it because he’s been through enough so what the hell do you want from either of us anymore?”

  Casey made a silly face, as if Amanda’s question were completely laughable. “I was just trying to close the circle here, duh.” When Amanda narrowed her eyes, she clarified. “You can say it’s Liam all you want but I was the one who made you famous. And I had my reasons but now that I don’t need you or Ian anymore, it’s time to close the circle and…” She pushed her tiny lower lip out and shrugged. “…make you not famous,” she said, giggling at her ine
loquent wording before throwing her hands up with whimsy. “Already did that with the crackhead. Now I’m just waiting it out till you’re just as irrelevant. Can’t have you saying anything else that gets even the tiniest bit of attention!” Casey said with a silly pout on her lips, as if she were talking to a baby. Her laugh winding down into a sigh, she then clicked her phone on to look at the screen, giving a shrug. “I anticipate it’ll take a week. Basically a few days after you’re fired from Leadoff.”

  “Well, now that you’ve outed me and I’ve got nothing to lose, what’s to stop me from saying everything?” Amanda challenged, feeling her face grow hot. “Whether or not people believe me, I’ll drag the name of your show through embarrassing headlines for as long as I can and judging from the amount of attention you’ve given me today, that could be awhile.”

  Casey smirked. “Go ahead. I just have a feeling you’re not going to do that.”

  “Oh really. Why?”

  “Because whether or not you two are fake, I know the type of person you are. You’re a nice girl,” Casey said with a mocking out. “You’re the type to feel bad about prolonging Liam’s embarrassment over this whole situation. I mean considering he has a legitimate career to lose whereas you…” Casey squinted, as if taking her time in order to word herself eloquently. “You were always a joke.” She giggled. “I mean look at you, doll. You’re so funny. You always think you have something to say to me but it always turns out you’ve got nothing.” Rising from the leather chaise, Casey stretched her petite arms, letting go of a sigh. “Anyway, cutie pie. I need to get to the office,” she said casually, as if it were any other conversation — at least until she looked up at Amanda, her icy eyes sharp and her lips twisted into a smirk. “Which means get the fuck out, silly.”


  When she returned to Liam’s apartment, Amanda stepped out from the elevator to see him hunched over on the leather sectional in the sitting room. The second he caught sight of her, he rose to his feet with an urgency that contradicted his tone.

  “Where were you?”


  “I’m not asking you to apologize, I just want to know where you were,” Liam said, his tone surprisingly even as he slipped his hands into his pockets as he watched her walk slowly to him. She peered at him. He stood straight, tall but there was a tenseness in his jaw and his shoulders slightly slumped. He was trying to hide his anger and total disappointment but she could still detect a few signs and it made her heart wrench.

  “I mean I’m sorry for all of this,” Amanda clarified. “For ever giving you this idea to bring me here. For trying to be friends with Casey.” She spoke her name with utter revulsion. Liam shook his head, as if her inflection said it all.

  “You went to see her.”


  “Do me a favor from now on, Amanda,” Liam said promptly, his tone making her eyes fly anxiously up from the ground. “Stop with Casey. Everything.”


  Liam ran his hand over the top of his head before letting it fall hard and angrily to his side. “Listen, if Casey were a guy things would be different right now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’d have put her in the hospital, Amanda, but she’s not so I’m going to deal with my own shit and leave her alone,” Liam replied, his cheeks flexing. “Which means you should too. The more you provoke her, the more she’ll screw with you and trust me, she has all the resources to do that thoroughly. It may be hard for you to believe, but this isn’t her at her craziest so do me a favor from now on, Amanda, and don’t get involved in anything more that has to do with Casey. Trust me this time.”

  This time. Amanda swallowed with guilt.

  “Promise you’ll leave it alone, Amanda.”

  But it doesn’t make sense to. Casey had just ruined everything. She had first gotten Ian and now she’d gotten Amanda and Liam. It didn’t make sense to promise to leave her alone, at peace.

  But it was the least Amanda owed Liam considering how much the first chance she’d given Casey had royally screwed them. Knowing she’d regret the words, she nodded, avoiding his eye for only so long as he tipped her chin up to look at him.

  “I promise,” she said.

  Chapter 8


  And other speculations about the integrity of Liamanda and the Hollywood folks they work with

  Pop Rock Gossip

  July 17th

  Posted by Bitty

  As you can see, this is a guest post because my poor friend and your usual columnist, Jessie O., is still rattled to the core and devouring entire boxes of Birthday Cake Oreos as she recovers from the discovery that her entire life has been a lie. And by her entire life I mean the past five months or however long it’s been since January, when the world was introduced to the false glory of Liamanda.

  Shame on us. We were all so dazzled by the fact that a gorgeous, serial model-dater could fall for a Plain Jane non-celeb that we didn’t realize a gorgeous, serial model-dater would never fall for a Plain Jane non-celeb. Honestly, what in the ever-loving f*ck were we thinking? Don’t we know this industry well enough by now? Apparently not. And because we obviously need one, let me rattle off some prospective slogans so we never forget that we can’t trust a single bitch in this town ever again:




  Which one do you like best? I’m partial to number three.

  Anyway, now that it’s been twelve hours since the Liamanda sham was revealed and most of us have gotten past the initial stages of shock and carb-bingeing, let us play a little game of True or False regarding some other things that we were led to believe aside from the whole “Liam totally bumps nasties with Amanda” thing.

  1. T or F: Amanda Nathan is your everyday sweetheart from a little town in Missouri and she had no idea what the f*ck she was doing when she got here, none at all.

  False. Come on, y’all. Not only did this girl basically blackmail Liam Brody into casting her as his fake-ass girlfriend, she also laid down a whole damned contract full of terms for their fake-ass relationship. The bitch is cold. And calculated. And kind of bad to the bone if you want my honest opinion here, but let’s face it: she tricked the shit out of us and she didn’t even feel guilty doing it. “Oh, I’m so innocent and new to New York! Ohh, I have no idea how to dress and I’m super duper shy! Ohhh, I am so not a premeditated bitch with a genius plan all along!” People. In less than half a year, this girl came to New York, got the world to love her for being a total noob, befriended big names like Casey Mulreed and Wendy Krentz, landed a job at June Magazine, broke up with Liam Brody for Dylan Hardy, landed a job at ZINC for new show Leadoff and got back together with Liam Brody. That is all basically impossible to accomplish in such a short amount of time unless your lying ass knew exactly what it was doing the entire time.

  2. T or F: Liam Brody is a reformed womanizer who has the mental and physical strength of a Navy SEAL and Pararescue jumper combined.

  False. These are things that Liam Brody and Terrence Rambis want you to believe but know that they fall under the respective and oft-used Hollywood categories of “Lies I Told to Land a Movie Role” and “Lies I Told So They’d Give Me an Oscar.” Again, people. Liam Brody’s penis is as famous as he is and about ten thousand times needier than the average dude’s. If he wasn’t actually dating Amanda Nathan, then he wasn’t actually sleeping with her and if he wasn’t actually sleeping with her, there are probably around twenty swimsuit models between Amman, Jordan and Manhattan who have pocketed some fat paychecks for keeping their nasty-bumping with Liam a total secret throughout his five-month fauxmance. Also, regarding Terrence Rambis’s claims that A Soldier was insanely authentic in its making and that he trained Liam alongside actual SEALs and PJs so he would possess the actual same skill? Buncha unpatriotic l
ies. Really though, are you really shocked? The whole concept of “Liamanda” started so Liam could land the part of John Camden in A Soldier. The mere foundation of this film is based on lies! So no, A Soldier isn’t the intense, raw, backbreaking, method-acting, shockingly real biopic that Rambis wants you to think it is so he’ll sweep the Oscars in February. It’s just another regular-ass war movie with body doubles, publicity stunts and probably a lot of scenes with inaccuracies that would make the Air Force cringe for days.

  So basically, kiddos, the lesson here?

  Amanda Nathan is a liar, Liam Brody is a liar, Terrence Rambis is most likely a liar and Hollywood is as full of shit as it’s always been — we just need to stop forgetting the fact every time there’s a story that’s feel-good enough to remind us that once upon a time, we were compassionate people who wished the best for others and not total bloodthirsty sadists who stalked Pop Dinner for embarrassing videos of drunk and/or heartbroken celebs.

  Which, I’ll be honest, is exactly what I’m doing right now because the Liamanda Sham is entirely too good not to eat up till its gone. Sorry not sorry.

  “Oh my God, total lovebirds, so convincing,” someone’s mocking voice cooed, prompting gasps and snorts from anyone within earshot.

  The reaction on the street made Amanda feel as if she were completely naked — and it wasn’t just the paparazzi anymore. She hugged her sides after letting Liam help her out of the Mercedes in front of the Flatiron offices of Rambis Pictures. While previously they had attempted some sort of subtlety with photos, the pedestrians on the sidewalk now stopped and whipped out their phones to snap guiltless pictures with the flash bright and on. An embarrassing scandal apparently made the celebrity that much more like a zoo animal. Amanda was learning that rather quickly.


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