
Home > Romance > Charmed > Page 1
Charmed Page 1

by Alexa Riley


  Alexa Riley



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  Taking Her Turn

  Chapter 1



  Chapter 1

  Also by Alexa Riley

  Stalk the Author

  Copyright © 2018 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  Cover by Mayhem Cover Creations


  by Alexa Riley

  Every day Charlie goes to sketch a beautiful building that’s been under construction. She’s drawn to it for some reason, and it makes her paints come alive. On the day the painting is to be finished, the St. Patrick’s Day parade is in town. But a run-in between her tray of paints and a big grouchy beast in a suit has her fleeing for safety.

  Warren has never wanted someone the way he wants her. One chance encounter has got him searching every inch of the city for her. She can hide, but not for long. He’ll make her his, no matter what.

  Warning: This St. Patrick’s Day quickie is adorably fun and over the top. Grab your shamrocks and cozy up with this sweet treat.

  To our favorite little St Patrick’s Day clover… Eagle

  Chapter One


  “Will you paint me a clover on my cheek?” I glance up at the little girl who is standing over me. I’m sitting on the sidewalk next to the building, out of people’s way. Her curly red hair is up in two little pigtails making her look utterly adorable. She’d wearing a shirt that says “I Pinch Back” that matches her green sunglasses. She’s pointing at one chubby cheek. I can’t help but smile.

  “Where’s your mommy?” I ask her, glancing around the busy street worried she slipped free of her mom. The sidewalk is filled with people as the parade marches down the center of the street in the middle of downtown Denver, Colorado.

  Children are always coming up to me. I’ve never been sure why, but they do. Not that I’m complaining. I love children. I spend most of my day surrounded by them at the center. Maybe I’m drawn to them because of my own lack of a family.

  The little girl looks around as if finally remembering her mom. “There she is.” She points to the red-haired woman who is pushing through the crowd toward us calling for the girl.

  “Mommy! She’s going to paint my cheek!” The girl claps excitedly.

  “Evey, don’t scare Mommy like that by taking off. There were too many people around.” The woman bends down and pulls the little girl into a hug, relief clear on her face.

  “I’m sorry, Mommy.” She gives her mom a small pout. I have to fight a smile because I know the little girl is going to get what she wants. Who could say no to that face?

  The woman looks over at me. “You’re doing face painting?” She looks around me. I have paint set out but not because I was planning to face paint. I was painting the Shade building, something I’ve done many times over the past year since construction began on it. Something about its design always caught my attention and I began painting it in each stage of its construction. The whole thing was made of glass, but what’s special about it is the way it looks like it’s twisting on its way up. It’s not just straight up and down. It’s elegant but still different. When I first saw it, I felt like the building called to me for some reason. I’d never had such a hard pull to paint something before, one that hit me over and over again and drew me back to it.

  I know today isn’t the best day to be painting it with all the people about for the parade, but I’d wanted to paint it while it was surrounded by people. I set the almost-complete painting up against the building, out of the way so no one steps on it while I dig through my bag looking for the small face painting kit I have.

  I often paint children’s faces at the community center. When I find it, I pull it out. “It’s your lucky day,” I tell the little girl. She jumps up and down.

  I paint her little chubby cheek the best I can with her giggling every time the brush strokes her cheek. When I’m done she gives me a hug. Her mom hands me a five-dollar bill and I slip it into my back pocket. It’s not as if I’m in a place to refuse money, even if I would have loved to have done it for free. I need every dime I can get my hands on.

  I’ve been saving up to get a place, but I have a weakness for two things: the bakery next to the community center, and art supplies. Not to mention I’m always giving some to the kids at the center who need a little extra cash. Hopefully I can stay at the center for a while. At least until I get caught.

  I watch the girl and her mom slip back into the crowd. A few more kids come up to me asking for face paintings. It isn't long before I’ve made an extra fifty bucks cash. I glance over at the painting I still need to finish. A trace of sadness washes over me. After this I’ll be done. The building is complete.

  Suddenly paint splashes everywhere. I fall back on my ass as some hits my black leggings and splatters on shirt. Not that it matters. My clothes always have spots of paint on them. It’s nothing new.

  “What the fuck!” someone barks out. Two firm hands grab me, pulling me up to my feet and into a hard chest that is spotted in green paint. My eyes travel up and up, meeting two of the deepest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. My breath catches, not because of the color but of the hard intensity staring back down at me.

  The man’s jaw is hard. Everything about him is hard. I wiggle against him, trying to break free of his hold. I gasp when I feel a different kind of hardness come up against me. Liquid heat floods through me, and my sudden attraction to him is strong.

  “Be still,” he grits out. My face warms at the realization I was just wiggling against some stranger’s cock. Hell, I’ve never wiggled on any man’s cock if I’m honest. His hands on me tighten a little more. “You ruined my suit.” He cocks his head to the side as if studying me. For some reason I wonder what he sees. Then I remember I’m covered in paint as well. I can even feel it in my hair.

  I inwardly cringe. This man’s suit has got to be worth an easy grand. I’d never be able to pay something like that back. Maybe he should have been watching where he was going, I tell myself, trying to make myself feel better because I do feel a little guilty.

  “I think I made it look better,” I joke, hoping to lighten the mood and dispel that hard look from his face. I glance to the side to see a man just as big as the one holding me, and he smirks. Hell, that guy’s suit probably cost even more than a thousand freaking dollars. I’m guessing he has to have it specially made to fit all this hard bulk he has going on.

  “Eyes,” the stranger barks, making me jerk my eyes back to him. He looks even more pissed now. His nostrils flare and I swear he looks like a caged beast just waiting for someone to open the locked door.

  “Sorry.” I smile, trying to lighten the mood once again, but it do
es nothing.

  “Mr. Shade.” The man next to him tries to grab his attention, but Mr. Shade’s eyes never leave me. It’s almost like he can see inside me.

  “Shit,” I mumble. Shade as in the building I’m painting. Great. Now I think the suit probably cost more. My shitty luck. Of course I have to ruin the suit of likely the richest man in the city. Probably the state.

  “You’re coming with me.” He pulls me even closer to him. His hard cock digs into me. I lick my lips, drawing his attention there, then I move my hands to flatten on his bulky chest. God, he smells good. Like whiskey with a hint of oak. I narrow my eyes at him, trying to give him as hard of a look as he’s giving me. One that says I’m not going anywhere. I don’t care who you are.

  It doesn't work.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. Let me go, you big brute.” I struggle in his tight hold but can’t break free. This only makes him cock a half smile as if entertained by me trying to break free. “Who do you think you are?” I ask stupidly. I’m pissed that he thinks he has the right to just grab me and take me with him, though a small voice in my head tells me to go with him. A tiny part of me likes being pressed against him.

  “Someone you owe a suit.”

  “Keep dreaming,” I throw back at him tartly as if he doesn’t already have a hold on me. “I don’t even want to know what this ugly suit cost. I did you a favor,” I lie. The suit looks good on him. Too good. Even the fabric under my fingertips feels nice to the touch. I start stroking the suit absently, forgetting for a moment I’m pissed. Oh, and I’m pretty sure I’m turned on, too.

  He sucks in a deep breath and I stop petting him. Embarrassment rushes over me at what I was doing. Jesus. Get it together. “How about you work off the cost of the suit?” My mouth falls open at his innuendo. Great. Of course I have to be turned on and petting a arrogent jerk who’s apparently into paying to get his cock jerked. It pisses me off but simultaneously starts off an ache in my chest.

  I lift my foot and bring it down hard on his foot. Then I push at his chest as hard as I can, taking him by surprise. We both stumble. He lets me go and I trip over my own feet falling on my ass next to my backpack. It knocks the breath out of me.

  I glance up to see the man only stumble back a foot or two, then gather himself to come back for me. I grab the paint can I have out, lifting it and throwing it right at him. Green paint splatters everywhere. Shock forms on his face, and I grab my bag, hop to my feet, then take off running through the crowd as fast I can. I’m petite, so I can easily cut through the mass of people. I should be able to lose him. When I glance over my shoulder I see how wrong I am. I forgot how freaking tall he was. He can easily spot me as he towers over everyone else.

  His eyes are on me as he pushes through the crowd, commanding people to move out of his way. I stumble onto the street and into the parade, tripping over something. A cop yells at me to get out of the street. I look back and see Shade is getting closer, a look of determination on his face.

  “Charlie!” I turn to see my best friend Fredrik standing on top of a float. I smile. Looks like my luck just changed.

  Chapter Two


  “Don’t touch her!” I yell at Andrew, my security. He’s been my right-hand man since I left the Marines five years ago after my father died and I was called home to take over the family business. I’m not sure if he’s following her or me. Either way, I don’t want anyone’s hands on her. Her smart mouth is all mine. My cock, already hard from having her little body pressed against mine as she tried to wiggle free, grows even harder at the thought of having to chase her. It’s almost barbaric, making my blood pump as if I’m in battle.

  It’s like if I catch her I can take her to the ground and claim her as mine. I push through the crowd, getting closer to her. She turns, our eyes lock, and she stumbles into the street. I see a cop yell at her and take a step in her direction. If he touches her I swear to fuck I’ll have his badge along with some of his skin.

  Her head whips around in the other direction as someone calls out. Her blonde hair swirls around her, green splatters of paint shining in it. I follow her gaze as she runs toward the man who called out to her. Jealousy takes over all my emotions.

  I push harder, trying to get to her. When I break free onto the street, the man is holding his hand out to her, pulling her up onto the float. Music is blasting from the float as the parade moves on at a slow pace. He twirls her around to the music before dipping her, then plants a kiss on her lips.

  My vision goes red as I storm toward the float. A cop grabs my arm, trying to stop me, and yells at me to get out of the street. I turn and look him dead in the eyes. He raises his hands in surrender and croaks, “Sorry, Mr. Shade, didn't know it was you.” I turn back to see my girl staring at me with wide eyes. The man lets her go and she turns, jumping off the other side of the float and disappearing into the crowd on the other side of the street.

  “Fuck,” I grit out. I lost her.

  “Sir?” the cop asks me. He clearly wants to help and is probably scared I might get him in trouble.

  I point to the man who just kissed my girl on the float. “Him. Get his information. I expect it within the hour.” The cop nods. I turn back to see Andrew standing there with his arms over his chest looking at me like I lost my mind. Maybe I have, but I don’t really give a flying fuck at the moment.

  “Don’t,” I warn him, knowing he's going to say something that might just piss me off more. I’m already on edge as it is. We push back through the crowd. I’d completely forgotten it was St. Patrick’s Day. Not that it would have mattered anyway. To me it was just another Friday, with work to be done. I glance down at my suit. I’m covered in green paint. Her small handprints mark the front of my suit jacket.

  I shake my head as I think about how she threw the paint on me. How something like that could turn me on, I have no freaking clue. But there was something about her. I was about to let loose a string of curses when I first tripped over her crap, paint splattering everywhere. Then I looked down and the greenest eyes I’d ever seen looked up at me through thick eyelashes. Before I knew what I was doing I was lifting her up and pulling her to me, wanting her closer to see if she was even real. I don’t like to be touched or people to be in my space, but with her that wasn't there. She looked like a little glass doll that I needed to protect.

  I want to chase her, but I don’t think I’d find her. The man on the float called out her name. Charlie. He has to know her. Either way, I’ll find her. Even if I have to call in some favors and have video surveillance pulled. Whatever it takes. I’ll find her or I’ll rip this city apart until I do. I’m not worried. I always get what I want. Though I’ve never felt this attraction for someone else, this magnetic pull.

  I bend down and pick up the big notepad she left behind. I make a mental note to have my assistant get the rest of this cleaned up.

  “I need a shower,” I tell Andrew as he opens my car door. “I’m canceling my meeting.” I slide into the car, pull out my phone and send a text to my assistant about the change of plans. Andrew hops into the driver seat.

  “You’re really not going to your meeting?” Our eyes lock for a moment in the rearview mirror. I know what he’s thinking. I never miss a meeting. I never miss anything when it comes to work. It’s how I’ve been since I came back home after my father's death. He’d left the company a mess. It was drowning and it had taken a few years to not only pull it back but make sure no one knew what he’d done. Especially my mother. I don’t want her to know the wreckage he caused and left behind. Nor do I want her to know I have a feeling it’s why my father had a heart attack. Too much pressure.

  I never understood the drive to keep making more and more money. If I could have, I would have walked away from all of it after my father died, but the company wasn't in a place to be sold. Not to mention if I’d just outright shut it down, thousands would be without a job. I needed to clean up the mess. The mess was now cleaned, but
still here I was working day and night. I’d even gone with the plans my father had for this building.

  It wouldn’t take me long to run home and jump in the shower and just invite Senator Jones over to my house for a drink instead of meeting him at the Alibi Room. We have a standing meeting there every month.

  I scratch his back with money and he makes sure I always get what I want when I ask. When you have as much money as I do no one seems to stand in your way.

  Though Charlie wasn’t like everyone else. The little spitfire threw paint at me. Even after she knew who I was. I’d seen her reaction to my name on her pretty face when Andrew said it. The Shade name wasn’t only known in Colorado but all around the world as a result of our hotel business. It was a name associated with luxury and decadence.

  “I have other things that need to be taken care of. More important.” I pick up the notepad Charlie left behind, running my hand over the binding of it before flipping it open. I pause when I see the Shade building. It was what she was painting. I flip through the pages and see she’s painted it many times. Each picture is as perfect as the last. Jesus, she’s talented.

  “Important like a tiny, light-haired hellion?” I hear the teasing note in Andrew’s voice, but I ignore it.

  “Something like that,” I mutter. She is tiny. Worry for her starts to creep up my spine. Maybe I should have tried to push through the crowd to find her, though I’m pretty sure it was a lost cause.


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