Bella's Beast

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Bella's Beast Page 4

by Marie Higgins

  “Yes, I have, but you were a little girl then, not a young woman.”

  Anastasia’s cheeks grew pink. “What do you think?” She held her arms out and twirled around once. “Do I look like a lady now?”

  “Indeed, you do. However, it’ll take longer for you to start acting like one.”

  Anastasia rolled her eyes. “No, it won’t. I’m sure Bella will be an excellent teacher for me.”

  Terrick’s gaze moved to Bella again, and just like before, warmth filled her belly. Something must be wrong with her. Either that or the man’s presence was making her uncomfortable again.

  “I agree. Bella is the only one I trust with your care.”

  A different feeling filled Bella’s chest. Dare she say pride? But the way Terrick’s gaze looked over her made her feel invincible. He made her feel... worthy.

  She shook off the thought. “Thank you. I’m happy to help your sister in any way I can.”

  “All right.” Anastasia clapped her hands twice. “Socializing time is over. It’s time for my lessons.” She motioned toward the house. “Shall we return?”

  “Yes, we shall.” Bella gave the girl a nod, acknowledging her proper speech.

  As they headed back toward the manor, Bella noticed out the corner of her eye that Terrick kept looking her way. She realized he wanted her to remember, but she still felt there was so much more that she needed to know first. And of course, it needed to start with why Garrett thought she’d been abducted. Perhaps she should invite him to dinner one night so that he could tell her what he knew.

  She quickly pushed away the foolish notion. Inviting him for dinner would only encourage him more, and she didn’t want to do that.

  For the next few hours, Bella instructed Anastasia on table etiquette and the dos and don’ts for ladies. It had always irritated Bella that the ladies were required to be proper, but the men had their own set of rules. Then again, not all men were like Garrett.

  “Bella? Can we stop for now? My mind is tired.” Anastasia slumped in her chair, which definitely went against what she’d just been taught about how to sit.

  “Fine.” Bella sighed. “Is there something else you’d like to do?”

  Anastasia glanced around the dining room, where they were sitting for their lesson. A few seconds passed before her eyes brightened, and she looked at Bella again. “Yes. I think I should take you on a tour of the manor.”

  Bella’s hopes lifted. “I think that would be wonderful.”

  As Anastasia gave her a guided tour, Bella hoped to see some spark of recognition. She wanted to believe she knew his family, but her mind remained blank. Not remembering made her even more anxious to learn about what had possibly happened to her when she was sixteen. Her mother’s death couldn’t have upset her so much that it took away her memories, could it? Yet, that was the only explanation she could come up with.

  They walked from room to room, and she half expected Terrick to join them, but as they finished the tour, disappointment washed over her. Whether it was from him not being with them or because taking a tour hadn’t accomplished anything.

  Anastasia chatted about the house and explained how the Wentworth family obtained it when her great, great, grandfather won it in a card game. Bella laughed over the girl’s rendition of what probably had happened all those years ago. Their walk ended with them outside again, and Bella noticed the sun was on its way down. Soon, she’d have to return home, because riding back in the dark was not an option. Neither was staying the night. Her father needed to know she hadn’t abandoned him.

  “Bella,” Anastasia said, breaking the brief silence, “forgive me for being nosey, but...” The girl stopped and stared at Bella. “Do you remember anything about being abducted when you were around my age?”

  Bella’s mind stopped, and her heart pounded faster. “Not one thing. Why? What do you know about it?”

  “Just what Terrick told me.”

  “And what was that?”

  “He said that you had gone missing one day. The whole town was worried sick, and your father and brother searched all day. Terrick said he’d never prayed so hard in his life for your safe return.” She nudged her elbow against Bella’s and waggled her eyebrows. “My brother was the one who organized the search parties. Anyway, someone recalled seeing you with an older man, leaving town.”

  Bella’s breathing sped faster as if she was reliving it without the memories. It was as if her body felt the confused panic, but she couldn’t remember one thing about it. “An older man? Did they know him?”

  Anastasia shook her head. “I don’t think so, but I don’t know.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “The next morning, you were found in the woods.” She pointed toward the woods they were walking toward. “You were cold and disoriented, but you were not harmed.”

  Stopping, Bella rubbed her forehead, now throbbing with confusion. “Oh, Anastasia, why can’t I remember anything?”

  Anastasia gently touched Bella’s arm. “I wish I knew.”

  She sighed and looked up at the sky. She really couldn’t wait any longer. She must head back home now. “It’s getting late. I should return to my father.”

  “Of course.”

  A sound broke through the air, sounding like an animal’s growl. Bella hitched a breath and looked into the forest. The beast!

  “What was that?” Anastasia asked in a high-pitched voice.

  “There is a panther that is roaming the woods. I’ve seen it. We need to go inside.” She grasped hands with the girl. “But let’s walk calmly. I don’t want the animal to think we are playing a game with him.”

  “Why would the animal think that?” Anastasia asked breathlessly.

  “Because that’s what usually happens when panthers chase their prey – they run.”

  Anastasia sucked in a small scream and nodded.

  Together, they walked as calmly as they could toward the house. Terror rushed through Bella, faster now than the first time she was getting away from the panther. But it wasn’t just her fearing for her life. She must protect the girl, too.

  Once again, the odd feeling of having experienced this before rushed over her. It was like déjà vu. Yet, the feeling wasn’t from yesterday’s encounter. Instead, she felt like her younger self had been running from the feline and scared for her life.

  They were still halfway to the house, and Anastasia’s steps quickened. Before Bella could stop her, the girl darted into a run. From behind, the panther let out another growl. Just as before, Bella didn’t dare look behind her to see how close the animal was. It sounded near, and that wasn’t good.

  “Anastasia, stop!” Bella cried out.

  Suddenly, the sound of the animal’s steps pounded behind her, coming closer and closer. Bella’s body trembled. Oh, Lord... help us!


  TEARS FILLED BELLA’S eyes, obstructing her vision. She blinked several times, trying to see more clearly. “Please, slow down,” she pleaded with the girl.

  The shot from a rifle pierced the air. Anastasia fell to the ground. Bella’s heart sank, and she couldn’t breathe. What just happened?

  She quickened her steps until she reached the girl who was curled in a ball, sobbing. Bella dropped beside her and gathered Anastasia in her arms. “Where are you shot?”

  “I’m... not.” The girl lifted her head and looked at Bella. “I tripped on a rock and fell, and when I heard the shot, I stayed down.”

  Bella finally dared to glance behind her. It wasn’t a panther she saw coming toward them. Instead, it was a man on horseback with a rifle in his hand. She blinked again, trying to focus on the rider because it definitely couldn’t be who she thought it was.

  “Bella, are you all right?” Garrett stopped his horse and jumped off, hurrying to her side. He knelt beside her and touched her shoulder. His breaths were ragged as if he’d been the one running.

  “Yes, I’m... we are fine.” She looked toward the woods. “Did you ki
ll the panther?”

  Scowling, he shook his head. “That beast evades us at every turn, so let me help you and the girl get somewhere safe.”

  Anastasia pointed to the manor. “I live there.”

  Garrett’s scowl deepened, and he threw a glare at Bella. “You are at the Wentworth estate?” he said in a grinding voice. “But I told you to stay away.”

  Bella pushed away from him and stood, bringing Anastasia with her. “Well, as it happens, I am employed by the Wentworth family.”

  “No... impossible.” Garrett stood, shaking his head.

  “Bella is teaching me to be a lady.” Anastasia straightened her shoulders, proudly.

  “Bella.” Garrett’s voice deepened in irritation as he snatched her hand, holding on tightly. “You need to stay away from this place.”

  “What’s wrong with this place?” Anastasia snapped, folding her arms as she glared at Garrett.

  He threw the girl a scowl. “This is a private conversation. Please leave.”

  “I’m afraid that you are the one who is trespassing. Bella was invited here. You weren’t.”

  Bella tried yanking her hand out of his grip, but he wouldn’t release her. “Garrett, let me go. You have no right coming here and telling me what I can or cannot do.”

  He gasped in surprise. “But it was my rifle shot that frightened away the beast. You and this girl could have been killed by now.” He switched his focus to Anastasia. “And speaking of beasts, where is your brother?”

  “Ah!” Anastasia cried out in anger and slapped Garrett’s face.

  The hit must have shocked him because he stumbled back a little as his hand flew to his reddened cheek. “Why, you little...”

  Bella moved in front of Anastasia, blocking him from doing anything harmful to the girl. “Garrett, I suggest you leave now, or I will be the one injuring you next.”

  “And if that doesn’t work,” a deep growling voice boomed through the air behind them, “I’ll be the one inflicting bodily injury.” Terrick held up his rifle, pointing it at Garrett. “You have two minutes to jump back on your horse and ride off my property.”

  Garrett’s glare darkened. “You wouldn’t dare shoot me. Do you know how important I am? Everyone loves me, and they appreciate everything I do for them.”

  Terrick lifted the rifle, pointing it at Garrett’s head. “I suggest you shut up. You’re only making me want to shoot you more. And... your time is running out.”

  Lifting his haughty chin, Garrett spun around and marched back to his horse, mounted, and rode off quickly.

  Terrick lowered his rifle and looked at Bella. “Are you all right?”

  Bella’s nerves had been through so much in the last couple of minutes that her body began to shake. She tried to remain strong in front of the other two. “I’m fine, but your sister tripped and fell.”

  Terrick turned to Anastasia, but she shook her head and held out her hand, stopping him. “I’m fine. I tripped on a rock. But don’t worry about me. Bella needs to get home before dark.”

  Bella glanced at the sky again. Her hopes dropped. Dusk was upon them. She wouldn’t make it home before the sky turned dark.

  “I’ll take you home, Bella.”

  Terrick moved toward the stable at an awkward speed since he didn’t have his cane. His sister hurried beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist to assist. Immediately, Bella followed the girl’s lead, moving to his other side. He looked at her with surprised eyes, but he didn’t push her away.

  Up this close, she realized two things. Terrick smelled like a man – a real man, and the musky scent surrounded her like a warm blanket. And... he was very muscular.

  “Terrick? Where is your cane?” Anastasia asked.

  He chuckled lightly. “When I saw Garrett on my property, I was so focused on getting him off, that I didn’t think about my cane. I grabbed the rifle and headed out of the house.”

  “Do you want me to fetch it?” the girl asked.

  “No. If you help me to the carriage, I’ll be fine.”

  Once they reached the carriage, he helped Bella inside before turning to his sister. She shook her head and stepped back.

  “I’m not going with you.” She pointed to her knee. “When I fell, I think I cut my knee. I need to have it looked at.”

  Bella gasped and scooted forward on the seat. “Anastasia, why didn’t you say something?”

  “Because it wasn’t important. I’ll be fine.” She pushed her brother toward the carriage. “Take Bella home before her father gets worried.”

  Terrick awkwardly climbed inside and sat across from Bella. The vehicle wobbled slightly as the driver climbed up to his seat. Anastasia closed the door and waved.

  Once the carriage started moving, Terrick stretched out his injured leg in front of him. The light from the descending sun shone through the window of the carriage door and highlighted Terrick’s face. She wasn’t afraid of his scarfed-face any longer, but now she was scared of being alone with him. At least that’s what she thought was the reason for her jittery nerves and the way the butterflies in her stomach wouldn’t stop dancing. Of course, with or without the scarf over his face, he was a robust man. Having her arm around his waist as she helped him walk made her intensely aware that he was indeed a man, not a beast.

  “Why was Garrett here?” Terrick asked after a few moments of silence.

  Her gaze snapped back to his face. “He was with the hunting party.”

  His gaze narrowed. “What hunting party?”

  “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but a fierce panther is roaming the forest. My brother put together a hunting party yesterday to find the animal.”

  “I’d not heard of this. When did this happen?”

  “The animal was by my home the other day. I saw it briefly before it ran into the forest.”

  Nodding, he sat back in his seat. “I hope I didn’t frighten you when I showed up holding a rifle. I’ve never liked Garrett.”

  She smiled, relaxing a little more. “That makes two of us.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “You don’t like him?”

  She shook her head. “He’s been nothing but a nuisance for the past few years. He is constantly telling me that I’m going to be his wife, and yet, he goes around town, flirting with whatever woman looks his way.”

  Terrick chuckled. “That sounds like the boy I remember. He’s always acted that way.”

  Bella realized that he had a gentle laugh. She liked that. “Terrick? Why...” She hesitated in asking, but she knew it must be done. “Why can’t I remember you or your family?”

  Sadness illuminated in his eyes, twisting her heart. It was obvious that he had cared for her at one time. If only her memories would return.

  PLAIN AND SIMPLE, THIS was torture. Wasn’t it bad enough that Terrick had watched her from afar for a few years, but now he had to look at her blank expression and know that she had no feelings for him whatsoever? His heart couldn’t take this. Neither could his hopes and dreams for a better future.

  Father had wanted Terrick to try to get her to remember, but it hurt so much. Frustration had built inside of him, and he feared the day it would finally let loose.

  “I don’t know why you can’t remember, Bella.” He sighed heavily. “If your mother were still alive, she would know my family and me. If Marcus’s sickness hadn’t taken his mind, he would remember us, as well.”

  She nodded as her gaze dropped to her lap and her clasped hands. “I was told that I was abducted when I was sixteen.”

  His chest clenched. “Yes.”

  “Do... you remember what happened?” Her gaze lifted and met him again. “Your sister told me that you had organized the search parties to find me.”

  “I remember like it was yesterday.” He exhaled a ragged breath. “But I fear to tell you in case it opens up some painful memories for you.”

  She shrugged. “At least I’d remember.”

  “Sometimes, not knowing is the best.”
r />   Her expression tightened. “You’re really not going to tell me?”

  “Bella, there is a reason your mind has blocked it out, and if your mind doesn’t believe you can handle it, I don’t want to be the one pushing it to happen.”

  Bella’s foot tapped nervously on the carriage floor for a few moments. Suddenly, she grumbled and moved to sit beside him. Terrick sucked in a quick breath, surprised that she would want to be so close to his beastly form. Of course, it had completely shocked him earlier when she helped him walk to the carriage.

  “Terrick, I need to remember.” She placed her hand on his arm. “You’ll never know how maddening it is to remember back on your life, only to realize there is a section missing.” She sighed. “That was the year my mother died. I’m sure I was distraught over her death, but there has to be more to all of this. Please help me.”

  Her pleading had always been his weakness, but he still hesitated to tell her everything. He didn’t want to sound like an injured lover who’d been rejected. But in reality, that’s what he was.

  “I first met you at the town’s Founder’s Day activities. Your family had lived here for a few years, but I’d been busy with school and trying to find my way in life, that our paths never crossed.” His mind created her sixteen-year-old image. She was so lovely with burnt auburn hair, bright blue eyes, and raspberry colored lips. Other boys had also noticed her beauty, but when she had looked upon him, there were sparks between them immediately.

  “I am five years older than you,” he continued, “but our ages didn’t matter. We met secretly for three weeks as we got to know each other. We went on horse rides, and I took you out on the river in my father’s canoe. We laid side-by-side, holding hands as we stared up into the night sky and counted the stars. We shared our dreams and our passions. Plus, we made plans for our future.”

  She licked her lips and nodded slowly, but she didn’t say a word.

  Terrick adjusted his scarf, even though the light in the carriage wasn’t that great, he still didn’t want her to see his scars. “When my father discovered I was meeting you secretly, he tried to dissuade me from falling in love, but it was too late. You had enchanted me completely.” He smiled as his heart swelled with the feeling he had been away from for seven years.


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