Becoming Brandy: An Alien Abduction Reverse Harem Romance (The Cartharian Series Book 3)

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Becoming Brandy: An Alien Abduction Reverse Harem Romance (The Cartharian Series Book 3) Page 4

by Lynn Best

  And then the corridor ended. A dead end. She skidded around to go back the way she came as the beast rounded the corner. She was trapped.

  Back against the wall, she tried desperately to think of a way out. The beast blocked the only exit. She tried pressing her hands to the wall with her back to it so she could keep her eyes on him, but no opening appeared.

  The beast stalked forward with its claws out like a monstrous Freddy Kruger.

  “Stay where you are,” she shrieked, panic tightening her insides. “Don’t come any closer!”

  Nostrils flared as his razor-sharp teeth parted. A guttural growl rolled out of its throat.

  Tears streaked down Brandy’s cheeks as she pressed herself against the wall and began to pray. Dear God, don’t let me die on some alien ship torn apart by this monster. If I have to die, let it be on American soil with Tom Petty playing in the background.

  The alien prowled closer. A set of bloody claws closed the gap between them. She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to stop her trembling. An appendage traced down her neck to her chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks as it touched her. The horror of the moment made it hard for her to draw breath.

  The tip of its claw drew a line from her collarbone to her cleavage with excruciating slowness. The creature smelled like raw meat left out in the sun. Like maggoty hamburger in the garbage after the Fourth of July. Her eyes opened, seeing the thick mane of hair, matted into dreads. The scales along its neck reflected the purple light of the walls. This was the last image she would see before her blood was spilled.

  She held her breath, waiting for it to be over.

  The wall behind her disappeared. Brandy fell back as others rushed into the corridor. Eyes widening, Brandy watched as Wrek, Tork, and an army of humanoid aliens charged through. Two or three shot pulses at the beast from their cylinders. Her attacker twisted, contorting as it fell to the ground and shook. As the beast twitched in the aftermath, men secured its wrists and ankles before hauling it away.

  Wrek put a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  Brandy nodded. “But Drake… he looked bad.”

  “Which way?” Tork asked.

  Brandy pointed, and Tork took off running down the hall.

  She slid down, gripping her knees. Wrek hovered over her like a father over an injured child. “Can I check your vitals?”

  Nodding, she let Wrek run the wand up and down her body before he pronounced her physically okay. Then he sat down on the ground beside her, his back leaned against the now-solid wall.

  “I’m sorry that happened to you,” Wrek said.

  She grimaced, not sure what to say. It had all been too much. “Is Drake… dead?”

  “Him? No, it will take much more than that to finish my brother.”

  Brandy wasn’t sure how to feel. No matter what had happened, she didn’t wish anyone dead.

  “Why did that thing attack him?”

  Wrek bowed his head for a moment as if considering what to tell her. “There are some of our clan who do not appreciate his leadership style. They led a revolt a while back and attempted a mutiny. He’s imprisoned them in there. I guess he should’ve thought twice before opening the door.”

  “So, he was taking me into a jail cell with angry, violent beasts?” Her voice had risen in hysteria at the thought. What if that thing hadn’t attacked Drake? Would it have done that to her?

  Wrek shook his head. “I have to believe my brother would have better judgment than that. It must’ve been a mistake.”

  “He said I seduced you. That you were asking for my release.” Her voice got shrill. Drake was going to feed her to monsters.

  She turned pleading eyes to Wrek for answers. He was not his brother. And she needed allies now that she knew what Drake was capable of. Wrek, sitting next to her, was the easiest ally to procure.

  She reached out, gently touching his hand before drawing hers back again. “I appreciate you trying to help me.”

  “Drake is impossible. He won’t listen to anyone. He’s got this vendetta against Han. I’m sorry you are tangled up in it.”

  “What is this feud with Han?” she asked, leaning her head back. She was tired from all the stress and strain, but she struggled to keep her eyes open. It was important to keep Wrek on her side.

  “He and Han have a feud trending back for generations. There was a war for control of our country. Many battles were fought. Too many died. Han’s ancestor and ours were allies, but when the battle was won, Han’s people assumed the throne and backstabbed us. We’ve been fighting to take it back ever since.”

  “So, you’re space pirates fighting over a throne of a planet far away?” She arched an eyebrow.

  Wrek shrugged. “It doesn’t feel that far away. Drake takes it personally as the eldest. And with Han not yet seated, since he’s awaiting an heir, he feels like this is his time to strike.”

  “Thus, trying to abduct Charis. Except you got me. So disappointing.”

  He leaned slightly toward her. “I’m not disappointed.”

  She could feel things heating up between them. It would infuriate Drake if he knew she was once again seducing his brother for personal gain. But then again, Drake was incapacitated and maybe Wrek would agree to transport her back to Han’s ship while he was out of commission. Forget mating with the brothers. She could get her ticket out of here right now.

  Turning toward him, she pursed her lips, parting them slightly. She arched her back, shaking out her hair.

  Trembling, he reached out and brushed his thumb along her cheek. His eyes were that mesmerizing purple. And his soft, reserved manner was sweet and endearing. She was used to brutes who took what they wanted. Wrek was thoughtful and kind. She leaned into his touch, closing her eyes.

  “Drake thinks you’re bad for me,” he murmured.

  She felt her body responding to his closeness. “And I think Drake wants me for himself. What do you think?”

  He was breathing heavily, his hand in her hair, fingers slowly stroking the strands to the ends. “I think you’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.”

  He leaned in further, still hesitating. They were now inches apart. She could smell that scent all males had. One of their many intoxicating qualities that made her lose herself.

  This time when he leaned toward her, she closed her eyes, and he initiated the kiss.

  When he brushed against the smooth skin of her mouth, it made heat spread across her body. But he seemed unsure of himself, so she took charge. Grabbing his head, she used her tongue to coax his lips apart. With a moan, he let her in. Their tongues tangled in gentle sweeps that sent thrills up her spine.

  One of his hands gripped the back of her neck, fingers snaking into her hair. He pulled her closer, kissing her deeper. He seemed to be getting the hang of it, letting himself enjoy her without worry. When he pulled his mouth away, she was breathless and hot.

  “Why did you stop?” she asked.

  He shook his head, eyes narrowed at the rise in his pants that proved he wanted her. “Drake.”

  “Forget him.” But when she reached for him again, he leaned back.

  “You’re wonderful, Brandy.” He let go of her and stood up, adjusting his clothes. “But he’s claimed you first. What he’d do to me if he found out…” Wrek blushed.

  “Well, well, well…” a voice said from the doorway.

  When their heads jerked toward the sound, Tork was leaning against a wall, his arms crossed over his chest and a smug smile on his lips.

  Wrek flustered, stepping away from Brandy.


  “I knew you were a rebel, little brother,” Tork said, still smiling darkly, “but I didn’t know you’d go directly against Drake’s wishes. Brave, little brother. Brave and stupid.”

  Brandy swiveled her gaze between the two men, not really understand. “What did Drake say?”

  Tork raised an eyebrow. “He said you are his. He owns you, and we are not to touch you until
he’s done with you.”


  The words swirled in Brandy’s head. He had claimed her as his own. No trying out all three to see if offspring was possible. She was Drake’s property until he said different.

  But Drake hated her. He wanted to throw her in a jail cell with murderous aliens. Anger burned through her as the men regarded her.

  “He can’t do that,” she insisted, standing up despite her fatigue.

  “Oh, he can, sweetheart. And he has.” Tork studied her with disappointment before donning his usual smug expression. “As the eldest brother, he has rights we don’t. He gets first claim on human females in the attempt to produce an heir. We get the leftovers. Great, huh?”

  “It’s the same on Han’s ship. But lucky for Rahan and Kahn, Han has a mate now.”

  Wrek tilted his head in that thoughtful way he had. “But why are you not mated to one of them? It’s inconceivable.”

  Tork smirked. “Playing it a bit desperate, aren’t we, bud?”

  Wrek blushed.

  Brandy attempted to answer his question just to take the heat off Wrek. “None of them wanted me. Well, Rahan had an interest until he found someone better.”

  Wrek shook his head like he couldn’t believe it.

  “Lucky for Drake, then. I’ll tell you a little secret, sweetheart. One you aren’t going to like very much. Drake has no intention of returning you to Han. Ever. Even if Han meets Drake’s demands, he’s told me he intends to keep you. So, your charms are not wasted. Congratulations,” Tork said dryly.

  Her mind seemed to contract at Tork’s words. “No. No, he can’t.”

  “There’s that word again. Can’t. Drake can. And he does. Welcome to our world.” Tork leaned his head back, his expression dark.

  “We’ll stop him. Won’t we Tork?” Wrek turned to his brother for reassurance but didn’t get any.

  Tork shook his head. “I like my hide, Wrek. You might not care for yours, but mine is nice. I’d like to keep it.”

  Brandy leaned against the wall, hopelessness stealing over her. Drake was awful. She bowed her head.

  Wrek stepped in front of her. “Look, we can figure this out. You’re smart and good at what you do.”

  “Good at making men like me, you mean,” she blurted. “What good does that do me?”

  “That’s just it,” Wrek said, running a hand through his hair. “We can get Drake to like you. And if he really likes you, maybe he can be persuaded to let you choose what you want to do.”

  “Like if I want to leave or stay?”

  Wrek nodded. Her eyes trailed over to Tork. “Do you think it could work?”

  His shoulders moved up and down inside his jacket. “Who’s to say? It could work, or Drake could eject Wrek out of the airlock.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Brandy balked.

  Tork shook his head.

  Brandy turned to Wrek. “He’s kidding, right?”

  Wrek wouldn’t meet her gaze.

  “So, if you help me, Drake could kill you?”

  Tork nodded. “Sure. Drake can do whatever he wants. Are you sensing the pattern now, sweetheart?”

  “Then you can’t help me. You have to stay out of this.”

  Wrek took her hand. “That is the exact reason we should help.”

  Brandy shook her head. “It’s too dangerous.”

  “Not if we keep Drake happy,” Wrek said. “We’ve survived our brother for a long time. When he’s happy, he’s a teddy bear.”

  “A murderous teddy bear,” Brandy murmured.

  Wrek continued like he hadn’t heard. “So we do everything to make Drake happy. And then, when he’s at his pinnacle of happiness, we make our request. Nothing too crazy. We aren’t asking him to call off the feud with Han or anything.”

  “But I can’t let him abduct Charis. She’s my best friend.”

  Tork shook his head. “They’ve raised shields. It’ll be almost impossible to get in now.”

  “So you have to show me how to make Drake happy. And you have to do it quickly before he recovers. And my performance has to be perfect or we could all die. Did I get it right?”

  Tork and Wrek nodded morosely. “Pretty much,” Tork said.

  Brandy blew out a breath. “No pressure, huh? God.” She scrubbed her hand over her face. “Well, no time like the present. Tell me what I have to do.”

  Wrek stepped forward, but Tork put a hand on his chest to hold him back. “No offense, little brother, but I’m pretty sure I’m the man for the job.”

  Wrek started to protest, but then stopped. “You’re right. Out of the two of us, you’re the most like Drake.” His eyes darted away as if this comment both upset and frustrated him.

  Brandy wanted to reassure him, but Tork was already putting a hand on her back, urging her forward. “Let’s go, sweetheart. We don’t have much time.”

  “Wait, where are you going?” Wrek asked, starting forward.

  Tork raised an eyebrow. “Drake wouldn’t have her in front of anyone. I’ll need to instruct Brandy alone.”

  Brandy turned around to see his face so she could gauge his intentions, but he urged her forward again. “Down the hall. Take a right. My room.”

  Back to the gym again? She had enjoyed their sparring match, but she didn’t think it was going to help her convince Drake unless he, too, was a female boxing fan. She got an image of her sparing with Drake and shook her head. Then she recalled that time she’d been hired to fight in a kiddie pool full of Jell-O pudding with a girl in a gold bikini. She’d smelled like chocolate for a week after that.

  Tork stopped her in front of a wall, pressing his hand to it. As she waited for the material to dissolve, she glanced back to see if she could spot Wrek, but no. He was the one who cared about her, who wanted to protect her. What was she doing here with Tork, the brother she found vastly more attractive but knew could hurt her?

  “Time waits for no man,” Tork said, gesturing toward the now-open entrance. He seemed irritated, like this was all her idea and he was fed up with her nonsense.

  Frowning, she entered, scanning the area as he sealed up the wall.

  The gym was gone. In fact, the room was completely empty, a space about the size of a school gymnasium glowing a dim purplish-black.

  When she glanced back, Tork was staring at her with his arms crossed.

  “So,” Brandy said, trying to come off bright and excited, but just sounding exhausted, “what should we do first?”

  “I should ask you that. What special skills or talents do you have? What can you do to prove to Drake you’re worth keeping? He wants an heir, but I have a feeling that might not be possible. If it was, one of Han’s brothers would have snatched you up.”

  Brandy winced.

  “So, what else? Prove you’re worth it.” Tork stared at her as if bored.

  This question took her back. “I… um… I’m good at Friends trivia?”

  He frowned.

  “Okay, not that. I know how to give a great massage.” She flexed her long fingers.

  Tork shook his head. “Think bigger than that.”

  Bigger than that? She hadn’t gone to college. She’d started working as a stripper when she was eighteen, and a call girl only two years after that. She hadn’t gone to any training schools or taken lessons.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she said.

  He threw his arms down in disgust. “Then what are we doing here?” He turned to go.

  “Wait! I’ve got it. I can do acrobatics!” She nearly clapped her hands in delight at thinking of the answer, before stopping herself. Tork wouldn’t like ditzy.

  “What is acrobatics?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.

  Brandy smiled. “Give me access to this room’s simulator and I’ll show you.”

  Taking a deep breath, Brandy stepped up to the long ribbon of fabric and looped her arm around it.

  Tork had given her access to the simulator room and left, saying he’d be back in tw
enty and not to take any longer than that. Once alone, she worked fast, using the room to order up an outfit, high ceilings, and a long piece of silken fabric. She’d done it all so quickly she’d even had time to do her hair and makeup. Her mama always said there was nothing a little mascara and lipstick couldn’t fix. No wonder Brandy had become a hooker.

  When the wall of the room opened and Tork reappeared, she was ready. Sparkles danced off her gold and turquoise leotard, which clung to her curves. She knew her long legs were one of her best features, and this outfit showed them off to perfection. She watched his eyes trace up the length of them.

  “What’s all this?” He appeared more astonished than upset.

  She smiled. “Just you wait.”

  When she pressed her finger to the boom box she’d ordered up, the music began to pulse out into the room. She’d picked You Give Love a Bad Name, by Bon Jovi. God, she was a sucker for hair bands and the men in them. That was probably why she was so enamored with Rahan. And why she was attracted to Tork. She could feel his eyes on her as she stepped up to the silk and wrapped her arm around it.

  Crossing his arms over his chest, he tried to seem uninterested. Smiling, she knew this routine would hold his interest.

  Brandy let the music surge around her as she inched her way up the silk.

  She’d learned to do this in Vegas when she did a stint as a performer by day and an escort by night. The performances were at a shitty hotel down the strip from the good ones, but she’d loved every minute. The lights and music would mingle around her as she contorted her body, rolling herself down the silk and then climbing back up again. There was nothing more beautiful than a woman wrapping and unwrapping herself, like the world’s most exciting striptease. And she didn’t even have to get naked.

  Now, in the room with Tork, she didn’t think about all that. She didn’t think about much, letting her body feel the routine. One arm extended out as a leg wrapped around the silk and held it tight. Then she let go, letting the fabric twirl her down before stopping herself upside down, her arms extended and her hair dangling to the floor. Her eyes met Tork’s. Even though he was upside down, she could see he was enjoying himself. She winked before crawling sensually up the silk again.


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