The Sheikh’s Royal Wedding

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The Sheikh’s Royal Wedding Page 10

by Cara Albany

  He opened his shirt and tugged it from his shoulders with an impatient gesture. She gasped as she saw his powerfully muscled torso and the dark hair covering his chest. The impulse to reach out and touch him seized her. But she held herself in check. He undid his pants at the waist and hooked his thumbs into the band of his pants. Slowly, teasingly he tugged them down, gazing into her eyes, gauging every instant of her reaction.

  Dakota's eyes must have widened imperceptibly upon seeing his firmness, because Zariq smiled sardonically. The sight of his arousal quickened her pulse, made heat flare at her core. He stood inches away from her, completely naked, his figure in the soft light an unbelievable temptation.

  It was as if he was determined to claim her, unwilling to hesitate. She figured he'd waited long enough for her, so it made complete sense. But what about her? Was she ready? Even as she asked herself that question, she instantly knew the answer.

  He came to her, naked and incredible looking. She gasped out loud, shocked by his sudden movement, by the ferocity of his need. He embraced her and his lips crashed down once more onto hers. Feeling his nakedness against her still clothed body caused waves of pleasure to sweep through her.

  Then his head made its way down the side of her neck, his tongue laving her flesh, tasting her, sending shockwaves of sensation coursing through her nerves. She felt his hands tugging at her shirt, opening the front. And then she was sliding it from her shoulders and he was cupping her breast in his hand. A thumb teased the nipple through the fabric of her bra and she groaned, lifting her head back, submitting to the pleasure of his expert touch.

  His hands reached around and undid her bra. Dropping it to the carpeted floor, he stooped and his lips took possession of a nipple, his tongue circling greedily. Again she gasped, drawing in a calming breath, trying to slow her pounding heart. The pleasure caused by his tender touch was exquisite.

  He continued to suckle on her nipples for many long moments. The ecstasy took hold of her and she didn't want it to stop. Then he sank to his knees, his hands tugging at her jeans. She slid them off, stepping quickly out of them. His impatient fingers drew down her panties. Now she was naked. Just as he was.

  He kissed her belly, his tongue tracing delicate lines across her skin. She breathed quickly, insane pleasure and anticipation flooding her body. She knew what he wanted to do to her and she couldn't wait. Impatience seized her and she shifted her hips closer to him, signaling to him what she wanted. What she needed. The memory of how his fingers had tormented her flared into awareness.

  As before, and with the same gentle caresses, he started to circle her nub with his fingertips. Her moans were so loud now that she told herself it was just as well they had come to this isolated place. No-one should hear this, she told herself. This was private between herself and Zariq.

  His fingers slid inside her, while his thumb continued to circle her most sensitive spot. The pleasure was indescribable. Her legs weakened and she feared she would tumble, but he held onto her, just as he'd made her safe during the long ride across the desert.

  For what seemed like an eternity, his fingers took her to took heights of pleasure she'd never imagined possible. He knew exactly how to make her feel renewed. As he did all he could to bring her closer and closer to climax, his lips lavished tender kisses on her belly and hips. It was as if he was worshipping her, relishing every moment of closeness.

  Dakota stood, clinging onto Zariq's shoulders, digging her fingers into his muscles, trying desperately to hold back the wave of ecstasy which was descending upon her. She wanted this to last forever, but she knew it couldn't. No matter what Zariq did to make it linger.

  Then, the wave of pleasure slammed into her and she gasped out loud, her voice filling the enclosed space of the tent. The climax shook her, every one of her nerves quivering with pleasure. She tried to hold onto Zariq, but it proved impossible. She staggered backward and he took hold of her, easing her down onto the bed. Her pleasure made every nerve vibrate as she lay there.

  Zariq lay alongside her, holding her tenderly as she came back to him. Back to her own senses. It took a long time, but eventually, she opened her eyes and gazed at Zariq. He leaned in and kissed her, his lips moist and tender. He cupped her face in his hands, caressing her flushed skin with the tips of his fingers. He gazed deeply into her eyes. She saw incredible affection in his gaze.

  Then, need appeared in his eyes. Raw, primal desire. It was as if something had been triggered inside him. She could see it clearly and she knew what he was about to do. She felt his firmness pressing against her body as he shifted above her. He propped his arms on either side of her and positioned himself, gazing down at her. She saw how flushed his features were, how bright was his gaze.

  Dakota felt his firmness pressing against her core. He sank down upon her, the fullness of his weight somehow pleasing. She felt him push, gently but firmly. She gasped as he slid inside her, filling her. She tightened around him and he paused, his gaze locked upon her, searching, waiting.

  Then he started to move, slowly at first, his thrusts easing himself into her. Again she felt herself tighten around him. After a few moments, she felt softness at her core. Then he was thrusting into her with real need, a burning desire taking hold of him. They moved in perfect union, every thrust of his firmness sending waves of pleasure into her. She gazed up into his eyes, seeing the dark desire in them. His body felt incredibly powerful as she curled her fingers around the taut muscles at his hips.

  Over and over he pushed into her, pulsing ecstasy coursing with every one of his movements. His body was covered with a sheen of sweat. The dark hair of his chest was harsh against the softness of her breasts, but that only made her want the intensity of his touch even more. She felt him inside her, and it was as if she had always wanted him there. Would always need him inside her.

  His movements were perfectly timed with hers, so that she felt as if she was dancing with someone who knew her every move. He was insatiable. Unstoppable. But eventually, she sensed he must be nearing his own climax. His pace quickened and his thrusts became even more urgent, more demanding.

  Then she felt his body tighten, as if he was preparing himself. He lifted his head back and roared, a deep, animal sound as he emptied his desire into her. At the exact same moment, she cried out again and felt another wave lift her up and crash her down, every nerve quivering, just as before.

  Zariq sank down onto her and she wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight.


  He made love to her again, later in the night, after they'd both slept for a short while. She couldn't believe the intensity of his love-making the second time. If anything it was more fierce, more determined than the first time. But, she allowed herself to be swept away by him, taken to a place of pleasure and ecstasy.

  Then, they lay in each others' arms. She rested her head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. It was the only sound which broke the silence of the encampment. She glanced up at him and saw he was awake. His arm rested across his forehead. His breathing was even and there was a look of satisfaction on his face. He seemed lost in thought.

  "What are you thinking about?" she asked.

  He glanced down at her and smiled. "I was asking myself why it took us so long to find each other like this."

  She squinted at him. It seemed like an odd way to describe these last few months, but the more she considered his words, the more they made sense. It had been as if they'd been lost to each other. Almost like they'd been running from one another, even though they'd lived under the same roof most of the time.

  "Maybe we didn't want to admit the truth," she suggested.

  "And what was that?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

  She shrugged. "Maybe we were meant for each other, after all," she said. "I mean, my ancestors had something to do with me being here in the first place."

  He tilted his mouth downwards and nodded. "You've got a point," he admitted. "Seems l
ike destiny wanted to bring us together. No matter how foolish we both were."

  "Hey," she snapped, grinning at him. "Who are you calling a fool. Speak for yourself," she added. She gave him a playful punch on the shoulder and he flinched, laughing at the same time.

  "Okay," he said. "I take it back. I'm the one who couldn't see what was staring me in the face."

  "And what was that?"

  He leaned forward, dipped his head and kissed her. It was a slow, lingering kiss, the kind she could get used to.

  He lifted his head. His eyes were sparkling with obvious delight. "That I'm the luckiest man in Qazhar. I have you as my wife and I couldn't be happier."

  She felt her heart leap as she heard his words. They'd been spoken with such sincerity that she didn't doubt they were true. She could see by his expression, just how much the last few hours had meant to him.

  Dakota shifted closer to him, feeling the warmth of his naked and very powerful body. They were lying on top of the comforter. One glance downward showed her he was ready for her again. The sight of his arousal triggered anticipation in her. He drew her closer, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tenderly, yet possessively.

  It felt somehow right to be with him now. She thought about all the arguments of the past few months. All the difficulties they'd forced upon each other simply because they hadn't been able to admit the truth. That somehow or other, fate had brought them together. Fate had worked across the centuries and had forged this relationship which felt more real than anything she'd experienced in her life.

  She sighed and snuggled closer to him.

  "Are you ready for tomorrow morning?" he asked, drawing her back to the moment.

  "Sure," she replied. "With you by my side, I can take on the world," in a confident tone of voice. She really meant it, she told herself. Now that she had her sheikh husband, now that they trusted one another, she felt that nothing could stand in her way.

  He laughed quietly. "Why am I not surprised at that?" he stated.

  "Are you calling me vain?" she asked, glancing up at his face.

  "No. You're just a woman who knows what she wants."

  She nodded and stretched her arm across his naked chest, feeling the dark hair against her soft skin. "I know one thing," she said softly. "I want you. And nothing is going to stop me from keeping you."

  She saw a look of intense, very dark appreciation in his eyes. "Is that so?" he asked.

  She nodded. "You don't like that?" she asked teasingly.

  He shook his head. "I feel the same way about you," he said and sighed contentedly. "Nothing's going to take you away from me. We're together now. Man and wife. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to make you happy. To bring joy into your life every day." He sighed and his gaze was suddenly dark with emotion. "I love you, Dakota. You know that now, don't you? "

  Emotion swept through her as she listened to him. Zariq leaned down and kissed her, as if sealing his words. He'd spoken with real conviction. She didn't doubt a single one of his words. She believed him.

  He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes. "Habibti," he murmured.

  She frowned. "What does that mean?"

  The corner of his mouth creased with a smile. "It means you are my beloved. And that you always will be."

  Another wave of emotion made her throat tighten, and she felt her eyes begin to moisten. So much had happened in the last few hours. It was as if a dam had been burst open, letting the truth flow, letting emotion seize sweep her along on an unstoppable tide.

  For a long while, she lay in his arms, content to feel his raw power, satisfied to be in the arms of a man who had just declared his love to her. She closed her eyes and lost track of time as she drifted into a glorious, delirious sleep.

  When she opened her eyes again, she found she was alone on the bed. She sat up and peered around the interior of the tent. Zariq was nowhere to be found. She slipped out of bed, put on her jeans and shirt, slipped into her flat shoes, and made her way outside.

  Zariq was there, by the horse, getting it ready for the ride back to the camp. He turned and smiled at her. "I didn't want to wake you."

  "What time is it?" she asked.

  He glanced toward the east. "It'll be light soon. We need to be getting back before the sun comes up. We don't want to give away our secret, do we?"

  She made her way across the cool sand and let him wrap his arms around her. "Why don't we stay here?" she suggested.

  He frowned. "I think we'd set off a diplomatic incident if we were found missing."

  She pouted up at him. "So what," she said abruptly. "After tonight, I don't care what the world thinks of me."

  He smiled and kissed her. "That's what I like about you," he admitted. "You're a fighter."

  "How would you like me to fight you, one more time, before we go," she said. She tilted her head. "Back inside there."

  She felt his desire harden and he laughed quietly. He cleared his throat. "We have to be going," he replied. She could tell he really wanted to stay, really wanted to make love to her again. But, deep down, she knew he was right. If all those journalists back there discovered the royal couple's absence, there would be hell to pay.

  They readied themselves and then he lifted her up onto the horse. Sitting behind her, he took the reins and tightened his arms around her. Unlike earlier, when they'd ridden here, this time she felt nothing but comfort and safety. And love, as he held her close to him. As he lavished brief, sweet, and very tender kisses on the side of her cheek.

  With one last look at the encampment, Zariq dug his heels into the horse and then they were riding back across the desert. As they made their way across the dunes, she took the time to just enjoy this moment with Zariq. There was something magical about it. She knew she'd never forget tonight. Never.

  After a while, she saw the lights of the village in the distance. Zariq slowed the horse slightly, clearly wanting to cover the remaining distance carefully, making as little noise as possible. Zariq told her that the sun would be coming up sometime in the next half hour.

  Finally, he drew the horse to a halt at the rear of the tent. He got down and helped her off the horse. Then she followed him, through the same exit they'd used earlier. Inside the tent, she had sudden sense that the whole escapade had been, somehow, unreal. Now that she was back in the comparative comfort of the royal tent, she realized how rough and ready the other tent had been. But that just made the memory even sweeter. There had been a primitive quality to the encampment. As if she'd travelled back in time. She was sure her illustrious ancestor would have approved. Even if what she'd done was scandalous by ancient standards.

  The bed in the alcove caught her attention. She lay down on it and Zariq made himself comfortable by her side. She felt as if she had done so much that was forbidden. But, it had all felt right. True.

  She wasn't tired anymore. In fact, she felt like she had won a great victory by sharing those intimate moments with her amazing royal husband. All without the knowledge of the media entourage. She smiled to herself in the darkness of the tent and let herself settle into Zariq's tender embrace.


  There were sounds coming from outside the tent. Voices. Strident and loud. They had woken her up from the light sleep into which she'd drifted while lying alongside Zariq. She stretched out, expecting to touch him. But, as before, she was alone on the bed. She sat up and ran her hands through her hair. Where was Zariq? And what was causing all the noise outside? She could hear shouting. Frantic voices.

  Dakota slipped out of bed and emerged from alcove to find the rest of the tent empty. She frowned. From here, the voices from outside were really loud. Every once in a while she heard her own name being mentioned.

  She went to the entrance and pulled it open. She squinted at the bright, early morning sunlight. Gasping, she peered at the crowd of people congregated a few yards away in front of the tent. The journalists were being held back by a rope stretched out as a temporary
barrier. It was like the typical controlled chaos she'd seen at previous royal appearances. She saw the palace's media liaison shaking his head and speaking firmly with one of the journalists.


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