Mad Love (Hearts Are Wild): Hearts Are Wild

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Mad Love (Hearts Are Wild): Hearts Are Wild Page 9

by Rhian Cahill

  His gaze searched hers.

  Cupping his face, Madison brushed her thumb over his bottom lip. “If we have sex again, we’ll be more careful.”

  “If? There’s no if. I plan to be inside you as often as you’ll let me. You wanted to be bad, remember.”

  She smiled. “Yeah.”

  “So you should go on the pill. Just to be sure. I’ll still use condoms but it’s best to have double protection. In case.”

  Wow. Okay. Asking her to go on oral contraception was a long-term-relationship thing. “What are you saying?”

  “This isn’t a one-time thing.”

  “Well, no. We’ve had sex more than once already.”

  “Don’t get cute, Mad, you know what I mean.”

  “No, actually, I don’t. This is one of those new experiences you’re helping me try. You’re going to have to spell it out for me. I might be intelligent but this type of thing is not within my educational scope.”

  “Okay. Shooting straight.”

  “That would be good. No chance of misunderstandings then.”

  “We’re together. A couple. Exclusive. You don’t date anyone else. I don’t date anyone else.”

  “What about work? It will get awkward if anyone finds out. We have to keep it quiet. No one needs to know what we do outside of school hours.” The thought of any of their colleagues, or worse, the students, finding out sent a cold shiver down her spine. Madison was certain there was some type of no-fraternization clause in her contract. She couldn’t remember the exact words though. As soon as she got home she’d check.

  Toby frowned. “I don’t want to hide like we’re some sort of dirty secret.”

  “Not a dirty one, just…I’m new at Huntington. I don’t want to lose my job—”

  “What the fuck? Why would us dating get you fired?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know that it would but I don’t want to start any kind of gossip or innuendo, especially among the students. There are enough rumors running through the halls without adding myself to them. Plus I need to check my contract. I remember something in there about no-fraternizing.”

  He was quiet for a moment, causing her heart to beat double-time. “Fine. We keep it on the down-low at work.”

  Planting a quick kiss on his lips, she pulled back and smiled. “Thank you. I’ll make an appointment with my doctor on Monday.”

  The smile Toby gave her curled her toes and made her lower belly flutter. “Okay, bad girl, let’s take a shower.”

  Like he had many times over the last two days, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bathroom. “You know carting me around all the time is going to do your back in.”

  Toby laughed. A deep guttural sound that shook his body and rumbled through the air. “You’re lighter than a tackle bag and I cart those around every day, so I’m more than conditioned to indulge in this pleasurable activity.”

  “You like carrying me?”

  “Love it.” He planted a smacking kiss on her mouth. “Now. Time to get bad in the shower.”

  Madison smiled. “What do you have in mind?”

  “You’re going to put your hands on the wall, spread your legs and tilt that gorgeous ass up so I can play.”

  A shudder racked her. “Play?”

  “We’re going to get real dirty, bad girl, are you up for that?”


  “Remember, anything you don’t like or that hurts, you say stop, I stop.”


  “Right.” He lowered her feet to the floor. “Turn around and palm the wall.”

  Quivering all over, Madison turned and placed her hands on the wall. “Is this okay?”

  “Wider.” Toby nudged her feet farther apart then put his hands on her hips and guided her movements. “Angle your pelvis and arch your back…yeah, that’s it.”

  His hand swept down her spine, making her shiver.

  She glanced over her shoulder to see Toby drop to his knees behind her and get a close-up look at her exposed flesh. Shuddering, she closed her eyes and moaned.

  “Hold that wall, Mad. I’m going to make you come hard.”

  Then he puts mouth on her. Put his fingers in her. He stroked and licked. Nipped and sucked. She whimpered and moaned. Sobbed and cried out. But he didn’t let her go over. With ruthless determination, Toby kept her riding the edge of release for long, torturous minutes.

  Breath sobbing from her lungs, body straining in desperation, Madison begged for more. And when he took his mouth away and rose to his feet behind her, she screamed in release as he drove his cock into her eager pussy.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Toby shuddered. He’d barely gotten the condom on before he drove himself inside Mad’s clenching pussy. God, she did his head in. Totally stripped him of control. He had no willpower when it came to her.

  Buried deep, he held still and waited for her orgasm to ease. The tight clamp of her pussy wouldn’t let him build up a steady rhythm until the sharp edge smoothed out and her muscles went lax.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her against him. They were both slick with sweat and breathing hard. The echo of her scream still rang in his ears and he wanted to hear her go off like that again. Wanted to take her up hard and fast, but this time he wanted to hear her scream his name.

  Scooting his hand down between her legs, Toby ran his fingers through her wetness, making sure he got his skin good and covered. Straightening, he gripped her hip in one hand and slid his wet fingers into the crease of her ass.

  With gentle rocks of his hips, he dragged his cock through the swollen folds of her pussy and pressed his slick fingers against the puckered opening of her ass. She mewled, thrusting backwards, eager for the tantalizing pleasure he offered.

  She’d enjoyed the anal play they’d indulged in last night but he’d only got to the first knuckle with two fingers then. Tonight he was going in with three and sinking them as deep as he could.

  He’d fuck her slowly, with his cock and his fingers, filling her up, and taking her over the next peak at the same time as he dove off it.

  She pushed back harder as he pressed in. “You okay?” he asked, needing to know she was good with what he was doing.

  “Mmm…” Her ass tilted higher, her body softening around his fingers.


  She was his wet dream come to life. Sweet, innocent, prim-and-proper Madison Keibler liked it in the ass. Toby vibrated in anticipation. She’d taken to this dark pleasure like a duck to water and if she kept going, he’d be able to sink his cock into her tighter-than-tight rear sooner rather than later.

  “More.” She rocked into him.

  Increasing the pressure, he watched two fingers slide through the tight ring of muscle until they disappeared completely inside her. He groaned. Rolled his hips and fucked her pussy with a couple of short thrusts.

  Arching towards him, she hissed, “Yes…”

  She gripped him, ass and pussy, and Toby prayed he had the strength to hold off his building release. Withdrawing his fingers, he added a third and pushed back in. It was more constricted but she took him all the way in with one excruciating, ball-twisting stroke.

  Keeping a grip on his control was proving impossible. He didn’t need to move, Mad did that herself. Back and forth, she propelled her hips and slowly fucked him. Toby was under no illusions about who was in charge here. She had complete and utter control.

  “Toby.” His name slipped from her lips on a moan.

  “Right here, Mad. Take what you need, baby.”

  “More.” Her body quivered around him. “I need…more.”

  “How much more?” Did she want…? His balls ached, his cock throbbed as she worked it in and out of her pussy.


  Fuck. This woman was going to kill him. “Are you sure?”

  She showed him how sure she was by driving her hips against him hard and fast. A cry of pleasure tore from her throat and she retreated, only
to slam back again.

  Toby attempted to call her name but the ecstasy ripping through him as she impaled herself on his cock and fingers again and again squeezed his vocal cords, turning any noises he tried to make into garbled groans.

  With each plunge of her body over his, they climbed. The jagged edge of his orgasm sliced into him and there was no way he could remain passive in their lovemaking any longer.

  He started slow, rocking into her rhythm, until he overtook her and kicked the pace up another gear. She followed. Eagerly kept up and urged him on. They came together hard. They came together fast. And with each advance and retreat, wicked lust speared him.

  Savage arousal like he’d never known whipped through him.

  The sounds of their bodies slamming together, the grunts and moans and groans, combined with the driving beat and delivered a soundtrack of passion and pleasure that only increased his need.

  “Touch your clit,” he growled. There was no way he could do it without losing their rhythm and he needed her to come. Needed to feel her squeeze him to the point of pain before he took the plunge and blew his load.

  As soon as Mad put her hand between her legs, her fingertips brushing his shaft with every stroke, she clenched down on him. For one breath-stopping moment, Toby felt held in suspended animation—then she broke.

  Her orgasm gripped her whole body in bone-shaking convulsions that sucked him in and threw him over the edge. Gasping, punching, roaring, Toby followed her into the madness.


  Madison woke to aching muscles and a dry throat. Opening her eyes, she stared at the unfamiliar wall. A soft snore wheezed behind her and it all came flooding back. Everything.

  Every single second of last night and what she’d allowed Toby to do.

  What she’d all but begged him to do.

  No. She had begged. Over and over and over again.

  Heat engulfed her. She couldn’t decide if it was embarrassment or remembered pleasure. Emotions overwhelmed her. Happiness, satisfaction, passion, delight, anguish, pride, want, need, unease, dread, fear, shame—panic. The sentiments tumbled and collided and tangled and confused.

  Her stomach rolled, nausea swamped, cramped her.

  She needed to think. Couldn’t do that here, in Toby’s bed. Spotting his shirt on the floor, Madison slid out of bed without disturbing him and, grabbing the top, she made her way out of his room.

  A shower would be great right now. Hard to collect her thoughts and decide what to do when she smelled like Toby—like sex. Dirty, dirty, hot sex.

  Trembling, she placed a hand on her lower stomach and pressed. But the action didn’t stop the ripples of pleasure working their way through her.

  He’d given her more than she’d asked for. He’d offered and she took. And she gave. There was nothing she wouldn’t have done for him during their night of passion. Madison had the strong suspicion Toby could make her do anything with just a look, a smile.

  Having no parameters for this…whatever it was, she couldn’t determine if her behavior—her emotions—were normal.

  For the second time in two days, Madison found herself wishing for a friend to confide in. Slipping Toby’s shirt over her head, she wound her way through his house until she came to the living room. The view here was a little different from that in the bathroom but no less spectacular. A huge deck with a group of comfortable-looking lounges and chairs drew her.

  She opened the sliding glass door and stepped out into the crisp morning air. Too early for much activity, there were only a few sailboats bobbing their way across the water. Choosing the lounger with the most sweeping view, Madison curled up on the soft cushions.

  How had she found herself here?

  The man inside had stormed her defenses and made himself at home and it scared the life out of her. Madison was under no illusions that Toby returned her depth of emotion. She was also well aware that what she was feeling could possibly be a byproduct of the uninhibited passion she experienced with him.

  He was vibrancy, life, all about a good time.

  She was staid, serious, on the fringes of a world she often didn’t understand.

  How could they have more than sex?

  They couldn’t. No matter how much—how deep—she thought her feelings for Toby went, they couldn’t, wouldn’t, last. Opposites might attract but the things that attracted more often than not repelled in the end.

  And that heart she’d claimed never to have had broken… Madison trembled with the knowledge that Toby would be the one to shatter it into a million pieces when they were done.

  She couldn’t trust the feelings of affection currently zipping through her. The only thing real between them was the passion, the pleasure—everything else was a consequence of their unbridled desire.

  It was chemical.

  Pheromones and endorphins.

  A biological cocktail guaranteed to deliver rapture and encourage them to come together again and again. The way the human race had done from the beginning of time. Procreate or perish.

  Madison wasn’t sure how long she’d lain there deep in thought when Toby crouched beside her.

  “Hey.” He offered a smile. Not his usual all-is-great one. This one held a tinge of concern that her stupid heart wanted to latch on to.


  He brushed a lock of hair off her shoulder. “Couldn’t sleep?”

  “Not once I’m awake.”

  “You could have woken me.”

  She didn’t bother to tell him she hadn’t wanted to. He knew.

  “You’re thinking too hard again.”

  “I can’t help it. There’s a lot to sort out.”

  “Didn’t we do that last night?” Was that a flicker of fear in his eyes?

  “I…” What? What did she want or need to go through?

  “Mad.” He brushed his lips across her temple. “Come inside. I’ll make us some breakfast.”

  Standing, he offered his hand. Everything inside her wanted to take that hand and hold on. Could she do that and survive when he walked away? Would she regret not spending whatever time they had together if she ended it now?

  She’d agreed to go on the pill. That was a long-term commitment, but was that really what he wanted from her or was it just the sex? Too many questions and no answers readily available. She couldn’t go to the library and look them up either. Her go-to method of working through a problem was no longer an option.

  “One moment at a time, Mad, one day at a time. Right now it’s breakfast. Toast, eggs, coffee.”

  “And after?”

  “Well…” He glanced up at the clear blue sky. “It’s a nice day. We could put the top down and take a drive along the coast. Stop somewhere for lunch.”

  Swallowing, she placed her hand in his. For all her fear and apprehension, she couldn’t deny herself more time with him. And in spite of the spectacular sex, it wasn’t only the physical way he made her feel that drew her. He enticed her away from the fringes and pulled her into the middle of living.

  She couldn’t walk away from that—or him—yet.

  “You’re going to cook me breakfast?” she asked as he led her inside.

  “You doubt my culinary expertise?”


  He directed her to take a seat at the counter dividing the kitchen from the living room. “Prepare to eat those doubts.”

  Toby had proven his athleticism transferred to the bedroom and now he showed her he was as agile, just as efficient, in the kitchen. He chopped, scrambled, and spread with steady hands and sure motions. His movements were purely masculine and yet he performed a job that traditionally fell to the female gender.

  Even the pink apron he wore over his boxer briefs didn’t detract from his maleness. When he’d first tied that on, she’d had to choke back a laugh. Now she was intrigued as to why he had the completely feminine apparel.

  “Where did you get the apron?”

  He glanced over with a grin. “Cassie.”
r />   “Ah.”

  “Yeah. Nothing like a little sister to punch holes in your ego.”

  “Why wear it?”

  Putting a plate of yummy-smelling food in front of her, he said, “I don’t own any others, and there’s no point buying one when I’ve got a perfectly functional one.”

  Madison realized the color wasn’t even a consideration for him. He was so comfortable in his own skin, in his masculinity, wearing a pink apron didn’t even make him blink.

  In that moment, she envied him his confidence. The only place she’d ever been that sure of herself was in the classroom, and life was so much more than that. Toby was right. She needed to try new things. Push her boundaries, overcome her discomfort and live.

  And right now, the place she felt most alive was with him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Toby leaned against the wall and watched Madison paw her way through the on-sale knick-knacks. He’d driven south and they’d ended up in a little coastal town with lots of tourist-type shops and eateries. They’d devoured a fresh seafood lunch and were now ‘walking off’ the calories.

  It had been a great day so far. The weather was perfect, not too hot even when the sun beat down on their heads. A beautiful autumn day enjoyed with a beautiful woman.

  “Oh, Toby, look.” Mad turned towards him holding up a little figurine he couldn’t see from his position. “You should get this for your sister.”

  Pushing off the wall, he walked over and cupped her outstretched hand in both of his. Even the innocent touch got his blood humming.

  She held a gorgeous porcelain figurine. A mother knelt on the floor, a small child in front of her, and they were finger painting. The woman even looked like his sister, with her sweeping brown hair and mischievous grin.

  Mad was right. It fit Cassie to a T.

  “You need something different for Shaye.” She put the figurine in his hands and went back to searching the shelves. “Here. What about this?”

  This time she held out a couple. The man held the woman in his arms, his hands splayed over her swollen belly. Problem was, the woman had blonde curls cascading over her shoulders and made him think of Madison, not his pregnant sister-in-law. Clearing his constricting throat, he asked, “What else is there?”


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