Against the Rules

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Against the Rules Page 4

by Tori Carson


  Oh shit. She squirmed on his lap and felt his very erect and very large cock against her hip.

  “One,” he counted.

  She put her hand on his chest in an attempt to slow him down. “Exciting.” She squished her eyes shut, wishing she could draw the word back in.

  His chuckle rumbled through her. “Was that really so hard?”

  “Yes, it kind of was.” She giggled.

  He snuggled with her for a few moments. “Blindfold.”

  “No,” she answered immediately.

  He smiled and she got the feeling he was pleased with her. Odd, since she’d just refused something.


  Her lips twitched upward, but she kept her head down so he hopefully wouldn’t see it. “Curious.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Good to know.” His finger slid across her lips.

  His touch tingled and her nipples pebbled. Her breathing was coming in spurts.

  “Ball gag.”

  She squeaked. How had she spaced on the little game he was playing? As he started to count she said the first word that entered her mind. “Okay.” She clamped her lips closed. Did I just agree to be gagged? He hasn’t offered, has he? What is this all about anyway? “Um, have we played enough of this game?”

  “Sure, do you want to discuss your responses instead?” He smiled down at her like he knew her answer.

  “This game is fun… I guess.” She’d completely played into his hands, but she didn’t want to discuss why she’d chosen those words.

  Reese had the good grace not to laugh. “Crop.”

  “Fuck.” Chantel slapped her hand over her mouth. “I didn’t really say that.” She tried to not even think that word for fear that it would come floating out at the worst possible moment, like in front of a classroom full of students.

  This time Reese did let loose. “I’ve heard the word used before. I’ve even been known to use it on occasion. You need to breathe, little teacher.”

  “I try not to talk like that. A loose tongue could get me fired.”

  “I could help you with that if you like,” he offered casually.

  “How’s that?” She had a sinking feeling it was going to be both arousing and nerve-racking.

  Reese tapped her bottom lip. “Open.”

  Reluctantly, she did.

  He took her tongue between his thumb and index finger. “Each time you misspeak, I’ll place a clothespin on your tongue. I doubt it would take long to curb the problem.”

  She stared at him. He’d said that so calmly, as if it was a perfectly reasonable action. More shocking than that, it had made her pussy throb and dampen further.

  “I don’t know that I’d like that,” she answered, feeling a bit threatened—not by Reese, but by the crumbling of what she’d believed sexy was all about. Her perfectly constructed world where romance was white linen tablecloths with candles and flowers was being shaken to pieces by the tremors taking place in her faded blue jeans.

  He tipped her chin up and looked into her eyes. “You aren’t supposed to.”

  Oh, God. Why is that hot?

  “Little teacher, it’s decision time. Do you want to keep your knowledge strictly book learned or do you want to progress to hands-on experience?” His voice slid over her, leaving only one choice.

  “Hands-on,” she whispered.

  “Good answer.” He patted her rump. “Up you go.”

  Once they were both on their feet, he picked her up in a fireman’s carry and toted her to the bedroom.

  As he lay her on the bed, Chantel smiled at the candlelight dancing about the room. Oh, this guy was good, reminding her again that she was so out of her league. He had seduction down to an art form. There was no doubt he was a ladies’ man and would quickly get bored and move on. It should have bothered her that she was only the flavor of the night. Clearly, he wasn’t into long-term relationships.

  If she had any sense she would leave now before it was too late. Maybe it already was. All good sense was drowned out by the unfamiliar throbbing of her clit. She was in desperate need of this man’s touch.

  He ran his fingers down her ribs and slid beneath her shirt, he marveled at how his hands encompassed her entire waist. Her skin, so pale and dusted in freckles, did something to him. Such a contrast to his sun-darkened coloring. His mind drew a parallel between them sexually—she was vanilla and he was rocky road.

  Little teacher looked small and fragile on his bed. She had his Dom side out in force. Taking a deep breath, he put a leash on his need. Tonight was all he had to sample Channy’s gifts and he wasn’t going to rush it.

  Bending down to her neck, he lavished kisses on a slow and torturous route. Her gasps and squirms had his cock twitching. He spent time at the hollow of her neck, teasing them both before continuing his descent. At the swell of her breasts, she arched her back and moaned.

  Channy reached down and pulled his shirt from his pants. Little teacher was getting impatient. “Put your hands above your head and don’t move them,” he instructed.

  “What?” She looked surprised by his order.

  Oh, this was going to be fun. He took her wrists and pulled them over her head. He gripped them tightly and applied some of his weight to keep them pressed against the bed. “‘Yes, Sir’ was the appropriate response.”

  He gazed down into her eyes and watched fear mingle along the edges.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied immediately.

  As soon as he lightened his hold, Channy writhed and tried to break free of his grip.

  “Stop!” He slid his thigh over hers, holding her still. “I’m going to let go and you’re going to keep your hands right where they are. Do you understand?”

  She took a deep breath before nodding. “Sorry. I panicked there for a minute.”

  He released her, but rested his forearm on her stomach with his hand between her breasts. He could feel the pounding of her heart. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She turned her face away from him.

  “It’s something. You didn’t protest when I moved your hands. It took several seconds before you panicked.” He was pretty sure why, but he wanted to hear it from her. “Look at me and tell me what were you thinking about?”

  Channy shivered before she turned to face him. “I liked the feel of your hands holding me down.”

  Her honesty surprised him. Sure, she’d answered so quietly that if he hadn’t been on top of her he wouldn’t have heard her, but she’d admitted it nonetheless.

  “And that scared you?” Reese slipped her blouse lower then took her bra-covered breast into his hand.

  “It seems wrong to get excited by this.”

  “Shh, Little Teacher. Tell me something. Do all your students learn the same way?”

  She gave him such an odd look he couldn’t help smiling.

  “No. Some learn by listening, others by reading, some need both. A lot of people learn by doing, but not all.” The tension started to ease from her muscles.

  “Those people that need to read something to learn it—are they broken?” he asked patiently.

  She looked chagrined. “No, of course not.”

  “Some enjoy being in charge, some find pleasure in giving control to another.” He felt her tummy bunch and knew he’d hit a hot button. “Some want to serve their partner. Does any of that sound broken?”


  “I’ll let you in on a little secret. I don’t like tomatoes. They sort of stop at the back of my throat and refuse to go down. Am I broken?” He thumbed across her nipple.

  She gasped. “You’ve made your point, Reese. Everybody’s different.”

  “And my ego just took a hit. I rather liked hearing you call me Sir.”

  Channy’s giggle washed over him, bathing him in a warmth he hadn’t felt in years.

  “My apologies, Sir.”

  He gave her a kiss on her forehead before reaching behind him and pulling his s
hirt over his head. He tossed it toward the closet.

  “But don’t I get to touch you?” she complained.

  “Later, Channy, much later.” With a firm grip, he cradled her breast. Perfect. Since he’d first held her, Teague had fantasized about having her here, like this, in his bed, hot and wet and wanting him.

  He needed to touch her skin. In his fantasies, Channy had large, responsive nipples. He had always been a breast man.

  Teague released her and moved his thigh off her legs. “Sit up,” he commanded.

  With reluctance, she did as he had asked. Her pouty lips spoke volumes of displeasure at his body moving from hers. In one smooth, practiced movement, he had her bra and top off.

  “Lie back down, arms over your head, just like before.”

  Looking at her took the throbbing ache to dangerous levels. His fantasies paled in comparison to the actual sight of her. Hoping that she didn’t notice his hands trembling, he caressed her breasts. Instantly, her nipples responded, pushing into his palms for more. They were pouty, like her lips and he couldn’t stop touching them. Teague suckled one making her squirm with pleasure.

  He sat back slightly to admire Channy. She was such a treasure. One he surely didn’t deserve, but planned to enjoy all the same.

  Fuck, he liked her. Really liked her. Not just her sexy as hell body, but the whole package. She was as sweet as she was hot. If he had a brain in his head he’d take her home and never see her again.

  Channy was a forever girl. He knew she would struggle with a one-night stand—he only hoped he could awaken her curiosity. It would be a shame if she ignored her submissive nature and continued to experience a lackluster sex life.

  “Is something wrong?”

  She was perceptive. He needed to keep his head in the game. “No, little teacher. Everything is perfect. You are perfect.”

  “Please… Don’t call me that. I don’t want to think about work,” she murmured quietly.

  That made sense. “How about Little Red? You make me feel like a hungry wolf.”

  “I like that much better. Thank you.” Reese’s hands were muddling her brain. He gently caressed her breasts, cupping them in his hands while his thumbs lightly brushed over each nipple. They ached with arousal. Each stroke of his thumbs made a throbbing pulse travel through to her core.

  She’d never been overly fond of her boobs. Soft and squishy described them best. In no way would they be considered perky. With her arms over her head they did the flop over to the side trick that embarrassed the heck out of her. Seeing real appreciation in Reese’s eyes was a bit of a shock and a definite ego boost.

  When his tongue brushed along her neck, she jumped. His touch was more electric and intense than any man’s she’d ever been with.

  As he eased her zipper down, she froze.

  “What’s wrong, darlin’? You’re suddenly pale. Are you having second thoughts?”

  “No… Of course not.” She looked around the room, a little dismayed at the amount of light the candles were giving off. Who would have thought that such little flames could illuminate a room so well? There was no hiding. And stopping was out of the question. Core meltdown was imminent.

  Reese followed her gaze and his body was rock hard as if he were readying for an attack. She knew she was acting weird, but she couldn’t help it.

  “Umm, do we need all this light?” she asked timidly.

  “Darlin’, you’re breathtaking. You can’t tell me you’re self-conscious?” he asked, as he nuzzled her neck.

  “Well, sort of. I…” She turned away from him. She could excuse herself and slip into the bathroom to undress but then what? She didn’t have the confidence to strut naked back to the bed. He had a kick-ass body and while she was trim enough, she didn’t exactly stop traffic. If she survived the utter humiliation of being seen by Mr. Bodacious in her sex-preventing granny panties, she was burning those suckers. Why had she thought wearing them was a good idea?

  “Little Red, you’re gorgeous.” She watched Reese take a slow, erotic study of her body. “What are you worried about?”

  A million lies came to mind. She discounted them all. She might be breaking several rules by sleeping with Reese after knowing him less than forty-eight hours and only two dates. Holy crap, what was she doing?

  She shook her head. It was way too late to back out now. Her body was going up in flames. She just couldn’t figure out how to keep him from seeing her saggy-baggy undies and she didn’t want to add lying to the rather long list of bent or broken rules. Besides, if he was going to embarrass her and be a jerk, it would be better to find out now before they had sex.

  “I have these rules I live by.” She paused, trying to phrase this in such a way that she didn’t sound like an idiot. It would have been easier if he wasn’t curling her toes and making conscious thought practically impossible.

  “Usually, it’s easy. Then I met you. Since then, I’ve come to understand the ‘rules were made to be broken’ phrase.”

  “For a woman in the middle of the ‘we need to stop’ speech, you sure seem to be enjoying yourself.” He sounded amused by her distress.

  “No, I’m not… I mean, yes.” She shook her head, knowing she wasn’t making sense. “I am enjoying it. I’m not saying stop. I’m just trying to explain.”

  He was attempting to listen, really he was, but she kept arching her breasts into him and making that erotic sound that had his brain going offline. He could feel her heat right through her jeans yet every time he made a move toward her pants, she stilled his hand. He should reprimand her for moving without permission, but if she’d come to her senses, he wasn’t going to try to change her mind. “So, having sex with me is going to break one of your rules?”

  She cringed. “Several! For example rule number thirty-five clearly states, ‘Don’t sleep with any man before you know how you feel about him’.”

  Rule thirty-five? She had to be kidding. It didn’t surprise him that she didn’t lie down for anyone who asked, but what was this ‘rule’ crap?

  He slipped onto his side and rested his head on his palm. Teague tried valiantly to suppress his growing smile. With care, he took her chin in his hand and brought her gaze to meet his. “Rule thirty-five? Just how many rules are there?”

  Channy’s cheeks took on a beautiful pink tone. “To date? Two hundred and fifty-six,” she announced, chagrined.

  Teague slid his arms around her and dragged her on top of him. “You’re a nut, but I like that. I think I can help you with your quandary.” He took her hand down to cup his throbbing cock. “I know exactly what I’m feeling and if we can get these pants off you, I’m sure I can take away any doubt you might have about what you’re feeling as well.”

  Her throaty laugh sent a fireball straight to his groin.

  “Oh, I know I want you. I’ve thought of little else since we first met.”

  “But?” Because there had to be a but.

  “But… I didn’t want to be a complete idiot and jump into bed with a virtual stranger so I— Don’t laugh— I put on a pair of granny undies in hopes I’d be too embarrassed to carry it this far.”

  “Granny undies?” he enunciated carefully.

  “Large, up to my navel, saggy-bottomed granny panties that I would be way too embarrassed to ever let another person see me in so naturally, I wouldn’t get in…this position.”

  “But?” He could have made it easier on her, but he wanted to hear that she needed this as much as he did.

  “But…” And he’d thought she’d blushed before. “I want you. Now. Tonight. I don’t want to wait.”

  “How do you want me?” He was pushing her out of her comfort zone, yet he suspected it was arousing her too. Little Red had spent way too much time playing it safe. And boring.

  Chantel stared at him for several seconds, undoubtedly debating whether or not she could do it. He doubted that she’d ever verbalized her desires before.

  Leaning in, as if seeking comfort, she wh
ispered, “I want you deep inside me, in my mouth, in my body.”

  Teague’s pounding heart and throbbing cock were racing out of control. Chantel was turning him inside out.

  “Let me tell ya, darlin’, men don’t care about the type of undies, as you put it, women wear. If they’re sexy they may hold my attention for a few seconds, but it’s what’s inside that will hold my attention far longer.”

  “Close your eyes.”

  “Not on your life.” He chuckled. “I’ve got to see these granny panties.”

  “And if I say no?” she teased him back.

  “I will tickle you into submission.”

  Grabbing a pillow, she took aim at the bulge still filling the front of his jeans. “Go ahead and try it.”

  She had spunk. He liked that. “You’re a mean woman, Ms. Donley. However, you will find that might makes right,” he warned. Teague tore the pillow from her hands, pulled her beneath him and proceeded to tickle.

  Chantel counterattacked, landing them on the floor. She quickly discovered he was highly ticklish on the bottoms of his feet. He allowed her to feel successful for a moment or two.

  With her hands on her hips, she gazed down at him. “Might make right, but stealth and flexibility— Eek!” she screamed.

  Teague sprang off the floor and pinned her beneath him again. “Are easily overcome,” he finished for her. Laughing and out of breath they clung to each other until Teague could wait no more. “Now, let’s see those panties.”

  Chapter Three

  As he began pulling the offending cloth from her body, she lifted her hips to allow it.

  Reese stared down and scowled. “These should go directly into the dumpster. Nothing but the finest silk should touch your skin.”

  Her heart pounded as his eyes turned a deeper shade while he stripped her. She reached lower to stroke the bulge now straining against his jeans.

  He took her hands and put them back above her head. “Feeling pretty sure of yourself now, aren’t ya?”

  “I was.” His strong hands pinning her down was way more exciting than it had a right to be.

  “I’m going to let your hands go, darlin’, but you leave them there. If you move them, I will punish you.” His voice had taken on a deeper note.


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