The Map and the Clock

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by Carol Ann Duffy

  MAGUIRE, SARAH: ‘From Dublin to Ramallah’ © Sarah Maguire reproduced by permission of Penguin Random House

  MAHON, DEREK: ‘Dreams of a Summer Night’ by kind permission of the author and The Gallery Press, Loughcrew, Oldcastle, County Meath, Ireland from New Selected Poems (2016); translation © Derek Mahon from The Word Exchange (ed. Greg Delanty and Michael Matto), W. W. Norton & Company

  MAXWELL, GLYN: ‘Flood Before and After’ © Glyn Maxwell reproduced by kind permission of Picador

  MEEHAN, PAULA: ‘Seed’ © Paula Meehan reproduced by permission of Dedalus Press from Mysteries of the Home (2013)

  MINHINNICK, ROBERT: ‘The Orchids at Cwm y Gaer’ © Robert Minhinnick reprinted by kind permission of Seren Books

  MITCHELL, ADRIAN: ‘Celia, Celia’ © The Estate of Adrian Mitchell reprinted by kind permission of Bloodaxe Books

  MITCHELL, ELMA: ‘Thoughts After Ruskin’ first published by Peterloo Poets in The Poor Man in the Flesh (1976)

  MORGAN, EDWIN: ‘Midge’; ‘Sir James Murray’; ‘Camedolia’ © Estate of Edwin Morgan reprinted by kind permission of Carcanet Press Ltd, Manchester, UK

  MORRISSEY, SINÉAD: ‘In Belfast’ © Sinéad Morrissey reprinted by kind permission of Carcanet Press Ltd, Manchester, UK

  MUIR, EDWIN: ‘The Late Wasp’ and ‘The Interrogation’ taken from Collected Poems © Estate of Edwin Muir and reprinted with permission of Faber & Faber

  MULDOON, PAUL: ‘Incantata’ taken from Selected Poems 1968–2014 © Paul Muldoon and reprinted with permission of Faber & Faber; translation © Paul Muldoon with permission of Faber & Faber

  NAGRA, DALJIT: ‘Our Town with the Whole of India!’ taken from Look We Have Coming to Dover! © Daljit Nagra and reprinted with permission of Faber & Faber

  NÍ CHUILLEANÁIN, EILEEN: ‘Swineheard’ by kind permission of the author and The Gallery Press, Loughcrew, Oldcastle, County Meath, Ireland from Selected Poems (2008)

  NÍ DHOMNAILL, NUALA: by kind permission of the author and The Gallery Press, Loughcrew, Oldcastle, Country Meath, Ireland from Pharoah’s Daughter (1990)

  NICHOLSON, NORMAN: ‘The Elm Decline’ from Collected Poems reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber

  NORRIS, LESLIE: ‘Barn Owl’; ‘Water’ © Meic Stephens

  O’BRIEN, SEAN: ‘Cousin Coat’ © Sean O’Brien reproduced by kind permission of Picador

  O’CONNOR, FRANK: translations © the Estate of Frank O’Connor reproduced by kind permission of Peters Fraser and Dunlop

  O’DONOGHUE, BERNARD: translation © Bernard O’Donoghue reproduced by permission of the author and Faber & Faber

  OSWALD, ALICE: ‘Another Westminster Bridge’ taken from Woods etc © Alice Oswald and reprinted with permission of Faber & Faber

  PATERSON, DON: ‘A Private Bottling’ taken from God’s Gift to Women © Don Paterson and reprinted with permission of Faber & Faber

  PLATH, SYLVIA: ‘The Bee Meeting’; ‘Blackberrying’ taken from Collected Poems © Estate of Sylvia Plath and reprinted with permission of Faber & Faber

  POTTER, CLARE: translation © Clare Potter

  PUGH, SHEENAGH: ‘I think someone might write an elegy’ © Sheenagh Pugh from Selected Poems (Seren 1990)

  RAINE, KATHLEEN: ‘Northumbrian Sequence: IV’ © The Literary Estate of Kathleen Raine from Collected Poems (2000)

  READ, HERBERT: ‘To a Conscript of 1940’ © the Estate of Herbert Read from Selected Poetry (Sinclair-Stevenson)

  REED, HENRY: ‘Lessons of War’ © Royal Literary Fund

  REES-JONES, DERYN: ‘Liverpool Blues’, © Deryn Rees-Jones reprinted by kind permission of Seren Books

  REID, ALASTAIR: ‘Scotland’ © Alastair Reid reproduced with permission from Inside Out – Selected Poetry and Translations (Polygon 2008)

  RIDLER, ANNE: ‘The Child Expected’ © Estate of Anne Ridler reprinted by kind permission of Carcanet Press Ltd, Manchester, UK

  RILEY, DENISE: ‘Poor Snow’ © Denise Riley reproduced from No Fee (Street Editions, 1977)

  RIORDAN, MAURICE: translation © Maurice Riordan reproduced with permission of Faber and Faber

  ROBERTS, LYNETTE: ‘Poem From Llanybri’; ‘Poem’ © the Estate of Lynette Roberts reprinted by kind permission of Carcanet Press Ltd, Manchester, UK

  SACKVILLE-WEST, VITA: ‘Full Moon’ by Vita Sackville-West © the Estate of Vita Sackville-West by kind permission of the Estate through its agents Curtis Brown

  SASSOON, SIEGFRIED: ‘The Survivors’; ‘The General’; ‘Everyone Sang’; ‘Falling Asleep’ © Siegfried Sassoon by permission of the Estate of George Sassoon

  SCOVELL, E. J.: ‘Listening to Collared Doves’ © the Estate of E. J. Scovell reproduced from Listening to Collared Doves (Mandeville Press 1986)

  SHAPCOTT, JO: ‘Phrase Book’ taken from Phrase Book © Jo Shapcott and reprinted with permission of Faber & Faber

  SITWELL, EDITH: ‘Aubade’; ‘Still Falls the Rain’ from Collected Poems by Edith Sitwell reprinted by permission of Peters Fraser and Dunlop on behalf of Estate of Edith Sitwell

  SMITH, STEVIE: ‘The River God of the River Mimran in Hertfordshire’; ‘Correspondence between Mr Harrison in Newcastle and Mr Sholto Peach Harrison in Hull’; ‘Infelice’ taken from The Collected Poems and Drawings of Stevie Smith © Estate of Stevie Smith and reprinted with permission of Faber & Faber

  STEVENSON, ANNE: ‘Willow Song’ © Anne Stevenson reprinted by kind permission of Bloodaxe Books from Poems 1955–2005 (Bloodaxe Books 2005)

  THOMAS, DYLAN: ‘Fern Hill’, ‘Poem on his Birthday’ and ‘In my craft or sullen art’ © The Trustees for the Copyrights of Dylan Thomas, published in The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas: The Centenary Edition (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)

  THOMAS, R. S.: ‘The Bright Field’; ‘The Moon in Lleyn’; ‘Zero’ © The Estate of R. S. Thomas reprinted by kind permission of Bloodaxe Books

  TONKS, ROSEMARY: ‘Addiction to an Old Mattress’; ‘The Sofas’, ‘Fogs and Cinemas’ © The Estate of Rosemary Tonks reprinted by kind permission of Bloodaxe Books from Bedouin of the London Evening: Collected Poems (Bloodaxe Books 2014)

  TOWNSEND WARNER, SYLVIA: ‘Anne Donne’ © The Estate of Sylvia Townsend Warner

  WICKHAM, ANNA: ‘The Fired Pot’; ‘Meditation at Kew’ © The Estate of Anna Wickham reproduced by permission Peters Fraser and Dunlop

  WILLIAMS, HUGO: ‘When I Grow Up’ taken from Collected Poems © Hugo Williams and reprinted with permission of Faber & Faber

  WILLIAMS, ROWAN: translation © Rowan Williams

  WILLIAMS, WALDO: ‘What Is a Man?’ © the Estate of Waldo Williams

  WRIGHT, KIT: ‘How the Wild South East was Lost’ © Kit Wright reproduced from Hoping It Might be So (Leviathan, 2000)

  Every effort has been made to trace and contact the copyright holders prior to publication. If notified, the publisher will undertake to rectify any errors or omissions at the earliest opportunity.


  Abse, Dannie (1923–2014) 527, 528

  Adam, Jean (1710–65) 181

  Adcock, Fleur (b.1934) 564

  Agard, John (b.1949) 593

  Agbabi, Patience (b.1965) 658

  Allnutt, Gillian (b.1949) 595

  Alvi, Moniza (b.1954) 624

  Aneirin (6/7th c.) 9

  Angus, Marion (1866–1946) 388, 389

  Anon 3, 4, 6, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 50, 52, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 74, 119, 132, 134, 136, 140, 161, 162, 180, 186, 192, 308, 309, 310

  Armitage, Simon (b.1963) 50, 651

  Armstrong, Martin (1882–1974) 350

  Arnold, Matthew (1822–88) 277

  Askew, Anne (1521–46) 76

  Aston, Katherine (c.1620s–50s) 149

  Auden, W. H. (1907–73) 23, 409, 411, 414

  Bacon, Anne (?1528–1610) 78

  Baillie, Joanna (1762–1851) 217

  Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (1743–1825) 189

p; Bateman, Meg (b.1959) 73

  Beckett, Samuel (1906–89) 393

  Bede (672–3) 11

  Beer, Patricia (1924–99) 529

  Bellerby, Frances (1899–1975) 447, 448

  Belloc, Hilaire (1870–1953) 334, 335

  Bentley, E. C. (1875–1956) 339

  Bernstein, Marion (1846–1906) 306

  Berry, James (b.1924) 559

  Blake, William (1757–1827) 207, 208, 209

  Boast, Rachel (b.1975) 667

  Boland, Eavan (b.1944) 17, 584

  Borodale, Sean (b.1973) 665

  Breeze, Jean ‘Binta’ (b.1956) 629

  Bridges, Robert (1844–1930) 303, 304

  Brontë, Emily (1818–48) and Charlotte (1816–55) 269

  Brown, George Mackay (1921–96) 519, 521

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806–61) 257, 258, 259

  Browning, Robert (1812–89) 270, 271, 272

  Bryce, Colette (b.1970) 663

  Bunting, Basil (1900–85) 483

  Burns, Robert (1759–96) 212, 213, 215, 216

  Burnside, John (b.1955) 627

  Byron, Lord (1788–1824) 238, 239

  Caedmon (fl.658–680) 3

  Cameron, Mary (17th c.) 159

  Campion, Thomas (1567–1620) 104, 105

  Carney, James (1914–89) 29

  Carroll, Lewis (1832–98) 290

  Carson, Ciaran (b.1948) 592

  Causley, Charles (1917–2003) 505

  Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle (1623–73) 158

  Chamberlain, Brenda (1912–71) 472

  Chaucer, Geoffrey (1340–1400) 41, 42, 43

  Chesterton, G. K. (1874–1936) 338

  Clancy, Joseph P. (b.1928) 9, 450

  Clare, John (1793–1864) 244, 247

  Clarke, Austin (1896–1974) 65

  Coghill, Nevill (1899–1980) 42, 43

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834) 232, 235

  Conran, Anthony (Tony) (1931–2013) 3, 11, 45, 59, 63, 545

  Constantine, David (b.1944) 581

  Cope, Wendy (b.1945) 588

  Copeland, James (1918–2002) 471

  Cornford, Frances (1886–1960) 399

  Cowper, William (1731–1800) 187, 188

  Crabbe, George (1754–1832) 205

  Crawford, Robert (b.1959) 637

  Crichton Smith, Ian (1928–98) 534, 535, 536

  Crossley-Holland, Kevin (b.1941) 13

  Crotty, Patrick 4

  Cruickshank, Helen B. (1886–1975) 400

  Dafydd ab Edmwnd (fl.1450–80) 59

  Dafydd ap Gwilym (c.1340) 44, 45

  Davies, Idris (1905–53) 391, 392

  Davies, W. H. (1871–1940) 336

  de la Mare, Walter (1873–1956) 336, 337

  Dharker, Imtiaz (b.1954) 622

  Donne, John (1572–1632) 115, 116, 117

  Dooley, Maura (b.1957) 636

  Douglas, Keith (1920–44) 432

  Downie, Freda (1929–93) 537

  Draycott, Jane (b.1954) 52

  Drayton, Michael (1563–1631) 94

  Duhig, Ian (b.1954) 620

  Dunbar, William (?1456–?1513) 61

  Dunn, Douglas (b.1942) 575

  Durcan, Paul (b.1944) 583

  Earle, Jean (1909–2002) 385

  Edgar, Marriott (1880–1951) 346

  Eliot, T. S. (1888–1965) 369, 374

  Elizabeth I (1553–1603) 78, 79

  Evans, Margiad (1909–58) 461

  Fainlight, Ruth (b.1931) 561

  Fanshawe, Catherine Maria (1765–1834) 211

  Fanthorpe, U. A. (1929–2009) 539

  Farley, Paul (b.1965) 658

  Fergusson, Robert (1750–75) 196, 199

  Fisher, Roy (b.1930) 560

  Fitzgerald, Earl Gerald (1335–98) 49

  Francis, Matthew (b.1956) 30

  Fyge, Sarah (1670–1723) 168

  Garioch, Robert (1909–81) 463, 464, 465

  Gascoyne, David (1916–2001) 429

  Gay, John (1685–1732) 174

  Gershon, Karen (1923–93) 526

  Glyn, Ifor ap (b.1961) 643

  Godley, A. D. (1856–1925) 312

  Graham, W. S. (1918–86) 491, 494, 495

  Graves, Robert (1895–1985) 443, 444

  Gray, Thomas (1716–71) 184

  Greene, Robert (1558–82) 93

  Greenlaw, Lavinia (b.1962) 648

  Greenwell, Dora (1821–82) 283

  Gregory, Lady Augusta (1852–1932) 35

  Gunn, Thom (1929–2004) 538

  Gurney, Ivor (1890–1937) 358, 359, 359

  Gwenallt Jones, D. (1899–1968) 446

  Hamer, Richard 11, 20

  Hamilton, Janet (1795–1873) 248, 250

  Hardy, Thomas (1840–1928) 294, 296, 297

  Harvey, F. W. (1888–1957) 382

  Heaney, Seamus (1939–2013) 6, 12, 17, 28, 33, 54, 57, 62, 138, 164, 171, 195, 550, 552, 553, 554

  Heath-Stubbs, John (1918–2006) 506

  Henri, Adrian (1932–2000) 481

  Henry, Paul (b.1959) 638

  Henryson, Robert (1425–1500) 54, 57

  Herbert, George (1593–1633) 129, 130, 131

  Herbert, W. N. (b.1961) 642

  Herrick, Robert (1591–1674) 124, 127, 128

  Hill, Geoffrey (1932–2016) 547

  Hogg, James (1770–1835) 221, 222

  Hollis, Matthew (b.1971) 16

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844–89) 299, 300, 301, 302

  Housman, A. E. (1859–1936) 314, 315

  Hughes, Ted (1930–98) 540, 541, 542

  Humphreys, Emyr (b.1919–) 456

  Ingelow, Jean (1830–97) 284

  Jackson, Kenneth Hurlstone (1909–91) 22, 25, 49

  Jacob, Violet (1863–1946) 315

  Jamie, Kathleen (b.1962) 647

  Jennings, Elizabeth (1926–2001) 531, 532, 533

  Johnson, Linton Kwesi (b.1952) 614

  Jones, David (1895–1974) 403

  Jones, Gwyn (1871–1949) 34, 309

  Jonson, Ben (1572–1637) 106, 108, 111

  Joyce, James (1882–1941) 378

  Kavanagh, Patrick (1904–67) 454, 456

  Kay, Jackie (b.1961) 639

  Keats, John (1795–1821) 251, 255, 256

  Kennelly, Brendan (b.1936) 564

  Kipling, Rudyard (1863–1936) 316

  Kitchener Davies, J. (1902–53) 450

  Kunial, Zaffar (b.1972) 668

  Langland, William (1332–86) 47

  Larkin, Philip (1922–85) 522, 523

  Lawrence, D. H. (1885–1930) 394, 395, 397

  Lear, Edward (1812–88) 285, 287

  Ledwidge, Francis (1887–1970) 407

  Leonard, Tom (b.1944) 587

  Lewis, Alun (1915–44) 425, 426, 428

  Lochhead, Liz (b.1947) 589

  Logue, Christopher (1926–2011) 480

  Longley, Michael (b.1939) 181, 619, 565

  Lowry, Malcolm (1909–57) 420, 421, 422

  Mac an Bhaird, Laoiseach (fl.late 16th c.) 138

  Mac Cuarta, Séamas dall (1650–1733) 164

  Macaulay, Rose (1881–1958) 357

  MacCaig, Norman (1910–96) 497, 498, 499

  MacDiarmid, Hugh (1892–1978) 386, 387

  MacDonald, Alexander (1695–1770) 178

  McGonagall, William (1825–1902) 281

  McGuckian, Medbh (b.1950) 596

  Mackinnon, Lachlan (b.1956) 628

  MacLeod, Mary (c.1616–c.1706) 144

  MacNeacail, Aonghas (b.1942) 578, 578

  MacNeice, Louis (1907–63) 417, 419, 420

  Maguire, Sarah (b.1957) 633

  Mahon, Derek (b.1941) 26, 568

  Maitland, Sir Thomas (1522–72) 77

  Marlowe, Christopher (1564–93) 96

  Marvell, Andrew (1621–78) 146, 148

  Maxwell, Glyn (b.1962) 645

  Meehan, Paula (b.1955) 626

  Mew, Charlotte (1869–1928) 327, 329, 332, 333

  Meynell, Alice (1847–1922) 307

nbsp; Milton, John (1608–74) 142

  Minhinnick, Robert (b.1952) 616

  Mitchell, Adrian (1932–2008) 483

  Mitchell, Elma (1919–2000) 509

  Monro, Harold (1879–1932) 344, 345

  Morgan, Edwin (1920–2010) 510, 511, 513

  Morrissey, Sinéad (b.1972) 666

  Morus, Huw (1622–1709) 155

  Muir, Edwin (1887–1959) 401, 402

  Muldoon, Paul (b.1951) 3, 598

  Nagra, Daljit (b.1966) 660

  Ní Chuilleanáin, Eiléan (b.1942) 578

  Ní Dhomnaill, Nuala (b.1952) 619

  Nicholson, Norman (1914–87) 503

  Norris, Leslie (1921–2006) 44, 515, 517

  O’Brien, Sean (b.1952) 618

  O’Connor, Frank (1903–66) 15, 20, 24, 27, 170

  O’Donoghue, Bernard (b.1945) 47

  Ó Dornín, Peadar (1700–69) 181

  O’Kelly, Pat (1754–1812) 202

  Ó Rathaille, Aodhágan (1670–1729) 170, 171

  Ó Súilleabháin, Eoghan Rua (1748–84) 195

  Oliphant, Caroline (1766–1845) 219, 220

  Orr, James (1779–1852) 237

  Oswald, Alice (b.1966) 661

  Owen, Wilfred (1893–1918) 360, 361, 363, 364

  Paterson, Don (b.1963) 654

  Philips, Katherine (1632–64) 160

  Pitter, Ruth (1897–1992) 445

  Plath, Sylvia (1932–63) 473, 476

  Pope, Alexander (1688–1744) 177

  Potter, Clare 643

  Pugh, Sheenagh (b.1950) 597

  Radford, Dollie (1858–1920) 313

  Raine, Kathleen (1908–2003) 459

  Read, Herbert (1893–1968) 408

  Reed, Henry (1914–86) 422

  Rees Jones, Deryn (b.1968) 662

  Reid, Alastair (1926–2014) 531

  Richmond, E. B. 41

  Ridler, Anne (1912–2001) 469

  Riley, Denise (b.1948) 593

  Riordan, Maurice (b.1953) 22

  Roberts, Lynette (1909–95) 466, 468

  Robinson, Mary (1758–1800) 209

  Rosenberg, Isaac (1890–1918) 355, 356

  Rossetti, Christina (1830–94) 278, 280


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