Rune Master

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Rune Master Page 22

by Amelia Wilson

  The man grabbed his head, clearly distressed. “No, I didn’t.”

  “Okay let’s believe for a moment you didn’t do it, or if you did, you don’t remember doing it. Who would have put you up to such a thing? I recognized the Alornian symbol on the sword sticking out of Harold’s body. Are you part of that clan?” Lily discreetly shifted her bottom in the tree to see if she was stuck. When she was sure she wasn’t, she pulled herself out.

  “I am, second in command, I would never do this. I’m Jeremy by the way. I feel weird not knowing your name as well.” Jeremy held his hand out and shook hers.

  “I’m Lily Spencer. My husband said Alornians were our enemies at one point.” She stood shaking her skirt left to right in an attempt to get the twigs out of her dress and brushed her legs off.

  “I’m sure that’s true, but I don’t know anything about it. There hasn’t been any fighting in decades, and I had no desire to come on Slamarian land. I didn’t even know where it was.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to take me with you to your home because I’m going to be considered a suspect and things don’t go well for someone suspected of killing one of their own,” Lily said.

  There was a rustle of movement in the distance and then shouting in the woods. It didn’t take long to realize the guards had caught up with them.

  “We need to move,” Jeremy said. “You’re going to need to ride me.”

  “I beg your pardon?” she sputtered. Lily’s eyes widened at the implication and an illicit vision crawled into her mind. What exactly was he implying? As if reading her thoughts, Jeremy rolled his eyes and planted his hands on his hips. “In bear form, you’re going to need to ride me in bear form if we want to have any chance of escape” he snorted.

  The shouting got louder, and Lily saw Jeremy’s skin shimmer. He was going to shift, and she really had no choice if she wanted to go with him. She had no idea where the rival clan’s home was. When his transformation was complete, he growled at her, and she climbed on his back once again wishing she’d not worn a dress.

  Jeremy’s luxurious fur rubbed against her raw thighs. It soothed the ache the rough tree bark had left behind. Beneath her, she felt him shudder. Lily was barely settled as she leaned forward and lay flat against his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he bolted, forcing her to bite back a squeal as they were propelled forward. There was no reason to let the guards know where they were so she clutched on tightly and squeezed her eyes shut.

  Lily couldn’t help but think how inappropriate Harold would have thought it would have been to let her ride him in bear form. The thought made her smile. He would never have allowed it. Harold thought a lot of things were beneath her. He’d call a town car or rent something fancy to drive her wherever she needed to go. He took care of her and made sure she was always comfortable.

  Despite the fact, Harold knew she didn’t love him, he would have done anything for her. They’d fallen into a comfortable way of living together. Stefan, his brother, had become her best friend over time. Maybe she shouldn’t have fled. She could have told Stefan exactly what happened and he would have believed, wouldn’t he?

  Despite the kindred friendship they had formed, she wasn’t sure, and that feeling cut her the most. The bear beneath her moved faster, jolting her back to reality. Surely the guards were long gone. She allowed her thoughts to move to the strange man she had somehow become caught up with.

  She’d heard it was pure bliss for the weres to be free, running whenever they wanted too. Lily could almost feel the pleasure coming off his fur in waves as he maneuvered effortlessly through the trees. There was an elegance you wouldn’t think possible from such a large creature. Harold had always been very secretive about his shifts, almost as if he had been ashamed of it. He’d never let her watch him and going with him on a hunt would have been out of the question.

  Once they reached the edge of the woods, Jeremy let her down. Her legs wobbled and she found herself having to steady herself with his large back before she could walk. Her stomach rolled uncomfortably and she took deep breaths. It was as if the sheer velocity of the ride had thrown off her equilibrium off balance, and the world spun a bit.

  His fur shimmered, and his large body began to shrink. He shifted back to human form. “Are you alright?”

  “That was horrifying,” she gasped, forcing down the lump of bile in her throat. She ran trembling hands down the front of her dress, trying to set it back into place and cover her legs.

  A smirk tilted Jeremy’s lips. “It wasn’t that bad.” His grin told her he thought it was amusing that she had been so scared. With a small tilt of his head in a gesture to follow him, he led her to the mouth of a cave.

  “You live underground?” She recoiled at the thought. Only moments before she’d been suspended high above the earth, and now she was being forced into it. She shivered with apprehension.

  A mischievous light filled Jeremy’s eyes. “Would you just go in?”

  Lily stared at him briefly before slowly nodding and taking a step forward. She didn’t know this man from Adam, and yet, here she was walking into a mysterious cave with him. Would this day get any stranger?

  You’ve lost your mind, a voice inside her head chided. She’d just lost her husband, and the clan’s entire guard was out hunting her. What more did she have to lose?

  How about your life?

  Pushing down her nagging conscience, she took another step into the cave’s yawning entrance. As it just so happened, the cave was simply and illusion, a way into their clan, and a large gorgeous waterfall was the dramatic way in. Lily felt the cool spray of the water kiss her face as they walked over smooth, well-worn stones. Tiny rainbows danced on the drops as they made their way behind the falls which hid a small tunnel.

  The tunnel walls glistened with dampness as they proceeded down its lengthy path. Every few yards torches were lit to guide their way, shimmering against the walls where they hung. The sound of the waterfall grew faint as they left it behind them, and in front of them, light fanned outward. As they reached the opposite end of the tunnel, Lily gasped as she took in her surroundings.

  Beyond, the air was clear and crisp. Lily took a deep breath and smiled. Her surroundings were breathtaking. She was in a city built—not with trees—but made of trees. The trees where she lived had been cut away to make room for their homes The lands had been cleared for developments and other things for their clans. That wasn’t the case here. Instead of destroying nature, this clan had done the complete opposite and become one with nature. It was the most magnificent thing Lily had ever seen. If they weren’t basically fleeing for their lives, she would have been content to stare at it all day.

  “This is so much bigger than Cedar Falls,” Lily said looking up at the massive waterfall. Try as she might, she couldn’t keep the awe from her voice. In the small town where she and Harold had lived, they had a waterfall that had been named after her. This one tripled its size.

  Every single aspect of the community was interwoven with the trees and nature. The intricate designs of the woodwork on the houses was breathtaking. The craftsmanship alone was stunning. The forest had been preserved while still offering shelter to this clan in a way that was more beautiful than she had ever witnessed before.

  Jeremy beamed at her proudly, opening his arms wide and slowly turning. “Welcome to Blue Falls, my home. Now, we need to hide you.”

  Without warning, he pulled something from the bag he had been carrying, and threw a heavy cloak over her head and shoulders. Quickly, he put an arm around her. “Right this way grandma, I can’t wait to show you where I live.” To make the disguise complete, Jeremy was yelling like she was hard of hearing or like he was making sure everyone around heard him. It would have been funny if it wasn’t filling her with rage. She imagined it was because she felt like he was saying she was weak even though it was just for show.

  “You know how your hip acts up when you’re out too long.” Jeremy was really h
amming it up.

  “Are you kidding me?” Lily hissed from beneath the weight of the cloak. It felt like it was made of lead. Her thighs burned with each step as she tried to straighten her body.

  “No,” he hissed back. “We don’t know what’s going on. I think you killed your husband and you think I did. Neither one of us seem to know anything and everyone in this town is nosey. So, shush, and play grandma.”

  He raised his voice again, louder this time. “We’ll find you a nice rocking chair and some sweet tea so you can reminisce about the good old days,” he said as he tried to sell his charade.

  Lily felt heat creep through her body. One, because she was angry and two, because the cloak was exceptionally warm. It wasn’t a cold day by any means. Still, she didn’t complain anymore and let him lead her into the town towards what she hoped was his house. It wasn’t surprising he still thought she killed her husband, but she thought maybe somehow she’d gained his trust. After all, why would someone who suspected you of murder help you escape?

  Why would you allow someone you suspected murdered your husband lead you into a cave? Her mind made a valid point.

  As she became lost in her thoughts, her feet suddenly became tangled, and she stumbled. The cloak was jerked from her head. When she looked up one person was staring right at her. He was a younger man maybe in his early twenties and large. He held a basket of tomatoes, and his mouth was wide open. She wondered if he somehow recognized her. It wasn’t like she’d gotten out that much since she married Harold.

  Jeremy jerked her up and back under the cloak, dragging her forward.

  Their steps moved more rapidly as he spoke to the other person. “Donovan, you’re in this now. You could have avoided it buddy, but the princess here is clumsy. Come with me.”

  “What do you mean princess? I wouldn’t have tripped if I could see,” Lily grumbled as she quickened her steps. “Maybe you should try walking under this thing. See how you like it,” she snapped.

  “I’m not the one trying to stay hidden.”

  “I’m not either. This is your doing,” Lily fired back. If there was one thing she couldn’t stand, it was being talked down to by men. If he’d just let her walk like a normal person, it wouldn’t be as difficult.

  “Okay,” the other guy said. She heard his footsteps fall in rhythm with theirs as he walked beside them. “That’s your horses’ mat, isn’t it?” He asked tugging at the cloak.

  “Great, I’m going to smell like a horse.” Lily snapped. “Well, that at least explains the smell. I was beginning to wonder if that awful odor was coming from you,” “You’re a pain in the neck,” Jeremey grunted.

  “And you’re a pain in my ass,” she fired back.

  The continued to walk in silence.

  Once they had gotten to the edge of town, Jeremy finally removed the cloak. Lily sucked in a deep breath after being confined for so long. The cool, clean air filled her lungs gratefully. Slowly, Lily stretched her arms above her head and twisted her back, glad to be free from the weight of the cloak.

  “This is Blue Falls,” Jeremy pointed to another large waterfall right on the edge of town, and it was just as pretty as the first. The look of pride on his face was contagious. Lily could tell he loved where he was from. Even from this distance, she could tell the waterfall was massive. “We’re going over that.”

  Lily followed Jeremy’s finger to see a wooden bridge that stretched across a canyon to the falls. There was nothing even remotely sturdy about it. Some of the boards had large holes worn in them, and the rope looked frayed.

  “Oh no, we’re not. You’re out of your mind if you think I’m going over that disaster waiting to happen.” She crossed her arms tightly over her chest. Lifting her chin defiantly, Lily narrowed her eyes at him in a challenge.

  “Donovan,” Jeremy snapped his fingers and laughed pointing to her. A knowing smirk spread across his face.

  To Lily’s surprise, Donovan walked forward and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. He walked towards the bridge with her, following Jeremy as they moved forward. His hands were surprisingly gentle as they held her around the waist and thighs.

  “Put me down you big brute.” Lily squealed as she tried to kick at him. Her fists pounded into his back, but he didn’t even flinch. With her hands throbbing, she refused to give up. She continued to beat on him until her forearms ached from the exertion.

  “No need for name calling princess, he’s just going to help you across,” Jeremy said smugly as he placed his foot on the first rickety piece of board.

  Lily watched the bridge sway as Donovan stepped out onto the rope bridge and fought the urge to pass out. She closed her eyes tightly and prayed the bridge would hold Donovan’s weight combined with hers. It didn’t look like it would support a mouse walking across it, much less three adults.

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