The Sheikh’s Royal Wedding

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The Sheikh’s Royal Wedding Page 12

by Cara Albany


  They stepped outside into the bright sunlight. Immediately, there was a cacophony of voices, questions hurled at them, the flashing lights of cameras. Zariq paused and Dakota's felt his fingers tighten around her own. He was trying to be strong for her, she told herself. Maybe he felt it was his duty to protect her, now. That simple thought calmed her nerves.

  Zariq led Dakota toward the cameras and then halted, facing the media gathering. When he started to speak, the journalists quietened instantly. "My wife and I have a statement to make," he announced. "After this we won't be taking any questions and Dakota and I will be going immediately back to the royal palace."

  There was a raucous reaction to his words. Indignation that he wouldn't allow any questions. Dakota ran her gaze along the length of the faces and saw Elena standing near the end of the line. She gave the journalist a steady, unflinching look and then smiled right at Elena. Dakota saw Elena's eyes narrow. Did the journalist believe that some kind of victory was imminent? Had she wanted to ruin Dakota from the moment Dakota had arrived in Qazhar?

  Zariq wrapped his arm around Dakota's waist. As he did so, Dakota saw the Elena's eyes widen in disbelief. Horror, in fact. Dakota settled against Zariq, knowing the impression her gesture would create for the cameras. Unity. Husband and wife acting together.

  Dakota saw Elena's brows furrow. This wasn't what Elena had expected. Not at all, Dakota told herself. Had she expected he royal couple to simply leave without offering some kind of explanation? Elena had misjudged Dakota. And Zariq's feelings for his wife.

  The tables had been turned on the journalist. And all it had taken for that to happen was for Dakota and Zariq to realize just how much they were in love with each other.

  Zariq lifted a hand and the cacophony of voices quietened. "I know you've all heard something important, this morning. Something that, I believe, has been rumored for quite a while now." Zariq glanced at Dakota. "And that hasn't been an easy thing to live with. Not knowing the truth. Not knowing what we were going to find out. But, now we know the truth. We know what's important. What really matters."

  Dakota met his gaze, realizing that he wasn't just talking about the revelation that she had been sold a lie while growing up in America. He was talking about their love. Their marriage. Their future. And none of the journalists could possibly have a clue about that.

  How could they? No-one knew that Zariq had spirited Dakota away in the middle of the night. And that, while she had been with him, everything had changed. For a moment, she allowed herself to hope that she and Zariq had become untouchable. That nothing could ruin what they had created together.

  More questions were thrown at them by the journalists. They were like an unruly mob, now. Every piece of royal protocol had been discarded. The only thing the journalists wanted was to get the reaction of the royal couple.

  Well, judging by the determined look on Zariq's face, they were about to get that reaction, Dakota told herself. Dakota knew these images and words were going to be sent around the world. Nerves twisted in her middle. She wondered how Zariq could be so calm in the face of such pressure.

  Zariq faced the journalists again, silencing them with the intensity of his stare. "I know you all want answers. In the coming days, it is my intention to seek those answers. It seems that some mistakes have been made. And they'll be put right."

  Dakota felt a sudden unease. She wondered where he was going with this. And, as if to give her the answer she needed, Zariq turned and gazed at her. "But, there is one thing, about which I am absolutely certain. My love for my beautiful wife, my royal princess, will never change. Nothing will ever alter my devotion to her. She is, and always will be, my Qazhar princess."

  Her heart quickened instantly to an inexplicable pace. Breath caught in her chest as she stared into his eyes, seeing the absolute conviction in his gaze. For a moment, there was stunned silence from the gathered media, as if Zariq's declaration had been the last thing they'd expected to hear. Had they really believed he would announce some kind of breakup between himself and Dakota?

  Joy filled Dakota's heart as Zariq drew her closer to him and dipped his head. He kissed her, his lips lingering for a moment as lights flashed and she heard the sound of cameras capturing precious images.

  As her lips parted from Zariq's, she found herself unable to take her eyes off him. Somewhere, far away, she heard her name being called. She dragged her attention back to the moment and peered at the journalists. She blinked, the effect of Zariq's kiss and his words at last wearing off.

  "What do you have to say about the fact that you're not related to the Great Chieftain? Does it change how you feel about your marriage to Sheikh Al Kharif?" she heard a familiar voice call out.

  Dakota realized it was Elena's voice. She turned and peered at the journalist. She narrowed her eyes at the woman. "Why would it? Didn't you just hear what he said?" Dakota looked at Zariq. "I would have thought my husband's words made the situation quite clear. If anything, this revelation has brought us even closer."

  Dakota turned to face the gathered media. "The only message I have for you is that my intention is to remain the sheikh's wife. You heard what he said. We love each other." She looked up into Zariq's eyes. She could see delight in his dark gaze. "Isn't that right, Zariq?"

  He smiled. "Yes," he said emphatically, his voice deep with certainty. "That's right, Dakota. We are man and wife, and we will always be so."

  Dakota's heart leaped as she listened to his words. She was sure her face betrayed her delight. A joy that couldn't be faked.

  Zariq turned to the press corps. "And now, if you'll excuse us, we're going to return to the palace." He lifted a stern brow at the journalists. "Where we will expect our privacy to be respected in the usual manner." Journalists exchanged disappointed looks, but they knew there was nothing they could do to counter Zariq's firm demand.

  Then, Zariq seized Dakota's hand and she walked alongside him straight to the waiting car. Once inside, and with the doors locked, she leaned across and kissed him on the cheek. "Those were beautiful words," she said.

  "Not as beautiful as you," he countered.

  And then, with the lights of cameras shining in their eyes, Zariq started to drive the car away from the camp, accompanied by a solitary vehicle containing their security detail.

  Eventually the car reached the main road and Zariq pointed it south in the direction of the palace. They'd be home soon, and she couldn't wait to be alone with him again.


  The weeks that followed passed as if in a dream. A fevered dream of arguments, denials and refusals. Within the first few days of returning to the palace it was clear that the media storm wasn't going to die down any time soon. Zariq had predicted such a scenario, and had made sure that Dakota wouldn't be subjected to any more intrusive questioning. He'd refused all requests for interviews and comment.

  More difficult than dealing with an overeager media, had been Zariq's conversations with his father. Understandably uneasy about the fact that his new daughter-in-law was not of regal stock, as he'd supposed, Zariq and his father had endured more than a few angry confrontations. But, Zariq had won out in the end.

  Zariq had told his father that his love for Dakota meant he would not give her up. Especially not to satisfy the dictates of obscure royal protocols. After long conversations between father and son, Zariq's father had eventually come around to understand that modern Qazhar was different from the country he had grown up in. Times had changed. Nothing would part Zariq from Dakota.

  Dakota had proven to be made of strong stuff. That hadn't surprised Zariq at all. Ever since he'd married her, he'd suspected she would face any difficulties with a natural inner strength. He'd seen plenty of evidence of her strong character during their first few weeks together when she'd come to Qazhar to marry him. And his assessment had been right. That realization only made his affection for her even more intense.

  After the revelation about her an
cestry, Dakota had thrown herself into palace life, organizing every aspect of it with an eye to precise detail. It had been as if she'd been granted a new lease of life, simply by Zariq's acceptance of her. He felt as if she enjoyed her new-found freedom. Maybe the past had hung over her, bringing with it expectations. Perhaps it had been a heavy burden to her. Now she'd been freed from those expectations. In her own eyes and those of everyone who watched her. The Dakota he'd watched these past few weeks was a new person, someone he delighted in. Someone he truly loved.

  And there had been another major improvement to life at the Al Kharif palace, Zariq reflected. An obvious one, but the most important one. No longer was he forced to sleep in a separate bedroom. He and Dakota shared a bed every night. Passionate night had followed. Just like the one they'd shared at the encampment. They'd spent many nights discovering each other, deepening their affection for one another. He'd uncovered depths to this incredible woman, he told himself. Her beauty enchanted him. Her passion ignited his own. And her love had transformed him. The memories of his exile within his own palace in the early days of their marriage had faded with each passing day and night.

  By the time just over a month had passed, the furore about the sheikh's wife had died down, replaced by the latest scandal in the never-ending news cycle. Now that it had become clear that Zariq and Dakota would be remaining together, an acceptance of that fact had developed in the people he'd spoken with. Within his family and amongst all of his contacts in Qazhar society. The crisis had been temporary. But the outcome was that the royal sheikh was determined that he and Dakota would be together for the rest of their lives. Gradually, he sensed acceptance of that simple truth.

  Zariq had begun to feel that his life with Dakota was taking on the shape it would possess in the months and years to come. Then, one day, Dakota shocked Zariq by announcing that she'd invited a visitor to the palace. She caught him by surprise, one morning, over breakfast.

  "Elena?" Zariq exclaimed, scarcely able to believe his ears. "You've invited Elena here. Today?" He saw Dakota nodding. ""Why?"

  "I think it'll be good to put all of this to rest, once and for all."

  "Haven't we done that already?" Zariq asked.

  Dakota shook her head. "I think it will be good for people to see how we've dealt with things," she said. "And how happy we are."

  "I think they already know that, Dakota. I've spoken to some people." He smiled. "They've come to terms with it."

  "That I'm not as special as they thought?" she asked.

  He frowned. "You know that's not what people think. It'd getting known that you're the mistress of this palace, now."

  She squinted at him. "And that's a good thing?"

  "Of course. The staff have got such a lot of respect for you. They know you belong here. That you're in charge of everything." He glanced around the room. "Look at the changes you've made to the way the palace is run."

  "It was a bit of a shambles here, Zariq."

  He grinned. "It used to be a single man's palace. Not any more. This is a family home, now."

  Her brows furrowed as he said that. She turned away from him for a long moment. He wondered what he'd said that could have made her want to do that. She turned back to face him. "You think it's a bad idea to ask Elena over?" she asked.

  Zariq frowned. "She's just going to open up the can of worms all over again."

  Dakota grinned at Zariq. He told himself there was a curious brightness to her expression. As if she had an ulterior motive for inviting Elena to the palace. "Not if I have anything to do with it."

  "I can't allow it," he declared. "I won't let that woman into this palace. Don't you remember what she tried to do? How she tried to ruin things between us?"

  "Sure I do, Zariq," Dakota replied. "But, she's been stirring up the waters recently. Or hadn't you noticed."

  He frowned at her. "What are you talking about?"

  "Didn't you see that piece she did a few days ago?" she asked.

  "I don't watch TV," he mumbled.

  "She's trying to sow some rumors that there are differences between you and I."

  "She's not going to stop doing that," he grunted. "As I keep on telling you, that's her job. She's a troublemaker."

  "I'm going to put an end to those rumors, once and for all," Dakota said.

  He lifted a brow. "How?"

  She shrugged. "Just wait and see," she said and gave him a mischievous grin.

  "Dakota. What are you up to?" he said suspiciously.

  She stood and walked toward the door of the dining room. "She'll be here in an hour. I'm going to get myself ready." She smiled at Zariq and, as usual when she did that, he felt his heart race. "You want me to look good on camera, don't you?"

  "You always look good," he countered. She smiled at that and then left the room.

  For the next hour, Zariq tried and failed to get Dakota to tell him what she was up to. She seemed playful this morning, he told himself. As if she was determined to tease him. Finally, he admitted defeat and prepared himself for the interview.

  Elena arrived punctually. She and her crew set up their equipment in the sitting room. Zariq accompanied Dakota onto the sofa and after some technical issues had been worked out, the interview commenced.

  "So, how have things been for the both of you since the news came out?" Elena asked, getting straight to the point.

  Zariq gave Elena a reproachful look. "Perfect," he stated boldly. "Couldn't be better."

  Elena lifted a skeptical brow. "And you, Dakota? How are you fitting into your new role as the mistress of the palace?"

  Unfazed at Elena's careful choice of words, Dakota glanced at Zariq. "You'd better ask Zariq that question." She smiled. "He's the one who's had to live with all the changes I've made."

  "Changes?" Elena asked. "I'm sure our viewers would love to know more."

  Zariq laughed quietly. "Dakota has her own ideas of how things should be run around here."

  "And you've been happy to go along with them?" Elena asked sharply, as if she'd detected a sudden opening.

  Perhaps she scented disagreement between himself and Dakota, Zariq told himself. Well, if she did, she was deluding herself. Because Zariq found no fault with any of the changes Dakota was making to daily palace life. He reached across and placed a hand on Dakota's arm. "She knows what she's doing. I have complete faith in her."

  Elena's brows furrowed with obvious disappointment. Dakota smiled appreciatively at Zariq. "They're only little things," she explained. "Nothing major." She paused for a long moment and glanced at Elena. Suddenly, there was an odd expression on Dakota's face. "Not like the real change I wanted to announce today," Dakota said.

  Zariq glanced at Dakota. There was a knowing look in her eyes. One he had seen a few times over the last few days. She'd only been away from the palace once in the last week. And when she'd come home, there had been something different about her. He hadn't been able to put his finger on what it could be. And, in spite of his probing questions, she had denied that there was anything going on.

  "You want to announce something?" Elena asked, leaning forward.

  Dakota's eyes flickered in Zariq's direction. "I figured this would be as good a place as any. Before I say anything though, I want to thank the people of Qazhar for all their supportive messages. I've been genuinely touched by their consideration for my welfare." She smiled straight at the camera. "I really want to thank them all for their kind words of encouragement during this challenging time."

  Zariq thought the words she'd spoken sounded rehearsed. He glanced at her, and saw that she was watching him carefully, gauging his reaction. Sensing that he needed to add something of his own, Zariq spoke quickly. "We''ll be announcing some public appearances soon. I know there are plenty of people who want to meet Dakota and thank her for all the charity work she's done until now. And we've got more planned."


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