Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World, #1)

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Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World, #1) Page 9

by Brandy Nacole

  “Why not?”

  “It’s forbidden,” Danika replies. “The Vampires have wards up that keep all Lycans out.”

  Hmm, I wonder who could have done all that. “Let me guess, all this with the help of the Witches?”

  “Yes.” Danika has no shame in her voice but she doesn’t sound proud either. She’s simply stating a fact.

  “Your kind sure does seem generous with their services.” I look around the grounds, noticing the guards are paying no attention to us. I guess the Witches have a hand in that too.

  Danika looks away toward the pillars, her voice tight. “It doesn’t come without a price.”

  There she goes, all glum and quiet about consequences and limitations. I wonder what has happened to make her say these things. It doesn’t make sense. One moment she sounds proud to be a Witch, then she turns around sounding glum about being one.

  “I bet not.” I mumble and turn back to Ethan. “Well I say you’re coming. You’re with us, I don’t care what some blood-sucking fiend has to say about it. I’ll take responsibility for you, meaning you will be on your best behavior. Who knows, I might forget to ask some vital question.” I say with a smile, hoping he gets my lame attempt at a joke.

  Ethan doesn’t look moved by my offer. “It is more than just some line you cross that causes confusion. These wards will kill me.”

  “What?” Now we have wards that can kill?

  “Yes, these wards are very powerful and very deadly.” Danika keeps looking around nervously. “These wards feed off the Vampires’ essence and their initial will that was set in place 100 years ago. This feud has been around since the beginning, Racquel. It isn’t something new that’s going to fade with time.”

  Danika has a sense of pride in the Witches’ ability, which I am impressed with too. But if it were me, I think I would be more ashamed of this situation if I were the one keeping any kind of peace from ever happening between these two clans—packs—whatever.

  “Don’t you think I want to go in there with you guys? God knows what those creatures will do to you.” Ethan’s fists are so tight his knuckles are white, and his mouth is drawn in a straight tight line.

  “I’m more worried about you out here by yourself.” I don’t like the idea of leaving a lone wolf in Vampire hunting grounds. Who’s to say what the Vampires will do if they find him out here?

  “Don’t worry about him.”

  I jump and turn around to find this handsome yet deadly person, correction Vampire, staring me straight in the face.

  “He’ll be all right as long as he doesn’t provoke anyone. I would also suggest keeping the doors locked.”

  His lips are mere inches from mine. His foul breath clogs up my nostrils, making me hold my breath.

  “You must be Racquel.” The vamp says with a sinful smile. I’ll admit he’s cute. He looks to be in his twenties although he’s probably much older than that. He is of average height, has beautiful blond hair, solid black eyes that for some reason are alluring instead of creepy, sculpted cheek bones, and the body of a god.

  Yet, his deep eyes have another story of their own. More than just deep beautiful eyes that you can get lost in, that’s just the trap. Once you get past the beauty you can see the blood red specks that linger. You can see the pain he has inflicted on others. The lives he has taken to sustain his own.

  “It’s an honor. I am Felton and this is Alton.”

  Felton gestures behind him and there stands another Vampire. If I thought Felton was hot, Alton is on fire. He, too, has that endless beauty that some humans spend thousands of dollars to sustain. The same dark eyes as Felton, long light blond hair pulled in a loose ponytail, the sculpted cheekbones, all of it.

  At least they got something out of becoming a Vampire. I guess good looks are better than nothing, especially when you lose everything else. Even when two Vampires decide to be dedicated to one another, they cannot have a true family, they have to ‘adopt.’ Being a Vampire basically means you’re a good-looking shell with nothing on the inside but other people’s blood coursing through your lifeless veins.

  Alton shakes his head, scolding Felton with a tsk. “Felton, let’s not scare the girl.”

  Even his voice makes me melt. There’s another problem with all these vamps. They’re all beauty to us, while we are all blood to them. Yuck. That makes for a total relationship-killer. I wonder how my grandfather got past his blood lust to be with my grandmother. The blood ceremony probably helped with that, but what about before they did a blood ceremony?

  “I’m sure you’ve had a long journey and would like to get a move on things. If you’ll follow us,” Alton says. Turning on his heels, he heads back toward the third pillar.

  “What about the human guards?” I ask, gesturing to the guard rounding the corner.

  “What about them?” Felton asks, acting as though they are insignificant.

  “Can’t they see us?” It seems almost unimportant at this point, but that still does nothing for my curiosity.

  “Yes, but they merely see stray animals. Once we open the pillar, they will only think it to be a small gust of wind. It is quite miraculous, don’t you think?” Felton asks with a smug smile, his eyes flashing red for just a second.

  “Yeah, miraculous.” Not to mention the little bit of Witch power kicking it in the butt.

  “We are wasting time. Lord Aldrick is waiting,” Alton says, irritated, as he stands next to the pillar.

  I look back at Ethan, who is shaking with rage. His whole body is rigid, his fist so tight the bones look ready to burst through the skin.

  “Ethan….Ethan look at me.” He slowly turns his eyes from the Vampires to look at me. “Don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine. You just keep yourself safe.”

  “I don’t trust them,” he says in a raspy voice.

  “I don’t either, that’s why I need you to keep your eyes open and stay on alert. We need to be ready for anything.” I stand back up gesturing for him to lock the doors as I shut it.

  So into the pillar we go. I take a good look around not knowing if I will see the outside world again. I hate getting trapped somewhere that seems almost impossible to escape.

  I meet Ethan’s eyes as I glance back one last time. He’s still grim about staying behind, not trusting the Vampires leading us away. If I was in his position, I would feel the same way. I may not totally trust Ethan and Danika, or like them, but in a way I feel responsible for them. I don’t know why, but I do.

  I take one big deep breath of fresh air, enter the pillar elevator, and prepare for the descent.

  Chapter Eight

  Once again I find myself feeling foolish about stereotyping. Where I thought the elevator would open up into a dungeon, it is quite the opposite. This place is a lot like a palace. An underground palace, but still worthy of the title.

  Luscious white carpet leads down to a hall of doors. Chandeliers hang at even intervals down the long corridor. The lights shine brightly off the light yellow walls. Arches, done in a brilliant white molding, are placed throughout the hallways after each chandelier.

  As we walk down the hall, I start wondering where everyone is. It’s a little too quiet. We come to the end of the hall, which splits into a T. On the right, there is another long hallway with several more doors. At the end of that hallway is a big open room, where humans are mingling. Why didn’t I think of that? Of course there are humans living here, hence the reason for so many rooms. With so many Vampires living at the lair, Aldrick wouldn’t risk so many killings in Sofia, it would draw too much suspicion.

  We turn left down a short hallway that leads past a kitchenette. At least the Vampires here show them some decency. In other places I’ve been, the humans had to pick through the pigs troughs to eat.

  When we pass one room that is lit with black light, I turn to Danika to ask about it. “What’s that room for?”

  Danika looks over at the room just as one of the Vampires hurries to shut the door. Her face is l
aced with disgust, as is her voice. “I think it’s the feeding room.”

  Felton interrupts us, his tone harsh. “There is no need to discuss the layout of our dwelling. For all we know you’re here to slaughter us.”

  I’m surprised by the thought they might be afraid of me. “Seriously? Do you honestly think one person—me, in this scenario—could take out a whole slew of Vampires?”

  “We know nothing about your abilities, Racquel, so yes it’s possible. Plus you have the Witch,” Felton says.

  I roll my eyes and scoff. I’m not sure on the total for the Vampire population but I’m guessing it’s around three thousand. Out of all those Vampires, I bet three quarters of them live here. Yeah, taking a few thousand Vampires, piece of cake for a chick like me.

  We go through a few more twists and turns and finally end at a lobby. There is a group of Vampires, mostly women, sitting outside a closed door sipping blood out of goblets. Gag. I may have to consume blood sometimes but I don’t go around advertising.

  “Wait here,” Felton says, then he and Alton enter the closed door.

  Danika and I stand there and wait as the other vamps sit there, sipping their blood, and stare at us. A warm flush encompasses my body as my adrenaline picks up.

  My last encounter with a group of Vampires was not so pleasant and it’s something I don’t want to re-live. Standing here with these vamps scrutinizing us, it’s becoming very hard not to remember those times and feel the pressure of it possibly happening again.

  Felton finally emerges. “Lord Aldrick will see you now,” he informs us sternly.

  My legs manage to carry me, although a little shaky, through the doors. I’m sure the Vampires around me can tell but I keep my head held high. We step through the door and instantly I am on full alert. There are probably thirty Vampires inside this room. The room is big, but with this many of them lingering throughout the space, it feels more like a shoebox.

  The room itself is elegant, with a big dome ceiling covered in a mosaic. The grand pillars that are spaced through the room give it an imposing, royal feel. A mermaid fountain sits on top of a chiseled boulder in the center of the room. Streams of water spray up behind the mermaid’s back, making her look like she has water wings. Pretty snazzy.

  There is no way to mistake Aldrick. He may look like all the other vamps in the room but he holds an air of authority none of the others have. Unlike the rest, his fangs seem to be on permanent display. He’s sitting on an actual throne, on a raised dais. How ridiculous!

  Back down on our level there are five ornate chairs to his left and right. Each chair holds a Vampire, wearing a white robe. I don’t know if this is some kind of council or just an entourage.

  I take in my surroundings more closely, wanting to know where each Vampire is. There are four leaning against a wall to my right, six to my left. Felton and Alton stand in front of Danika and me. Two more guard the door behind us—which I do not like—and two women sit on the steps of Aldrick’s throne.

  “My Lord, this is Racquel and Danika,” Felton says with a bow.

  “Lord Aldrick,” Danika says, and then bows as well.

  This is absolutely ridiculous. But no matter how ridiculous I may think it is, I better play along or else I may be fighting to my death.

  “Lord Aldrick.” I fight every muscle in my body, commanding them to bow.

  “Thank you Felton, Alton that will be all.” With that, the two vamps leave the room, dismissed like bell boys who are no longer needed.

  “Ah Racquel, I have heard so much about you. I hear that you can endure a lot of pain,” Aldrick says, glancing around the room to all the other Vampires with a smirk on his face that I would love to erase.

  “Yes, Lord Aldrick, you hear correctly,” I say evenly. I guess word from Brazil spread to the lair. “But that is not the reason we are here.” I try keeping the anger and venom out of my voice, not wanting to let him know that he is already getting to me.

  Aldrick’s amused smile stays in place as he regards us again. “So tell me, why have you sought an audience with me?”

  Danika gives me an encouraging nod before I take a step forward. “Lord Aldrick, we are here seeking any information that you may have of those that are missing from your clan.”

  “What information do you seek? They are missing. We do not know why. What other information do you think I have?”

  “Well, Sir, I mean—Lord Aldrick—”

  “It seems to me, child, that you are here for no good reason. For there is no other information I have other than the fact that we have five missing. If I knew anything else I would act upon it. Which, I might add, seems insulting of you to think otherwise. Do you not think I would act upon saving my people if I knew where they may be?”

  “I meant no disrespect, Lord Aldrick. I was just hoping that you might have discovered something new recently,” I say.

  “Hoping?” Aldrick smirks. “We all hope for a lot of things in life. Hope seems to get us nowhere. We must act, not hope, on things we want to happen. Do you think I obtained this throne by hoping? No. I acted upon my desire and took what I wanted.”

  “That’s exactly what we are doing, acting. If I was not acting upon what I want, then I would not be seeking an audience with you. Instead I would be sitting in a room with my head in my hands hoping those who are lost are found. But that is not what I am doing.” My voice is strong and unwavering, although I’m quivering on the inside. I doubt there have been many that stood up to Aldrick and lived to tell about it.

  “Well your search here is futile. I know nothing for sure, only my speculations.”

  “What is it you speculate, my Lord?” Danika asks.

  Aldrick turns his full attention on her. “I speculate that those who are missing have been taken by the Lycans.”

  Aldrick seems certain about this, although I know he has no real evidence. “What led you to that speculation?” I ask.

  Danika places her hand on my arm and squeezes really hard. Is she trying to warn me? Have I crossed a line? If I’ve crossed a line, a little squeeze would have been nice beforehand.

  Aldrick rises from his perch. “You dare question me?”

  Ah, crossed a line I see. “No, Lord Aldrick, I am merely curious as to what the Lycans have done to bring you to that conclusion.” Danika releases my arm, her fingers leaving white impressions on my arm.

  Aldrick takes his seat once more and I notice a few Vampires relaxing back against the wall. I guess my answer appeased him.

  “Those creatures are vile and uncontrolled. You cannot trust a Lycan. They do not have the control of a normal being, but rather give in to the urges of an animal. They have been seeking power for many years and this seems the best option they have, taking out each of the Shadows bit by bit.”

  I bite my tongue so hard I can taste blood. This guy is absolutely insane. Oh how I wish I could tell him so. Is he honestly saying that all other Shadows, including Vampires, are trustworthy and Lycans aren’t? I would consider what the Vampires do against humanity vile and animalistic.

  Keeping that thought to myself, I approach Aldrick and his theory cautiously. “Why would the Lycans kidnap their own kind? That doesn’t really fit the theory.”

  Crap I forgot to say Lord Aldrick. Is that something you have to say every time you address him? Hopefully not, and if so, I’m hoping he didn’t notice.

  “They could be doing that to keep up appearances,” Aldrick says, gripping the arms of his throne as he sharpens his cold eyes on me.

  “But Lord Aldrick, why would they put out the effort to help look for the missing Lycans?” I ask, hoping it doesn’t upset him again. If I keep asking questions, he might start accusing me of questioning him again. Then it could be off with my head. Well, at least they can try. I’m not going down without a fight.

  “Again, appearances. If they did not act to find their missing and came along as uncaring, speculations would arise.”

  Well, with that logic Aldric
k just moved himself up to my number one spot on the suspects list. He doesn’t seem the least bit concerned about his missing Vampires.

  “I do not need their horrible acting skills to speculate. Once I find one ounce of evidence pointing in their direction, I will act.” Aldrick’s voice carries the malice and venom he feels toward the Lycans. “And how do we know if they really have any missing? They could be hiding in a luxurious resort somewhere.”

  “Yeah, but—” Danika squeezes my arm again so tight I’m sure she has broken the skin. But I get the message. So I move on and keep my tongue in check.

  “Well, we would like to help you determine if in fact it is or is not the Lycans who have taken your kind and those of the other Shadows. Do you by chance, Lord Aldrick, know the locations of where the missing were when they were taken?”

  “That is not information that I keep track of. You may speak with Lynna on your way out. Is there anything else you wish to ask?”

  “No, my Lord, that is all.” I turn to leave but once again Danika almost breaks my arm. I turn back toward Aldrick, who is now descending his throne.

  Up close he is absolutely terrifying. When he was on his pedestal, he looked just like any other thirty-year-old man, minus the fangs. Now, I can feel his power, see his menace, and know he is not to be taken lightly.

  His long blond hair is pulled back like so many of the others in the room. Must be a fashion trend among their kind. He has on a black suit with a red silk tie. When he looks at me, I can tell he’s vicious and deadly. Instead of the pure black eyes like other Vampires, Aldrick’s are blood red. His eyes spare no room for explanation as they glow with his raw power.

  “But I, my dear, am not through with your company. I am curious about you and your abilities,” Aldrick says as he places his hand on my shoulder.

  I shiver involuntarily at his touch. “I’m not here for myself, Lord Aldrick, and would prefer to have this conversation at another time if we could.” I try keeping my voice in control, not wanting to show the fear and anger I have boiling under the surface. My body is fighting me to remove his hand from my shoulder. His touch feels like it’s sizzling through my shirt.


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