The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series

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The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series Page 6

by Bonnie Somerville

  Rachael couldn’t help but stare, the resemblance was remarkable. There had to be a familial connection between Eno and Kaley. “I’m sorry Rachael is staring, she’s just curious about you. When we get back home and you come to visit me in the city some people will stare at you because you’re a stranger but don’t be afraid they won’t hurt you.” Kaley reassured. Rachael stopped staring finally. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Eno.” She said. Rachael held out her hand in greeting. Eno looked from Rachael to Kaley and back again. “It’s alright. Shaking hands is a typical way for people who first meet to greet each other. Like this.” Kaley reached out her hand to Rachael and they shook hands.

  Then Rachael held out her hand to Eno once more. Eno held out her hand cautiously. Rachael smiled and shook her hand gently giving it one pump and then letting go. Eno looked at Kaley who was leaning back against the tree. “Mate?” Eno said. “Yes Eno, Rachael is my wife, we’re partners in life. We’ll raise our baby together.” Kaley explained. Eno looked sidelong at Rachael smiling. “Two” Eno said. Rachael looked from Eno to Kaley questioningly. Kaley chuckled. “Eno thinks we’re going to have twins.” Kaley told Rachael. Rachael started to laugh but stopped herself. She thought about it for a moment and gulped audibly. Kaley and Eno both laughed. “If we’re going to have twins we are going to need lots of help Eno. Maybe you should come live with us for a while and help take care of them.” Kaley suggested. Eno looked from Kaley to Rachael. “It’s ok you don’t have to decide now. It can wait until you’re more comfortable with us and the city.” Kaley said taking some desert out of the basket.

  Rachael took the opportunity to ask an important question. “Eno, are there others that are like you who live in the forest?” She inquired. Eno just looked away. Kaley reached out and took her hand. “We don’t have to talk about that now. I just want to sit and relax with my wife and my best friend.” Kaley pulled Eno as close to her as possible so that they were shoulder to shoulder and thigh to thigh. She held Eno’s hand gently rubbing her thumb across her knuckles. Kaley’s head was resting against the tree, her eyes closed. Kaley must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew Eno was waking her up to go. Eno helped her to her feet and guided her to the surrey.

  The journey continued with Eno slipping back into the forest. “Why did you stop me from asking about the others?” Rachael asked. “She’s just beginning to trust us and I have a feeling she has been out in the woods alone for a very long time. She needs companionship… there’s plenty of time to get our answers.” Kaley squeezed Rachaels’ hand. “She already trusts you, even I can see that. I’m starting to see a new side of you. You’re going to be an excellent mother.” Rachael said smiling. “Does this new side of me make you want to run away from home?” Kaley joked and Rachael chuckled. “Not a chance my darling, I’m in this for the long haul. What were you saying about Eno coming to live with us?” She asked. “I would like to see her come in from the forest. I want her to have the option to live in the city if she wants. She needs a family and a home. We can be her family.” Kaley explained. Rachael understood that Kaley had a particular affinity for Eno. “Do you think you could have been just like her if you hadn’t had such a wonderful family?” Rach wondered out loud. Kaley pursed her lips. “I think there is more to this story and I intend to have a very serious discussion with Aunt Loki when we get back. In the meantime Eno deserves to have a life like everyone else. When she is settled in I will find out about the others. If necessary I will go out there with her help and find them and win their trust too. How can we think of making The Cove better for my people and ignore the ones that have fallen through the cracks. Eno is a young woman who can be an asset to any community, particularly The Cove if she decides to live there. She and the others might be just what that community needs. They’re the missing pieces to the puzzle.” Kaley said hopefully. ~


  From the seat of the surrey Rachael and Kaley surveyed Cambridge Landing as they entered. Eno had elected to stay behind in the forest. Kaley wished Eno would come and stay with them in their home. She wasn’t worried about her in the traditional sense but she wasn’t sure how long she would be able to venture out into the woods to visit with her.

  They were greeted by Catherine and her daughter Viva who was also Rachael’s cousin and one of the towns Doctors, along with Aunt Loki and a few others. Rachael hopped down from the rig and went to help Kaley. Viva helped Kaley as well, she was anxious to get a look at the mother to be. She was responsible for the welfare of everyone but she especially loved working with mothers and babies. Not that there had been much use for her particular skills in the past but that was changing. Viva took Kaley’s arm. “I’m so glad you’re here Kaley, by my calculations you’re very close. I want you to come back to the clinic with me so I can examine you. You’ve been without medical care the whole time you’ve been gone.” Viva suggested. “I was planning on going to the bathroom, having a shower and nap before I do anything.” Kaley said leaving little room for discussion. “Of course, by all means do that and a light snack wouldn’t hurt but then I want to see you at the clinic. That is not negotiable.” Viva stated frankly. “I’ll make sure she comes right after dinner.” Rachael promised. “How did your assignment go Rachael?” Catherine came forward to give Rachael and Kaley a warm hug. “It went very well Auntie. You should have seen Kaley… she was terrific. She practically single handedly secured the agreement not only from Nicola but paved the way for the rest of the Elders. She was awesome.” Rachael bragged. “Once you’re cleaned up and have Kaley settled I want to hear all about it.” Catherine smiled.

  Rachael and Kaley went to the showers and washed the two days of dust and sweat from their bodies. When they were done Rachael went to visit with Catherine while Kaley napped. “Would you like some tea Rachael?” Queen Catherine asked. “Yes ma’am that would be wonderful. I’m so glad to be home.” Rachael took a seat next to the window. “I’m glad you’re home too. Without getting into details of the negotiations at this point tell me everything else that happened.” Catherine instructed. Rachael sipped her tea. “The Cove is very much as I have described it previously. There are five or six multi-generational homes and have a loose cooperative structure. Nicola, Kaley’s mother is their unofficial leader. It would be nice if that could be formalized making her the Mayor of the town. It has no Doctor, no store and no amenities. There isn’t even a proper livery just an old broken down barn that is used by everyone.” Rachael explained.

  “We were prepared for a heated argument when we arrived but Kaley knew exactly what to say to make things right.” Rachael told her Aunt. Catherine sat squinting listening with her first finger to her lips. “It sounds like they wanted help but were too afraid to ask. They’re ready to become self-sufficient and that makes our jobs that much easier.” Catherine stated. “There’s one thing I need to discuss with you at this point Auntie and I want you to hear me out before saying anything.” Rachael asked. Catherine nodded at Rachael. “Before we left for Dori’s Cove Kaley thought she saw something in the forest. We didn’t know exactly what it was so we didn’t say anything at the time. As we travelled we realized we were being followed. Kaley made contact with a young woman on the trail, well more accurately in the forest. She looked like she was from The Cove but Kaley doesn’t recognize her.” Rachael took a long breath and tried to gauge Catherines’ reaction but Catherine gave away nothing. “I need you to tell me Auntie about the people who live in the forest.” Rachael said sternly. Catherine actually squirmed in her chair. Rachael had never seen her Aunt squirm, not over anything, not ever. It almost amused her to see such a formidable woman uncomfortable. She was beginning to see her Aunt in a new light.

  This trip had been full of firsts. “Why is it so important?” Catherine asked. Rachael looked her Aunt in the eye and in the most serious tone she could muster said. “Aunt Catherine we’ve made friends with a young woman who looks like she could be Kaley’s sister or close
relative. She’s been living in the forest alone for some time. Kaley has taken her under her wing and feels very strongly that Eno and the others need to be brought home. Whatever happened to put them in the position to have to live outside the community is irrelevant. Kaley is determined to bring her people home. That’s what she’s calling them Auntie… her people. Frankly I tend to agree, we need to embrace them. I’ve met this woman and she doesn’t say much but she seems intelligent and healthy. She’s shown compassion and devotion to Kaley. I want us to do everything we can to reabsorb them back into the colony. They would be an asset to any community but especially Dori’s Cove. As you know they’ve been suffering for a decade with low birth rate. The Cove could use some strong young people to get that village turned into a town. Now please Aunt Catherine what can you tell me about them!” Rachael pleaded.

  Catherine chewed her lip. “Ok Rachael I’ll tell you everything I know but I’m warning you it isn’t much. I need you to keep this between us for the time being or the deal is off.” Catherine demanded. Rachael interrupted. “I would like to tell Kaley what I hear today.” Rachael said honestly. Catherine squinted and pursed her lips. “I’ll agree to that but you must make her agree to keep quiet for now. I’m going to tell you something that only a few people know. I’m telling you because you have been my right hand for a long time and I trust you won’t use this information for selfish purposes.” Catherine took a deep breath. “Many years ago Loki was raising a number of children. I never saw them personally because by then she was already living out on her families’ old homestead away from the rest of us. We were just young adults ourselves at the time. For some time I helped her acquire sufficient supplies and medicine to support them. Then I didn’t see her or hear from her for a long time. When I asked her about the children she said they were gone and she wouldn’t tell me anything more.” Catherine shook her head. “Were they her children?” Rachael asked. “Not that I know of, not many children were born in those days.” Catherine admitted. “Where did they come from and where did they go?” Rachael pushed on. “I don’t know where they came from, you’ll have to ask Loki yourself and I presume they went back into the forest.” Cat surmised. “And no one thought to go look for them?” Rachael asked a little flustered. “When I asked her about them another time she said they went feral and there was nothing she or anyone could do.” Catherine admitted. Rachael sat and thought about this new information for a long while. “Auntie the young woman we met was alone. It looked like she had been like that for a long time but she wasn’t what I would call feral. She seemed fairly well adjusted except for being weary of strangers. I didn’t feel like she was going to hurt us in any way in fact she seemed quite protective especially of Kaley. When we asked Nicola about the people in the woods she said to ask Loki.” Rachael explained. Catherine huffed and then smiled. “That sounds about right. She’s the one with the answers. The question is will she tell you everything she knows. I’m sorry honey I think that’s everything I can remember.” Cat concluded. Rachael looked at Catherine. “That will have to do for now but please Auntie if you think of anything else please let me know, it means a lot to Kaley.” Rachael asked. Catherine nodded. ~

  Kaley had already left for the clinic when Rachael arrived home. Rachael organized all her notes for the more formal meeting with Catherine. She was feeling pretty good about how she’d stood up to her Aunt concerning the people in the forest or The Lost Children as they had begun to call them. The screen door screeched. “How did your check-up go? Why didn’t you wait for me?… I wanted to go along.” Rachael said. Kaley sat down. “Viva said I’m as healthy as a horse but she wants me to stay close to home.” Kaley said. “That means no trips into the forest.” Rachael said. “We’ll see. If I feel the need to commune with the trees I’ll do it.” Kaley said stubbornly. Rachael squinted, she knew better than to argue with Kaley when she had her mind made up. “If you feel the need to commune with trees I’ll go with you understood?” Rach said sternly. Kaley looked lovingly at her partner. “Ok, fair enough. I do want to go visit Eno after dinner so don’t make plans. That’s really why I went to see Viva before dinner.” She confided.

  Rachael went over and sat beside Kaley on the sofa. “How did your visit go with Aunt Kitty?” Kaley asked. “Well we didn’t talk about The Cove.” Rach explained. “What did you talk about?” Kaley inquired. “We talked about the people who live in the forest, The Lost Children.” Rachael said. Kaley perked up while Rachael relayed the conversation. When she was done she asked Kaley. “Did you get a chance to talk to Loki?” Rachael asked. “I haven’t seen her since we arrived home. She has some explaining to do.” Kaley said squinting.

  After dinner Rachael went to the forest with Kaley. By the time they arrived Kaley was out of breath and flushed so they found a quiet place to rest. Before she had the chance to call out to her Eno appeared and went straight to Kaley for a tight hug. “I’m ok Eno I just need to rest a bit. I think I might not be able to come back out here for a while. Would you come back with me and keep me company in my house? You won’t have to stay if you don’t like but at least you’ll know exactly where we are.” Kaley asked. Eno didn’t respond for a long time. Rachael went for a walk close by to let them talk with their heads together like teenagers. In truth Kaley did most of the talking. “I think I need to go now Eno I need to lie down.” Kaley confided to her.

  When Kaley stood her hands were shaking. Eno stood and put her arm around her and walked with her to find Rachael at the edge of the forest. Rachael took Kaley’s other side as they walked slowly. At the threshold of the town they slowed not knowing if Eno would continue with them or escape back into the forest. For all they knew Eno had never been to a city but to Kaley’s surprise she held tight to her as they walked boldly down the street to their home.

  Just as they were about to step up onto the porch steps Viva came over. “Is everything ok, are you having contractions?” She inquired worriedly. “No no Viva I’m just feeling a little wonky. Viva, meet my friend Eno.” Kaley said. They continued up the stairs and Kaley sat down in her chair. Viva smiled and held out her hand to Eno. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Eno.” Viva said. Eno held out her own hand mirroring Viva’s action, Eno nodded. “Eno doesn’t talk much.” Kaley explained. “Well that’s ok… my mother always said that people who talk too much miss so much. Let’s get her inside shall me and let me have a quick look at her.” Viva directed. As she rose she explained. “Viva is a Doctor and Rachael’s cousin, she’s family.” Kaley told Eno. They helped her into the bedroom and onto the bed. Rachael started to leave the room and motioned for Eno to follow her. “We’ll leave them alone for a few minutes. She’ll be ok and when they’re done you can go back in and visit with her.” Rachael told Eno. Eno looked back and forth a few time and then reluctantly followed her.

  Eno knew almost from the first time she saw Kaley that she would be her friend. It had been a struggle at first to learn to trust her and her mate. She liked Kaley very much, Kaley took nothing for granted and told her everything. She explained everything to help her feel comfortable. The jury was still out on her mate but if Kaley said she could be trusted then that was good enough for her. When they had approached the city Eno’s heart had been racing and adrenalin flowed. She was afraid and excited almost to the point of hyperventilating but she was determined to help her friend no matter what it took. She would swallow her fear because Kaley came first.

  The people had been staring, no wait they were looking at Kaley. They were concerned about her too. This was a good sign. Kaley was well accepted by this troop even though she was like Eno. The new one seemed nice, she had nice eyes. Her hands are soft… she doesn’t work in the fields with the rest Eno thought. When they shook hands Eno noticed a small buzzing sensation. It felt like holding an Oban bug in your hand but better. The house smelled like Kaley, this was her nest. No she had called it her home. Eno breathed through her nose trying to stay calm and hope her heart slowed down so sh
e could think. She looked around… this was a home. Eno wanted to have a home and good people in her life. She loved the forest but she needed friends and family more. What was taking that one, what was her name? Vi… Viva that’s it, what was taking Viva so long? Eno paced back and forth a few times. “Would you like some tea Eno?” It was Rachael, what was she saying? She looked over and saw Rachael making a motion like drinking. Eno just nodded and looked back toward the doorway where Kaley and Viva were. Rachael handed her a cup of hot liquid and Eno took a sip absentmindedly. “It’s ok Eno they’ll be done in a few minutes. Come sit with me.” Rachael said reassuringly. Rachael was sitting so Eno went over and did the same. It felt nice under her behind, like a bed of moss or feathers. Eno tried to relax and took another sip of tea.

  She looked away from the doorway briefly to look at Rachael. She looked relaxed and was smiling. She was leaning back with her one leg bent and her ankle across her other knee. Eno tried to relax too.

  When Viva stepped into the lounge Eno stood up quickly spilling her tea. “It’s ok hun, you can go in now and see her.” Rachael said as she took the cup out of Eno’s hand. Eno rushed into the other room. Kaley was lying on the bed and when she saw Eno she smiled and held out her hand. Eno took it and gingerly sat on the edge of the bed. “Don’t look so worried Eno everything is fine.” Kaley took Eno’s hand and brought it to her lips and kissed the back then held it to her cheek and closed her eyes. “Everything is fine now.” Kaley said. When Kaley opened her eyes they were bright and sparkling, she sported an angelic smile. Eno pointed to Kaley’s abdomen. “The baby or babies are fine too. Will you stay with me for a while? I feel a little tired though so I might fall asleep. I would like you here when I wake up if you can manage it. You’re always welcome in my home… do you understand? My home is your home, you can come and go as you like.” Kaley pause to make sure she understood. Eno nodded. “Good, I do understand if you feel the need to return to the forest. I’d like you to live here with us but if not I trust that you’ll come back and see me every day.” Kaley said. When she looked at Eno she thought she saw tears. Kaley closed her eyes to rest. ~


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