Resisting His Irish Spitfire: A Howls Romance (Shifters of Sanctuary Book 1)

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Resisting His Irish Spitfire: A Howls Romance (Shifters of Sanctuary Book 1) Page 9

by Kasey Belle

  “Yet, implies that you will be one day.”

  He growled and fisted the neck of the shirt ripping it down the middle. “Never. Not in this lifetime or the next. You saved me Ella.” He gripped her hips and lifted her until the head of his cock kissed her opening. “So wet already.” He pushed her down and slowly pressed up, filling her. “I have a life because of you.”

  Ella planned on making his life even better, by giving him back something important he lost when he was injured. She mentally rubbed her hands together. She had a surprise of her own to work on for the man who owned her heart. Dakoda’s wolf was getting a magic leg. She’d have to call in several favors to have it ready within a month, but Dakoda’s wolf would run with his pack again, come hell or high water.

  All thoughts of family and plans fled when Koda flipped Ella to her back and began thrusting inside her.

  Chapter 14

  Twenty-nine days later, Koda stopped in front of the ornate iron gate, blocking the entrance to his family’s property, and rolled his window down, but made no attempt to do anything other than stare at the key pad.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He glanced at her with a frown. “I’m afraid our surprise is about to be ruined. I don’t know the code. I should have thought of that.”

  “You don’t remember it?”

  “I remember my old code.”

  “Then enter it.”

  “It’s been years, El.” He explained matter-of-factly, as if she didn’t know that. “I’m sure they deleted it from the system by now.”

  Ella pulled a face. “I seriously doubt that. Humor me.”

  Koda let out an exasperated breath. “Fine.” He did punching the numbers into the keypad. A double beep came from the speaker before the gate began to open. She couldn’t help but give Koda an I told you so. He growled in return.

  A tall slim woman dressed in a long purple sweater, skinny jeans, and ankle boots was waiting on them when they pulled up in front of the house. Her hand flew to her mouth when she saw Koda.

  “Looks like someone is happy to see you.” She and Koda shared a smile. “Go on and say hi to your mom. I’ll let myself out.”

  Stubborn as he was, Koda set his jaw in a mutinous angle and glared at her. “I will do no such thing. I’ll come around and open your door like a gentleman. Wait there.”

  Other members of Koda’s family had joined his mother by the time he made his way around to Ella’s door. She knew the two men had to be Koda’s father and brother.

  As soon as Ella was out of the car, Koda’s mom ran towards him. He visibly braced himself. Ella laughed as the woman practically tackled Koda in a fierce hug. “I’m missed you, baby boy.”

  “Missed you too, Mom.” Koda wrapped his arms around her picking her off her feet as he returned the hug.

  She giggled like a school girl. “Put me down, Koda.” His mom playfully shoved at his chest. “Let me meet who you’ve brought with you.”

  Koda did as his mother requested then wrapped an arm around Ella’s waist. He stood tall and proud as he looked down at her and smiled. The look in Koda’s eyes melted her heart. Ella didn’t think it was possible to fall more in love, but she did every time he turned those blue eyes on her. “Mom,” he said without looking away. “This is Ella. My mate.”

  Koda’s father and brother howled and the other’s cheered startling Ella. She hadn’t expected such an exuberant welcome. Not knowing what else to do, she nodded a hello and waved.

  “Aren’t you just lovely?” Koda’s mother pressed her palms to her cheeks. “This day just keeps getting better and better. When I woke up this morning… Well, let’s just say I didn’t expect this for my birthday.”

  The next thing Ella knew Koda’s mom grabbed her and nearly squeezed the breath from her body.

  “Maggie, the girl needs to breathe sometime.” Mr. Stone chided with an indulgent smile.

  Koda’s mother let her go. “Sorry, dear.”

  Ella waved away her concern. She hadn’t minded. It had been a while since she’d felt a mother’s hug. “No harm done.” She held out her hand to Mr. Stone. “You must be Koda’s father.”

  He brushed away her hand and pulled her into a fatherly hug. “Call me Thorne or Dad―if you’re comfortable with that. You are my son’s mate after all.” He patted her back. “Thank you,” he whispered in her ear. “I know you did this.”

  Koda introduced her to his brother Stephan, his sister-in-law Deirdre, and their son Matt. After pleasantries were exchanged, Thorne ushered her and Koda inside. Koda protested wanting to retrieve the box she’s stowed away in the back of her SUV. Ella quickly persuaded him to worry about it later. She had yet to reveal it was not a gift for his mother.

  Ella stood at the counter and poured herself a glass of wine covertly watching Koda as he interacted with his father and brother. A hand thrust an empty wine glass in front of her. Ella looked over at Koda’s mother who smiled brightly with unshed tears in her eyes.

  “I don’t know how you made this happen, but thank you. It’s been almost five years since he stepped foot on pack land and this house. I thought… I’d almost given up hope of ever reaching him.” Mrs. Stone reached up and quickly wiped away a tear. “I worried that one day I’d get a phone call.” Her words trailed off at the end.

  Ella nodded. She heard what Koda’s mother didn’t say. She’d been worried Koda would eventually take his own life. The thought made Ella want to vomit, especially since she knew he had tried to do it at least once. “You can rest easy now. That won’t happen. Not on my watch.”

  “My boy has a mate now so it won’t. It would be impossible for him to do such a thing now. But it’s always nice to hear you have a warrior for a daughter.”

  “Oh.” That was all she managed to say. Ella hadn’t expected Koda’s family to hate her or anything, but the instant acceptance as one of them? No, Ella never thought that would happen, at least not today.

  “You aren’t close to your parents?”

  “Um, my mom and I were extremely close. She died when I was fourteen. Cervical cancer. It wasn’t a shock. We knew it was coming, but I don’t think you can ever prepare for someone you love to die. It was just me and my dad after that. My dad’s great. He kept it together for me even though I knew he wanted to crawl into a corner and fall apart. He’s dating a nice woman now. They travel a lot. It’s weird, but I’m happy for him. He was alone for far too long.”

  Maggie nodded her understanding. “Let’s sit down and fix our plates, before the men eat all the food.”

  Ella loved Koda’s family. His brother Stephan, who looked like an older version of Koda, was amusing as hell. He rarely let a comment slide without a snarky comeback. His son Matt was a sweet kid with a teasing grin. Deirdre was a no nonsense woman who kept both of them in line.

  “So,” Stephan addressed Koda with a twinkle in his blue eyes. “A vegetarian mate, huh? How’s that working out for you, little brother?”

  “It’s no big deal.” Koda shrugged. “More meat for me.”

  Stephan turned his attention to Ella. “I’m surprised you let him bring that icky stuff into the house.”

  “I see. That’s how it’s going to be is it?” Ella stated in a thick accent that would make her Gran proud.

  Koda’s father held up a hand demanding silence. “Before you turn the tables on my oldest, Ella.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Were you born in Ireland? I detected the lilt in your voice earlier, but wanted to give you a moment to acclimate yourself before the interrogation.”

  Ella laughed. “Thank you.” Thorne gave her a regal nod. “I was born in Ireland, but we moved to the states when I was five. My father went to college here and received a job offer at the University of Colorado. Both my parents were from Ireland so, although muddled, I retained an accent.”

  “Thank you.” He gestured his hand at Stephan. “You may proceed.”

  “Back to this vegetarian thing. I am not a milit
ant vegan. My mother died of cancer, so I try to eat as clean as possible. My genetics are a strike against me and I’d like to give them as little chance to turn on me.”

  “First of all, I’m sorry about your mother.” Stephan gave her sad smile. “I know what it’s like to lose someone you love.” He shot a quick glance at Koda. “Second. Didn’t Koda explain you don’t have to worry about cancer now that you’re mated? His DNA changed your physiology when he bit you. You can no longer fall prey to human illnesses.”

  Ella shot a narrowed eyed glare at Koda who looked everywhere but at her. She leaned forward putting her sole attention on Stephan. “Excuse me?”

  “Dude?” Matt stared wide-eyed at his uncle. “You didn’t tell her? I don’t have a girlfriend and even I know you shouldn’t keep things from your woman. Especially, not something as important as that.”

  “So let me this straight,” Ella leaned back in her chair crossing her arms over her chest. “For the past month, I’ve sat and watched Dakoda devour beef, pork, chicken and pound after pound of bacon, salivating over how delicious it smelled when I could have been eating it?” She reached out and smacked the back of Dakoda’s head. “What the actual hell?”

  “In my defense, babe I didn’t put two and two together, until now.”

  “So when you asked me why I was a vegetarian and I told you I became one after my mother died of cancer, you didn’t think they were related?”

  “Again, in my defense, you were naked at the time.”

  “Nice save, brother.” Stephan reached over the table for a high-five from Koda. Deirdre jabbed her husband in the ribs, told him to behave and not encourage Koda’s stupidity.

  Ella’s face heated with embarrassment. She was speechless, stunned that Koda would so casually mention an intimate detail.

  Maggie reached over and squeezed her hand. “Don’t feel embarrassed, dear. Shifters are open about such things. It took me a while to get used to it, but eventually you do.”

  She turned her attention to Koda. He wore a sheepish expression and mouthed, “sorry.” Ella rolled her eyes knowing she couldn’t stay mad at him. However, she couldn’t let he actions go unpunished. She took her fork, jabbed the half of steak on his plate, and placed it on hers. He opened his mouth to protest, but promptly closed it when she sent him a pointed look. “Eat your vegetables, Koda. They’re good for you.”

  Thorne caught her attention. Merriment danced in his eyes and he winked at her. The others snickered and gave her approving nods, even Koda.

  “Nicely, played,” he muttered before shoveling a forkful of baked potato into his mouth.

  After dinner, Ella asked Koda to help her outside. They went to her SUV. “You see now that you didn’t have to get my mother a gift, right? Although, I have to tell you. I can’t wait to see what you bought her.” Koda opened the rear door.

  He went to grab the box, but Ella stopped him. He arched an eyebrow. “It’s not for your mother.”

  “It’s not?”

  Ella shook her head. “I probably shouldn’t give it to you after you made me watch you eat bacon.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I swear I didn’t realize. If I had, I would have gone to the butcher and bought you all the bacon you wanted.” He kissed slow. His tongue leisurely explored her mouth as he held her in his arms letting her know without words how much he loved her.

  Ella sighed when their lips parted. “Okay. I forgive you.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Thank you, love. Now what’s in the box?”

  “It’s your magic leg, Lieutenant Dan.”

  Koda froze. “I already have a prosthetic, Ella,” he said carefully. Vulnerability swam in his luminescent blue eyes.

  “Yes, you do.” Ella played with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Your wolf, however, does not.”

  “Ella,” he croaked. Tears and hope filled his eyes. “You didn’t? How?” He blew out a breath. “Holy shit.”

  “I called in a few favors. Open the box, Koda.”

  Excitement lit his face as he tore into the cardboard. He cursed at the molded Styrofoam packing inside that secured the hard case in place. Scraps of brown cardboard and bits of white polystyrene littered the ground at their feet by the time he removed the case. Koda took a steady breath, released the latches, and raised the lid. Nestled in custom fitted protective foam was an adjustable prosthetic with a lightweight blade for high energy return already attached. The standard foot sat in its own compartment.

  “Wow.” Koda’s awed expression made her smile. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “I would do anything for you, Dakoda Stone. You deserve to run with your pack again. The socket is adjustable and may be a bit awkward at first. A permanent prosthetic would have required them to screw into your bone and that wouldn’t work for you.”

  He shook his head looking beyond speechless. He removed the prosthetic from the case with care.

  “So, what do you say? Want to take this baby for a spin?” Ella wagged her eyebrows.

  Koda set the prosthetic down and gathered her up in his arms, lifting her off her feet. Ella wrapped her legs around his waist. “I love you so much, Ella. I don’t know what I did to deserve you. You were a pipe dream, something I wanted but could never have. I’ll never take you for granted. I’ll never forget what a gift you are or how blessed I am that you’re mine.”

  It was her turn to be speechless. This was the most loving moment she’d ever experienced.


  The next morning, Koda held Ella in his arms with a smile still on his face. He was the big spoon to her little spoon. Her ass snug to his crotch and it took all his self-control to let her sleep. The events of last night had been beyond his wildest dreams. He’d reconnected with his family. His mate fit in seamlessly with them as it should be. However, that wasn’t what made sleep elusive. It was his mate and her generous heart. She’d given Wolf back his freedom. For the first time in five years, they felt the wind in their fur and the cool dirt under their paws as they ran with the pack. Koda didn’t even have the words to express his gratitude, not that Ella would accept it. After he shifted back, Ella held him as he wept, because he couldn’t contain his emotions any longer.

  “She’s perfect. I love her so damn much. I’m trying really hard to not say I told you so.”

  “Yeah. Thanks for the valiant effort.”

  Wolf laughed. “You’re welcome.”

  Ella snuggled into his embrace and sniffed. “Wow, you’re thinking so hard I smell smoke.”

  He snorted a laugh and poked Ella in the ribs making her squeal. “Smart ass.”

  She laced her fingers with his. “Speaking of thinking, I had a thought.”

  He buried his face in her hair and inhaled her scent. Damn, she smelled delicious. “Why does that scare me?”

  “Because you’re an ass?” She quipped, but there was no animosity in her words.

  He didn’t have to see her face to know she was smiling. He heard it in her voice. Koda nuzzled the back of her neck then placed a kiss just below her right ear. “What was your thought?” he whispered.

  “There has to be a lot of shifters out there with combat injuries or other issues caused by their deployment in the Middle East like PTSD. Right?”

  “Most likely.”

  “You have so much land―.”

  “We,” he corrected.

  “We have so much land. We could expand the refuge and take in more animals and perhaps build a dozen cabins?

  He knew where she was going with this, but held his tongue. He wanted to know every little idea her brilliant mind created. His sexy spitfire was a highly intelligent woman. She never ceased to amaze him, like now.

  “If you, correction we, expanded there would be more work than either of us or the few hands you have working here could manage.” She shifted in his arms rolling over until she faced him. “There has to be a way to get the word out that The Sanctuary of Sanctuary―we really need
to consider changing the name―” She rolled her eyes when he grinned but didn’t agree. “Anyway, there has to be a way to let combat modified shifter vets, such as yourself, know we’re looking to hire them. Give them, for the lack of a better term, sanctuary. Maybe, vets in general. I mean, they don’t have to be shifters. What do you think about my idea?” Ella chewed her lower lip as if she expected him to hate it.

  A sense of pride welled up in him. Ella was so kind and caring, and she was all his. He still felt unworthy of her. Not because he was damaged, but because no one could ever be worthy of Ella Quinn, soon to be Stone. How could he have ever thought he could live without her? The goddess had truly blessed him.

  Wolf snorted and in a sing-song voice said, “Told you so.”

  Koda refused to respond.

  Her forehead wrinkled as she frowned. “Well?”

  “Sorry. Lost in thought.” He shot her a sheepish grin. “It think your idea is brilliant.”

  A brilliant smile lit up her face. “Yeah?”

  “Definitely. I also think we should stick with shifter vets, for now.” He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Have I told you today how much I love you?”

  “Earlier when you woke me up with your penis.” She giggled. “But you can tell me again if you want with or without your erection.”

  “How magnanimous of you, little brat.” He caressed her lips with his before placing a quick kiss on them. “I’ll talk with my father. He ran a damn Fortune 500 company. I bet he could teach me all I need to know about expansion and juggling more than a handful of employees. He’ll also know who to contact at the Shifter Council to get the word out to the vets.”

  “Awesome.” She rubbed her bare chest against his firing up his libido. His cock hardened instantly. “So,” she purred.

  “So,” he responded with a growl.

  “About the name.”

  Koda pressed her back into the mattress and slipped inside her in one smooth stroke. For the next few hours the only name Ella was worried about was his and she screamed it loud and often.

  The End


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