Resisting His Irish Spitfire: A Howls Romance (Shifters of Sanctuary Book 1)

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Resisting His Irish Spitfire: A Howls Romance (Shifters of Sanctuary Book 1) Page 2

by Kasey Belle

  She let her hand drop and fire shot from her narrowed eyes. “So you’re one of them, huh?”

  “Excuse me? One of who?”

  “Men who have a problem with women who don’t know their place.” She said as if her answer was obvious.

  He couldn’t find the words to deny her claim. Koda was too mesmerized by the spark in her eyes and slight Irish lilt in her voice that became more prominent with each angry word.

  “You know?” She ticked off her fingers. “Cooking your meals. Cleaning your house. Barefoot and pregnant.”

  Koda mentally groaned when an image of her belly swollen with his child popped into his head.

  “Koda doesn’t have a problem with women, Ella.” Doc looked over at him with a dubious expression. “Do you?”

  Not women in general. He only had a problem with this woman.

  Ella snorted. “Your silence speaks volumes.” She leaned in. Koda fisted his hands to stop himself from grabbing her and kissing that smart mouth. “You have two choices, Mister Stone. Me or find another vet. The nearest one is in Missoula. Good luck with that.” She raised her stubborn chin. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have a look around. I’d say it was a pleasure meeting you, Mister Stone, but I’m not sure it was.”

  Doc clucked his tongue shaking his head at Koda. “That was rude.”

  “Yeah, well.” Koda shrugged. Unable to come up with a plausible explanation. He didn’t think, she’s my mate and I want to fuck her, but I’m unworthy would go over well.

  “She’s right, though. It’s her or Missoula.”

  “What about you?”

  Doc’s gaze met his, the old man’s expression softened. “I’ll come when I can. But, like I said, I’m semi-retired and Ella is better. Think about it.”

  Doc patted him on the shoulder then walked off to catch up with Ella. No. Not Ella. Doctor Quinn. He would keep their interactions purely professional until he could find a way to get rid of her.


  Ella muttered to herself asking the powers that be why they made all sexy, hot as fuck men either gay, married, or assholes. Dakoda Stone was probably one of the finest men she’d ever seen. He was only a tad shorter than Doc’s six foot four-inch frame. Koda was stocky with broad shoulders and thick biceps. His chocolate brown hair fell over his forehead and brushed his collar. She wondered if it felt as silky as it looked. The scruff of his beard adorned his strong jaw and framed his kissable lips. His unwavering ice blue stare pissed her off and turned her on in equal measure. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to punch him or kiss him. Don’t get her started on the plaid shirt and tight blue jeans. “The man has lumberjack fantasy written all over him. I am so fucked.”

  She caught movement in her peripheral vision. A beautiful tan and white wolf hybrid stared at her from the fenced area next to a large metal building. She drew closer to the fence to get a better look at the animal. He appeared in excellent condition, healthy coat, average weight, and content brown eyes. He had the lines of a German Shepard but the intense baring of a wolf. The hybrid emitted a little yip.

  “You heard that, huh?”

  He chuffed.

  “So I noticed the man is gorgeous. Don’t judge me.” The pup tilted his head as if he was doing that very thing. Ella glanced back when she heard familiar lazy footsteps coming up behind her. She stayed where she was and waited for Doc to join her.

  When he finally did, Doc wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “I see you’ve met our Zeus.”

  “Not officially. He’s beautiful.” Ella studied the animal.

  “Most days you’ll find him here watching. I can’t figure out his role in the pack. We’re pretty sure he’s a beta, but he guards the pack like a sentinel.” Doc gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. “You okay, honey?”

  “Fine.” It would take more than Dakoda Stone and his bad attitude to upset her. She’d dealt with men who doubted her abilities and judged her because of her gender her entire career. “What an asshole.”

  Doc snickered. “Koda’s not that bad.” She sent him a look that called bullshit on his statement. “He’s not. I did warn you he wasn’t good with change.”

  “There’s stuck in your ways then there’s… that.” She waved a hand in Dakoda’s direction noticing he was still where she left him. Only now he was glaring daggers at her. She briefly considered sticking her tongue out at him, but decided she was more mature than that. At least today she was.

  “Koda’s worse now than he used to be,” he muttered. Doc glanced back and sighed. There was a sadness in his eyes. The expression was completely unnatural for a man known for his smile and she didn’t like it.

  “Why? What’s wrong with him, besides the obvious.” Not that she cared or anything.

  “Not my story to tell. Just know the anger isn’t personal.” Doc wore a thoughtful expression as he steered her towards the metal building. “Do me a favor, peanut.”

  Damn it! Why did he have to call her peanut? “Come on. That is so unfair,” she whined and literally stomped her foot like a child. “You know I can’t say no when you pull out that old endearment.”

  “Why do you think I used it?” He grinned. Ella rolled her eyes. “Be patient with Koda and don’t let him push you away. Koda’s a good guy. He growls, grunts, and gnashes his teeth, but it’s all for show to make people leave him alone. Personally, I think he needs a friend. Someone tough, who won’t take his shit. Someone like a certain pretty little redhead I know with a stubborn streak a mile wide.”

  “I hate you,” she pouted.

  “No you don’t.” He jostled her shoulder.

  Ella giggled and briefly laid her head on his shoulder like she used to when she was a girl. “You’re right. It’s impossible to even be mad at you.” She glanced back. Koda was nowhere in sight. “I swear on my Gran, if that man so much as twitches wrong in my direction, I will shoot him with a tranquilizer dart.”

  “Is it wrong that I would pay to see that?”

  “Not from where I’m standing.” They shared a laugh. She wove her arm around his. “Care to play tour guide, Old Man?”

  “Aye. I would love to.” He looked down at her. Mirth danced in his hazel eyes. “I don’t think Koda’s in the mood.”

  His deadpan delivery made her laugh again, easing the tension caused by Dakoda’s less than welcoming demeanor.

  She never actually promised she’d befriend the asshole, but she didn’t have to either. Doc knew she was a sucker for growling, distrustful, wounded animals. This one just happened to walk on two legs. She’d do her part. The rest was up to the sexy Mr. Stone.

  Chapter 2

  Koda was jolted from his sleep by a security alert pinging from his cellphone, letting him know the motion detectors outside the fence picked up movement. He grabbed the cell off the night table and opened the app selecting the camera option. “What the fuck?” Someone in a hoodie set a cardboard box by the gate then ran back to their truck. He rolled to the side of the bed and shoved his stump into the cuff of his prosthetic―forgoing the sleeve―cursing his inability to just throw on a pair of jeans and his boots like a normal person. Whoever it was would be long gone by the time he dressed. Hopefully, the camera mounted above the gate would catch the license plate. He had a feeling whatever was in that box wasn’t good. It never was.

  Koda finished dressing and went to his truck. Once he made it to the gate, the only thing out of place was the brown cardboard box. He hit the remote for the gate and it began to open as he climbed out. He sniffed the air. The scent of his mysterious visitor lingered. Human. Female. “Well that narrows it down to half the population,” Koda huffed.

  He didn’t sense a threat from the contents of the unwelcome package. As he drew closer, the smell hit him. Wolf. Dog. A hybrid. Young. Sickness. Shit. Koda moved faster, barely stopping himself from ripping the box open. He didn’t want to startle the animal. He sure as hell didn’t want it to attack him. Thank goddess the person had the common sense
to not seal the box, but just fold the flaps together which he carefully pulled open. Koda cursed when he spied what was inside. A mangy sickly puppy approximately eight weeks old. The thing looked starved to death and had some sort of skin condition. He reached in and ran a finger between its ears. Little ice blue eyes popped open and peered up at him with fear and hope.

  There was a white envelop tucked next to the pup. Koda took it out shoved it into his back pocket.

  “It’s going to be okay, buddy or girlie.” Koda grinned. “I won’t know until I actually check your undercarriage, but either way, we’ll get you taken care of.” The pup emitted a tiny whimper when he picked up the box. He placed it on the front bench seat and slid it over before climbing in.

  Koda hated keeping the little thing in the box but he was afraid he’d cause more harm than good if removed the pup. He certainly didn’t want to cause it more pain. He parked back in front of his cabin and carried the box inside setting in on the floor in front of the hearth then built a fire. Once he gave the pup some water, he called the vet. He got the answering service and left a message that he had an emergency. He knew Doc Halstead would call him right back, and he did.

  “Hey, Koda. I hear you have an emergency, son.”

  “Yes, sir. I do. I need you out here, ASAP.” He explained about the pup and his condition. Doc cursed under his breath.

  “Give us a few. We’ll head that way.”

  Koda didn’t know if we included Ella. Doc said we a lot and most of the time it was more the royal we than the actual we, but with Ella in the mix? Who the hell knew? He hoped Doc came alone. But, since fate seemed to be conspiring against him, he wouldn’t hold his breath.

  While he waited for Doc, Koda opened the envelope and removed the folded piece of paper from inside. It was a note. The handwriting barely legible as if whoever penned it had done so quickly.

  Mr. Stone,

  I saw an article online about the work you do. I wasn’t sure he’d survive the trip, but I didn’t know where else to take him. Please help him. You are his only hope. There are so many others, but he was in the worst shape. If you can, please save them all.

  Backyard puppy mill owned by Clem Hollis. Near Ketchum, Idaho.

  The address was written below.

  Damn, Idaho. Whoever it was must have driven all night. He prayed the pup’s guardian angel had a safe journey to wherever they were headed.

  Koda emailed his friend, Max, at Fish and Wildlife along with photos of the letter and the pup. Koda knew he’d know who to contact in Idaho to get the bastards shutdown and help the animals who could be saved and euthanize the ones who couldn’t. Sometimes the kindest thing you could do for an animal was put them out of their misery. He let Max know he could take some of the pups knowing Max would try to disperse them between his sanctuary and others in the west and southwest.

  Koda’s cellphone pinged again, this time letting him know someone gained entrance using the gate access code. He didn’t bother checking the camera feed. He knew it was Doc. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Doc’s truck he heard coming up the drive. It was Ella’s SUV.

  Panicked, Koda stood abruptly, catching the chair before it fell over. He couldn’t have her in his space. In the five weeks since she’d shown up uninvited on his doorstep, he never allowed her to step even a single dainty toe inside his home and that wasn’t about to change now. He’d never be able to rid his house of her scent. It was bad enough Koda walked around with a perma-rection when she was here, he didn’t need that kind of torture when she wasn’t. He’d lose his ever-loving mind if that happened. He was already half crazy from wanting her. She was his mate after all, but he wasn’t worthy of her. He was damaged beyond repair, both mentally and physically. Koda may be able to fix his head one day, but not his body. He was a wolf who would never be able to run with his pack.

  He rushed over to the pup and picked up the box. He practically ran to the door so he could be on the porch before Ella had a chance to exit her truck.

  “Hello Koda.” Ella tossed him a little wave as she climbed from her vehicle. “I hear you have an emergency.”

  Oh man. He both loved and hated that slight lilt in her voice when she said his name. He didn’t know her background because he refused to ask. However, if Koda had to guess he’d say she left Ireland at a young age or she had an Irish parent or two. Her accent―for the most part―was subtle only noticeable with certain words until she got riled. That’s where his hate came in. When she got her Irish up―pardon the pun―her accent thickened and sparks shot from her emerald eyes making him want to find the nearest flat surface and bury himself in her soft body.

  The smell of lavender and crisp ocean air hit him. He mentally groaned because there went his dick standing at attention and happy to see its mate. Ella was a beauty with a heart shaped face, multi-hued red hair―currently pile on top of her head in a familiar messy bun, big green eyes, pouty rose colored lips, and freckles sprinkled across her nose. Ella wore a hooded fleece jacket over a non-descript cotton shirt, jeans, and camel work boots. The ensemble wasn’t what anyone would consider sexy, well except him. It made him imagine what she had hidden under her clothes.

  Her slender hips swayed as she made her way towards him. She had this confident grace that drew you in. What you saw was what you got with Ella and there was nothing sexier than that.

  She stopped a few feet from him and cocked an eyebrow. She asked him a question. Right. The emergency. “I do.” He descended the steps. Ella was average height, but still shorter than his own six-two. He lowered the box so she could look inside.

  She let out a soft gasp. “Oh, poor baby. Where’d you find him?”

  “Where’s Doc?” He asked at the same time.

  She glanced up at him and hurt flashed through her eyes before she could mask it. “I asked first.”

  He heard the challenge in her voice. He knew she would ignore his question if he didn’t answer hers. It was another one of her traits that brought out a duality of emotion in him. He respected the hell out of her tenacity and found it maddeningly frustrating at the same time.

  “Someone dropped him by the gate this morning with a note.” He told her what it said causing a few creative curses to fall from her pretty lips about disgusting backyard breeders, their mothers, and inventive things to do with their balls.

  “I hope you reported it.”

  He frowned. “I’m insulted that you felt the need to mention that. Of course, I did.” Looking down his nose at her, he said, “Your turn.”

  She pulled a face and started walking toward the metal outbuilding that held the sanctuary’s quarantine and medical facilities. “Doc and Betty had a family emergency. They left town yesterday. Their daughter, Maizy, was in a car accident. She’ll be okay, but the impact snapped her tibia. Her husband is still deployed, and she has three young children. So Grandpa and Grandma came to the rescue.”

  “He didn’t mention it when I spoke to him earlier.”

  Ella snorted and the face she made said he should know why Doc didn’t. “Probably because he knew you’d put up a fuss.”

  “A fuss?” He turned to look at Ella as a sly smirk spread across her lips. “I am a man. We do not fuss.” He used air quotes.

  “Yes. You do. Men are the worst when it comes to fussing.” She gave him some side shade and jabbed a finger in his direction. “You can count yourself right up there with them, Dakoda Stone. You’re like a petulant five-year-old when you have your balls in a twist. Why’d you hire her?” she mocked in a deep voice. “I don’t like strangers at my sanctuary, Doc, especially not an icky girl. I’m pretty sure Ella’s got cooties.”

  Koda’s lips twitched as he fought to keep a scowl on his face. Ella amused him like nobody else ever had. She was so damned irreverent and had a smart mouth he itched to tame, but knew he never would. “I never said you had cooties,” he muttered.

  “It was implied in your scrunched up sneer of derision.” She came to an abrupt stop. Kod
a did the same concerned by the sudden change. Ella turned and tilted her head to the side as she studied him. She nodded as though she’d come to a decision then the tip of her finger touched the back of his hand. He automatically stiffened at the contact. “Circle. Circle. Dot. Dot. Now you have a cootie shot. You’ve been immunized. You’re welcome.” The sound of her laughter lingered as she rushed to open the door. She held it for him and gave a mocking bow when he walked by. She was such a brat.

  Chapter 3

  Koda placed the box on the steel exam table in the center of the room. Ella had been impressed with the sanctuary the second she laid eyes on it, well with everything except the name. The Sanctuary of Sanctuary? Honestly, who does that?

  Doc had explained the set up to her before she’d even taken the job. He knew it would be a selling point for her. When Koda created the refuge he had done so with great care and with the animals’ wellbeing in mind. The medical facility was fully stocked so they wouldn’t have to transport the rescues in order to give them the treatment they needed. Koda, during one of the few times he wasn’t being an ass, explained he felt the injured and abused animals didn’t need the extra stress and it was easier for them to acclimate if they could remain on site.

  “Here.” She handed him a pair of gloves. “Put those on. You don’t need to introduce any germs or bacteria on your hands to his open wounds.” Koda took them without argument. Huh. Miracles can happen.

  “It’s mange, right?”

  “Yes, demodectic mange. One of the most severe cases I’ve seen in a while.” Ella set about gathering supplies, preparing an IV and a few syringes. She glanced over her shoulder. “Could you grab the ultrasound machine and portable x-ray?”

  Koda did as she asked then removed the pup from the box. The poor little thing whimpered as he lifted him from the box. He gently set him on the metal exam table.

  “Could you lay him on his side?”


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