Time of the Draig

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Time of the Draig Page 18

by Lisa Dawn Wadler

  “Sounds like heaven. As soon as I finish kicking his ass, we’re done.”

  Boomer snarled and pressed his weight onto her chest while his knee pinned one arm beneath and a hand gripped her threatening hand. He warned, “You may want to step aside now.”

  The next batch of lightning forced the small hairs on his neck to rise. Faolan heard a tree fall in distance due to the increasing ferocity of the storm.

  Jeff grabbed Boomer’s arm and rolled him off of Samantha. “Mother Nature says you’re done. Get inside now.”

  As Boomer rose to his feet, he offered a hand to lift Samantha and helped her rise. He looked down at her and mocked, “Looks like this one goes to me.”

  Samantha laughed, “Only because we were interrupted.”

  Faolan used his hand to brush the mud off of her braid. “Take no insult, but you were down.” Her eyes flashed with the lightning, and he drew a sharp breath. The restless spirit still showed the emerald brilliance. If Boomer and Jeff had not been present, he would have taken advantage of the situation. Samantha was clearly not done with the banishment of her demons. His thought raced with all the ways he could bring exhaustion to her flesh.

  She knew his thought, Faolan was certain as the slow smile crept over her features. “Just because he had me pinned on my back doesn’t mean it was over. I was far from beaten,” she chided.

  Faolan’s teeth ground as his mind saw her beneath his body and her skill used to add fire to their passion. A small silent thank you went out to the thunder that masked his groan.

  Samantha leaned forward to let the rain wash the mud from her hair and back. He stared as her lips curved in a grin while the rain washed over her upturned face. Faolan was thankful the party made their way into the gate and around to the back of the keep. If she had stood any longer in silent surrender to the rain, he would have lost his mind.

  Dana waited at the kitchen door and said, “Take off the muddy boots and go straight into the bathing area, all of you.”

  Keira stood to separate Samantha from Faolan. With the crook of her finger, the women were behind the curtain that separated the two tubs.

  Jeff asked, “How did it go today?”

  The question was meant for Boomer though all waited for an answer. Faolan was certain Samantha had not shared her fears with them, as both showed only calm. His heart swelled with the knowledge she had only shared all with him.

  “Not sure, but there were no signs of distress. She’s got it under control.”

  “Do you always fight like that?” Faolan asked.

  “No, the rain and muddy ground slowed us down. Normally we really go for the jugular, and it can get pretty ugly.” Boomer stripped and settled into the hot water. He sighed. “I’m looking forward to a quiet night.”

  “Relax now, but we’re not done yet,” Samantha said, pulling back the curtain. “I’m going back in.” With a sharp look at Jeff, she said, “No arguments.”

  Faolan stared like a man who had not seen a woman in years. Wet, loose hair hung to one side of her face. The muddy jacket was on the floor behind her as were her boots. Dainty bare feet met his eyes, wet trews clung to her legs, and the thin fabric of her soaked shirt hid little from his inquisitive gaze. A slender waist gave way to full breasts that appeared to be covered in the same garment she had worn in the loch. The strange clothing could not disguise the puckered nipples that his eyes feasted upon or the cleavage he had briefly touched.

  There was amusement on her face. One eyebrow lifted as she pointed to the brilliant green of her eyes. She mouthed, “Up here,” and turned back to her private bath. The chuckle emerged as he recalled her speaking those same words on the eve he had first seen her dressed in a gown, which had offered him a peek at the flesh he craved to touch.

  Before Keira could close the curtain completely, Samantha lifted the wet shirt over her head, and he caught a flash of her beast. His hand gripped the handle of his dagger rather than reach for the skin that tempted him beyond reason and settled for the raised pattern of the dragon. The sounds of a splash were the only confirmation needed to know she was sitting bare in the tub of water.

  Keira called out from behind the curtain, “Laird Faolan and Jeff, stay here. You two are next. I dinna need a keep full of fever due to the cold rain.”

  Though wet from head to toe, Faolan felt only heat and warmth as his mind imagined her bare body soaking in the tub.

  Samantha reached to disengage the connection with UNK005. Her sigh escaped as the metal was removed from her temple. With a glance at the light from the window, she asked, “How long?”

  Boomer shifted his head from side to side as he checked his watch. “Roughly fourteen hours. Not sure on the time zone here, but the men have all eaten breakfast.”

  “I’m sorry. Why don’t you go eat and then get some sleep?” Samantha said. Though Boomer never once complained in all of their years together, she felt horrible for the sleep deprivation and missed meals.

  “Keira brought me something an hour ago. She said when you’re ready they’ll have something in the kitchen,” Boomer replied and proceeded to stretch. “Do you need to get it out?”

  Samantha rose from the chair and copied his movement. The thought of a quick fight was interesting, but she hadn’t slept for two nights. She was too certain Boomer could take her.

  With a hug for the man who gave up all his comfort for her protection, she said, “Go to bed, and that’s an order, Sergeant.”

  Boomer’s arms wrapped around her shoulders and returned the embrace. “Only if you’re sleeping, too.”

  “After I eat,” she replied as she let go and walked to the door.

  “Maybe you want to get dressed first, Sam,” Boomer chided.

  She laughed, as she noted she still wore the robe from the previous night’s bath. With a quick check on the empty bed, she asked, “Where’s my uniform?”

  “It only stopped raining a few hours ago. Keira said clothes won’t be dry until later today.” Boomer held up the garment that was on the table behind her computer, “Civilian today.” With a quick check to the items that hung by the fire, he added, “But your unmentionables are dry.”

  The best decision she had made was to not let the laundry women touch her underwear. Everything went into the boiling pot; no one was concerned with a delicate cycle. Samantha dropped the robe and began to dress.

  Boomer said, “You could have asked me to leave.”

  As the pale blue dress slipped over her head, she said, “I need your help to tie this thing.” She stepped closer to give Boomer access to the side lacing. “Any chance my boots are dry?”

  “A fireplace in the room has certain advantages,” Boomer replied, pointing at them.

  She smiled at the dry boots before the cooling embers. In a flash, her hair was braided and she was in the corridor. It took little to coerce Boomer to go to bed.

  Bright daylight flooded the hall from the open front door. A warm breeze wafted in, and she could hear laughter from the courtyard.

  Jeff rose from his seat at the table, “Nice to see you unplugged. Have you slept?”

  He should have asked if I solved the problem, which I haven’t. Every time she thought she was close to the answer, UNK005 proved her wrong. With a shake to her head, she forced away the disappointment and fear. Jeff didn’t need to see the self-doubt, and she wasn’t ready to share what she had encountered.

  When she looked at him again, she noted the handmade pants and shirt. “Uniform still wet?”

  “Yes, but I’ve ordered everyone into civilian dress today. It’s a day off all around. Faolan gave his men the day, so I followed suit.”

  Without any hesitation, she replied, “They deserve it.”

  “That means you, too. No more going in, no more calculations, and no more thin
king. Take the day off and do something else. It’s beautiful outside. Go play.”

  With an eye roll, she answered, “No can do with the fabric of the universe in jeopardy.” Samantha attempted to make light of the precarious situation.

  “A wise man once said, ‘we can’t solve the problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.’ Go find a new way to think in the fresh air,” Jeff replied.

  “Did you just quote Einstein to me?” Samantha asked with disbelief.

  “Actually, it was one of your father’s favorite quotes when we were in strategy sessions,” Jeff said with a quick wink.

  “Mayhap I can find a way to convince Major Samantha to enjoy the day,” Faolan said as he approached.

  Jeff shook his head. “You are definitely getting better at sneaking up on us.”

  Faolan laughed. “Mayhap you no longer fear my presence, so your guard is relaxed.” He turned to look at Samantha. “I was going to ride and check on my lands. Come with me and see the beauty of the countryside.”

  “Great idea, get her away from her”—Jeff paused before continuing—“her tools.”

  Before Samantha could argue, Faolan asked, “Unless you wish to sleep. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes.”

  “I couldn’t sleep now if I tried. There’s too much in my head to even pretend to rest,” Samantha admitted.

  Faolan offered her a warm smile and pushed her subtly toward the kitchens. “Then let us see if we can find a meal to pack and enjoy in the sunshine.”

  Jeff’s hand stopped their progress, and she took the item he offered. “Every man has one. While off duty, I don’t see a need to leave anyone alone or at risk.”

  She used the clip on the device to attach the communicator to the side lacing of her dress. “Good thinking.” Then she allowed Faolan to lead her out of the hall.

  In the late morning, Samantha was surprised to find the kitchen almost deserted. Only Dana remained. The older woman asked, “Have you eaten?”

  Why hasn’t anyone asked if I solved the problem? Samantha wondered. She shook her head and immediately found herself seated at the island with fresh bread and dried fruit in front of her.

  While she ate, Faolan asked for a meal to be packed, and Dana obliged without delay. She warned, “The evening meal will be a bit late tonight. Everyone has most of the day off.”

  “Then we can enjoy the afternoon without fear of your wrath.”

  Dana laughed. “Always fear my wrath, but there’s no need to worry about being late for dinner.”

  Samantha missed whatever Dana whispered to Faolan, but it didn’t matter. Both smiled, and she assumed it had nothing to do with her. When her plate was empty, Dana wished them a nice day and shooed them out of her domain.

  The day was bright with no trace of yesterday’s storm. The air held warmth and the promise of a beautiful afternoon.

  As they entered the stable, Samantha inhaled the sweet smell of hay. Faolan chuckled. “Verra few enjoy the scent of the animals.”

  She smiled at the notice and watched as he led two horses out into the courtyard. The tack was different than what she had used in the past, and it had been a long time since she had been anywhere near a horse.

  The animal had no issue with her presence and nuzzled into the hand she offered. Samantha asked, “What’s her name?”

  Faolan stroked the animal’s flank and said, “Fire, it means fire in Gaelic.”

  For the first time she hated the ability of verbal understanding the quantum door had afforded her. She wondered what the name sounded like in the native tongue.

  “She has a wild spirit but a generous nature, and I think she is perfect for you,” Faolan added with a wink. She allowed him to lift her onto the blanket that served as a saddle and took the reins in hand. Once the issue of how to bunch the skirts was settled, he let go of her sides.

  Heat flooded her blood of its own accord as Faolan mounted his horse in a single fluid motion. His shirt fluttered in the light breeze and drew her attention to the strong muscled chest. The leather pants fit him like a second skin and showcased his powerful legs. None of these attributes were new to her, as she had lived most of her life surrounded by fit and strong men, but they were far more noticeable on him.

  The longer hair was new to her. All the men she knew had the standard buzz cut. Faolan’s light brown hair was tied back in a strip of rawhide. That left his chiseled features exposed. Samantha sighed as she appreciated the raw masculine perfection that was Faolan.

  “I will keep a slow pace until you are ready for more.”

  She nodded and watched how he sat on the horse and noted the technique used to control the animal. They had only made it beyond the gate when she heard her name being called. Samantha looked up to see Weiler, Jensen, and Kagen perched on top of the stonewall that guarded the keep. She also saw the binoculars that passed between them.

  “Why are you sharing tech with Kagen?”

  Weiler called down, “Captain said it was okay as long as we kept possession.”

  Captain Harrison must have missed the part where I insisted on not exposing these people to modern marvels.

  Kagen shouted, “Faolan, you must see this with your own eyes. I can see the land at the edge of your sight as if it were where I stood.”

  Samantha shouted back, “At least pretend you’re looking for trouble.”

  Jensen added, “This beats walking in circles on patrol. Don’t worry. We’ll swear him to secrecy.”

  Then Samantha saw four other warriors climb to the top of the wall with the ladder and ask for a turn. She shifted to see Faolan. “We need to leave now before I kill my men for sharing what they shouldn’t.”

  Faolan waved to the men and replied to her, “See, there is one advantage to time coming to an end. None of it matters. Put it from your mind.” With that said, he trotted down the path that led away from the keep.

  Samantha caught up. “I’m ready when you are.” She spurred the horse into a run on the open field. Despite her desire to outrun him, she let Faolan take the lead and followed him into the woods.

  Faolan stopped at the edge of another field. “‘Tis is my far pasture and marks a boundary to my lands.”

  Samantha looked around a saw a small wooden shack on the far side. “Who lives there?”

  “‘Tis for the herdsmen to use when the sheep graze here. Given the recent theft of my animals, all graze in closer pastures,” Faolan explained.

  On instinct, Samantha prodded the horse for a closer inspection of the hut. There were clear signs of recent use. She hopped off the animal and held her hand over the remnants of a fire. “This is still a bit warm. I think someone has been here.”

  Faolan joined her on the ground and confirmed her observation. He drew the sword from his back and pushed open the cottage door with his foot. After a quick inspection of the small space, he came out and said, “Someone was here, but I sense no danger. My guess is someone took shelter from the storm and used a fire to dry their clothes. The cottage is once again deserted.”

  Samantha nodded in agreement and wished she had thought to bring a pair of binoculars.

  When she said as much, Faolan replied, “We can circle the area and look for signs of intruders.” He studied her. “Unless you are tired now.”

  “No, I’m fine. Let’s keep going,” Samantha answered.

  Faolan rewarded her with a smile. “I had a fine spot in mind for a meal, but we need to ride for a bit.”

  Without delay, he stepped behind to lift her onto the horse. She felt the light kiss to her hair and grinned like a fool as she once again sat with skirts bunched up on the horse.

  When on his animal, he offered a wink and urged his horse into a run. Samantha laughed and followed.

  Trees blu
rred as they raced through the forest. Time had no meaning as they rode and only focused on the trail. She ducked under branches and pulled the reins to jump fallen logs. For a while, no other thought entered her mind.

  Faolan stopped ahead of her and quickly dismounted. She reined the horse next to his. “Why have we stopped?”

  His hand reached out to lift her from the saddle and raised her into the air before pulling her close to slide down his chest. Samantha could only watch him in wonder as his hands kept a tight grip on her hips.

  “‘Tis where we stop,” Faolan said as he stared down at her. “Does it please you?”

  With a small step backward, she surveyed the area. They were in a small clearing surrounded by large old-growth trees. The high branches formed a partial covering overhead. Leaves had opened in the last few days, and the sky was only visible in the center of the grassy area. Ten feet away, a small stream gurgled over rocks. Small bushes bloomed with tiny white flowers that perfumed the area.

  It was Faolan who answered the question. “I can see it pleases you. Mayhap later in the summer we can return. The field will be covered in heather. ‘Tis a wondrous sight to behold.”

  Samantha smiled into the brown eyes that studied her reaction. “It’s a sight to behold now.”

  His hand cupped her cheek. “A fine sight indeed.” Then he tilted her head and placed a soft kiss to her lips.

  All too soon, he released his hold and tied the horses near the stream. He returned to her side with the bag of food and a blanket. Faolan stepped to the middle of the small clearing and spread the blanket in the sunshine. He offered, “The ground is still wet from the rain, but the cloth will keep you dry.” As he sat, he asked, “Are you hungry?”


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