Now Maybe

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Now Maybe Page 2

by Sharon Coady

  “Sophie, I’m Doctor Johanna. Let’s see what’s going on, shall we?”

  Sophie nodded as he lifted the sheets.

  “All right, young lady. We’re going to move you to a room so we can take care of this.”

  “Am I losing my baby?”

  Doctor Johanna placed a warm hand on her shoulder. “I’m afraid so. We’ll move you so you two can have some privacy. I’m so sorry.”

  Another nurse appeared and they rolled Sophie’s bed to a private room. Everything was a blur. The next thing she knew, they were transferring her onto a bed, the doctor appeared, and things progressed quickly. Sophie was only aware of Nathan standing in the corner staring at her.

  Once everything was over and Sophie was cleaned up, the nurses and doctor left, leaving them alone. She glanced over at him. “Do you really think I did this on purpose?”

  Still looking anywhere but her, he responded calmly and quietly, “Yeah, I think you did. You didn’t want our child. You are so selfish. Do you care what you’ve done to us?”

  “How the hell can you think that of me? Do you even know who I am?”

  “No, I don’t. I can’t believe I ever thought for a moment that I loved you. I’ll never forgive you.”

  She turned her head away. “I don’t know why I ever thought I loved you either. You tried to control every part of my life and I let you. I didn’t do anything to cause this. It just happened. I can’t do this with you anymore.”

  “You can’t do this with me? Go ahead Soph, break up with me. I’ll take you home, but I’ll be gone first thing tomorrow.”

  They left the hospital a while later. The drive home was agonizing for her. Nathan wouldn’t talk to her or look at her. When they got inside, he shook his head, spun, and went into their bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

  She heard the click of the lock. “Did you honestly just lock me out of my room?” Sophie screamed silently as her heart plummeted to her stomach.

  “Sleep on the sofa. I don’t want to be in the same room with you.”

  Chapter One


  Sophie’s head pounded as she leaned against the car window, watching the unchanging Florida landscape. “It’s really flat here, isn’t it? Not at all like the green rolling hills of Maryland.” She glanced at Chelsea, who nodded and went back to reading her book. Why’d she agree to the vacation this time? Yeah, they did it annually, but she didn’t know if she could pull herself out of the hell she’d been in for the past year.

  The Florida humidity was worse than the humidity had been when they’d left Maryland yesterday. As they slowed down, Sophie cocked her head to peer out the window of the Beetle, surveying the postage stamp yard of the little, yellow cottage. Bailee pulled the car into the drive and turned it off. Sophie opened her door as sweat pooled instantly on her forehead. It was off the beaten path all right, and she calculated it was more than a short walk to the famous Daytona Beach. I can use the exercise anyway.

  Chelsea blurted, “It was what we could afford.”

  Sophie turned to see Bailee and Tarin glaring at Chelsea. Wanting to make her friend feel better, she cheerfully proclaimed, “This is wonderful. You did a good job.” Sophie climbed out of the backseat and tried to smooth the wrinkles out of her clinging shirt. The trip had been a long one, especially since she’d been crammed in the back. She stretched as she tried to get some feeling back into her legs and ass.

  “You really like it?” Chelsea set her suitcase down and tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder before she unlocked the door and motioned for them to step inside. “It has three bedrooms, two baths, and a great kitchen. I figured Tarin could work her magic a few times a week and make us dinner.”

  “Look at this,” Tarin commented while shaking her head slightly. “I’m used to working in a professional kitchen. How am I supposed to work in this limited space?” Tarin strode into the tiny kitchen, placed her hands on her hips, mouth drawn into a thin line. “I don’t know, Chelsea, this will be really hard to make a meal in.” Her brown eyes scanned the area again. She sighed loudly, her dark brown curls bouncing as she shook her head.

  “Oh come on, Tarin. If you can cook like you always claim you can, you should be able to do it anywhere. Plus, we don’t need anything fancy, just a decent meal.” Sophie put her arm around Chelsea and whispered in her ear, “You know she loves to be dramatic about everything. She’ll be fine and we’ll all have to listen about how she created a masterpiece in the smallest kitchen in the world.”

  Tarin had just been promoted to the position of top chef, working in an up-and-coming, trendy new restaurant in Hyattsville, Maryland. She was constantly bragging about the amazing kitchen they had built just for her. Sophie and Chelsea planned on making the trek to check it out, once the initial crowds from the well-advertised opening slowed down a bit.

  “Thanks, Sophie.” Chelsea sighed. “I tried to get us the best deal possible for what we could afford.” Her mouth turned down as she picked up her suitcase and headed down the short hallway toward the bedrooms.

  “You did great.” Sophie caught up to her and bumped Chelsea’s hip with hers. “Come on, let’s unpack and go check out that beachfront club Donny told us about.”

  Sophie and Chelsea took the larger room with the two twin beds so Tarin and Bailee could each have their own rooms. Sophie thought back to when Chelsea’s family had moved into the Olney, Maryland neighborhood just across the street from her house when the girls were five. She smiled as she remembered watching out the window when the old station wagon pulled into the drive of the house across the street. When a blond, ponytailed girl in a pink dress climbed out of the car, Sophie had raced to the front yard as quickly as she could. “Hello! My name’s Sophie.”

  Chelsea had turned around and waved back as a big smile spread over her face. “I’m Chelsea.” She’d bounced in place, her blonde ponytail going crazy. “Mom, look.” Sophie remembered the excitement as Chelsea screamed and pointed in her direction. Chelsea’s mother had taken her hand and crossed the street to her front yard just as Sophie’s mother walked out the front door.

  “Hi,” Chelsea had said quietly while their mothers chatted.

  “I’m so glad you moved in. All the other kids on this street are dumb boys,” Sophie had informed her, and Chelsea had wrinkled her nose in distaste.

  “Earth to Sophie.”

  Pulling herself out of her memories, she found Tarin’s hand waving in front of her face. “Sorry. What’s up?”

  “I asked if that’s what you’re wearing to the club?” She looked Sophie up and down, her pretty brown eyes narrowed, and her mouth drawn down in a frown.

  “No. I’m changing into the dress you hounded me about until I bought it. If you’d give me a minute,” she retorted. Sometimes Tarin could be a royal pain in the ass.

  “Well, get a move on. I want to see if there’re any hot guys to hook up with while we’re here.” She wiggled her bottom and flipped her dark brown hair over her shoulder as she walked from the room, glancing back with a big grin.

  Chelsea nodded her head before glancing Sophie’s way with her blue eyes wide. “I think I’m going to look for some summer romance myself. After all, we are far enough away that no one will be the wiser,” she whispered. Chelsea was a social worker, who specialized in working with kids from the inner city. She was soft spoken and had a way of making everyone feel completely comfortable around her.

  “I know. But I have my limits on how far this summer thing is going to go.” Sophie promised herself years ago about the type of girl she was going to be. However, that wasn’t going to keep her from having some fun this summer. She sighed as she pulled her new pale pink sundress out of the bag and laid it on the bed, before grabbing her strappy sandals out of the suitcase. “I’m so glad you guys made me go shopping for some cute summer clothes. I’m going to feel so confident walking around in them.”

  Chelsea slipped her new blue sundress on over her head. “I
knew it would. You need pretty things to feel confident. I’ve been telling you that for years.” She giggled and slipped her feet into the sandals.

  Sophie tossed her long, coffee-colored hair over her shoulders and pulled just the top back into a pretty clip. Glancing in the mirror, she decided her makeup looked fine, added some pink lip stain, and slipped the sandals onto her feet. “So how do I look?” She twirled around, feeling like a princess. Being a nurse in the hospital meant she spent most of her time wearing scrubs, which were very comfortable but not much of a fashion statement. This actually felt nice for a change.

  “You look beautiful, darling,” Chelsea replied as she smacked her lips together before blotting her dark red lipstick. “I can’t wait to find a hottie. I’ve always wanted to do this.”

  Secretly, Sophie knew she did as well, but she wasn’t going to say it out loud. Oh, who am I kidding? “Me too, Chelsea.” She laughed and took Chelsea’s hand as they hurried out to the living room. “Let’s go. I have a feeling our flings are waiting.” Laughter and cheers filled the room as they made their way out the door. “I think since we’re within walking distance, I’m going to have a couple of drinks to unwind.”

  “That sounds like a plan. We can dance and just cut loose.” Chelsea grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “It has been too long since we had fun.”

  “It has.” Sophie giggled. It had been way too long. The shadow of her lie had prevented her from letting herself lose even an ounce of control. Just in case she accidentally let something slip. Sophie knew she never wanted to lose Chelsea’s friendship. But this one time, what would it hurt to have some fun?

  The evening was beautiful as the girls chatted and made their way toward the boardwalk. Sophie’s excitement grew the closer they got to their destination. She couldn’t wait to see the club their buddy had told them about. When they rounded the corner, the sound of a sultry, slow blues song filled the air. She found her thoughts of romance being fanned by the sound.

  A big, handsome man with a handlebar mustache stopped them at the door. “Good evening ladies. Do you have your ID’s?” He looked Tarin up and down and raised a brow. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”

  “Because I’ve never been here before, handsome,” she purred as she handed him her driver’s license. “Are you here every night?” She returned the long, slow gaze up and down his body. “I sure hope you are.”

  Bailee pushed her aside. “Flirt later, Tarin. We all want to go in.”

  Tarin stepped aside and gave her a pouty look.

  “Come on, there are a ton of guys inside.” Bailee worked as an administrator with the court system in DC. She was moving quickly up through the ranks and was now working on setting all the court dockets. Her outgoing, boisterous personality helped her with the type of work she did.

  Tarin turned and stepped just inside the door, waiting for the three of them to enter as well.

  Tall and Handsome handed Sophie back her license. “Is she always that spunky?” He tilted his head Tarin’s way.

  “Yes sir. She’s a handful.” Sophie winked, surprising herself at her boldness with this stranger. Once inside, they headed to an empty table near the back of the club. She quickly slid into the chair facing the stage so she could people watch, one of her favorite past times. Leaning over toward Tarin, she whispered, “The guy at the door asked about you.”

  Tarin’s brows shot up as her eyes widened. “Seriously? He was so freaking cute.” She turned to glance toward the door. “What did he say?”

  “He asked me if you were always this spunky, and then he glanced your way and checked you out again.”

  She grabbed Sophie’s arm. “Oh. My. God. I hope he comes in and asks me to dance. I could certainly handle more time with him.”

  Just then, the music started. Sophie turned as the sound of the deepest, most soulful voice she’d ever heard came through the speakers. Glancing up at the stage, she saw a man who took her breath away. His dark hair was combed back, and he had a couple days’ worth of stubble on his face. Broad shoulders and a well-defined chest filled out the white button-down shirt. When her eyes returned to his face, his dark, brown eyes caught hers as a smile spread over his lips. That simple action set off feelings deep inside of her. Feelings she couldn’t even describe. It was like a smoldering fire poked and prodded, sparking a flame that threatened to devour her. She quickly broke eye contact as she felt the heat of a blush spread over her face.

  “What’s wrong?” Chelsea asked, an amused look on her face.

  Sophie shook her head, afraid if she looked up again, he’d still be staring. Or worse yet, he would have moved on to another woman in the crowd. “Nothing’s wrong.” She gave Chelsea’s hand a squeeze before she chanced another glance his way. His smile lit up his face as he sang the last verse of the song, staring right at her. She couldn’t look away as Chelsea giggled and tightened the hold on her hand. She knew Chelsea saw what was going on, but Sophie also knew she wouldn’t say a thing to their friends. This guy was someone she could picture being with.

  The set ended and the band made their way off the stage and disappeared somewhere in the back of the club. Sophie wondered if they would be back for another set or if another group would go on next. She was still wondering this when a plump waitress wearing a cute retro uniform approached their table.

  “Hey y’all. I’m Amy and I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” She placed four menus on the table and pulled a pen and pad out of her apron pocket, before jutting her ample hip out, pen poised over the pad. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “I’ll take a rum and coke,” Sophie offered. Once the other girls ordered, Amy left while they checked out the food on the menu. There wasn’t a huge selection, but everything sounded good and she was so hungry. The waitress returned with the drinks. Sophie decided to order the house special, ribs and slaw. Once all the orders were in, the waitress told them she would be back shortly with their food.

  Tomorrow, she would have to eat more sensibly so she didn’t gain weight over her vacation. It sucked having to watch her weight so closely, but after years of struggling, she’d learned how to keep it off with healthy eating and exercise, something Tarin and Bailee had never appeared to struggle with.

  A woman walked up onto stage and made some announcements, assuring everyone the band would be back on in ten minutes. Sophie’s heart fluttered as this turmoil of emotions sparked inside of her. What the heck? she thought. She had never felt anything like this before and didn’t even know the man who was causing these feelings. Hell, she didn’t even know his name. Chelsea bumped her leg under the table. Sophie turned and smiled.

  “You still with us?” Chelsea held Sophie’s gaze as a small, knowing smile spread over her lips.

  “Sure. Just a bit tired from the trip.” Sophie moved her napkin wrapped silverware closer to the side of her placemat.

  “Me too. Do you want to head home after we eat? I know Bailee and Tarin will probably want to stay late.” She shrugged.

  “Maybe. Let’s see how we feel after eating. I don’t think I’ll be able to go to bed for a while after eating ribs.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “I probably shouldn’t have ordered the ribs.”

  Chelsea laughed. “I shouldn’t have either, but I’m so hungry, I’ll probably be able to eat them all.”

  Tarin slid out of the booth. “Hey, I’m going to go see if the doorman is getting off work anytime soon.” She hurried away before any of them could say anything to her, which truth be told, wouldn’t have mattered anyway.

  Bailee watched her and shook her head. “That poor guy won’t know what hit him. She has him in her sight now. She always gets what she wants.” Bailee wasn’t one to hold her tongue when she observed something. She worked in the District Court System in D. C. as a court administrator and was slowly working her way up the ladder.

  The women laughed, knowing full well it was the truth. Sophie could remember many times in high school when
Tarin wanted to date a guy. He had no chance of escaping unless she deemed him not good enough for her. Tarin had always been the most precocious of the four. It was what Sophie loved the most about her. She wished she had some of Tarin’s braveness.

  She sighed. She knew she was the most shy, the curviest, and the one who was most unlucky in love out of them all. Not this summer. Sophie vowed she was going to have her romance if it was the last thing she did. Picking up her glass, she took another big sip of her drink.

  The band came back out on stage. She sat up straighter, watching him saunter to the front of the stage and take the microphone off the stand. Please let him talk. She wanted to hear his voice. Much to her surprise, he looked right at her, catching her eyes with his again.

  “Hello.” His deep gravelly voice sent shivers flying down her spine. “My name is Liam and our band’s name is Before Blues. On the piano is Stan. On guitar is Daniel. And last but not least, on the drums is Eddie. Welcome to the club. We’ll be here every night for the rest of this month. I hope we’ll see all of you back again.”

  Liam, his name was Liam. She liked the sound of his name and loved the sound of his voice. Now, if she could only get up the nerve to talk to him. How many days would it take for her to get the courage to approach him? Maybe he would come to her.

  The waitress returned with the food and set a platter of ribs down in front of her and Chelsea, which effectively brought her back to the moment. She glanced at Chelsea to find the same look on Chelsea’s face that she imagined was on her own. “We should have shared,” they said in stereo.

  “I’m going to need a to-go box for sure.” Shaking her head, she decided she would ask how big the portions were before she ordered any other meals here.

  Bailee was staring at her plate of chicken wings. “Yeah, this is enough for about five people. Remind me of this when we eat out again.” She glanced over at the entrance. “Well, we may have to box hers up too from the looks of it.”

  Sophie turned and glanced at the front entrance. Sure enough, there was Tarin laughing and running her hand down the doorman’s arm.


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