Blue Parrot Resort

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Blue Parrot Resort Page 2

by Smoak, Ivy

  "Hey there," she said and reached down and grabbed my erection. "Feels to me like you're happy with your choice."

  "I'm not happy yet."

  "What about if I do this?" She slid her hand down my shaft to cover it in soap and then started going faster and faster.

  "That's a little better." I turned to face her and put my hands on her shoulders, trying to get her to drop to her knees.

  Lydia smiled. "Promise to let me take the bracelet off every morning this week?" She looked down at my cock and licked her lips.

  "No way."

  "Then I guess I'll just have to save the blowjobs for another day. I don't want to give you too much on the first night if I'm going to have to seduce you every morning."


  "Nope." Lydia rubbed her breasts to get more soap suds and then went back to stroking my cock. Faster and faster.

  I grabbed her breasts and squeezed hard when I felt myself about to cum. Every muscle in my body tensed as my cum shot out onto the glass panel of the shower.

  "See? Wasn't that better than humiliating me at dinner?" asked Lydia.

  "Why do you think..."

  "Crap," interrupted Lydia. "We forgot all about signing up for activities."

  "Which ones did you want to do?"

  "I definitely want to go zip lining. Other than that I just want to relax at the pool."

  "Sounds good to me. We can go sign up after our shower."

  "It's going to take me a while to dry my hair afterwards. Can you just go do it real quick?"


  I finished up, got dressed, and headed to the activity board in the lobby. The touch screen prompted me to insert my room key. When I did, a list of all the available activities popped up. I scanned down the list.

  Trivia at the Three Monkeys Bar, Rainforest Tour, Salsa Dance Class, Hot Stone Massage, Zip Lining...

  I clicked on "Zip Lining" and it displayed a list of times. Tomorrow at 2 p.m. was the only time available, so I reserved two spots. Then I went back to the list to see what else they had available.

  Ropes Courses, White Water Rafting, Make a Sex Tape, Mixologist Compet...wait. Make a sex tape? What?

  "Excuse me," I called to Javier.

  "Yes sir?" he said.

  "I have a question about one of these activities."

  Javier walked around the front desk and joined me at the activities board. "Which activity?"

  "This one."

  "Ah yes, one of our most popular activities. Have you and your wife ever filmed yourselves?"


  "But I bet you'd like to with a wife as beautiful as yours, wouldn't you?"

  "I used to beg her to make one with me when we first got together. She always said no, though."

  "Well, then it's good that you've come here. Let me get Alexa out here. She runs that activity." Javier went behind the desk and picked up the phone. He said a few things and then clicked off. "She'll be down in a minute."

  Thirty seconds later, heels clicked down the hallway and then a tan girl appeared wearing a white bikini and sipping a drink out of half a coconut. I couldn't resist staring at her tits as she stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Alexa."

  "Hi. Scott."

  "Nice to meet you, Scott. So Javier tells me that you're interested in making a sex tape with your wife."

  "Yeah, she booked this vacation on my credit card without asking me, so I feel like she kind of owes me. She would never agree to it, though."

  "Have you asked her before?"


  Alexa smiled slyly. "Then you just haven't asked her the right way. Believe me. I've been doing this for years, and so far I have a 100% success rate."


  "Yup. So what do you say?"

  "That depends. What happens when the tape is finished? Do we get to keep it? It wouldn't exactly be great for my career if a sex tape of me leaked on the internet."

  "No need to worry. You get the only copy."

  I smiled. Payback time. "How do we make it happen?"

  Chapter 5


  Where did he go? I thought to myself as I pulled on my mini skirt and tank top. I hadn't even expected to be done my shower by the time he got back, much less be completely ready for dinner.

  I waited for a few minutes but my stomach was too empty for me to wait any longer.

  The first elevator that stopped for me was one going up. It was occupied by some brunette bimbo wearing a skimpy white bikini and sipping a drink out of half a coconut. Her wrist was bracelet-less, meaning someone had used their card on her. Scott better not have used his card to make her flash him. Then I realized that he had already used his card on me earlier, so he couldn't have used it on her too. I started regretting giving Scott a free pass with girls like her walking around.

  "Going up?" asked the girl. I realized I had just been staring at her awkwardly.

  "What? Oh, no. Down."

  The girl smiled and pushed the close-door button.

  A minute later the same elevator came by in the opposite direction and with no brunette bimbo. Much better. I took it down to the first floor and found Scott talking to Javier in the lobby.

  "Hey, honey," I said.

  Scott jumped when he turned and saw me.

  "What are you guys talking about down here? Making secret plans?"

  "What? No. I was just..." muttered Scott.

  "Asking me about the best activities," said Javier, finishing Scott's sentence.

  "You're acting weird," I said.

  "You're the one acting weird," replied Scott.

  "How am I acting weird? I just came down to find you so we could get some dinner."

  "Right, dinner. Where did you want to go?"

  "What's the closest restaurant?" I asked.

  Javier pointed down a hallway to our left. "The Jaguar's Den is right down there. They have excellent steak."

  "Works for me," said Scott.

  I nodded in agreement and we took off down the hallway.

  The Jaguar's Den was decorated with fake foliage, dim lights, and tree trunks as pillars to make it seem like we were deep in the middle of the rain forest, which was a bit silly considering that the resort actually was in the middle of a rainforest. The ambiance was nice, but the best part of the Jaguar's Den was the host. He was dressed only in tight black shorts and a jaguar-pelt headdress that left his muscular torso completely exposed.

  "Good evening," he said in an accent just as sexy as his abs. "Two?"

  Scott nodded.

  The host grabbed two menus and held out his arm to escort me to the table. I linked my arm with his and Scott followed as he led us to our table. I couldn't help but feel how strong his arm was.

  "Juan will be your server this evening. He'll be right with you."

  As soon as the host was out of earshot, Scott said, "Well that was weird."

  "What was?"

  "Him taking you to the table like that."

  "I thought he was just being a gentleman," I said. Maybe you should try it sometime.

  "Hopefully our waiter isn't as..."

  Our waiter appeared at the table, and I was pretty sure he was exactly like whatever Scott was about to say that he wished he wasn't like. He was dressed the same as the host, and his body was just as statuesque. I had to turn away to keep myself from staring at the sizable bulge in his tiny shorts.

  "Good evening, I'm Juan and I'll be your waiter this evening. Have you ever been here before?"

  I shook my head. Scott was too busy scowling at him to bother responding.

  "Well, then I must tell you about our spicy shrimp skewers. They're by far our most popular item. We also have a special black bean soup on the menu this evening, along with our featured entree, seared Tilapia with a side of seasoned rice and grilled pineapple. Can I get you anything to drink while you look over the menu?"

  "I'll have a corona with lime," said Scott.

  "Okay. And for you, miss?"

nbsp; "Long Island Iced Tea, please."

  "Excellent. I'll be right back with those."

  I scanned the menu to see what I wanted. Maybe it was because I was hungry, or maybe it was because it was all included in the price of the resort, but every single thing on the menu sounded great.

  "What are you gonna get?" asked Scott.

  "Javier said that their steak was the best, so I was thinking maybe the filet. You?"

  "I was leaning towards the rib-eye. But it all looks so good."

  "Did you want to get some of the spicy shrimp skewers?"

  " much are they?"

  I laughed and glanced down at the menu. "Looks like they're free." Of course, everything was free.

  "Then let's do it."

  I looked at Scott and smiled. It was refreshing to have Scott joking around with me. Ever since our shower he had seemed much happier. He had even taken the time to talk to Javier to see what the best activities were.

  "What's up?" he said.

  "I'm just so glad we came. I've missed you these past few months but it seems like you're finally acting like yourself again."

  Before Scott could respond, Juan appeared with a tray of drinks.

  "Here's your drink, sir," he said. Then he turned to me. "And here's the drink for the beautiful lady."

  I smiled up at him and out of the corner of my eye I could see Scott scowling.

  Juan took our order and then walked away.

  "I don't like that guy," said Scott. "What's he doing calling you beautiful when I'm sitting right here?"

  "He was just giving me a compliment. Besides, maybe he knows that I have a free pass for the weekend." It was risky to say, but I thought that a little jealousy might help to reignite my spark with Scott.

  "He better not come near you."

  I suppressed my smile. It was nice feeling like my husband wanted me. I couldn't decide if I should press further or concede that I wouldn't use the pass, so I decided to just change the subject instead. "What activities did you get us signed up for?"

  He got a weird look on his face and then responded, "Oh yeah, I meant to tell you. All the zip lining spots were filled."

  "Oh no! I really wanted to do that."

  "Yeah, I did too."

  "Is that why you were asking Javier about what activities were good?"

  "What? Oh, right. Yeah. He said that uh...the rain forest tour was pretty good, but I'm not sure I'm sold on it."

  Scott was acting awfully weird, but I decided to ignore it. At least he was talking to me and not checking his phone. "That's okay, honey. We can just hang out at the pool tomorrow. Maybe someone will cancel later in the week."

  "Yeah, maybe."

  We discussed some of the other activities until our dinner was ready.

  Juan approached with our dinner and Scott shot him another dirty look. We both immediately dug into our steaks. Just as Javier had promised, they were fantastic.

  As soon as we were finished dinner, Juan came up holding a tray of the most decadent desserts I had ever seen. "May I interest you in some dessert?"

  "What do you have?" I asked.

  "First we have our triple chocolate mousse cake. That is my personal favorite. We also have..."

  As Juan went through the menu, Scott pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and started reading something.

  "So what will it be?" asked Juan.

  "The triple chocolate looks..." I started.

  "You don't need that," said Scott.

  Juan and I both looked at him with shocked expressions.

  "Pardon me, sir?" said Juan.

  "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I saw some stuff back in the room that looked good for dessert. So you don't need to get any dessert here. And I have to respond to this e-mail. Come on, let's go." Scott got up and motioned for me to follow.

  Back in the room, I lay on the bed and read through the detailed list of activities while Scott typed out an e-mail on his stupid phone. I wanted to throw it out the window. We had finally been connecting at dinner until he got that e-mail. A knock on the door interrupted the plot I was forming in my head to make Scott "accidently" lose his phone.

  Scott was so involved in his e-mails that he didn't even notice the knock, so I got up and answered it. A man in a tuxedo was standing at the door holding a covered platter.

  "Can I help you?" I asked.

  "Yes, I have the room service you ordered."

  "I didn't order any..."

  The waiter lifted the top of the platter to reveal a sizable piece of triple chocolate mousse cake.

  "Oh, thank you." I grabbed the plate and under it was a handwritten note:

  "Thought you needed this. -Juan"

  Chapter 6


  I was just finishing up my room service breakfast and sending some e-mails when Lydia came out of the bathroom. She was wearing a strapless bikini with a skimpy bottom and sky high stilettos, and she had on tons of eye makeup and bright red lipstick. It was probably the sexiest she'd ever looked. Today will be fun.

  "Bikini and heels?" I asked. Lydia never dressed like that.

  "Do you like it?"

  "It's pretty hot."

  Lydia smiled. "You know what would make it even hotter?"


  "If I lost this top for a few minutes before breakfast." She put her hands on her breasts and started to push the fabric away.

  "That would make it even better, but if you're trying to seduce me into letting you remove that bracelet, you're out of luck."

  "Gah, you're impossible. I thought there was no way you'd be able to resist this bikini. Are you really going to make me get topless in public today?"

  "You'll just have to wait and see what I have planned." If she only knew.

  "You know that some other guy can just come up and get me topless if I have this bracelet on, right?"

  I shrugged. "I guess that's a risk I'll have to take."

  "Alright then. Let's go check out the pool."

  There were four pools at the Blue Parrot Resort. The pool on the east side of the resort was too crowded with eager sun bathers, so we went to the pool on the west side. Even though it was shaded by the building, it was still well above 80 degrees. We grabbed a few padded lawn chairs by the side of the pool. I think Lydia wanted them because they gave us a nice view of the rain forest on the other side of the pool, but I wanted them because they gave me a view of the two hottest girls at the pool. Actually, with her makeup, bikini, and heels, Lydia was the hottest.

  I lay back and relaxed for a few minutes, but the heat was starting to get to me. "Want to go for a swim?"

  Lydia looked up from the book she was reading. "Let me finish this chapter first. I'll join you in a few minutes."

  I made sure my pockets were empty and then dove in the pool next to where the group of hot girls had started swimming. They all had bracelets on, so if I wanted, I could get any of them topless. I tried to decide which one would be the best. The brunette had a beautiful face but her tits were kind of small. The blonde one was wearing a monokini. Would that mean that she'd have to get completely naked if I used my card on her?

  Someone wrapping their legs around my torso from behind startled me. I snapped my head around and saw Lydia smiling. Shit. Did she see me checking out those girls?

  "Wanna play a game?" she asked.

  "Sure. What do you have in mind?" Good, she didn't catch me.

  "How about Marco Polo?"

  "Just the two of us?"

  "No. We can get other people to play. Want me to ask those girls?"

  Is she serious? "Sure."

  Lydia swam over the girls and said a few things I couldn't hear. Before I knew it, they were all swimming back towards me.

  "This is my husband, Scott. Scott, this is Delilah, Jasmine, and Esmi."

  "Hi," I said, trying hard not to stare at their tits.

  "So who's going to go first?" asked the girl named Delilah, the brunette wit
h the small tits.

  "Scott can go first," suggested Lydia.

  "Okay." I closed my eyes and counted to 20. "Marco!"

  "Polo!" called a bunch of girls in different directions.

  I reached my hands out and started towards the voice that sounded closest. "Marco!" I called again.

  The girls responded, but they all sounded just as far away as the first time. This continued for a few minutes until my hand finally collided with something that felt a lot like a breast.

  "Ah!" shouted a girl. I opened my eyes and saw the girl in the monokini with a shocked look on her face.

  I looked down at my hand cupped around her breast and immediately let go. "Sorry...didn't mean to feel you up."

  Her expression changed and she laughed. "That's okay. I guess that's just one of the hazards of playing Marco Polo."

  We played for a few more minutes with no more boob-grab incidents before we all realized that Marco Polo was a stupid children's game and wasn't actually any fun.

  Lydia and I went back to our chairs. Once we were all dry, Lydia grabbed her book to continue her chapter and I reached for my cell phone in my bag.

  But it wasn't there.

  Oh shit. "Have you seen my phone?"

  Lydia looked up from behind her book. "No. Did you leave it in the room?"

  "Maybe. Let me go look."

  I got up and nearly sprinted to the elevator. I searched every inch of our room. No luck.

  On my way back to the pool, I encountered Lydia standing at the front desk talking to Javier.

  "What's up?" I asked.

  She looked startled to see me. "Oh, hey. I was just asking Javier if anyone had turned in a lost cell phone."

  Javier shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I haven't heard anything."

  "I'm really sorry, honey," said Lydia. "I feel like this is my fault. Someone must have snatched it while we were playing Marco Polo."

  "Yeah probably."

  "Hopefully it will turn up. But for now, let's just relax. It might actually be nice that you can't check your e-mail so now you can finally fully focus on this vacation."


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