HIS Return (Hamilton Investigation & Security: HIS Series Book 3)

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HIS Return (Hamilton Investigation & Security: HIS Series Book 3) Page 3

by Sheila Kell

  The voices rose. Jake listened intently and released a heavily burdened sigh. They spoke of his execution. It was set to air live on the Internet. It would be the kickoff to seventy terrorists’ attacks throughout the U.S. He shuddered at the impact of that many explosions.

  Jake removed the orange jumpsuit and bit back the excruciating pain in his body as he reclined on the bed, wishing he had the energy to attempt another escape. He was so emotionally and physically exhausted, he couldn’t think of another way out, couldn’t even put together a possible plan.

  He swallowed hard, his pulse throbbing rapidly against his neck. He hoped his family never caught wind of the video. A beheading was gruesome and something he hoped Emily would never witness, especially if it were his death.

  His death. Will I feel pain? He touched his throat. I hope they made one clean cut. Will anyone care that I’ve died? Will Em care?

  He needed to speak and reached out to the one person he’d been closest with most of his life. It didn’t matter that no one was there to listen. He just had to say the words. “Well, AJ.” Heavy emotions mixed in Jake’s raw voice as he spoke aloud knowing no one would hear him. Taking a deep swallow, he pushed past the lump in his throat and continued, “This may finally be it. If I can’t escape, I won’t have a chance to tell you how sorry I am for what happened. You were the best friend any man could have. I’m sorry I ruined it. I swear if I’d have realized what had been happening, I would’ve stopped it.”

  He rubbed his hand over his face and then stroked the scraggy dark beard that he hated. He had to get his emotions off his chest. “I know you may not believe me. You were right when we were in college about me wanting your sister. She’d grown up at some point, and I knew I felt more for her than just a sisterly affection.” He took a deep breath, ignoring the pain to his ribs. “But, you were also right that I should’ve stayed away. But, brother, she’s all I’ve thought about these last four years.”

  A smile touched his painfully dry, cracked lips. “I don’t know when she grew from the little pixie in ponytails who followed us around, trying to steal kisses from me to the young woman she was when I left. I imagine you noticed, as I did, that she had a special smile for me.”

  Thinking of Em made his body feel light with less pain. He grabbed onto that relief. “I don’t know if you want to hear this, but it was the toughest thing for me to do not to kiss her every time I saw her.” The image of their kisses, even in his dream, had kept him warm at nights, before and after his capture, thinking of how they’d feel when he was awake, and his lips against soft ones, drinking in her sweetness.

  “I’m not sure when I fell in love with her. Hell, I didn’t realize it until I was here and had sorted out my feelings.” His throat tightened, making him unable to swallow for a moment. “I love her with every fiber of my being and know I will love her in whatever afterlife there might be for me. Take care of her, AJ.”

  Jake closed his eyes; a shiver bled into Jake’s body, and an unchecked tear slid past his temple into his hairline.

  Composing himself, he slipped his hands behind his head, linking in his dark hair that was in desperate need of a wash and cut, and a chuckle erupted from within him. “Do you remember the time we caught Matt skinny dipping with his girlfriend, Caitlyn? I’m not sure how he found out it was us who took off with their clothes.” Shaking his head slightly, he winced at the pain radiating through it with each movement. It had been hilarious watching Matt come back to the house cupping his jewels and searching for clothes for his girlfriend. Of course, Senator Hamilton hadn’t thought it as funny. “I guess we deserved all the trouble the twins gave us as we gave them back more. If not, it sure wasn’t for lack of trying.”

  Jake was on a roll and couldn’t stop. He had things he needed to say, and while he lay upon the cot, allowing his body to recover enough to escape, he continued, “I know I’ve told you before, but I can never thank you enough for rescuing me after my mother died and my father left me to fend for myself. If you hadn’t found me and convinced your father to take me into his home, I have no idea what would’ve happened to me. I can’t imagine I’d have found a foster home so loving and caring. Not many people would want to associate with the son of a murderer.”

  His heart squeezed at the thought of his mother. Remembering the smile she would give him each morning spread a warm, loving feeling through him, having her love lifting his spirits briefly. He hadn’t spoken about her in years, but she was regularly on his mind. “Mom, I hate how your life turned out with and without Dad. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you. I know I was young, but I was puny for my age. Maybe if I’d eaten all of my vegetables like you told me to, instead of feeding them to the dog, I might’ve been strong enough to break down my bedroom door.” A humorless laugh escaped him. He wouldn’t think about that night.

  “You always told me to do something that makes a difference and helps people who need it. I had hoped to make you proud when I stopped this group from killing others for no reason.” He fought the heavy sob grappling to be released and then stiffened, feeling his mother’s comforting presence. I will not allow despair to overtake me. “I will try to escape one more time and salvage this mission.” He had to or the consequences were dire. “But, if I fail and there is a God and a heaven, I will see you tomorrow. I love you, Mom.”

  His mother’s presence lingered, and he used it to beat back the darkness. Without thought, he did what he felt she would want him to do, what they had done together daily. He slipped off the bed to his knees, clasped his hands together and did something he hadn’t done since she’d passed. He prayed. He prayed for the family that had treated him as one of their own. He prayed for Emily and her future. He prayed for another opportunity to escape and save all the people who would unknowingly walk to their death tomorrow just for being in the place targeted by this vicious, unstable group.

  Jake started at the sound of the lock to his room turning. Terror seized his body, tightening every muscle, pumping his blood fast through his veins while his heart pounded in his ears. This was it. This was the end. But he’d be damned if he’d show his fear.

  The guard grabbed his arm, but Jake wouldn’t go without at least one last fight… one last attempt for freedom. He may be beaten down, but no matter how resolved to his current fate, he wouldn’t just give up. He wanted to live.

  He rammed his elbow into the man’s stomach with everything he had. With his guard bent over, groaning, he attempted to stand and run, but that final surge of energy faltered. Dizziness overcame him, and he would have fallen to the floor if not for the man who caught him. He struggled in the guard’s hold.

  “Dammit, Jake!”

  He snapped his head up at the angry whisper in his ear and looked at his guard. Either his mind had decided to play tricks on him in the end, or AJ Hamilton stood in front of him, dressed in full combat gear and a grim expression on his face. “AJ,” his voice, all choked up, cracked, “is it really you or am I hallucinating?”

  “It’s me. Can you walk?”

  Irrepressible relief washed through Jake, and he struggled with the strength to stand on his own. “I may need help, but I’ll make it.” He’d make it even if he had to crawl to leave this hellhole. “Did Arthur send you?” He had wondered how long before his boss would figure it out and dispatch someone to find him and extract him if necessary.

  AJ wrapped an arm tightly around Jake’s waist. “Don’t mention that fucker’s name to me right now.” He paused at the door. “Hold on.”

  Two large figures emerged from the darkness, and Jake tensed. The idea of a successful escape surged an unexpected dose of adrenaline through his veins, but he wasn’t sure if he could overpower either of the men, but damn if he wouldn’t try. “I think I can handle one on my own.”

  AJ chuckled. “I don’t recommend taking out our escort. Besides, you never bested either of the twins.”

The twins? The other men he’d grown up with, Brad and Matt, had also come for him?

  Brad looked Jake up and down. “Motherfucker.” He shook his head, anger tracing his features. “Ready?” He stepped over the prone body of Jake’s guard to lead the way.

  Both he and AJ nodded. With his best friend supporting his weight, they quietly slid through the building, around bodies on the ground, to the back of the compound and out to safety. Jake stumbled, his legs threatening to collapse on him, and his world grew fuzzy, but AJ held on to him. He fought with everything he had to remain conscious, but he started failing. It had been too long since he’d eaten and not long enough since his last beating.

  “Shit! Matt, grab his other side. He’s passing out.”

  Someone put an arm under his shoulder, helping AJ support his weight.

  “We’re clear.” The affirmative came before shooting and yelling commenced behind them.

  As the darkness pulled him down, Jake realized that he luckily hadn’t found out the answer to his question of if one’s life flashed before one’s eyes before they died. He’d gladly wait to find out.

  WAKING was the last thing Jake wanted to do. Being conscious meant it would be time for his execution. He preferred the darkness and his dreams. In them, he wasn’t alone.

  “I told you only two at a time,” a woman’s voice remarked disapprovingly over a series of beeps. “I count five.”

  “You can count six now.”

  Jake’s heart pounded at the familiar, deep voice. It was the man who had always been there when he needed him, the man who’d given him a chance at a life with a loving family and to grow into a man his mother would have been proud of knowing.

  “Oh, Senator Hamilton, sir, I, um, well, I guess it’ll be okay as long as you’re all quiet and allow him to rest.”

  In his dream, his family was there until the end. His only hope was that he didn’t bring Em into it, knowing it was about to turn into a nightmare. Before he allowed himself to pull her in, he slid back into oblivion.

  Sometime later, the beeping and whispering brought him back to the surface. He tried to swallow against the lump constricting his dry throat. It must be time for them to take him away. The fog in his mind began to clear, lifting the fuzziness from his memories. AJ had rescued him, hadn’t he? Or had that been just another dream?

  Jake slowly opened his eyes, but bright light forced him to slam them shut, but not before he’d captured a glimpse of his blessed surroundings.

  Reopening his eyes, Jake surveyed the hospital room. Two men huddled near the door, their backs to him, in deep discussion. He only captured bits of two sentences: “Not all of them,” and “Be careful.” He turned his head to the side and saw AJ asleep in the chair beside him. Even after what had happened, his family had risked their lives to save him. His heart squeezed at the time lost with them, the love he had missed.

  “Jake, you’re awake.”

  At Senator Hamilton’s statement, AJ started and almost tumbled out of the chair.

  Jake bit back a smile at the sight and turned his head to the speaker, fighting the racing of his pulse and heavy beating of his heart. He focused on the man who’d been a father to him. “Sir,” he responded, unsure what else to say. What did the senator know about him and Em? What had AJ told him?

  “Here.” AJ pushed a button on a remote beside the bed that moved the bed to a position where Jake sat up, and then his best friend put a cup with water to Jake’s lips, pouring slowly so the drink could wet his parched throat. “I’ll let the nurse know you’re awake.” He set the cup on the bedside table and exited the room.

  “Special Agent Cavanaugh, I’m glad to see you.”

  He turned his gaze on Arthur. The man had aged while Jake had been on assignment, gray flecks peeked out of his short, brown hair, his face lined faster than what he would consider normal for four years. He wondered if it was the pressure of the job or something else. His pulse spiked, and he tensed. “The attacks! I couldn’t get you the information in time.” His stomach soured, threatening to toss the water back up. He’d survived, but how many had died because he’d failed to do his job?

  The FBI deputy director walked to him and patted him on the shoulder. “It’s okay. We got them, son.”

  He loved how both of these men called him son and treated him like he belonged to them, something his own father had never done. “But, how?”

  “You told us.” Arthur chuckled. “You were pretty adamant even though you couldn’t hold consciousness to finish a sentence. Once you told us about Bryant, we were able to pull the information from the weasel. You’re a hero, son.”

  Jake groaned. How the hell could he be a hero? He’d been captured, had to be rescued and had almost allowed hundreds, if not thousands, of people to be murdered. “I’m no hero.”

  “Semantics.” His boss winked at him. “As for your rescue, your father, and your brothers refused to leave your rescue to the FBI, and since I’d kept your existence secret, I agreed with them, despite drawing significant anger for not contacting them sooner.” Arthur flicked his head toward Blake. “After they had extracted you, we raided the compound. We believe we captured most of the terrorists sent out for targets throughout the U.S. We had one minor attack, but we’ll get all the information we can and ensure they can’t start over.”

  A heavy weight lifted from Jake’s chest. He hadn’t failed completely. He caught and held his breath for a moment. “How many died?”

  Arthur turned sorrowful eyes to him. “Only the bomber, but there were several serious injuries.”

  “Thank God.” He wished no one had been hurt at all, but at least they’d survived.

  A woman with gray hair pulled into a tight bun leaned into the room. “The doctor is on his way to examine him.” She quickly disappeared.

  “We’ll talk more when you’re ready.” The deputy director smiled and exited the room.

  Senator Blake Hamilton placed his hand on Jake’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re okay. I’ve missed you.”

  The emotion in the man’s eyes and voice almost broke Jake, making him feel like the vulnerable child he’d been when he’d first met the man. After what he’d done, Jake didn’t believe he deserved the love this man was showing him.

  “Sir.” Jake spoke with difficulty, a multitude of emotions clogging his throat, threatening to release in the form of tears that he no longer needed to shed. “I’m sorry.”

  The senator squeezed his shoulder, and a smile lit his face, which relaxed Jake and allowed him to feel only the love this man was attempting to provide with that touch and smile. “There’s nothing for you to be sorry about. I’m happy you’re finally home.”

  Further conversation was halted when a doctor entered the room. This was the man who had helped him? He looked like he’d just graduated high school. Jake was still alive so that was saying something for the kid.

  Being allowed to finally leave the ICU relieved Jake. That was until he’d been wheeled into a private room where five men stood waiting for him. Five rather large, imposing men who resembled each other and who hid their expressions so well that he couldn’t tell if they were happy to see him or pissed that they’d had to rescue him. Maybe they wanted to let him know that even though they’d rescue him, he was no longer welcome in the family.

  Jake tensed and did a full sweep of the room. He closed his eyes and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. No Em. He wasn’t ready to see her, to explain things, to tell her the truth and beg for her forgiveness.

  After the nurse settled him comfortably in the bed, checking all machines connected to him functioned properly, she left, leaving him alone with the men.

  The Hamilton brothers’ expressions had changed to angry scowls. Fuck.

  “Well?” Jesse, the oldest of the Hamilton brothers, always took the lead when the men were together. When their father had to t
ravel, he’d taken the role as head of the family seriously. Sometimes, too seriously.

  A long, awkward moment of silence sat stagnant in the room while Jake glanced at each brother, gathering his wayward thoughts. Shame, love and relief battled for prominent position in his emotional bank. His brothers had risked their lives to rescue him even after what had happened. He had to speak with AJ and find out if everyone knew the truth.

  Jake cleared this throat and locked gazes with his oldest brother. “I can’t thank you enough. You saved my life.”

  Jesse waved his hand nonchalantly. “Yeah, yeah. That’s what we do for family. What I want to know is what do you have to say for yourself for running away?”

  A vise grip tightened its hold on his heart, squeezing it in its nasty claws. Was there even a right answer to that question? No matter what, he’d abandoned the family that had basically raised him. Jake looked at AJ, hoping to read his expression to learn what the others knew.

  AJ solemnly nodded. “They know.”

  Damn. Now he had to figure out if they were more pissed about him sleeping with their sister or his leaving without a word. The fuzziness in his head from the medications needed to clear so he could think more deeply and say the right things and not blurt out the first thing that came to his mind. He hadn’t prepared to explain himself to all of them at once. Hell, he’d only thought of apologizing to AJ and Em. He had hoped his brother had kept it to himself. No such fucking luck. He should’ve known. They were too close-knit of a family to keep that kind of secret from each other.

  Lying on the bed in a damn hospital gown that left his bare ass clinging to the not-so-soft sheet didn’t boost his confidence. Not to mention the needle sticking in his arm, taped down with tubes chaining him to a machine. Hell, he may as well be unarmed in a gunfight with all six brothers pointing their weapons at him.

  “Emily told us she came to your room, and AJ stated that he kicked you out.” Jesse’s lips narrowed into a thin line of disapproval.


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