The Beast's Beloved (Ballads of Cadarnle Book 2)

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The Beast's Beloved (Ballads of Cadarnle Book 2) Page 13

by Amber Burns

  “Well, if I scent any magic coming from Cerridwyn when she blossoms, then I will immediately sequester her away to one of the castle’s wings. She will have full range of the wing, and you will be able to visit her as often, and for as long as you wish. I will also restrict her human contact to women, and to already mated men, and she will be forbidden from attending clan gatherings until she reaches is the custom for all females in the clan who are hovering on the cusp of womanhood as your sister is.”

  “So drastic a measure?” Klaryssa asked curiously. “Can you not simply declare her forbidden until she comes of age, and just leave it at that?”

  “It will not work,” Dresdyn replied with a small shake of his head. “You see, my love, the moment a male shifter finds his mate, he loses all desire for other women, and wants none but his mate. If Cerridwyn’s mate were to find her before the appropriate time, he would spend years in a state of constant sexual frustration.”

  “Oh, dear,” Klaryssa remarked.

  Dresdyn nodded. “Trust me, my doe, my way will prove better in the end for all parties.”

  “I can understand that,” Klaryssa replied with a small nod. “And, what if you don’t scent any magic from Cerridwyn once she blossoms?”

  “Then I will see that she is married off to a man who is worthy of her,” Dresdyn answered with a small smile. “Just as I promised your father I would.”

  Klaryssa smiled and brushed a loving kiss to Dresdyn’s lips. “Thank you,” she whispered before softly kissing him again. “Thank you.” She then sighed softly and leaned tiredly against Dresdyn’s strong body as the events of the day finally caught up to her. “Are you sure you’re alright, my wolf? You’re not hurt too badly after what happened?”

  Dresdyn smiled contentedly and held Klaryssa close while resting his head against hers. “I promise that I am no worse for wear, my love,” he answered before then shifting his arms only to then stand with Klaryssa cradled in his embrace like a bride. “Come, my doe. To bed with you.”

  “Dresdyn, I don’t think I can rally tonight,” Klaryssa said while shyly averting her eyes as her beloved stepped out of the alcove and started down the corridor.

  “I did not expect you to, my love,” Dresdyn replied. “You have had quite the trying day. We will simply stop by the dining room first to check on Cerridwyn and shepherd her up to her room before we retire ourselves.”

  Klaryssa sighed and smiled sleepily while resting her head on Dresdyn’s shoulder. “All I want is to spend the night safe and warm in your arms,” she murmured. “By Dynol and all the other gods, that sounds positively divine.”

  Dresdyn smiled contentedly and kissed the top of Klaryssa’s head after nuzzling into her hair. “That, my love, can be easily arranged.”


  Sitting on a bench in the courtyard the next morning after breakfast, Klaryssa smiled serenely as she enjoyed the sunny day while watching the Keep’s residents milling about. It was not just people that moved about the courtyard, but wolves as well, and Klaryssa was utterly in awe at how casually the two groups moved amongst the other. Klaryssa’s life truly was to be different from now on.

  And she could not have been more excited!

  Even the beauty of the day seemed to act as a blessing of sorts. The sky was clear, with hardly the wisp of a white cloud. There was a slight chill in the air, but it was not severe enough to chase Klaryssa back inside the castle in search of something heavier than the woolen shawl she had draped over her shoulders. Turning her face up to the sun as she closed her eyes, Klaryssa sighed softly in contentment as a gentle breeze blew through her golden waves while carrying a cheerful birdsong. It was the perfect way to pass the time as she waited for Cerridwyn to join her.

  The pair had made plans to explore their new home, but Cerridwyn had retreated up to her room in search of a new dress after spilling porridge on her skirt. At her clumsiness, the young girl’s face had turned as red as her treasured beets, but Dresdyn had assured her that no harm had been done. Klaryssa could not help but smile as she remembered how gently her future husband had handled her nearly hysterical sister, and her womb ached with want as she thought of how Dresdyn would be with their future children.

  Upon feeling something come to rest on her lap, Klaryssa was pulled from her reverie. She opened her eyes and looked down only to find that a wolf with snowy-white fur had taken up post beside her and was resting its head upon her lap. She recognized him immediately as Blizzard. “Oh, my,” she whispered.

  Blizzard huffed

  “I...hello, Blizzard,” Klaryssa said nervously. “Is there something I can do for you?”

  Blizzard huffed again, and this time, he raised his amber gaze up to Klaryssa.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t speak wolf,” Klaryssa said with an apologetic smile only to blink in surprise when Blizzard’s ears perked up, and his tail wagged. “Do you like the sound of my voice?” she asked softly while tentatively stroking her left hand over Blizzard’s soft head . “Is this what you wanted?” she asked only to smile when Blizzard’s tail wagged harder. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she whispered. “Petting a wolf, I mean. Gracious, you are a beautiful creature.” She gasped in surprise then giggled when Blizzard licked her hand. “You’re welcome,” she said before rolling her eyes. “I don’t know why I just said that. It’s not like you can understand me.”

  Blizzard whined softly.

  “That’s alright though,” Klaryssa said while gently using both hands to scratch Blizzard behind his ears. “Even if you can’t understand me, you still honor me by allowing me to pet you.”

  Blizzard drew away, then gave himself a shake before jumping onto the bench. He snuffled into Klaryssa’s hair, then licked her cheek before settling down and lying across Klaryssa’s lap with a huff.

  “Well, alright then,” Klaryssa said with a small laugh before slowly running one hand down Blizzard’s back while gently stroking his velvety muzzle with the other. Blizzard was heavy, but Klaryssa did not mind. Her heart raced with excitement at being in such close proximity to the magnificent beast.

  “Blizzard’s never done that before.”

  Klaryssa turned her head to the right and looked up to see that Wilem was standing beside the bench. “Pardon?”

  “Blizzard’s never done that before,” Wilem said in awe. “Not even with my uncle. Sure, he’ll sit and lie next to him, but Blizzard doesn’t climb onto his lap like that.”

  Klaryssa blushed, and her blush deepened when she realized that others were staring at her. “I suppose I must have the special touch,” she murmured while ducking her head a little

  “Maybe it’s your magic,” Wilem mused with a small shrug as he sat on the edge of the bench.

  “But, I didn’t do anything,” Klaryssa said as she continued stroking Blizzard’s fur. “At least, I don’t think I did.”

  “Doesn’t mean it isn’t there,” Wilem said with another small shrug. “Maybe, you have an innate way with animals,” he pondered while reaching out and lightly stroking Blizzard’s closest paw. “Would hardly be the strangest thing to happen to you since meeting my uncle, now would it?” he asked with mild cheek.

  Klaryssa laughed softly. “No, I suppose not. I have seen and experienced more strangeness over the course of two days than I ever have in my entire twenty-two years of life.”

  Wilem raised both eyebrows. “Honestly? Nothing strange has ever happened to you before meeting my uncle?”

  Klaryssa shook her head. “No. My life was ordinary almost to the point of being dull, but I didn’t mind,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders. “I simply believed that was all there was for me. Until your uncle rescued me and whisked me away, my entire world consisted of my family, and our farm.”

  “What should I call you, by the way?”

  Klaryssa blinked. “Pardon?”

  “Should I call you Aunt Klaryssa, or simply Klaryssa?” Wilem asked. “You never actually told me, and I think that we
should come to some sort of agreement, seeing as how you’ll be joining our pack once you’re officially mated to my uncle,” he said while bashfully averting his eyes.

  Klaryssa smiled. “Well, what feels right to you?” she asked while canting her head to the side.

  “Aunt Klaryssa,” Wilem replied with a shy smile. “I’ve never had an aunt before.”

  Klaryssa reached across the table and gently squeezed Wilem’s lanky hand. “I’ll endeavor to be a good one.” She gave Wilem’s hand another small squeeze before letting it go. “You know, you can tell me anything. Cerridwyn and I have always confided in each other, and I want to extend the same invitation to you.” She smiled warmly. “If you ever feel uncomfortable talking to your uncle about something, you can always come to me.”

  Wilem’s smile grew a fraction of an inch. “Thank you.”

  Furrowing her brow a little, Klaryssa canted her head to the side upon seeing Olaf nearby. By all appearances, the young man was loitering, but every so often, Klaryssa would catch him watching her and Wilem. She leaned in close to the young boy. “Is there a reason Olaf is watching us?” she asked in a whisper.

  Wilem sighed. “He’s not watching us, he’s watching me,” he replied.

  “Why?” Klaryssa asked. “Is everything alright?”

  Wilem sighed. “While my uncle won’t admit it to me, he’s afraid that I’m going to lose control, and since his duties prevent him from being around to watch me every moment of the day, he’s assigned Olaf to be my watcher as a precaution.”

  Klaryssa blinked and tilted her head in confusion. “I’m sorry, lose control? Lose control of what, exactly?”

  “Myself,” Wilem answered with a sigh. “Male shifters don’t gain the ability to shift into their wolf forms until they begin changing from boys into men,” he explained while bashfully ducking his head and hiding behind his dark hair. “And, from what I hear, the first shift is always unbidden.”

  “I see,” Klaryssa answered before giving the boy a smile while gently gripping his hand once more. “Well, I’m not afraid of you. You’ve got that in your favor.” Her smile grew when Wilem peeked out at her from under his hair and smiled shyly.

  “Really?” Wilem asked.

  “Really,” Klaryssa answered with a smile before furrowing her brow. “Though, I am a little confused about something.”

  “About what?” Wilem asked while tossing his head to get his hair out of his face.

  “Well, while your uncle and I were speaking last night, he mentioned that the moon holds no sway over shifters, except for when they’re in the womb,” Klaryssa began. “Did the moon once hold sway over shifters?”

  Wilem nodded. “Very long ago,” he answered before clearing his throat when his voice cracked. “Our ancestors were only able to shift into their wolf forms during the full moon. It was the Great Wolf’s way of ensuring that we did not abuse our power.”

  Klaryssa could not help but feel fascinated. “What happened to change that?” she asked.

  “The gnolls,” Wilem answered.

  Klaryssa had not been expecting that answer. “The gnolls?”

  Wilem nodded. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but...shifters are stronger, faster, and have keener senses than normal humans. Even when we’re not in our wolf forms, we enjoy those advantages, and this led to a faction of our ancestors choosing to subjugate and enslave humans rather than live and work beside them.” Wilem sighed. “Those who did not agree with them, rose up in defense of the humans, and a war broke out amongst our ancestors.”

  “What happened next?” Klaryssa asked with rapt attention.

  “According to the ancient texts, Blaiddwych intervened,” Wilem answered with a smile. “The Great Wolf smote those who had used their gifts and abilities for evil. He cursed them and their progeny to life in twisted, grotesque forms that they were unable to shift out of.” He sighed. “And thus, the gnolls came into being. Those of our ancestors who had defended and protected the humans, Blaiddwych rewarded by removing their magical leash, and allowing them to shift whenever they wished, because he knew they were loyal, and could be trusted.”

  “Goodness, what a story,” Klaryssa whispered.

  “Since then, the clan views nights of the full moon as times of communal celebration,” Wilem added with a smile. “Ever since then, the entire clan gathers together every month to celebrate our freedom with a massive feast, games, and revelry...after clan matters are dealt with.”

  “And, also since then, the gnolls have been at war with us,” Olaf said as he approached. “Their anger and hatred for us fuels them.” Upon seeing Klaryssa’s look of shock, he grinned amiably and tapped his right ear. “Sorry, couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. Keener senses, and all that,” he added with a chuckle before clearing his throat. “Are you alright after yesterday, M’lady Thane?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Klaryssa answered with a smile.

  “And your sister?” Olaf asked.

  “Still a bit shaken, considering everything that happened, but she’s slowly adjusting,” Klaryssa answered. “Thank you for asking.”

  “Of, course,” Olaf replied with a wave of his hand. “You seem to be settling in well enough, M’Lady” he added while motioning to Blizzard who had fallen asleep on Klaryssa’s lap. “He might have just found a new favorite person,” he added with a chuckle before fondly ruffling Wilem’s hair. “Best warn your uncle,” he teased.

  “Are the other wolves affectionate with the people here in the Keep?” Klaryssa asked.

  “Not like this, M’Lady,” Olaf answered with a small shake of his head. “Not with non-shifters, in any case.” He smirked. “Considering our similarities, they feel a kinship with us. All of the clan’s packs enjoy a close relationship with a wolfpack.”

  Klaryssa smiled and gently combed her fingers through Blizzard’s thick fur. “In that case, I’m doubly honored, Blizzard. Thank you.”

  Blizzard wagged his tail. Klaryssa and Wilem exchanged glances.

  “There just might be something to Wilem’s theory,” Olaf remarked with a grin.

  “So, the clan is divided into packs?” Klaryssa asked.

  “Aye, M’Lady,” Olaf replied with a nod. “And those packs are spread out all over Cadarnle, ready to protect her people at a moment’s notice.” He puffed up his chest with pride. “Many a time over the centuries has our clan answered the call of the Crown.”

  Klaryssa blinked. “Wait, hold on a moment. The King of Cadarnle knows about your clan?” she asked bemusedly.

  “Of course,” Olaf answered with a nod and a shrug of his shoulders. “Every king or queen who’s sat on Cadarnle’s throne has known. They know about the dragon shifters too.”

  Klaryssa’s eyes widened. “There are dragon shifters?”

  “The y Draig clan,” Wilem answered with a nod. “There’s not as many of them as there are of us...not nearly as many.” He cleared his throat when his voice cracked again, and he growled in annoyance. “They keep mostly to themselves.”

  “They’re a solitary lot,” Olaf added with a nod. “Not pack people like us. But, whenever the Crown sounds a call to battle, the y Draig clan takes up arms as readily as we do.”

  “If the Crown knows about these two clans, why is everyone else in the dark?” Klaryssa asked.

  “The elves know,” Wilem answered.

  “Yes, but in all seriousness, who are they going to tell?” Olaf asked cheekily. “They tend to avoid anyone who isn’t an elf, so the secret remains safe. Oh, and the dwarves know...hardly surprising since they share with dragons the same love of treasure and shiny objects,” he added with a chuckle.

  Klaryssa could not believe what she was hearing. “So, you’re basically telling me that all humans, except for the ones sitting on the throne, are in the dark about all of this?” she asked incredulously.

  “Basically, yes,” Olaf answered with a nod.

  “Well, that hardly seems fair,” Klaryssa remarked with
a frown.

  Olaf sighed. “Considering the history your people shared with ours, it might be in everyone’s best interest if humans are none the wiser about the existence of shifters, and why it’s better that the nasty business that occurred between our two races has passed from the memories of humans.”

  “But what about the shifters who fought and still fight for humans?” Klaryssa asked softly. “Why not allow them to be remembered and honored as the heroes and saviors they are?”

  “Because, we don’t need the recognition, M’Lady,” Olaf answered with a smile. “Or the validation. We know what we do, and that’s enough for us. We prefer to live like normal humans and protect them from within the shadows.”


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