Grizzly Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 1)

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Grizzly Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 1) Page 1

by Sable Sylvan

  Grizzly Bear Buns

  The Twelve Dancing Bears, Volume 1

  Sable Sylvan

  Published by Sable Sylvan, 2016.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. October 12, 2016.

  Copyright © 2016 Sable Sylvan.

  Written by Sable Sylvan.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  Sneak Peek: Polar Bear Buns

  About The Author

  Chapter One

  Helen had been driven up from Portland to Seattle in a limo filled with the two wildest girls she knew, her two freshman year roommates from Reed College. From the amount of premixed cocktails they’d been drinking and the dirty card games they’d been playing, any casual onlooker would have guessed that this was a bachelorette party. They’d be wrong, but also, almost right, as this was a party celebrating Helen becoming a newly single woman.

  That’s right. She’d wasted five years with the same guy she’d had a crush on through college, who had only asked her out during graduation. Recently, she had learned why Joseph, who her friends called Scumbag Joe, had waited so long to ask her out. He just wasn’t that serious about her, and to boot, he was a cheater. Even though Helen hadn’t been able to sniff out his philandering ways, she didn’t turn a blind eye to his antics once they were revealed to her via anonymous text messages and photos of Scumbag Joe and somebody who he had previously told her was ‘just a friend’, a twig thin redhead who looked nothing like the curvy blonde in the car who was sucking on a cocktail with a cock-shaped straw in her mouth.

  “I can’t believe we’re almost there,” said Jasmine, the girl who had arranged this party. She came from money and loved an excuse to have a party for anyone. “Bear Buns, here we come!”

  “What exactly is Bear Buns, anyway?” asked Helen, sipping at the penis colada.

  “You mean you haven’t heard of it before?” asked Alicia, refilling her drink. “It’s really and experience. I’ll put it that way.”

  “Come on, give me details. You know I hate going into things unprepared,” said Helen.

  “Let’s not torture her,” said Jasmine. “Alright, you know I know all the best places to have a good time, right Helen? Well...Bear Buns is a strip club.”

  “Oh no, no frikkin’ way are we going to a strip club,” said Helen.

  “Oh yes we are,” said Alicia. “And Bear Buns...well, it’s no ordinary strip club.”

  “First off, the guys are all drop dead gorgeous,” said Jasmine.

  “Secondly, they’ve got routines that are famous the world over, and yes, they go on tours, so seeing them in their home base, the original Bear Buns lodge in Seattle, is a real treat, and we’re not gonna miss it just because little Miss Thang all of a sudden got shy,” said Alicia.

  “And third...well, these guys? They’re all bear shifters,” said Jasmine. “You ever see a bear shifter with his shirt off?”

  “Yeah, I see a few every summer, down in Portland, and...” Helen couldn’t finish her sentence. Instead, she couldn’t help but blush!

  “And they’re drop dead gorgeous. Handsome. Total hunks, right?” asked Alicia. “That’s why we’re going. Who needs some guy who is going to dance as if it’s a joke and put an elephant trunk on his cock and spin it around? Those are the kind of guys you pay to leave, not the kind you pay to have stay. Scumbag Joe? He wasn’t a real man. It’s time for you to raise your standards, girlfriend, and what better way than by having a bunch of handsome men at your beck and call?”

  “At my beck and call?” asked Helen.

  “You’ve really never been to a strip club like Bear Buns, have you?” asked Jasmine. “It’s simple. We have a table reserved, in a good spot, next to the stage. We’ll sit there, and we’ll watch the entertainment. There’re dancers before and after who walk the floor, looking to give lap dances and table dances. If you see a guy you like...just give him a handful of bills, and let him do his thing. If one likes you, hey, you might even get called on stage.”

  “Called on stage? For what?” asked Helen.

  “To be part of the show,” explained Jasmine. “Trust me. It’s a once in a life time opportunity...and I wouldn’t want to miss it for the world, would you?”

  Helen took a minute to think things over, and then a smiled made its way across her face. “Yeah, you know, you two are right. I should have some fun. I deserve to have a good time. If I end up being asked to come up on the stage...well, I’ll do it!” said Helen confidently. “Yeah! I’ll do it!”

  “That’s the spirit,” said Jasmine. She pressed a button and the limo divider came down. “Niles...are we close?”

  The driver, whose name was Niles, replied, “We will be there in a minute or two. I can go around the block if you need some time to...freshen up.”

  “Nah, we’re good, we’re ready to go!” said Jasmine. “Ladies, it’s show time.”

  Niles let them off right at the front of the strip club. The ladies walked in, Jasmine and Alicia both holding onto Helen’s arms. The strip club’s exterior was resplendent and looked like a billionaire’s Colorado lodge, with large wooden beams and real stone details on the walls. The interior was brightly lit. There was a plush red carpet leading the way to the Main Stage, which was on the left, with a purple carpet leading towards the left, which had a sign reading Runway Stage. There was a large boutique that had Bear Buns branded apparel, accessories, and knick-knacks, selling everything from shirts to visors to custom shot glasses. Helen and the girls walked towards the main stage, where there was a check in table manned by handsome men wearing well fitted black velvet suits.

  “Hi, we have a reservation,” said Jasmine. “For a Jasmine Dukakis.”

  “Oh, yes, Miss Dukakis, you have a VIP table...follow me,” said one of the men. He pulled up a gift basket and carried it in his arms as he lead them through the main stage’s floor.

  There were bars on the left and right of the entrance to the main stage, with the stage itself directly across from the entrance. The girls were seated at the table and the man explained what the various coupons that were inside their basket could be redeemed for. Some were for drinks, others were for dances, and one golden ticket could be redeemed for an hour in one of the cocktail rooms, the Bear Buns equivalent of a champagne room, where male entertainers would focus all their attention on a single lady.

  The girls put their jackets down and walked to one of the bars.

  “You like what you’ve seen so far?” asked Jasmine.

  “Okay, okay, I have to admit, this is a pretty swanky joint,” said Helen.

  “Who cares about the decor, look at all the men!” said Alicia. “Have you ever seen this many attractive men in one place at a time before?”

  “I have to admit, I have not,” said Helen. “A girl could get used to this.”

  “Who do you think the hottest guy in here is?” asked Jasmine, leaning against the bar as Alicia ordered them three lychee martinis.

  Helen scanned the room with Jasmine. All the men were handsome, tall,
and burly. There were more shifters in this room than she’d expected. She’d thought that ‘The Twelve Dancing Bears’, the main act that the Bear Buns lodge was known for, would be the only shifters around, but she’d been pleasantly surprised. She’d spotted the armband-like mate marks of a tiger shifter, the voluminous hair of a lion shifter, and of course, more than a few werebears who were wearing deep v-neck shirts that exposed just the tip of their mate marks. The mate mark: it was the magical symbol that shifters had that told them who their fated mate would be. The location and style and other mechanics of the mate mark depended on a lot of things. For instance, most bears in the Pacific Northwest received their mate mark on their eighteenth birthday, and their marks usually were pretty easy to decode. The mate mark was the main tool a shifter used to find their fated mate, the person they were meant to be with, in true love...forever.

  True love and fated mates. For a curvy human like Helen, that sort of thing seemed like it belonged in the movies. She had no frikkin’ idea what shifter guys were like, given that all her dating experience had been with Scumbag Joe. There she was, thinking about him...but she hadn’t thought about him much since entering the club at all. She smiled to herself. Maybe Jasmine and Alicia were onto something with this strip club therapy theory.

  Helen nodded her head as she sipped at her lychee martini, looking over the crowd of handsome men. A few men had caught her eye, but when she saw one kiss his slim, tall wife on the cheek, that only left two men on her radar.

  “So, girlfriend, who’s caught your eye?” asked Alicia, elbowing Helen jokingly.

  “I’m between...that guy over there, in the sexy black V-neck...” started Helen. “And...over there, that guy with the navy blazer? So hot.”

  Alicia and Jasmine looked over Helen’s picks and their jaws dropped so hard that they were going to need help picking them up off the floor. Helen might not have been the most experienced in their friend group, but she had an eye for art, the art of the male form. The men she’d chosen were truly the most handsome men on the floor, no questions asked, and it was hard to tell which one was more handsome than the other.

  The first one was tall, muscular and slim, with deep dark brown hair that almost looked black. He was wearing the black V-neck shirt and he looked as if he must be a celebrity going incognito or a filmmaker going undercover to scout a location for a hot dance movie. His thighs bulged against thick black jeans that were gray in their worn spots, and left little to the imagination. His ass pressed against the jeans, hard, and when he turned, the girls caught a glance of what looked like a large salami stuffed down those tight jeans. His jawline was angular and chiseled, with slight scarring that looked like it told a story. His eyes were a dark shade of chocolate brown that seemed to flicked amber in the light of the lodge

  The second man was near the first man, in the middle of a large crowd of women who wanted to take selfies with him. He was wearing a navy blue blazer and looked like he must be some millionaire taking his kid sister out for a night on the town. While the other man’s aesthetic screamed “do me”, this guy’s look said “dad me”. He didn’t have a dad bod. No, far from it. He had a thick set of abs that rippled under his tailored shirt, with a more barrel chested physique than the first man. However, his physique was fuller because he was more muscular than the first man, although he was shorter than the first man. He had an expensive looking watch on one wrist, a clean shaven jawline, and a smile that could make an angel cry. His hair was a rich medium brown, the color of summer rum and autumn honey, and his eyes were a bright shade of blue that almost looked violet.

  Both the men had the kind of physique that gave away their species. Tall. Ripped. With great brown hair to boot. They had to be bears. Yes, bears were a dime a dozen in the Pacific Northwest, but that didn’t stop women from lusting after them like a new collection of designer shoes at an outlet store. These men were surrounded by women who were chatting to them. They had to be celebrities or something...but when they turned, and caught Helen staring at them, Helen couldn’t look away. Was it a trick of the light or were these guys...getting closer to her?

  “Oh my gosh, Helen, they’re coming this way!” squealed Alicia.

  “Play it cool, ladies,” said Jasmine, primping her hair. “It looks like Helen’s our lucky charm for the night!”

  As the men walked towards her, it was as if no other women existed between them and her, as they separated the sea of women like Moses fleeing the pharaoh. While the women were noticeably disappointed, they stepped aside, their instincts sensing that these were alpha men, men who could have whatever women they wanted. Everyone could tell what these men wanted. They wanted the same woman, a curvy girl whose cheeks were as pink as her hair was blonde.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met,” said the first bear shifter.

  “You must not come here often,” said the second bear shifter. “There’s no frikkin’ way we could forget a face like yours.”

  “I’m Helen, this is my first time coming to Bear Buns,” said Helen. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She extended a hand. The men both took her hand at the same time. An electric shock seemed to run through her hands. Had the men meant to do that? There was no way two alpha males were going to be okay with having competition for a girl. She had to admit, being approached by two different handsome shifters on the same night was a real ego boost. Alicia and Jasmine moved to give the men space next to their friend. They couldn’t help but smile like goofballs about the scene that was unfolding.

  “The name’s Ryan,” said the first bear shifter. Up close and personal, he looked even more rugged than he had from afar. His shirt was worn, and he looked like he must be a roadie or something. His biceps bulged under the sleeves of the shirt. His muscles were nice, but, compared to the preppy blonder bear, they really couldn’t compete...and how a prepster who had probably never done a day of hard work in his life had muscles that were thicker than Ryan’s, she couldn’t start to guess...but that didn’t mean that the image of them flexing, shirtless, wasn’t already running through her imagination...

  “Owen,” said the other bear shifter. His smile was even warmer up close, and she smelled something that smelled spicy and floral at the same expensive cologne, matched to hair products. Up close, Helen could tell that Owen’s hair was much more properly coiffed than Ryan’s, although that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. While Owen had the good boy look down pat, Ryan’s hair was the kind of bedhead mess that she found herself wanting to mess up even more, the only question being, at his place, or hers...

  “So how do you two know each other?” asked Helen.

  Owen and Ryan exchanged a look. This chick really had no frikkin’ idea who they were, even though she must’ve seen their faces plastered over posters as she’d come into the venue. “ together,” said Ryan.

  “Really? No kidding, I used to work with my friend Alicia, and she and I were college roommates,” said Helen. “Alicia, these guys work together too!”

  Alicia turned and looked over the men. “Nice to meet you,” said Alicia, shaking their hands. Jasmine came to Helen’s other side and introduced herself to the hunky men as well.

  “Well, this calls for drinks, shots?” asked Helen. “It’s on me.”

  “Perfect,” said Ryan. He waved down a handsome man who was wearing a tray around his neck filled with shot glasses. He picked out two blue shots for the boys and three pink shots for the girls. “ friendships. And coincidences.”

  “To coincidences and new friendships!” agreed Helen, and they lifted their shots before they downed them.

  Helen pulled four of her drink coupons out, but before she could pay the shots guy, Ryan was settling the bill. “Hey, that was supposed to be my treat to you guys,” said Helen.

  “Maybe we’ll let you get the next round, Miss Helen,” said Ryan.

  The lights flashed up and down and music started. “That’s the sign the show is about to start...well, we better
get to our seats,” said Owen.

  “Catch you after the show,” said Helen.

  “I have a feeling you’ll see us before the show ends,” said Ryan with a wink.

  Chapter Two

  Helen, Jasmine, and Alicia got to their seats, which had been undisturbed, before the lights flickered again and were shut off entirely. The tables were very sturdy, as were the chairs they were sitting on, which had white tufted details and looked very clean. The girls sat down with their drinks and sipped while waiting for the show to start.

  “I can’t believe you got hit on by two guys already!” said Jasmine.

  “I can. Helen’s always had rocking curves that drive men wild,” said Alicia.

  “Well, apparently they weren’t enough for Joseph,” said Helen.

  “Hey, fuck that guy,” said Alicia. “Yeah, I said it, fuck him! He didn’t know how good he had it, so you think he’s about to realize what a great woman he lost? Nope. And that doesn’t mean you need to lose sleep over some loser not appreciating you for being the woman you are.”

  “You know how you were with those two guys, Ryan and Owen?” asked Jasmine. “That’s the Helen I wanna see tonight. All happy smiles. Let’s have an amazing time, for you, not to spite anyone else, least of all a sniveling worm of an excuse for a man like your ass - I mean, ex - boyfriend.”

  Jasmine’s pep talk was interrupted as the lights went down again, this time, staying down as the lights on stage lit up, glowing in different shades of green as a sound system crackled to life.

  “Ladies, gentlemen, and all other friends of the Bear Buns lodge, please take your seats, the show is about to start,” said a booming voice. “The Twelve Dancing Bears tours, as you all know, is back in Seattle for a very special engagement, and is going to put on a very special set indeed. If you are sitting in the front row, well, there’s a reason it’s called the splash zone. For you veterans out there, I apologize, but we’ve got to explain to the virgins just how we do things at Bear Buns!”


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