The Shifter's Past

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The Shifter's Past Page 8

by R. A. Boyd

  Things kept stacking up, and Nev was trying her best to get a grip on what her life would be like now. Fallen angels, saber-tooth shifters, an insane group of shifters trying to kill them.

  And Mom was leaving.

  Nev had no doubt. Her words sounded too much like goodbye, and Nev didn’t know if she was ready. She may have told her mother that it was okay for her to move on, but that was before everything happened. The little girl inside her would always want her mother to be around. She couldn’t call her sister Indi and tell her about her being a shifter now. Indi and their father tended to shy away from anything outside the norm.

  Oh, Nev would never ask her mother to stay here just for her. That would make her horribly selfish.

  “Mom, are you leaving me now?”

  She didn’t want to be sad about it, but her mother had been there for her entire life. Even after she’d died, she was still around to talk to. It was time for Mom to be completely selfish and do whatever made her happy.

  Mom nodded and gestured her hands to the house. “Nevada. This is it, baby. I never wanted you to be alone. No matter how many times you told me you were okay, I just couldn’t do it. No parent wants their child to be by themselves, no matter how headstrong, independent, and introverted they are. And you, my dear, are all of those. But you found them.” She stood and took a deep breath. Looking around, she said, “And now I’m going to go for a little while. That angel can kiss my wide and sexy ass if he thinks he can reap me now. I’ve got a world to see and tons of musicians to spy on. I’ll come back, Nevada. See you on the flip side.”

  What? An angel? “Wait! What angel?” Nev waved her hands to get mom’s attention, but being the smart-butt she was, Mom winked and disappeared. She was gone.

  “Typical.” Nev threw one hand in the air and then slapped it on her thigh. “Drop a bomb like that and then leave.”

  “Angel?” Bastian sat up and looked at the chair where her mother had been. “An angel came to her? Was it Samael?”

  Nev shrugged. “She didn’t give me a name.”

  A conversation. Something was tickling the back of Nev’s mind. Her mother had spoken to someone, and that person had acknowledged her.

  You get the hell away from my daughter. It’s not her time. I’m not going with you either, so you can fuck right the fuck off.

  That’s what her mom said while Nev was stuck in her car.

  I’m not here for either one of you. I’m here to keep them away. They will take her if I don’t.

  Someone had helped her. Kept her safe.

  “I heard a voice,” she whispered, more to herself than Bastian. Nev stared at the empty chair, willing her mother to come back and tell her what happened. Yep. It didn’t work. “When my car was lying on its side, and I couldn’t get out, my mom told someone that it wasn’t my time. And that she wasn’t going either. And he told her that he wasn’t there for either one of us. He was there to keep them away so they wouldn’t take me.”

  Bastian furrowed his brow, and his eyebrows hitched up until they almost disappeared beneath the fall of his hair. “What did he look like? Purple eyes?”

  She shook her head and reached her hand up to smooth away the worry lines on his forehead. “I didn’t see him. Who was he talking about?” She hitched in a breath and looked wide-eyed at Bastian. “I was attacked, wasn’t I?”

  Nev didn’t wait for an answer. She scrambled from Bastian’s arms and walked toward the window. Someone tried to kill her because she was Bastian’s mate. What the hell had she gotten herself into? She and Bastian hadn’t even had a peaceful twenty-four hours before someone who hated him came after her. It didn’t make any sense.

  “How could they have known about us?” she asked, peering out into the dimly lit street. It was so quiet outside. Such a vast difference from how Nev felt. Her insides were boiling, and she was scared. “Someone tried to kill me. To get to you, didn’t they? We barely know each other, and someone came after me to get to you. That is…”

  She didn’t have the words. Evil. Horrible. Heartless.

  Nev’s mind shot to Cass. They’d never even met, but Nev felt sorry for the poor woman. They’d only tried to kill Nev, but they’d come through on their attempt to kill Cass. She deserved to lose her mind. Nev didn’t even know how to take in the fact that someone tried to murder her. Right in the middle of New Rose, where everyone could see.

  Bastian came up behind her and gripped her waist, pulling her against his body, giving her something that could ground her in this sea of uncertainty. The feel of his heartbeat against her back brought serenity to her beast. But not to Nev. The woman she’d always been was troubled. Anxious. Pissed.

  “I know this is a lot.” Bastian’s fingers dug into her hips as if trying to keep her from running. “I’ll keep you safe. Our people will keep you safe. The shit may hit the fan, but we stick together.”

  She scoffed and shook her head. Was that supposed to make her feel better? It really didn’t.

  “Why are there a bunch of dead guys in front of the perimeter of your property?” Nev swallowed and looked up at the stars. They sparkled so clearly with her new eyes. It still didn’t take away from the darkness of the evil that wanted the Ghost shifters to suffer. “They looked like someone just ripped them apart. And their coloring was off. They were all grey and spotted. Who are they?”

  “Rogues.” Bastian gripped her hips tight enough to bring a gasp from her lips.

  She kind of liked it.

  Bastian lifted his head, and anger flashed through his eyes. “I wasn’t here when it happened, but a group of Rogues came and tried to kill Willow. Cass got to them, but not before Willow had been shot. But Ronin bit Willow, so now she’s like a fallen angel/shifter/witch.”

  Cass must be a force. Mom made her sound untouchable, and apparently, she was also a killing machine.

  “What’s to keep her from hurting other people?”

  “She takes a potion. It looks like a piece of candy, but it keeps her from shifting. Cass agreed to take it until she felt more in control of herself. She sees a therapist and is working her ass off to be in control again.” His lips thinned as he watched her as if gauging her reaction to Cass. “She’s a good person who has endured a lot of chaos in a short amount of time. Anyone would have a breakdown after everything she’s gone through. Please, don’t judge her before you meet her.”

  He was right.

  Nev placed her hands on his chest and took in a deep breath. She held it in her puffed out cheeks and then blew it out slowly. “I know. I’m sorry. This is so much.”

  “Look, I know it’s a lot to learn in such a short amount of time, Nev. It is. Take your time. We’ll figure things out as we go along, okay?”

  Yet again, he was right. She was being a douche bag to judge someone so harshly. “Okay.”

  Bastian cupped her cheek and angled his head until their lips lined up just right. His touch was so delicate, but it warmed Nev deep in her chest. He licked the closed seam of her lips as if waiting for her to open to him. Waiting for her to give him permission to keep going.

  That tantalizing tingle was back, and it felt more powerful than it had when he’d first touched her back at the pub. She leaned into him and opened her mouth, letting him taste her. His tongue slid into her, and the sensation hit Nev at the apex of her thighs. Her grip tightened on his shirt over his hard pecs, and his thumbs stroked her skin along the curve of her jaw.

  Heat poured into Nev from Bastian’s large body, and all she wanted to do was have him inside her. Right here in front of the open curtains of the window. She didn’t care who could see them.

  Wait. Yes, she did. Lust attempted to take over her inhibitions, and she had the sneaking suspicion that her new beastly companion was the one telling her to give it up to Bastian immediately.

  Nev unclenched her fingers from the soft fabric of his shirt, pushing him as she pulled away. “Okay. Let’s take a breather.” Ohh, she was panting and dizzy. Bastian c
ould kiss.

  From the look of him, he was just as drawn into their kiss as she was. “You’re right. You’re hungry, and I need to feed you. I can hear your stomach growling.”

  She slapped his shoulder, taking care to do it lightly, and feigned embarrassment. “Rude. A gentleman never points out when a woman’s body makes an unflattering sound.”

  Bastian’s lips quirked up to the side as his thumbs drew little circles on her neck. “You’re a violent little thing, aren’t you? I bet you took self-defense classes or something.”

  “Taekwondo. But only for a few months.” Huh. Maybe she could start taking classes again. The ache in her hip that occasionally reminded her that she actually had a hip shouldn’t be an issue anymore. Cool.

  “And, Nev. I’m not a gentleman. I will never make fun of the sounds that come out of your body. Burps, farts, screams of pleasure. Never.” The playful look on his face made Nev smile. “But I will take care of you. Your body says you’re hungry, I’ll feed you. Your body speaks to me through a series of gas releases, I’ll get you some of those chalky pills from the store.”

  She laughed again and then stood up on her tiptoes to kiss his chin. “You may not be a gentleman, but those are admirable qualities, sir.” After a few moments of just staring into his beautiful eyes, she said, “Point me to the direction of the bathroom. I need a tub to soak in while you go grab us some food. I really don’t care what you have. I’m starving. Wait, just as long as it’s not lamb. It leaves an after taste. And well… it’s lamb.”

  “I can do that.” Bastian grabbed her hand and backed up a few steps. “Come on. I’ll give you the tour of the place, and we can end it in the master bedroom upstairs, where we’ll sleep. That’s if you want to sleep with me. Don’t answer now. You have time to think about it. Just know that the connecting bathroom, where the tub is, is awesome and spacious. I don’t even care about bathrooms, but that one up there is the shit.”

  Nev giggled, and then sobered at his words. This was her home now. With Bastian and the rest of the Ghost shifters. He’d saved her life, carried her so she wouldn’t have to put her feet on the yucky ground, and brought her to his home. Heck, he was offering up a bathroom that he seemed rather fond of to keep her comfortable.

  Her mom was gone but was coming back when she felt like it.

  This was life.

  In less than four hours, her life had morphed into something wholly different than she was used to, and she was scared. She could talk a good game while Bastian joked and reassured her, but Nev couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this uncertain about her future.

  Her emotions were all over the place, and if she wasn’t careful, she might hurt someone. That alone was enough to make her scared of who she was now. Nev never had it in her to hurt anyone, even if they were douche bags. Stacy didn’t count.

  Nev knew how to get her point across and was able to exact revenge with a quiet rage that made people wary of her— the woman who tried to accuse her of cheating in college would know firsthand, and so would her sister Indi— but this was different. Nev had caused Bastian physical harm without meaning to. She’d had to talk herself down from lashing out and punching a wall at least three times since Bastian had bitten her.

  Claimed her.

  Bastian claimed her, and they were mates.

  This was all so, so very much to take in, but she would, and Nev wouldn’t complain about it. These were her people now, and they needed help. So, maybe it was okay if they were there for each other. That, and the knowledge that Bastian was hers, eased the anxiety festering inside of her. She would hold on to that fact when she was scared or worried, just like she was holding on to Bastian’s hand right now.

  Somehow, he made it all seem worth it.

  Chapter 7

  Bastian gathered two Tupperware containers full of food and a plate loaded with desserts. He didn’t know exactly what Nev liked, but Audra said she had a pretty good idea and had given him more than enough for her to choose from.

  The concept of considering someone else before himself had been foreign to him. He’d become so selfish over the last few centuries. Taking care of people had been ingrained in every fiber of his being from the beginning, but it was nothing compared to the sheer need he felt to put Nev’s safety and desires before his own. He wanted to be with her right now, wanted to sit next to the tub and hand her shit like soap, loofas, his dick, or whatever else she asked for. But he knew she needed time to think.

  Bastian stepped out of the doors of their community hall and into the warm summer night. He looked up at the stars. That was one of the first things Nev had done after she’d been Changed. She’d looked up at the distant galaxies and burning suns shining in the night sky, masquerading themselves as stars. When was the last time he’d done that?

  “You’ll experience life all over again through Nev’s eyes,” Damon said. He sat in a wicker rocking chair on the side of the building, drinking a beer and playing with his phone. “I fucking hate this game Cass put on my phone, but I can’t stop messing with it. She plays it all the time. It’s dumb. I like it. And I hate it.” He cut the screen off and looked up at Bastian. “Take a seat, asshole. How’s your mate?”

  Damon, Omega of the Ghost shifter clan, could read everyone’s emotions like they’d personally written them down and handed them to him to keep. He and Jax were mated to Cass, and they’d spent most of their time doting over the poor woman. Bastian didn’t understand how she hadn’t told them to get the hell away from her yet.

  Bastian sat down in the rocking chair across from Damon and put the bag full of food on a short wooden table between them. Damon reached down beside him and pulled out a beer bottle.

  “You know I like the lagers, man,” Bastian joked. “My dark beers piss out this shit you drink.” He took the offered bottle and twisted off the top.

  Damon reached out his hand. “Then give me back my shit.” His tone was severe, but the light-hearted glint in his yellow eyes showed his real emotions. “Your mate doing okay?”

  He took a long pull of the beer and nodded. “Yeah. Nev is adjusting. It’s going to take time, but I think she’ll like it here.”

  “What’s her story?”

  Bastian chuckled and looked up at the sky. “I have no fucking idea. She’s a waitress at Audra and Melin’s place, but she said she’s a retired nurse who used to own a hospice. I didn’t want to push. Hell, today was the first time we ever touched or had a conversation that went beyond how her day was and what I wanted to eat.”

  “And now look at you. She seemed pretty pleased to have you carry her into the house. And Emma said that she and Nev are kindred souls who both hate the mud.” He finished off his beer and grabbed another. “Every single person who’s in this clan belongs here. Never doubt that. Your Nev may need a while to get used to this, but she’ll feel at home before you know it.”

  They drank in silence for a few moments, and Bastian couldn’t help but see the constant grin on Damon’s face. This was the most he’d seen the man smile in weeks. Cass going through her storm had taken its toll on both him and Jax. They lived to make her happy and make sure she was all right. There were plenty of days where she wasn’t. The last few times Bastian had seen Cass, she seemed to be doing better. She’d avoided people for a while, saying she couldn’t keep their thoughts and emotions out of her head.

  Bastian took in a deep breath, preparing himself to see the smile slip from his friend’s face. He hoped it wouldn’t happen, but he had to ask. “How is Cass?”

  “Better,” Damon replied, looking down the street toward the house he shared with Jax and Cass. “She came to dinner tonight.”

  Bastian couldn’t stop the smile that cracked open his face. “That’s great. That’s really great, man.”

  He knew how much effort it must have taken on her part to be around the entire clan. Cass used to love having everyone get together. Now, it was too hard for her to be around more than three or four people a
t a time.

  “She’s learning to block out other peoples’ thoughts.” Damon looked proud, and he should be. This was new for all of them. “Once she gets that under control, Willow is going to start teaching her about magic and how to control it.” He made a clicking sound in his mouth and then cleared his throat. “It’s incredible that she’s picking up on all the powers of everyone in the clan. She’ll be the most powerful person on the face of this planet. And that’s a scary fucking thought.” He took a deep breath and swallowed loud enough for Bastian to hear. “It’s fucking frightening. Even Cass is terrified. I think that’s the biggest problem. She’s afraid she’s going to make a mistake.” Damon looked up at the sky again and nodded. “But, yeah, she’s getting better. Thanks for asking. Hell, had it been me, I would have lost my shit by now and started killing people.”

  “Nev can see ghosts,” Bastian blurted out.

  “Holy shyit,” Damon whisper-yelled. All traces of humor drained from his face. He put his hand on his leg and turned his chair sideways to face Bastian. “Are you telling me that Cass is going to be able to see the dead from now on?”

  Bastian put his hands up to calm his brother. “I don’t know. And don’t say anything just yet.” He turned in the chair and looked Damon right in the eye so he could tell how serious he was. “I didn’t mean to say it. Nev wants to be the one to tell everyone.”

  Damon grimaced and leaned forward. “I don’t think we took what Samael said to us all that serious. We should have. The most powerful pack on the face of this planet? Yeah, we are. All by way of Cass, who is trying her best not to break down.”

  “Maybe she won’t get this from Nev. I mean, look at Paige. Cass can’t Change into a Shikra bird. She seems to be picking up on the angel borne traits, and Nev isn’t an angel.” He shrugged and bit the inside of his lip as he measured his words. “I’m only guessing because even if she can see ghosts now, there isn’t a damn thing any of us can do about it. This is supposed to happen. Samael said it when we were cursed. We would get our beasts back, and we’d be the most powerful shifter clan this world has ever known. That means it’ll work out. Have faith in that. I know I do.”


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