Spencer meets his Lady Love

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Spencer meets his Lady Love Page 12

by Christine Donovan

  “You left early this morning. The butler said you received a message from Spencer late last night. I do hope nothing is amiss?”

  “Yes. Something is amiss all right.” He exhaled deeply. “Spencer said I could confide in you. But you must promise not to tell anyone. Let Miranda share with the others if she so chooses. If what I have to say gets out Miranda would be mortified.

  “Oh my, you make it sound scandalous.”

  “It is. Trust me, it is. Soon before she arrived in London her aunt’s third husband raped her.”

  Gasps came from Amelia. “He...never mind. Don’t say it again. How terrible. Where is he now?”

  “That’s just it. Spencer wants to find him and kill him. Not that I can blame him. I’d do the same if someone did that to you. But I don’t think he’s thinking rationally. And God knows I’m an expert on irrational behavior.”

  “Is Smythe on the case?”

  “Of course. Between our families the man has more work than he can handle. We may as well start putting him on our invite list. He’s here often enough.”

  “He is a rather handsome and charming young man. Perhaps one of Myles’s sisters might consider him?”

  “The ton would be scandalized at one of their members, the daughter of an earl no less, marrying a lowly working class citizen. I know Myles would approve. He likes and respects the man. Perhaps it’s possible.” William squeezed her hand.

  “What is he going to do when he finds this...I can’t call him a man, because he isn’t.”

  “If he’s still in England he will be escorted to a ship setting sale for New South Wales. If he cannot be found, he is likely in America. Hopefully, he died a horrendous death on the crossing.”

  “I sincerely hope so.” Amelia squeezed his hand back. “Did you see Miranda since she told Spencer? Should I go and call on her this afternoon?”

  “I don’t know if he told her he shared the news with me and me with you? Until she mentions something, perhaps we should keep quiet. But by all means, we can call this afternoon. It would keep my mind off what was said between Spencer and myself this morning. But tell me my love, how you are feeling?”

  “Fine...Oh.” Amelia placed his hand on her increasing belly. “The baby moved. Can you feel him?”

  “Yes.” He smiled. “You, my dear wife, have made me the happiest man in all of England. I never thought...”

  “I know. I never thought either. We both received a second chance at happiness, life, and love. And we must not waste a moment of it. Geoffrey, Katherine, and Captain Rycroft are watching us from heaven. Their prayers as well as ours have come true.”

  “Has anyone told you, you are wise beyond your years?”

  “Only you.” She glowed.”

  “I mean it.”

  “I know. If you don’t mind, I’m going to spend time in the nursery with Olivia before we leave.”

  “In case I don’t tell you often enough, you are a wonderful mother.”

  “Thank you.”

  Before she exited the library, he pulled her up against his body and kissed her senseless.

  Chapter Twelve

  “The Earl and Countess of Bridgeton,” announced the butler shortly after Amesbury took his leave.

  The conversation went on and on around the room, and Miranda had a hard time keeping up with all the different topics. Eventually, she excused herself and went to stand in front of the hearth to clear her suddenly muddled mind.

  “Do you mind if I join you?” asked Amelia, her new cousin-in-law.

  “No, please do.”

  “How is our Spencer? He seems happy and content since the wedding?”

  “He is. As am I.”

  “You have no idea how relieved William and I are that you found each other again. I think William gave up ever thinking his cousin would settle down and marry. Of course, he didn’t know about the fact that Spencer still loved you for all these years.”

  “Bridgeton is one to talk. Did he not spend twelve years ignoring Spencer’s attempts to speak to him, reason with him?”

  Amelia smiled and her beauty startled Miranda. “True. William believes I saved him, and I believe he saved me and Olivia.”

  “I know Bridgeton’s story. Well, I get the feeling I only know a tiny bit of it, but I’m fine with that. I don’t, however, know anything about why you would think he saved you and Olivia? I can deduce your previous husband passed.”

  Amelia sighed. “Actually, I was never married. Please do not think me a horrible person. Captain Rycroft, my fiancé, and I were in love. It only happened once a month before our wedding. Who knew he would die a senight before our nuptials in a hunting accident.”

  “Oh, Amelia, I’m so sorry. How terribly sad for you.” Miranda couldn’t fathom what she went through. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you keep Olivia a secret from the gossips of the ton?”

  “That wasn’t easy. I went to America where Sebastian was living at the time. He and I came back when Olivia was a year old. We pretended my ladies maid was her mother. There was gossip, but nobody had any proof.”

  “It always comes down to gossip.”

  “When William and I fell in love, Wentworth would not allow him to court me. He still had the reputation of being a murderer. I was briefly engaged to the Duke of Yarmouth who, and please keep this to yourself, tried to force himself on me. By the grace of God, William had followed us into the gardens and pulled him off me. After that we eloped to Gretna Green.”

  As soon as the shock of hearing Amelia had almost been raped dissipated, she said, “Gretna Green. How romantic.”

  “Yes, well, we didn’t make it. Emma, Bella, Wentworth, and Sebastian caught up with us. My brother finally gave his consent and we married at my family’s country estate.”

  “Still, how very romantic. I can see why you think he saved you from a life of heartbreak. But him...”

  “You know the story about his brother and sister-in-law’s death?”


  “And that he was blamed?”


  “But there is more. After we married, Sir Phillip Trenton, Katherine’s brother tried to drown me in the same stream he killed Katherine in.”

  She gasped and brought her hand to her throat. “Ohhh, how frightening.”

  “What made things worse was when I regained consciousness, I went back nearly three years to when Captain Rycroft still lived. I didn’t remember ever meeting William, never mind marrying him.”

  “Dear me.”

  “Wentworth had him thrown in Newgate. Eventually, the truth came out, but it took a while.”

  “Now I see.” And she did. Amelia and Bridgeton both deserved to have love and happiness. Thank God they found each other.

  “There is more. During the opening of Waterloo Bridge, our boat was rammed and I fell into the Thames. Once again, Sir Phillip tried to kill me. William, Sebastian, and Wentworth rescued me. Finally William’s name was cleared and he could hold his head up high again.”

  “That’s an amazing story. I already held you both in high esteem, but it is even higher now.”

  “Thank you.”

  Miranda took a deep breath for courage. If Amelia could share her story, she could as well. “Can I tell you something in confidence?”


  “I was raped by my aunt’s husband two months ago.”

  “I...oh...I’m so sorry.” Amelia looked completely shocked by her words. No doubt she looked like this moments ago when Amelia shared her own tragic story.

  “What happened?”

  Miranda went on to explain everything and the heavy burden of carrying such a secret lessened each time she shared it. First her aunt, then Spencer and now Amelia. She knew Amelia would understand after her own brush with rape.

  Amelia turned and hugged her close and whispered in her ear, “We are kindred spirits.”

  Miranda hugged her back. “Thank you. I feel it too.”

lia turned and looked at William and Spencer who were laughing. “Our husbands are handsome devils. We are so fortunate to have captured their hearts.”

  She had to agree. “We are indeed.”


  Spencer sat in his study more or less staring into his glass of brandy. A senight had gone by since Miranda told him about being raped, and he still didn’t know how to help her. Did she want him physically comforting her or was being in a man’s arms too much to bear? Whenever he spent time with her, all he wanted to do was ease her burdens and take them upon himself. If only that were possible. Seeing her haunted eyes during the day and waking to her nightly nightmares tore at his heart. He would do anything to take her pain and anguish away.

  Unfortunately, he’d yet to hear from Smythe on Baker’s whereabouts, and the days crawled by waiting for any tiny morsel of news.

  “A gentleman is here to see you,” his butler announced with an annoyed look on his face. “He wouldn’t divulge his name.”

  “Thank you. See him to the burgundy drawing room and stay with him until I arrive.”


  Intrigued as to who his visitor could be, he vacated his study, walked down the hall and into the small drawing room they seldom used because it faced north and tended to be dark and cold. Perfect for meeting his mysterious stranger.

  “May I help you?” Spencer asked as he walked into the room and looked the man over from head to toe. Not very tall, a little too thin, but otherwise dressed respectably enough.

  “”Yes, you may.”

  “Do I know you?” The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and a chill crept up his spine.

  “We have never been formally introduced, but I am Mr. Henry Baker, Lady Violet’s husband. Several close acquaintances of mine have informed me that my wife is staying here. I’d like to see her if you don’t mind.”

  “Mind?” Spencer saw red flames shooting out of his very own eyes, and his body shook from the inside out. Rage, like he’d never known existed, slammed into him. Before he comprehended he’d moved, he punched the man in the nose, ignoring the pain that exploded in knuckles. He congratulated himself when he heard the recognizable sound of breaking bone.

  “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing,” yelled Baker. “You broke my nose. Are you out of your mind?”

  Spencer watched with satisfaction as Baker removed a handkerchief from his pocket and tried to stop the rush of blood escaping his nostrils. He’d need something more than that little square of white linen.

  “More important a question to ask is, are you an idiot for coming into my home and acting like nothing happened between you and my wife?”

  “Your wife?” the man asked in a nasally voice. And Spencer enjoyed the sight of his eyes beginning to swell and bruises appearing in the circles beneath them.

  “Yes, Miranda, my wife.” Spencer planted his body directly in front of Baker and leaned close. “You do remember her, don’t you? But more importantly, she told me everything.”

  Baker backed up as fear flashed in his eyes. Then he made a most startling transformation. His back straightened and his features turned hard. “Well, well, well, this is even better. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind relieving yourself of some pound sterling. Otherwise, I will shout out to the ton that Miranda seduced me while her aunt and I took pity on her by putting a roof over her head and food in her belly. That she is nothing more than a common whore. She will be ruined—you will be ruined.”

  Strangled cries from the hall bombarded his ears. Spencer’s heart stopped, knowing the sounds came from his wife. His hand curled around Baker’s throat, and he backed him up against the wall and squeezed. “You will do no such thing. I have the means and know how to make you disappear. Bribing guards in Newgate to make people vanish without a trace is something that occurs every day. How would you like to live the remainder of your numbered days in the sewers of hell...or worse?”

  When Baker’s lips tinged blue, he released his grip and the man fell forward onto all fours choking and sucking in air.

  Spencer walked to the door and came face to face with not only Miranda, but Violet as they hugged each other. How much had they heard?

  The sound of Miranda crying tore at his insides, and he almost turned around and finished what he started. They could dispose of the body and nobody would be the wiser. He highly doubted anyone would go looking for the scum of the London sewers. But deep down, Spencer could never take another life, no matter how much the person deserved to die. Letting Smythe deal with Baker was the right thing.

  When Violet saw him, she pulled away from Miranda, put on a brave face and said, “If you will permit it, I would like a word in private with my husband.”

  “Be my guest.” He pulled Miranda into his arms and gently rubbed her back. “Easy my dear. He can’t hurt you. I will never let him or anyone else hurt you.”

  Between sobs she said,” I know. It was just a shock to first hear his voice then to glimpse his face through the opening in the door. I thought Auntie would faint dead away at my feet when she heard him. Why is he here?”

  “I’ll explain all, but first I need to know you are fine?”

  “I am. Or I will be now that I have a knight in shining armor looking out for me. Who knew you could be so gallant.”

  “Are you jesting?”

  “I need too. Otherwise I might faint and land at your feet.” She leaned back and looked right into his eyes and all the air escaped from his lungs. “Please tell me why he is here?” Her sad, pleading eyes nearly crippled him.

  He stepped back, careful to keep one hand on her hip for support in case she needed it. His other hand clawed through his hair. “I’m not sure of the original reason. He said he heard his wife was staying here, and he wanted to see her. No doubt to try and squeeze her for more money. When I explained we were married he changed his mind and demanded money from me. He threatened to expose and ruin you in the eyes of society by lying about you.”

  “Yes, well, actually, I did hear him call me a...a...whore,” she choked out.”

  “It is my understanding, and from experience, people desperate for funds will do or say anything to get what they think they deserve. He probably believes he’s entitled to money.”

  “Why would he think that?”

  “He is without compassion and morals. Come.” He held out his hand. “Let us check on your aunt?”

  The moment they stepped into the drawing room, Spencer saw Violet’s hand rise up and slap Baker on the cheek. The sound of the smack reverberated in the small room. Good for you, Violet.

  Baker’s head snapped back at the contact. When all was over, he stared at her with pure hatred in his eyes. So much hatred that Spencer cringed, and he wondered how Violet could have married the man. Was he that good an actor he had her fooled?

  “Well, since I obviously will not get what I came for, I will be off.”

  “Not so fast,” Smythe said from the open doorway. “Your butler sent word to me the second he ascertained who your uninvited guest was.”

  “Thank you,” Spencer said first to his butler then to Smythe. Then he addressed Miranda and her aunt. “Perhaps you two would like some tea in the family drawing room while Smythe and I take care of this unwanted business.”

  Once the ladies left, Spencer shut the door, ordered Baker to sit and turned the room over to the Bow Street Runner.

  “Mr. Baker, my name is Robert Smythe and I’m the head of the Bow Street Runners. You have been accused of several serious crimes. Crimes which could have you put to death, or even worse, leave you to rot in Newgate. Prisoners have a way of being forgotten down in the dark bowels of hell. Dying of starvation is a slow and painful death. That is, if disease doesn’t get you first.”

  “You have no right.”

  “I have every right. But you have an alternative. Instead of Newgate, where the guards are as corrupt as the prisoners, and all it takes is a small amount of coin to make things happen to one’
s advantage, you can board a ship to New South Wales. I’ll be kind and not sign you to a penal colony. You can live free there.”

  “Those are my only choices?”

  “Yes, pick one now. I’m a very busy man and so is Mr. Spencer. Make it quick before I give in to Mr. Spencer’s wishes and turn you over to him. Trust me, you do not want that.”

  “Fine, put me on a ship.”

  “Before Smythe escorts you from my home.” Spencer bent down and got close to Baker’s face. “Let me be perfectly clear in explaining what will happen to you if you ever step one foot on English soil again. You will not be treated with such civility. If I ever glimpse your face again, I will end your pathetic existence where you stand.” He rose, crossed his arms on his chest, and rocked back on his heels. “Do you understand?”

  “I’m not a simpleton.”

  “I beg to differ. Get him out of my sight, Smythe,”

  Left alone in the dark room, Spencer paced from one wall to the next while his fingers yanked his hair. It was either that or he would start throwing objects around or yelling from the top of his lungs, his frustration was that high. Part of him wanted to do just that, but the rational part of him didn’t want to cause Miranda or Violet any more anguish. They certainly didn’t need him sliding down into insanity, even temporarily, to appease his temper. He proceeded to sit in front of the cold hearth inhaling and exhaling, trying to slow the thundering of his heartbeat before it exploded out of his chest. When he first realized who Baker was, he’d frightened himself with his own hatred of the man. Never had he experienced pure, raw, rage. His emotions nearly spiraling out of control. It was a good thing he noticed Miranda in the hall when he had, otherwise he might have done something he’d regret for the rest of his life.

  He could only imagine what Miranda went through when she realized Baker was inside her home. Invading the peace and safety of her own domain. Now that the bastard was taken care of, it was time to concentrate of healing Miranda. Spencer would do anything for her. She meant everything to him, and the thought of her going through what she did nearly paralyzed him with anguish. He needed to be strong, calm, and loving for her sake.


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