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TooHot Page 3

by Lauren Fraser

  Marco ran a teasing path along the shell of her ear. It felt amazing. She closed her eyes and tilted her head to allow him better access.

  “Don’t make me prove you wrong, Josie.”

  Her eyes flashed open, meeting his. The heat burning in his eyes was almost enough to melt her on the spot.

  Trying to hold onto some semblance of control, she said, “Guys like you aren’t attracted to women like me.”

  He wrapped his muscular arm around her waist and pulled her hips against his. The hard length of his cock pressed against her stomach. “Clearly my body is telling you otherwise.”

  Holy cow, he really wanted her. She grinned to herself. Without thought, she shifted her body and rubbed against him, loving the way she could feel his cock thicken through his gym shorts.

  He hissed in a breath. “Damn, Red.”

  She leaned back, putting a little space between them and trailed her finger down the length of his chest, stopping at the waistband of his shorts. His breathing increased as he watched her finger.

  “So you seriously want to have dinner with me?”

  His cock twitched beneath the fabric of his shorts. He gripped her hips firmly with his hands and rubbed against her. “What I’d like is to have you for dinner but we can start with grabbing a bite to eat. You seemed a bit umm…unsure the other day so I thought you’d be more comfortable with a group thing.”

  Unsure. That was one word for it. Terrified of making an ass of herself was more like it.

  “So what do you say, Josie? You free tonight?”

  She’d be a complete idiot to pass up the chance to spend some time with him. “Sure, why not?”

  A huge grin spread across Marco’s face. “Great, so I’ll pick you up, say seven?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “You okay with pizza? We’re all meeting at Carlos Pizzeria before we hit the club.” He watched her as he spoke. “Or we can get something else to eat if pizza’s no good.”

  She shook her head. “No, pizza’s great.” The last thing she wanted was to seem like some high-maintenance chick.

  He grabbed his phone from the bench and handed it to her. “Why don’t you program in your address and phone number for me?”

  Her mouth dropped open and she looked at him.


  “You want to program me into your phone?”

  “Sure, why not?”

  She shrugged. She only programmed people into her phone when she planned on needing them repeatedly. A little flutter of excitement zipped through her. Maybe he was hoping this would lead to something. She grinned at him and took the phone from his hand. She programmed in her info and handed it back to him. Marco pressed a couple of buttons then grinned.

  “Thanks. So seven?”

  She nodded.

  He stepped in closer to her again. “So you gonna dance with me tonight, Red?”

  “Su…” she squeaked. “I mean sure, if you want to.”

  “Ah, Red, you know I can’t wait to get my arms around you.”

  Loud chatter sounded from the hall. Josie stepped back just as two other firefighters walked into the gym. The men glanced at her then at Marco then back at her and grinned.

  She cleared her throat. “All right then, I’ll see you later.”

  “Count on it,” Marco replied. His eyes roamed across her body like a caress that left her feeling touched. Damn, the man was too potent for his own good.

  Josie hitched her bag up on her shoulder and fled the gym.

  * * * * *

  Josie looked at herself in the mirror and groaned. She must have changed her outfit ten times already and she still wasn’t happy with the result.

  At the knock on her front door, she took one last look at herself in the mirror and sighed. Guess this was as good as it was going to get.

  She slipped on her knee-length, brown leather boots and zipped them up over dark-brown knit leggings. She adjusted the hem of the long, cream v-neck sweater she’d paired it with and double-checked to make sure it hung low enough to cover her butt and stomach. Hopefully the outfit looked casual yet still sexy.

  With her hand on the doorknob, she paused to take a deep, calming breath. She pulled open the door and the air whooshed out of her lungs. Clearly she hadn’t taken a deep enough breath because she had not been prepared for that. Marco looked unbelievable. His worn jeans hugged muscular thighs, and he’d paired them with a white t-shirt and leather jacket. He looked like every bad-boy fantasy she’d ever had. She may as well drop her panties now for all the willpower she’d have around him.

  Marco ran his tongue along the front of his teeth as his gaze roamed down her body. “Damn, Red, you clean up good.”

  “You too.”

  “Ready?” Marco asked.

  Josie grabbed her purse off the hallway table with one hand and her keys with the other. “Ready,” she replied.

  Marco placed his hand at the small of her back and led her down the hall. As they waited for the elevator he leaned in close. “Damn, Josie, you even smell good.”

  Thank god she’d chosen that perfume. “Glad you like it,” she murmured.

  The elevator door pinged open and Marco waited for her to enter first. She nervously fidgeted with the strap of her purse. Marco placed his hand on hers and held it in place. “Relax, Josie.”

  She looked at his face, took a deep breath and exhaled. “Right.” She laughed. “Sorry, it’s been a while since I went on a date.”

  “Then just relax and let me drive. I guarantee you’ll have a good time.”


  “’Atta girl.”

  When the elevator pinged, Marco once again placed his hand in the small of her back and escorted her out of the building. The feel of his palm made her immensely aware of him, but it also made her feel safe and cared for, something she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  Marco opened the truck door for her and she slid inside the black cab. As they drove to the restaurant, Marco regaled her with stories about the other firefighters and the crazy pranks they liked to play on each other at the station. From the easy affection in his voice she could tell the men he worked with were as close as brothers.

  In front of Carlos Pizzeria he pulled the truck to a stop. Josie opened her door and hopped out, meeting Marco on the curb.

  He shook his head at her.


  “Nothing.” He laughed. He grabbed the door to the restaurant and opened it. “After you.”

  From the back of the pizzeria she could hear bad karaoke and she grinned. She eyed Marco. “Any chance I’ll be able to convince you to take a turn with the mic?”

  “Depends what’s in it for me,” he said and waggled his eyebrows.

  Chapter Three

  After dinner they all walked from the pizzeria to the nearby nightclub. Josie turned to Marco. “I can’t believe you got up on stage and sang.”


  “Little bit, yep,” she replied with a smile.

  “Then it was worth making an ass of myself.”

  Josie’s smile grew. Linking his hand with hers, he continued to lead her down the street and stopped outside the bar. Marco paid their cover charge then placed his hand at the small of Josie’s back and guided her inside.

  Smoke filled the club, leaving a haze he expertly navigated to a couple of open tables. Claiming them for their group, Marco shed his leather jacket and hung it on the back of one chair. He pulled out the seat beside him and indicated Josie should sit then eased into his own chair. Moments later the rest of their group wove their way through the club and claimed the rest of the chairs.

  When the waitress arrived at his shoulder, she leaned in close, putting her cleavage on full display. Because he was a guy, he did sneak a quick little peek, registered it for what it was, a nice chest, and ordered a beer for himself and a Singapore sling for Josie.

  As the busty blonde walked away, the two guys beside him, James and Sam, started tal
king about the woman’s rack. Marco elbowed James and glared at him to knock it off.

  James grimaced then leaned forward toward Josie. “Sorry, Jos, you’re like one of the guys. I kind of forgot you were even here.”

  Marco groaned. God, could his friend be a bigger idiot? Talk about insulting a woman. Josie rolled her eyes at James. “Don’t worry, big guy. I’m kind of used to you.”

  The band started tuning up and the first chords of the rock song pounded through the speakers, making it virtually impossible to continue conversation.

  Leaning over to Josie, Marco said, “So you promised me a dance.”

  Josie pointed to the speakers. “To this?”

  He shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

  Marco stood and reached out his hand and taking hers, pulled her up and onto the dance floor.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close.

  “This is a fast song, Marco.” Josie giggled.

  “I don’t care. I can move quickly like this, can’t you?” he teased, enjoying the way her eyes sparkled with amusement.

  “I can if you can.”

  “Sorry about James.”

  She laughed. “Don’t worry about it. James is James. I’ve known him for years, and I don’t think he’s ever been any different.” She rested her arms around his shoulders. “Besides, you’d have to be blind not to notice a rack like that.”

  Holy shit, she did not just say that. Marco burst out laughing.

  “What? It’s true.”

  Rather than answer, he just coughed and pretended to clear his throat.

  The song segued into a slow, sexy rhythm and Marco grinned. Now this was more like it. He pulled Josie tighter against his body and she leaned her head on his shoulder. Damn, she felt good in his arms. Her breasts pressed against his chest. He ran his hands up her back then rested them on her hips. It was all he could do not to slide his palms down and cup her ass as she moved sensually to the music. His cock throbbed in anticipation, encouraging him to speed things up. He tamped down his arousal. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her off. She was attracted to him for sure, but beneath the attraction in her eyes was a vulnerability that made him want to tread slowly. If he came on as hard as he wanted to she’d turn tail and run.

  When the song ended he let go of her but didn’t let her off the dance floor. Tonight’s band was raw and gritty, sexy. There was no way Josie would be able to dance to the music and not feel something. Hell, he was banking on it. He pushed his hair off his forehead and winked at Josie. The girl could move. He was mesmerized by the sway of her hips and the way her breasts bounced when the beat picked up. He groaned. The end of the night couldn’t come soon enough. He gripped her hips and swayed to the music. Just because he had to go slow didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy himself.

  An hour later, he groaned. This was torture. God, the woman could dance all night. If he didn’t get his hands on her properly, and soon, he was going to drill a hole through his jeans. His dick had been hard as a rock since the moment he’d gotten his hands on her. The slow, sensual grind they’d been doing for the past hour had him completely on edge.

  Shit, he just needed a taste of her to take the edge off. He’d been trying to rein it in all night because she seemed so wary and unsure. Like a scared lamb and he was the big, bad wolf and every possessive, domineering fiber of his being wanted to protect her and wipe that look from her eyes. And damn if he could understand why. She wasn’t the least bit like the women he normally went for. She was curvier, shyer, vulnerable. The women he normally took home were outgoing and boisterous, with confidence to burn. Women who knew the score—fun, fucking and no strings whatsoever. But Josie, man, everything about her screamed relationship. There wasn’t a casual bone in her body and for the first time in a long time that was fine by him.

  Holding her hips tightly, he allowed her to feel his erection. Her full, pouty lips parted and her green eyes widened as sensual awareness burst between them.

  He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “You want to get some air?”

  She nodded. Taking her hand, he led her through the club to the back hallway and out a side door that led to the alley.

  He backed her against the wall, his breath hot against her neck. “You have been driving me nuts all night.” He trailed his finger down the length of her arm and she shivered beneath his touch. His hot, wet tongue licked a path up her neck and he took her earlobe between his teeth.

  “I want to take you home and lick every inch of your body,” he whispered, then ran his tongue along the sensitive spot behind her ear. She dropped her head back against the wall, her eyes drifted shut.

  “Would you like that, Josie?” His hand slowly dragged across her swollen nipple. The fleeting touch tormented her. God, she wanted more. She wanted to feel his mouth there.

  “Mmm,” she moaned.

  He bent his knees, tilted his head lower and ran his tongue along the vee of her shirt. Pushing the fabric with his nose, he licked closer and closer to her nipple, never quite touching her where she needed. She arched her back, desperately trying to guide his touch.

  Marco continued to tease her, never dipping low enough to satisfy her craving. “So, you going to let me come home with you?” he murmured.

  Was he serious? She’d fuck him right here if he wanted.

  He leaned back and looked at her, his nostrils flared as a look of pure carnal knowledge spread across his face. She gripped the edge of the doorframe with her right hand and held on as her knees threatened to give out from sheer lust. Heat tore through her body and she could feel moisture pooling in her panties. She was so hot, if he so much as blew anywhere near her clit she’d go off like a rocket.

  “Let’s go,” he said. Grabbing her hand, he led her back into the main area of the bar. With a quick nod to his friends, he grabbed the jackets from the back of their chairs and handed Josie hers. She didn’t even have time to slip it on before his hand was pressing at her back, urging her to move through the club.

  She stepped onto the running board of his truck and eased herself into the passenger seat. The leather pressing against her sensitized flesh made her grit her teeth to stop from squirming.

  Marco hopped into the driver’s seat and fired the hemi engine up, the growl of power rumbled through the truck and she clamped her thighs together. Josie licked her lips and glanced over at Marco. His jaw clenched tightly as he stared straight ahead. He didn’t even flick a glance her way.

  She swallowed audibly. Nerves began to take hold, dissolving the sensual fog she’d been floating in only moments before. What was she doing? This guy was like a walking poster for health and fitness and she was lucky to hit the gym once every couple of weeks. She wrapped her arms around her waist and winced when she could feel the extra weight she hadn’t lost yet. God, how was she going to get naked with him? If he’d just taken her in the club she wouldn’t even have had time to think, but as the truck ate up the miles to her apartment she couldn’t shut her mind up.

  She exhaled deeply and Marco glanced over at her. His eyes narrowed. “Stop thinking,” he told her.

  She snorted. Yeah easier said than done.

  He pulled up outside her apartment, turned off the vehicle and hopped out. Trying to steady her nerves, Josie didn’t move until Marco opened the passenger door and took her hand. She slid out of the truck and stood in front of him.

  “Looks like that drive gave you too long to think.” He bent down and pressed his lips against hers softly. “Guess I’ve got my work cut out for me to get you back to that mindless place where anything goes.” His husky voice glided through her like smooth whiskey, heating everything it touched.

  He’d have to be a sexual guru to make her lose her inhibitions. She looked into his rich, chocolate-brown eyes and sighed. If anyone could do it, Marco could.

  He smiled. “Let’s get you inside.”

  Heat from his palm seared through the fabric of her shirt where he’d slid his han
d beneath her coat as he guided her into the building. Inside the elevator, he caged her in, resting his hands on either side of the brass railing.

  “So, anything off limits?”

  How did he expect her to talk when he was looking at her as if she were an all-you-can-eat buffet and he wanted to taste everything offered.

  He leaned in close and sucked her earlobe into his mouth. “Speak up, Red. If there’s anything you aren’t in to, it’s better to let me know now.”

  Goose bumps pooled on her skin. She’d never been with a guy who wanted to talk about what she liked and didn’t like. God, he could just talk to her in that gravelly voice and she’d come. Unable to even think of anything, she shook her head.

  “Really?” He licked his full bottom lip and a slow, sexual smile spread across his face. “This is going to be fun.”

  Oh shit, what had she just committed to?

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry, Red. I’m not going to do anything you won’t like.” She didn’t even realize she was frowning until he ran his finger between her brows. “Stop worrying, we’re going to burn up the sheets.”

  Getting enough oxygen into her lungs seemed to elude her as she stared back at him. She gulped in a deep breath, forcing in air. Her heart thundered in her chest as nerves and arousal battled for supremacy.

  The elevator door pinged and opened. Marco’s hand pressed at the small of her back as he followed her down the hallway.

  She unlocked her apartment, stepped inside and shed her shoes. Nerves had her looking for something to do with her hands as she watched Marco kicking off his Timberlands. Clad in his sock feet, he grinned at her and shook his head.

  “Ahh, Red, you’re looking at me like I’m the big bad wolf.” He threaded his hand through her hair and cupped the back of her head. He leaned in close, his lips a breath away from hers, and growled. “Maybe that’s apt, because Jesus, I want to fucking devour you.” His mouth came down on hers, hungry, consuming her with his passion. Her knees weakened and she sank against him as her arms wrapped around his neck to hold on. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and nipped at it.


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