Harper's Finale

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Harper's Finale Page 21

by F. C. Clark

  ‘Only you.’ I laugh, but it’s true.


  Let me push a Sutton button. ‘Besides, if I need anything I’ll pop out.’

  ‘Max can get you whatever you need. I can call him now. What do you want?’


  ‘Please don’t leave the house alone. I thought we discussed this earlier today.’

  ‘No, you told me. At no point did we discuss it. Anyway, I’m going straight to bed.’

  ‘I will leave you to it, then. Please listen to me.’

  ‘All right.’

  After the best meal in the world – a Walkers crisp sandwich and a large mug of tea – I head straight for bed. I try to read the books Luke lovingly gave me, but it’s pointless, so I try some car-crash TV. By now it’s ten o’clock and Luke is still out. I’m too tired to wait up for him.

  A noise disturbs my sleep. I roll on to my side.


  I feel drowsy.

  ‘Go back to sleep, Kate.’

  I prop myself up on my elbows. ‘What are you doing?’ He’s at the French doors that lead from our bedroom to the balcony.

  ‘Just checking the doors are locked.’

  ‘What?’ OK, I’m fully awake. Max never checks the doors – or does he?

  ‘It’s OK. Luke asked me to check them. He’ll be home soon. Please go back to sleep.’

  He leaves the room. I’m confused. After a while, I get up and head towards the stairs. At the top step, I can hear Luke and Max talking in the office. I sit down and eavesdrop.

  ‘Ghosts have a habit of reappearing,’ Luke says.

  What does he mean?

  ‘I’d be happier if we knew more,’ Max says.

  Me too, Max – please share.

  ‘The new guy I saw tonight is good. James Sullivan gave me his name,’ Luke says.

  ‘So he must be good.’

  ‘Exactly,’ Luke says.

  ‘OK. The alarms were tested and everything is fine,’ Max says.

  ‘They were due to be re-checked anyway.’

  ‘Doors and windows locked, plus your room,’ Max says.

  ‘Good. Have you checked the CCTV?’ Luke asks.

  ‘Yeah. All clear.’

  Clear of what?

  ‘And Kate?’ Luke asks.

  ‘She was asleep. I did disturb her.’

  ‘She’s exhausted. Drink?’

  ‘Yeah, why not?’

  I watch their shadows drift off to the kitchen. What the hell is going on?

  Silently, I head down the stairs and into Luke’s office. Everything looks the same. I open the couple of files on his desk. He mentioned CCTV: where’s the feed going to? Must be the computer. I move the mouse on the screen – password needed. I enter eatme. The live video feed appears, showing the security gate, the door, garden, our balcony, plus a few more. I look closely, but what am I looking for?

  Luke comes in. I look up.

  ‘Kate.’ He comes towards me.

  ‘What’s going on? And don’t bullshit me. Max was just checking the doors in our room, which is bloody odd, but you already know that.’

  ‘Precaution, that’s all.’

  ‘Precaution – against what?’

  He leans against the desk.

  ‘Luke, you can tell me anything, you know you can.’ I go to him.

  He runs his hands through my hair. ‘I know. There’s nothing to worry about.’

  ‘Has Russia spooked you that much?’

  ‘Possibly,’ he says. He pulls me towards him and kisses me gently. ‘I need to know you’re safe.’

  ‘I am. How was your meeting?’


  ‘What was it for?’

  ‘A new client.’

  ‘Oh, what sort of client?’ I ask.

  ‘They sell a product I want.’

  ‘What sort of product?’

  His forehead creases. ‘You hate discussing my business.’

  ‘That’s not true. I’m trying to show some interest.’ I’m trying to trip you up, now answer my bloody question! ‘So, what product?’

  ‘A researcher. They look into companies I want to buy.’

  Bullshit, Luke! You’re hiding something, or someone is on the loose.

  ‘I wanted to talk to you about the panic room – or den, as you call it.’ What? Now I’m concerned. The room in question is in the basement.

  ‘What about it?’

  ‘I want to show you how to get inside – just in case.’

  ‘In case of what? I’m pretty certain we’re not going to play hide and seek, and apparently there’s nothing for me to worry about!’

  He chuckles. ‘You can’t hide from me. Just a precautionary measure.’

  ‘There’s that word again.’

  ‘Zip it, Harper.’

  He takes my hand and I follow him down to the basement. We stand in front of the wine rack.

  ‘This will be a quick rundown, OK?’

  I nod.

  ‘Feel here.’ He takes my hand. ‘There’s a switch, yes?’

  I nod.

  ‘Press it.’

  I do.

  ‘Can you hear that sound?’


  ‘It’s the locks unlocking. Now slide the wine rack across – it runs on hydraulics, so it’s fairly light.’

  My stomach flips.

  ‘You need a code to open the vault door. It’s two, two, zero, eight.’ He shoots me a look.

  ‘You’re funny. Do you think I have problems remembering numbers?’

  ‘Yes! But not the first time we flew to Venice.’

  I shrug. ‘Never.’

  I input the code and the door opens. Luke enters first, turning the light on. I step into his Aladdin’s cave. Nothing has changed since I was in here last. There are piles of documents stacked high, plus piles of money. And weapons.

  ‘Kate, come here, I need to show you something… Please listen carefully.’

  I nod, feeling completely out of my depth. Survival skills? They’re beyond me.

  ‘Firstly, if at any point you are in trouble or your life is threatened then get down here. Even if it’s a false alarm, it doesn’t matter, OK?’

  I nod. Life-threatening!

  ‘Now you know how to get in, you also have to know how to lock yourself in this room.’ He walks to the door. ‘Slide the rack across; you need to conceal the entrance.’

  ‘OK.’ I slide it across.

  ‘Good, now close the door.’

  I push the door shut.

  ‘Type the code in again. That ensures the bullet-proof door is locked.’

  I laugh. ‘What! Did you say bullet-proof? Luke, you’re scaring me.’

  ‘Just a prec—’

  ‘Precaution my arse!’

  ‘A safety measure. Is that better?’

  ‘Not really.’

  ‘As you can see, the room has enough water and food to last a while, but there are some things I want to show you.’

  He heads towards a cupboard in the corner and slides two metal doors apart.

  ‘Are you shitting me?’

  ‘Kate, you have seen weapons before.’

  ‘Yes, but what is all this stuff?’ I pick up a small box.

  ‘I’ll take that – it’s a detonator with a tracker built in.’

  I laugh. ‘What? Could that go off?’

  ‘No. Please listen.’

  ‘This has to be your perfect toy cupboard.’ I chuckle in disbelief. ‘Seriously, where do you get this stuff?’

  ‘That’s irrelevant.’

  ‘It always is, Luke.’

  ‘When you’re quite finished…’

  ‘OK.’ I hol
d my hands in the air. ‘I’m making light of the situation… You’re showing me things like detonators and guns and expect me to not ask questions? That’s unfair, and before you say it, that’s not protection. That’s called keeping me in the dark, like showing me how to get inside this room and Max checking the doors in our bedroom for no reason.’

  ‘I can’t give you answers all the time. You have to trust me.’ His eyes burn into mine.

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘The gadgets, as you refer to them, are no use to you, but this phone is.’

  ‘It looks like a normal phone – or does it turn into a plane or something?’ I smile at myself.

  ‘For fuck’s sake, Kate, I’m trying to keep you safe.’


  ‘This phone can’t be traced. It’s a satellite phone.’

  ‘Traced, as in hacked?’

  ‘As in no one can track you. It’s got various numbers saved to it: all of mine, Max’s, plus Sullivan’s and Parker’s.’

  My arms fold, guarding my body.

  ‘So basically, you have another phone if I need one.’

  ‘You know how to contact someone in case of—’

  ‘An emergency – got it.’

  He closes the cupboard doors.

  ‘Thanks for the insight into your crazy world – again.’

  He looks away. I know he’d prefer not to disclose this part of his life. He would rather this part of his past remained buried.

  ‘So listen, Sutton. I am in here for a reason. You say nothing, and I say bullshit.’

  He peers at me from his great height.

  ‘There’s something niggling – and I don’t think it’s Russia.’ I poke his firm pec. ‘I think this precaution’ – he takes a breath – ‘your word, not mine, is down to you. Something or someone in your past is chasing you. Anderson?’


  ‘Don’t what me, Luke.’

  He bites his lower lip. ‘There’s nothing for you to worry about.’

  ‘I love you with every bone in my body, and whether you like it or not I know when you’re lying.’

  His silence fills the air.

  ‘Trust me – that’s all I’m asking, Kate.’

  ‘Fine. I don’t want to be in here. Let’s go to bed.’

  We leave the secret den. Although we arrive at our bedroom in complete silence, I can hear Luke thinking.

  ‘I’ll just take a shower,’ he says.


  I climb into bed, feeling wide awake and restless.

  Five minutes pass and his naked body slides into bed next to me. I inhale his scent.

  ‘Have you been sick this evening?’

  ‘No. I feel OK. I had a sandwich and crisps for dinner.’

  ‘You need to eat more than that.’

  ‘I really enjoyed it. Actually, I have a thing for ready salted crisps – you need to hide them from me. Besides, the babies are telling me to eat them.’

  His face softens with his best Sutton smile. ‘Is that right? Why do I have a feeling you’ll use this excuse until they arrive?’

  ‘Bet your arse I will, after knowing what I will have to go through to get them out.’

  I close the distance between us: not just the physical gap but also the emotional void, which I always feel when he holds out on me.

  ‘So, Sutton, I’m wide awake, and fed up with feeling pissed off at you, so what are you going to do about it?’

  ‘I’m pleased you’re no longer pissed off at me.’ He lands a cheeky smacker on my lips.

  ‘It’s taken most of the day, but that leads me to think you need to make it up to me.’

  ‘Any suggestions?’ he says, wearing a smile that warms my heart.

  ‘I have a few, but just as a precaution…’ I chuckle.

  ‘You’re hilarious,’ he says.

  ‘You’re banned from using that word – ever! And if you say it again there will be consequences.’ God, I love teasing him.

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘Well, for starters I will silence you.’ His lips meet mine with heat and passion. I can feel his erection growing against my hip.

  ‘Like this.’

  ‘It’s a start.’

  He pulls my T-shirt over my head and begins to tease my nipples.

  He continues to my stomach, then floats across my pubic bone. As I take a breath his soft tongue touches my clit. Oh God.

  He looks up.

  ‘Don’t stop. I’m still pissed off with you.’

  ‘I thought you were over that.’

  ‘I changed my mind. I’ll get back to you. Now stop talking and start working.’

  As his tongue sweeps across my clit again my body surrenders to him. Fuck. I don’t care about anything else.


  It’s been the busiest week of my life, but we’re finally ready to go. Luke and I stand in the lounge at City Airport.

  ‘Please try to rest when you can,’ he says.

  ‘I wish you were coming with me.’

  ‘You’ll be fine.’

  I nod. ‘I feel so emotional. Yesterday blew me away. Honestly, I think I’m still in shock.’

  He places his hand against my stomach. ‘Not many situations leave me speechless, Kate.’

  ‘I couldn’t get excited before, but now it feels real – we’ve seen them and heard their heartbeats.’

  He wipes the single tear that trickles down my cheek.

  He reaches inside his blazer. ‘Here.’ He passes me two laminated scan pictures.

  ‘Look at our babies,’ I say.

  ‘They’re perfect.’ He beams with delight.

  ‘God, I feel so lucky, Luke.’ He knows I feel bad for Kiki.

  ‘We are.’ He tenderly plants small kisses on my lips. ‘Please take care of yourself and our babies. Promise me that you’ll rest.’

  ‘I promise. I just hate feeling sick.’

  ‘Eat little and often, even if it is crisps, OK?’

  I laugh. ‘OK.’

  He folds me into his arms.

  ‘Excuse me, Mr Sutton, Mrs Sutton, the plane is ready for you to board.’ A member of the flight crew interrupts us.

  ‘Thank you,’ Luke responds. She walks away.

  ‘Shit, why do I feel so nervous?’

  I look around the small room, which is full of the Harper Jones workforce, plus Max and Barney.

  ‘You’ll be fine, and you will be pleased to know that I have given Max strict orders to make sure you rest.’

  ‘Thanks for the heads-up.’

  Luke and I look across the room to where the man in question is chatting to Valerie. I can’t help feeling smug.

  ‘Max is here to protect you.’

  ‘They are drawn to each other – and for your information, I haven’t even mentioned Valerie’s name to him.’

  ‘Go. Remember this is a business trip.’

  Well, the word ‘business’ has a very different meaning to me. Besides, Max and Valerie’s happiness is my business!

  ‘You OK, babe?’ Barney asks.

  ‘I’m fine. I just hate take-offs. Luke normally holds my hand.’

  He takes my hand and squeezes it warmly. ‘Well, you have me. I know I’m not Luke, but…’

  I rest my head on his shoulder. ‘You’re a close second.’

  The aircraft is packed with the Harper Jones crew. The atmosphere is excited. Even now I can’t believe we’re on our way to showcase our collection.

  Once we reach cruising altitude I make a point of changing seats so I can speak to everyone. Max and Valerie have been deep in conversation since we set off. This has to be a good sign. Max usually has very little to say, so he must feel comfortable in Valerie’s company.

  Last, I sit next
to Mr Jones.

  ‘This is mad, right? Are you excited?’

  ‘I think I’m anxious. Don’t get me wrong – I have faith in the designs and the work we have produced.’

  ‘This is your dream. Your creations are coming to life and now they will be shared with the world – at least, with the people of New York.’

  He smiles. ‘Our dream, and our creation. Harper Jones through and through.’

  I take out the pictures Luke gave me. ‘Here, look at these, we got them at the scan yesterday.’

  ‘How incredible – Mother Nature at its best. And you, do you feel OK?’

  ‘I can’t believe they’re growing inside me.’ I shake my head in disbelief. ‘I’m fine, just tired, and my waistline is beginning to disappear – you might need to add some fabric to my trousers for the finale.’

  Mr Jones chuckles. ‘A small price to pay.’

  ‘My babies are priceless.’ I can’t help staring at the laminated pictures. ‘What do you think, boys or girls? They’re sharing a placenta so they’ll be identical.’

  ‘What about healthy? How marvellous would that be?’

  ‘The best.’

  Luke has arranged for limousines to meet us at JFK Airport. Soon we are safely at the palatial Four Seasons – which Luke also requested. The hotel has allocated us a function room to store the Harper Jones collection, which will double up as a workspace. The show itself will be in the trendy Tribeca area.

  Barney and I are sharing the penthouse suite Luke and I previously I stayed in. It’s so big, it’s more like an apartment than a suite.

  I open the door and urge Barney to walk through first. I want to see his reaction.

  He’s silent for a few moments, then he gives a long drawn-out whistle. ‘Fuck me gently, I have died and gone to hotel heaven. I’ve never seen anything like it.’

  ‘It’s amazing, isn’t it?’

  ‘Amazing? It’s the fucking dogs bollocks.’

  Barney walks around, exploring. The full-length windows lure you towards them: the views are breath-taking.

  ‘I feel a bit shell-shocked.’

  ‘I did too when Luke brought me here.’

  ‘I’ll give it to him, Sutton certainly knows the best suites. Bloody hell, I bet this is more than three grand a night.’

  I shrug. I can’t allow myself to think about the price tag.

  ‘Go in the master bedroom and look at the bathroom.’


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