Then Came Absolution (Southern Love #3)

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Then Came Absolution (Southern Love #3) Page 18

by E. L. Todd

  The car was still running, but there were no cars on the road. The pavement stretched before them, moving in to the wide open spaces. Paul stared through the windshield with an empty expression.

  Alexandra grabbed his hand. “I do love you, Paul.”

  His hand was still. After a moment, he squeezed it. “I know.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he said quietly. “I was the one who lost you. You wouldn’t have come down here if it weren’t for me.”

  She ran her thumb over his knuckles.

  “Alex, if he does hurt you like I suspect he will, you know where to find me. I’ll take you back in a heartbeat.”

  She shook her head slightly. “That’s not going to happen, Paul.”

  He nodded. “I hope so too.”

  Alex unbuckled her safety belt then moved into his arms. “You’re such a wonderful man. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too,” he said as he held her tightly. “I’m sorry about everything.”

  “I’m sorry too.”

  He squeezed her once more before he released her. “I should take you back now.”

  Alex returned to her seat.

  Paul took a deep breath before he turned the car around and headed back to the property. Alexandra wasn’t sure if Blaise was still waiting outside because she was too scared to look. What if he was too pissed to take her back?

  Paul drove down the dirt path until they reached the porch. Alexandra looked out the window and saw Blaise standing in the exact same place as before. With a shaky hand, she opened the door and stepped out. Blaise stared at her with wide eyes, his look drilling into her. He waited for her to speak, but she couldn’t move her mouth.

  Paul grabbed her bags from the trunk then placed them beside Blaise. They stared at each other for a moment, the silent communication ringing in the air. Then Paul extended his hand.

  “Take care of her.”

  Blaise stared at it for a moment before he took it. “I will.”

  Paul nodded then walked back to the car.

  Alexandra felt her heart break as she watched Paul appear indifferent and unphased. She knew he was broken underneath. She went to him and hugged him one more time.

  Paul kissed her forehead then pulled away. “I want you to be happy.”

  “I know.”

  “Now go be happy.” He smiled at her then got inside the car. Alexandra stayed rooted to the spot as she watched him leave the dirt street. When he reached the main road, she watched his car until it disappeared from her sight. After he was really gone, she turned back to Blaise.

  He approached her slowly, closing the distance with a slow pace. She felt her heart race in her chest as he came near. Somehow, he always made her nervous without trying. When he stopped in front of her, she felt her breathing increase.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  She thought she hadn’t heard him. “What?”

  He smiled. “Are you hungry?”


  “Are you thirsty?”



  “No, Blaise.”

  “Good.” He grabbed her face and sealed his mouth over hers. His kiss was gentle, but turned aggressive almost immediately. His hand moved to her neck and held her while he deepened his kiss. His lips devoured her, conveying every affection he held for her. Before he it became too intense, he pulled away. “Because I’m not either,” he whispered.

  She smiled. “I love you so much.”

  He rubbed his nose against hers. “I know.” He picked her up then carried her up the porch. “Welcome to your new home, Mrs. Cunnings.”

  “What?” she asked. “Mrs. Cunnings?”

  He carried her inside then placed her on the couch. “This place belongs to you as much as it does to me. And I’m never letting you go again.”

  She cupped his face and kissed him. “I don’t want to go anywhere.”

  “So, is that a yes?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  He pulled a ring out from the drawer and held it to her. “I knew you’d pick me, Alexandra.”

  She gasped when she saw the simple diamond in the white gold band. It was thin and small, just perfect for her. The diamond in the center glowed, catching rainbows every time Blaise’s hand shook.

  “It was my mother’s,” he explained. “And I know she would want you to have it.”


  “Marry me. Please.”

  “I…I wasn’t expecting this.”

  “Really?” He smiled. “I thought you knew me better than that.”

  “Is it too fast? We haven’t known each other long.”

  “What would Aunt Martha say to that?”

  She stared at the diamond while her aunt’s words echoed in her mind. Somehow, Martha knew Mike was the one the moment they met. She didn’t need a long relationship to figure it out. Everything she needed to know was right in front of her. And that’s exactly how she felt about Blaise. “Yes.”

  “Good,” he said. “Because no wasn’t an option.” He placed the ring on her finger then kissed her hand. “I always knew my wife would be smoking hot.”

  Her cheeks blushed and she chuckled. “My husband isn’t bad on the eyes either.”

  “Or in the bedroom.” His eyes darkened when he looked at her.

  Alexandra thought about the intimacy with Blaise many times. She missed it and had been wanting it for months. When they were together, it felt right. The chemistry was always explosive and shattering.

  Blaise grabbed her ass then lifted her from the couch. When she was in the air, she knew where she was being taken. Blaise carried her down the hallway then entered his bedroom. It was dark inside and his sheets were still ruffled. He laid her down, resting her head on the pillow. Then he moved on top of her.

  Alexandra placed her palms on his chest then slid down his stomach. When she reached the end of his shirt, she grabbed it and pulled it off. His naked chest was sculpted and beautiful, just the way she loved. Her fingers ran across the skin, feeling the softness. Then she unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off. She didn’t touch his boxers because she was already too excited. The sight might send her over the edge instantly.

  Blaise grabbed her hand and placed it on the rim of his underwear. “Come on.”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat before she pulled them down. When his cock sprang out, a quiet gasp escaped her lips. It was long and thick, just the way she remembered it. When she thought about how it felt inside her, a moan escaped her lips. It always stretched her in just the right way. She suddenly felt the pool of moisture between her legs.

  Blaise pulled her shirt off then kissed her neck and her chest. His hand moved behind her back and unclasped her bra while he continued to trail his kisses across her body. When he pulled it off, he sucked each nipple, making her whimper in pleasure.

  He moved his lips to her mouth and kissed her gently while he undid her jeans and pulled them down. Alexandra was eager to feel him inside her so she kicked them off. He chuckled quietly while he kissed her, amused by her enthusiasm.

  His hand played with her thong, feeling it in his fingers. Alexandra was getting frustrated with the waiting game. Blaise seemed to sense it. “I’ll make it worth your while,” he said between kisses. He grabbed the fabric and pulled it off.

  When they were both naked, Blaise pressed his body against hers. The warmth of their bodies combined together, making an inferno. Alexandra dug her nails into his hair while she kissed him, her neediness obvious.

  Blaise separated her legs with his then moved on top of her. He broke their kiss and pressed his face close to hers. She gripped his forearms while she waited for him to move inside her. She was anxious to feel him. She automatically bit her lip just thinking about it.

  “The first time we made love, I knew I loved you,” he whispered. “Even before then, I knew.”

  “I loved you the moment I saw

  He rubbed his nose against hers. “And I’ll always love you.”

  “I know.”

  Blaise still didn’t move inside her.

  “What are you waiting for?” she said in frustration.

  He smiled. “Someone is in a hurry.”

  “I just want you. Now stop stalling.”

  “I just want to make sure you want to do this.”

  She grabbed him and pointed his tip at her entrance. The pool of fluid was dripping. She rubbed the tip of his cock with it. “Does it look like I’m unsure?”

  Blaise moaned quietly.

  “Now make love to me.”

  “I don’t need to be told twice.” He positioned himself far over her then started the descent.


  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Blaise said.

  “No. We need a condom.”

  He cupped her face. “I’m not wearing latex the first time I make love to my fiancé. I’ll pull out.”

  “That’s still risky.”

  “And if you get pregnant, that’s even better.” He moved inside her before she could protest.

  Her nails dug into his forearms and her heard rolled back. “Oh…yeah.” She bit her lip then breathed through the pleasured stretching. “Blaise…god.”

  “I like that reaction,” he whispered. He moved into her slowly, rocking the bed against the wall.

  Alexandra opened her legs wider and enjoyed feeling him move in and out. “I forgot how good this was.”

  He kissed her gently then pressed his forehead against hers. “I never did.” He moved faster, stretching her as he moved deep inside.

  Alexandra felt the explosion start in her lower stomach. She gripped his forearms then moved to his back. It was so strong that she moved her hands to his face then back to his forearms. She could never be prepared for the bliss she was about to feel. “Blaise…I love you.”

  He rocked into her fast and hard, making her orgasm as good as possible. “I love you, Alexandra.”

  She gripped his lower back and pulled him deep inside her, riding the feeling as long as possible. When it was over, she caught her breath. Her chest dripped with sweat and her legs shook from the shot of ecstasy.

  Alexandra grabbed his hips then rocked herself into him, doing the work. She pulled him completely out then pressed his thick head in again. Blaise’s breathing sky rocketed as he watched her thrust from underneath. When he moved into her, she rocked harder.

  “I’m going to come,” Blaise said.

  Alexandra rocked him harder. She pulled his head out then left it there for an instant. Blaise moaned in frustration. Then she slowly pushed him inside again. That movement made him shake. He quickly pulled out then rubbed himself against her folds, shooting onto her stomach. “Oh…”

  Watching him come made her spine shiver. She liked giving him as much pleasure as he gave her. Blaise leaned over her and kissed her forehead gently. His lips lingered for a long time before he moved to her lips. “I knew you wouldn’t cross the line.”

  She rubbed his back and held him close. “You know me better than I do.”

  Blaise lay beside her then grabbed a towel. He cleaned them both up before he cuddled beside her. “We aren’t going anywhere for a few weeks. We have a lot of making up to do.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “But we’ll be making it up for the rest of our lives.”

  “That sounds even better.”


  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Alexandra asked as she moved her hand up his shirt. They were lying on the grass near the creek. The warmth had returned to the earth, and they enjoyed the tame sunshine.

  Blaise ran his fingers through her hair. “I’m more than certain.”

  Alexandra sat up then leaned over him. Her hair came from behind her ear and dangled down. Blaise gently tucked it behind her ear again. “It’s a big sacrifice.”

  “I guess so.”

  She stared at his face, seeing the absence of any lines. The stress and concern he carried since she met him was gone. “You’re looking forward to it.”

  He smiled. “I am, actually.”

  “You think Martha can handle the fields on her own?”

  “We’re talking about the same person, right?” Blaise laughed. “She was the one who gave my dad some good advice. If she can handle that, she can handle everything else.”

  “And what about Cole?”

  “He said he’s fine with it. He said he likes his cut. There’s nothing more he needs.”

  She rubbed her nose against his. “But is it enough for you?”

  Blaise looked away and stared at the canopy above. He was quiet for a long time. “I know my dad entrusted the land to me, but I also know he would want me to be happy. And Martha is an amazing cotton grower. She may not be blood, but she’s family. My dad would approve my decision.”

  “And you can take it back whenever you want,” she reminded him.

  “That’s true,” he said. “But I’ll probably give it to Cole. It depends on what Martha thinks.”

  “I’m sure Cole will do a wonderful job. He’s a great brother.”

  “Now he is.”

  Alexandra kissed his neck then pulled away. “Would you be mad at me if I said I was scared?”

  He looked her in the eye. “Not at all. It’s normal to be frightened of the unknown. It’s only unacceptable if you run away from it, which you haven’t.”

  She nodded. “Okay…”

  “Alexandra, you’re going to be an amazing doctor. I have no doubt.”

  “And you’re going to be a wonderful lawyer.”

  He smiled. “Damn right. I’ll put those assholes behind bars.”

  “So, we’re really doing this? We’re going to school in New York?”

  “We’ve both been accepted,” he said. “There’s no turning back.”

  She took a deep breath. “I think I can do this.”

  “I know you can.” He pulled her to his chest and looked into the sky. Kane sat beside them on the blanket, napping quietly. “When did you want to get married?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know when we’ll have time.”

  “When we’ll have time?” he asked incredulously. “I’ll drag you down to the courthouse if I have to.”

  “I didn’t mean never,” she said quickly. “I don’t know if I’ll have time to plan a wedding.”

  “I’m sure Abby could help you. Where did you want to do it?”

  She was quiet for a moment. “Here.”

  “In Georgia?”

  “I mean here.” She hugged him tighter. “At this creek.”

  “Really?” His eyes softened.

  “It was where we fell in love, right?”

  He kissed her forehead. “Right.”

  “Is that okay?”

  “It’s more than okay,” he said. “We’ll get married during the school break, take our honeymoon, then return to class.”

  She sighed. “I wish it were that simple.”

  “What’s complicated about it?”

  “Well, you never asked my parents for permission.”

  He ran his hand down her arm. “I didn’t know you wanted me to. You don’t seem to be close to them.”

  “Because I’m not.”

  “Well, I’ll do whatever you want me to do. Just tell me.”

  Alexandra ran her fingers through her hair. “I think you should ask.”


  “Thank you.”

  “But if they say no, I don’t give a damn. I’m still marrying you.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Good.” Blaise turned on his side and pulled her leg over his hip. “Do you have any doubts?”

  “About what?”

  “Me.” His eyes locked with hers, watching her every expression. His eyes lingered on her lips then returned to her eyes.


you want to spend the rest of your life with me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I said yes, didn’t I?”

  He chuckled. “You’re just too good to be true. I’m always afraid I’ll lose you.”

  “You never could, Blaise.”

  “You should put that in your vows.”

  “I will.”

  He stared at her for a long time. “Is this how the rest our lives are going to be? Laying by the creek with Kane, talking about our dreams and aspirations, and worrying about Martha?”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  “Good.” He grabbed her face and kissed her gently. “Then my life is perfect.”

  The Next Installment of the Southern Love Series

  Then Came Abby

  Available Now


  Also by E. L. Todd

  Southern Love Series

  Then Came Alexandra

  Then Came Indecision

  Then Came Absolution

  Then Came Abby

  Abby’s Plight

  Forever and Always Series

  Only For You

  Forever and Always

  Edge of Love

  Force of Love

  Fight for Love

  Lover’s Roulette

  Happily Ever After

  Hawaiian Crush Series

  Connected by the Sea

  Breaking Through the Waves

  Connected by the Tide

  Taking the Plunge

  Riding the Surf

  Caught in the Undertow

  Alpha Series






  Soul Saga Series

  Soul Catcher

  Soul Binder

  Soul Relenter

  Essence Series

  Flight of Life

  Tale of Life

  Join E. L. Todd’s Army


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