for dogs, 86
facial expressions, 39–40, 99, 103
failure, 10, 16, 91
Fairfax, Va., 101, 103–6
Family Guy (TV show), 110–11
fans, 52–53, 73, 117
farm dogs, 9, 107, 192, 194–97
Farnsworth, Philo T., 242
fat camp, 55
Fay Ray (dog), 36
fear, 18, 20
of death, 221
in dogs, 38, 45, 48, 156, 217, 221, 223–24
of dogs (cynophobia), 8, 188–91
wolves and, 123
“Felix, Gladys, and Rover” (Erwitt), 36
feral dogs, 286, 288, 293
Feuerbacher, Erica, 149–50
Fichtl, Paula, 7
fighting dogs, 209–10, 49
fireworks, 112–18, 277
First Dogs, 17, 86–88
Fitzpatrick, Sonya, 219
Fix, 226, 227
Flint Hill Public House and Country Inn, 101, 110–11
Florida, 134, 136–63
Comparative Cognition Conference in, 148–54
friends visited in, 155–57
Gulf Coast of, 157–63
pet industry expo in, 18, 127–42, 203
Florida, University of, Canine Cognition and Behavior Lab at, 150–51
food, feeding, 29, 90, 124, 181, 198, 247, 248, 281, 291, 301
aggression and, 235, 238
of Cassie, 217, 222–23
cheese, 180
dog calming with, 101, 103
dog meat, 201
dog photography and, 38, 39
fear and, 38
garbage, 35
hamburgers, 3
peanut butter, 222–23
in pet-friendly restaurants, 110, 111, 134
for rez dogs, 203
in RV, 1, 116–17, 132
stealing of, 23, 24, 35
in traps, 46, 292
see also dog food
Fooler (Rob and Bruce’s Border Collie), 196
Ford, Harrison, 274
forgetting dogs, 195
Forrest Gump (film), 134
Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 155–57, 168, 240
foster care, 175, 222, 223
Four Corners Monument, 199
Fox Terriers, 87
France, 60, 109
dogs in, 16, 54, 55, 271, 281
Frank (New York dog owner), 68–69
Franken, Kevin, 266–69
Franklin Park, 24, 28–30, 82, 83, 238, 247
French Bulldogs, 78, 144
Freud, Anna, 7
Freud, Sigmund, 6–7
Friedman, Joe, 136
Friends (TV show), 98
Fritzi (Smith’s childhood cat), 218
Fulbright, Todd, 120–21
Fuller, Carey, 254, 257
“Full-Service Shelter, A” (Hempel), 30–31
fun, 40, 60, 67, 144, 161, 213, 245
doga and, 145, 146
names and, 96–97
FurBulous Dog, 139
Gabriel’s Angels, 250
Gambino, Childish, 126
games, 26, 138, 139
see also tennis balls
Gandhi, 276
garbage, eating of, 35, 142
Garcia, John, 209–11, 213
Garrett (author’s friend), 185, 192–97, 199, 202–5, 207–9, 211–16, 304
Garrett (Tompkins Square manager), 68, 69–70
Gavriele-Gold, Joel see Gold, Joel
gays, 65, 84, 114, 157, 168–70, 193, 227, 239
dogs and, 242–44
geniuses, 151
Genius of Dogs, The (Hare and Woods), 123, 151, 154
George, Bill, 79
Georgia, University of, mascot of, 44–45, 76–79
Gerbasi, Kathleen, 275
German Shepherds, 2–3, 27, 45, 95, 112, 175
with Border Control, 170–71
death and, 163
fear of, 189
image problem of, 210
as police dogs, 278, 280–83
scent receptors of, 150
Germany, 279
Germany, Nazi, 276
Gerry (Franklin Park dog lover), 29–30
Getman, Chris, 43–45
ghettos, 284–87, 289–91
Ghiggeri, Jordina, 45–50
Ghiggeri, Michael, 45–50
ghost dogs, 41–42, 100
Giorgio Armani (Xolo), 72
Global Pet Expo, 137–42, 203
Glover, William Simon, 133–34
Gold, Joel, 1–8, 10–11, 27, 102, 103, 191, 271–72, 303
dogs used in therapy by, 7
Freud as obsession of, 6–7
skepticism of, 10
Golden Retrievers, 62–63, 108, 144, 217, 250, 261
see also Casey (author’s Lab/Gold Retriever)
Goldfarb, Adam, 77
Google, 101, 184, 185, 171
Gordie (sheepdog), 195
Göring, Hermann, 276
Gosling, Sam, 84
Grand Canyon, 21, 212
Great Britain, 138
Great Danes, 36, 108, 275
Great Pyrenees, 194–95
Great Smoky Mountains, 17, 119, 120
Greece, ancient, 100
Greene, Nathanael, 132
Grenier, Roger, 20, 163
Grim, Randy, 93, 284–94
growling, 236–37
guard dogs, 246
Gudger, Rob (Wolf Man), 121–25, 127
guide dogs, 30, 31–32, 112, 246
Guiding Eyes for the Blind, 31–32
guilt, 2, 4, 16, 85, 130, 208, 246
of dogs, 23–24
Gunnison, Colo., 192–98, 304
guns, 213
Gurney, Carol, 220–21
Hall, Michael, 173
Hall, Nathaniel, 150
Halo Purely for Pets, 140
Hammer, Alexander, 141
Handsome Dan XIII (Bulldog), 44
Handsome Dan XVII (Bulldog), 43–45
Hank (McKenzie’s Great Dane), 275
Hanks, Tom, 134
happiness, 20, 31, 40, 176, 219, 226, 288
of Casey, 3, 110, 112, 229
Hardy, Donald, 243
Hare, Brian, 123, 151, 152, 154
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Rowling), 100
Hartford, Conn., 41, 69
hatred, 160, 161
Hattaway, Doug, 88
health and healing, 183–84
canine, 176, 177, 200, 211, 220, 250–52, 279
dogs as aid to, 66, 72, 129
health problems, 80, 220, 247, 250, 260–61, 265
of Bulldogs, 44, 75–78
Hegwood, Patty, 204–5, 208
Hempel, Amy, 24, 30–32, 53
Hemphill Bald, 119–20
herding dogs, 44, 194–95, 196, 201, 303
Herding Dogs (Renna), 196
Herzog, Hal, 160, 175–76, 276, 300
Hettinger, James, 210
hitchhikers, 272–74
Holly (Lab), 235, 238
Homans, John, 92
homeless people and dogs, 69, 227–28, 252–58
Hopkinton, Mass., 207
Hopper (Riggs’s Lab), 264–65
Horowitz, Alexandra, 23, 86
horses, 202, 230, 235
hotels, 247, 257–58
pet-friendly, 110, 167, 215, 252, 258–61, 296, 301–2
hot tubs, 184–85
hound dog, mummified, 134–35
Hound of the Baskervilles, The (Doyle), 100
housing, pets not permitted in, 241, 253
Houston, Tex., 171
Howe, General, 87
hugging, 40, 112
human-dog relationships:
absences and, 3–4
author’s exploration and celebration of, 9–10
bonding in, 10, 26, 27, 94, 201, 206–7, 228, 271, 299–302
; change in, 10, 102–3, 110, 228–29, 245–46, 272, 303–4
children and, 66–67, 90
conflict in, 5–6, 219
connection in, 10–11
love in, 149–50, 151, 159–62, 224, 225
loyalty in, 2–3
miscommunication in, 40
mistreatment and, 2, 5
Native Americans and, 200–202
PETA’s view of, 90–91
projection in, 5, 151
Humane Society, 77, 80, 155, 209, 227–28, 299
Humboldt Redwoods State Park, 245
Humphrey (Gold’s poodle mix), 7
humping, 3, 61, 69, 236, 238–39, 295, 298
Hungarian Vizslas, 107, 108
Hunter (Kim’s Brittany), 161
hunting dogs, 9, 119–20, 201, 265
Huskies, 2–3, 17, 60, 119, 120
in Marfa, 179–81
wolfdogs and, 121, 124
Huxley, Aldous, 252
hydrants, 85–86, 260
Hyper (Jerry’s terrier mix), 273–74
I Am (dog name), 97
Idaho, 259–62
Inside of a Dog (Horowitz), 86
Instagram, 36
intelligence, 151–54, 160
of Bulldogs, 43–44
Intelligence of Dogs, The (Coren), 196
Internet, 36, 213–14, 231, 273, 274
“In the Animal Shelter” (Hempel), 30
intruder incident, 158–59, 161
Iowa, 273–74
Irish Setters, 88, 90
Iroquois, 201
Irwin, Bill, 112
Isherwood, Christopher, 243
Italy, 163
Jack Russells, 54–56, 96
Jacksonville, Fla., 144–48
Japan, 300
Jason (author’s friend), 51, 53, 76
Jasper (garbage-eating dog), 35
Jay (author’s friend), 32–33
Jefferson, Ellen, 175, 178
Jefferson, Thomas, 87, 270
Jerry (hitchhiker), 272–74
Jersey City, N.J., 51–56, 81–82, 85
Joe (author’s friend), 301–2
Joe (Mastif Lab mix), 238
Jo-Fi (Freud’s Chow-Chow), 7
Johnstone, Debbie, 217–24
Jones, Amanda, 35–40, 241–42
Journal of Nutrition, 55
Judd, Donald, 167
judges, at dog shows, 72, 73
Julie (Jersey City French woman), 54–56
Junior (Millan’s Pit Bull), 232
K9 police, 278–83
Kahlo, Frida, 97
Kaibeto, Ariz., 199–200, 202–8
Kanab, Utah, 204–5, 208–13
Kansas City, Mo., 270, 274–78
Kant, Immanuel, 20
Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park, 144–45
Katz, Jon, 197
Kauffman, Blair, 43
Kennel Club, 77
Kent, Wash., 253–58
Kilcommons, Brian, 96
Kim (Tampa woman), 161–62
Kinsey Reports, 277
Kitty (Chandoha’s dog), 96
Knapp, Caroline, 4
Knutsen, Beth Joy, 249
Koch, Ed, 57
Koehler, William, 92, 233–34
Koehler Method of Dog Training, The (Koehler), 233
Koffka, Kurt, 95–96
Kohl, Jana, 88
Kroeber Anthropological Society, 98
Krol, Stephanie, 137–40
Labradors, 7, 37, 98, 99, 144, 155–57, 176, 238, 263–65, 277
dock jumping of, 147–48
euthanasia and, 176, 177
in music, 126
Wanita, 31–32, 53
see also Casey (author’s Lab/Golden Retriever)
Lafayette, Ind., 295–96
Lamar, Clayton, 131–32
Lana (Sheltie mix), 46
Larry (Mackey’s Alaskan Husky), 198
Lassie, in emergencies, 153
Las Vegas, Nev., 21, 249
Lebowitz, Fran, 58
legal disputes:
custody, 27–28
poop-related, 101, 104–6
legends and folklore, 41–42, 74, 100
Leonard, Amanda, 99–100
Leos, Alex, 182–84
Leos, Lola, 183
Let’s Have a Dog Party! (Newkirk), 92
Lewis, John, 76
Lewis, Meriwether, 252, 260
Liberty Harbor RV Park, 51–52, 56, 81–82, 85
Lincoln, Abraham, 270
Linda (New York dog owner), 61–62
Little Dog (Jack Russell), 96
Livermore, Holly, 175, 177, 178–79
llamas, 235, 246
Loft 107, 230
London (Poodle), 73
London, Gold’s visit to, 7
loneliness, 294
of author, 21, 103, 155, 169–70
pet industry and, 141
Lone Rock Beach, 214–15
long-distance haulers, 201, 202
Long Way Home (Barich), 34
lost dogs, 37, 41, 45–50, 154, 304
Lost Dogs, The (book), 209
lost-pet industry, 49
lottery, 183–84
Louisiana, 18, 168–69, 247, 286
Louisiana State University, 43
love, 257, 273
for cats, 84
for dogs, 3–4, 10, 39, 49, 52, 53, 54, 60, 73, 91, 103, 141, 151, 159–62, 180, 194, 225, 229, 243, 257
from dogs, 90, 94, 141, 149–50, 159–61, 224
for dog walkers, 15–16
fraudulent, 116
hugging and, 40
parental, 6, 8, 103, 159, 272
unconditional, 5, 8, 63, 149, 160, 225, 230
Love, Iris, 74
loyalty, 2–3
Lucas, Josh, 61
Lucas (Pit Bull), 209
Lucy (therapy dog), 230
Lummis, David, 142
lunging behavior, 236–37
McCaig, Donald, 197
McConnell, Patricia, 40, 74, 94–95, 160
McGill, Bruce, 107
McGrath, Charles, 34
McKenzie (woman at Rose Brooks), 275
Mackey, Lance, 197–98
Macpherson, Krista, 163
Maggie (Julie’s Jack Russell), 54–56
Maggie Valley, N.C., 119–25
Malachy (Pekingese show dog), 74–75
Malamutes, 179–81
Maloney, Lucy, 82
Mangys, 177, 178–79
Man Ray (dog), 36
Marc (author’s new relationship), 184–85, 216, 272, 302
author’s meeting of, 157
author’s visits from, 168–70, 240–44, 252, 295–98
second dog advice of, 206–7
STD news and, 2, 12
Marfa, Tex., 18, 167–68, 170–73, 179–84
Marfa Lights Viewing Area, 172–73
Margo (school nurse with fear of dogs), 188–90, 191
Maria (Italian woman), 163
marital problems, 26–28, 60, 230
Marley (homeless dog), 253–58
marriages, 62, 156, 157, 229, 230
Marshall, Herbert, 42
Martin, Tamara, 200
mascot dogs and owners, 9, 43–45, 76–79, 87
Massachusetts, 15–41, 45, 47–48, 86, 207, 263, 298
masseurs, dog, 9, 244
Mastiffs, 66, 230, 238, 239
Matrix Partners, 137
Maty (Ouchida’s tri-pawed dog), 247–48
Maupin, Armistead, 242–44
Max (German Shepherd), 95
Max-related dog story, 95–96
Mayo, Charles, 250
media, 72, 75, 209, 248, 276
medicine, 64, 65, 214
for dogs, 101–2, 103, 142, 212, 213, 252, 277
meditation, 145, 219, 228, 271
Melbourne Beach, Fla., 148–54
mentally ill, 64–66, 128
mental stimulation, 138, 139
Meriden, Conn., 41�
Merle (Trail resident), 246–47
Messer, Mary Judith, 128–30
Michaux, Henri, 104
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (Berendt), 77, 133–34
Mik (therapy dog), 230
Mike (author’s friend), 3–4
Mike (Cary’s husband), 157, 158, 160
Mike (tiger), 43
military, U.S., 279
Millan, Cesar (Dog Whisperer), 118, 232–39, 251, 253, 295
Miller, Dennis, 89
Milou (author’s childhood Husky/German Shepherd), 2–3
Mindy (Dunbar’s Maltese Poodle mix), 37
Miniature Schnauzers, 195–96
mistreatment, 2, 5, 10
Modern Dog, The (Coren), 27, 149
Mohawk Trail, 36–37
Montana, 262–70
Monty (Border Terrier therapy dog), 43
mood, of dogs, 39–40, 99
Moody, Marie, 137
Moody, Rick, 41
Moonshiner’s Daughter (Messer), 128–29, 130
Moosie (dog who died in geyser), 268
mothers, 4–6, 169, 181, 196, 218, 257, 291
of author, 5–6, 8, 17, 21, 55, 103, 107, 145, 271–72
Mount Rushmore, 269–71
movies, 130, 134, 208
murder, 284–86, 289–90
museums, 134–35, 167
music, 121, 125–26, 167, 270, 278
mutts, 29, 46, 56, 67, 75, 110, 128–29, 161, 181, 249, 298–99
My Dog Tulip (Ackerley), 242
names, 95–100, 155, 158, 214, 290–91
National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, 213–14
National League of Citizens, 58
National Park Service, 268–69
Native Americans, 2, 69–70, 199–202, 284
Navajo Nation, 199, 200, 202–4
needs, neediness, 3, 125, 229, 253
of Casey, 84, 103
neglect, 91, 92, 228, 275
Neil (author’s friend), 155–57, 205
Nelson, Willie, 167
neuroticism, 84, 118
New Age, 215, 218
Newfoundlands, 96
New Haven, Conn., 42–45
Newkirk, Ingrid, 88–94
New Mexico, 184–92
New Orleans, La., 168–69, 247, 286
New York, N.Y., 50–81, 187
Central Park in, 57
crazies in, 61, 62, 64–66, 69, 71
Madison Square Park in, 62
police dogs in, 279
poop-scoop law in, 57–58
Tompkins Square in, 59–71, 96
New Yorker, 89
New York Post, 248
New York’s Poop Scoop Law (Brandon), 57, 58
New York Times, 34, 36, 57, 68–69, 72, 86, 137, 141, 233, 248, 262, 279
New York Times Arts & Leisure Weekend, 232–33, 237
New York Times Magazine, 77–78, 142
night-vision cameras, 46–47
19th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, 148–54
“no,” use of word, 92, 96
“no-kill” shelter communities, 18, 174, 301
nonverbal communication, 160
Norfolk, Va., 93
North Adams, Mass., 36–40
North Carolina, 113–30
North Cheyenne Reservation, 269–70
Travels with Casey Page 35