Boss Undercover: Part 1 (Boss Undercover Series)

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Boss Undercover: Part 1 (Boss Undercover Series) Page 19

by J. S. Badham

  “Oh, lighten up, babe,” Jonas said, getting up to his feet, then affectionately pecking Darren’s cheek. “You're funny, that’s all. But hey, I asked you out after that, didn’t I?”

  Darren’s cheeks couldn’t even suppress the lifting smile that infected his lips. “Oh, shut up, you!”

  Dinner was soon in full swing. Claire couldn’t even remember the amount of glasses she had drank listening attentively to Jonas speak on their current affairs. For a couple who had been only dating a week and a half now, there was plenty to share. So much that Claire hated being single. Where were her pillow wars? Or the practical jokes? Oh, these two were just perfect for each other. She could see that too, the way Darren would discreetly caress his fingers on Jonas’ hand or even the single glances he would give and receive in return. That was love. And it picked up on the subject of Jason—making her feel much guiltier. She knew it just as well, that there was no way she could deceive a man into believing she was in love with him. There was no way—she couldn’t lie to him nor her heart.


  After a few more drinks and a game of Cluedo, Claire was just about ready to go home. Although there was a slight problem, she might have drunk a little too much. The room around her appeared to swirl, and Darren’s face became rather distorted until she wasn’t even sure if it was him.

  “Man! Woooo! I’m fucked!” Claire yelled, twirling around on her toes and thrashing the vodka bottle they brought out earlier on, up into the air.

  “You’re pissed.” Darren laughed. “You’re not going home tonight.”

  Claire hiccupped as she dropped the bottle onto the sofa. “No—I’m okay…wooooo! Look at that handsome face.” She cupped Jonas’ cheeks.

  “Claire.” Darren scowled. “You’re not going back on the bus tonight. You’re pissed as fuck.”

  “You’re not my mother, Darren! I’m sure Zack will rescue me. WOOOO!” Claire wailed, pouncing about on her feet. “He’s so strong…fucking—”

  Darren lifted his eyebrows at Jonas. “I thought she didn’t like the guy,” he muttered.

  Claire collapsed onto the couch, thrusting her hands up as she grumbled. “Take me home. I want home—”

  “I don’t mind taking her home. I haven’t had much. Two glasses at best,” Jonas offered, swinging his car keys out of his pocket.

  Darren pressed his lips together, observing the state Claire was in. “I don’t know. She doesn’t seem in a very good state to even walk. And especially all those stairs.”

  “We’ll help her. And I’ll drop her off. You know her address, and then—perhaps you know…we can?” Jonas hinted, caressing his fingers gently across the surface of Darren’s cheek.

  Darren smirked. “You’re so evil. Fine. But you get your ass back here as soon as possible or I’m going to bed.”

  With a lot of difficulty and a few pauses, they both managed to support Claire downstairs, holding each of her arms and pulling her up when her legs felt they were going to give way.

  Jonas kissed his boyfriend’s lips before getting into the driver’s side of the mini four-seater he owned. Claire could barely keep her eyes open and leaned her head uncomfortably onto the seatbelt, feeling the weight of her head drag her down.

  “You make sure she gets in all right,” Darren told Jonas. “And tell her roommate she’ll have a pretty bad hangover in the morning. I’ll be surprised if she’s in work tomorrow.”

  “Okay, babe,” Jonas replied, switching on the engine.

  With every passing streetlight, Claire could only scrunch her eyes further, feeling its intensity increase. Even the sound of the radio playing in the background was like a hurricane ripping a house’s roof off. Her head pounded, and her stomach felt sickened to the point where she wasn’t sure she could keep it all in. Fresh air blew in from the window onto her face, offering her some relief, but nothing until she could puke up her guts then sleep until morning light. Heck, she couldn’t even recall the reason why she drank so much or why she continued to do so despite knowing she had work tomorrow. She must have been so embarrassing moments ago.

  “Jonas?” she muttered.


  “I’m sorry if I drank…a little too much. I hardly do this, but…” She hiccupped. “This man I really like is making all my thoughts go dizzy. I rarely know what I’m doing these days,” she admitted. “I really like him…” Then soon the drift of sleep fell upon her, so that when she next awakened, she was no longer in the car alongside Jonas and instead was somewhere familiar.

  Instead of the uncomfortable seatbelt digging into her neck and the blaring streetlights torturing her tired eyes, she felt the comfort of two bulky arms around her and a layer of some sort upon her. Claire opened her eyes, turning to the figure, and instantly acknowledged it as Zack. She could tell by the contour of his body and the ruthless scent that always lingered in her nostrils.

  As exhausted as she was, she muttered. “Did Jonas get back all right?”

  There was a pause until she heard Zack reply. “Yeah, he’s fine. Called an hour ago. You vomited nearly in your wardrobe, and you tried sleeping on the toilet bowl, but you’re in your bed now.”



  “I’m sorry we argued. Can…you just hold me all night?” she mumbled.

  Zack hesitated. “Don’t worry about that.”

  Claire snuggled her arms closer around his torso, too exhausted to reply, and barely able to remember what she said.


  “Here. Drink this and have two tablets,” he instructed as he passed over the box of paracetamol.

  “Thanks,” she muttered, taking a sip from the fresh glass of water. Gosh, how her throat needed that. It felt like a desert moments ago.

  “Looks like they won’t be expecting you at work today then,” Zack remarked as he watched her plop two tablets onto her tongue, then swallow a huge gulp of water.

  “Shit,” she cursed under her breath, feeling more pathetic for getting herself pissed last night and denying herself any ability to get up this morning and venture off to work. Heck, she couldn’t even find a reasonable excuse on why she drank so much.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve called you in sick,” Zack said, “and I’ll be taking the day off too. You need someone to look after your sorry ass.” He took the glass from her hands and settled it back on the bedside table.

  “Eurrgh,” Claire groaned. “I’d rather be left alone than have you looking after me. And besides, I think I know how to deal with a hangover, so just go on. Get your ass to work. I’ll look after my sorry ass, thank you very much.”

  “Not gonna happen, sweetheart,” Zack replied. “Now, don’t tell me you’re gonna lounge about in bed all day? First—I’d say you need a shower, then to brush your teeth.”

  “Fuck off, Zack,” she hissed, snaking back into her quilts. “You're not my mom, dickhead.”

  “Yet I’m the man who has probably saved your ass from getting a disciplinary warning, don’t you agree?” he said, sneering at her. It was irritating her. How he stood there, a grin plastered on his face from cheek to cheek, acting as if he had the higher moral ground.

  She couldn’t deny that he was somewhat of a help calling in, but that didn’t mean she was pleased. Last night felt like a distant memory, yesterday couldn’t have been more problematic, and here Zack was, nursing her as if she just broken her foot. There were a few things they needed to go through, and she knew that.

  Zack sat down on the edge of her bed, pulling out his phone.

  She remained quiet. This hangover didn’t even compare to half of what she was feeling. Everything was just piling up on her shoulders. Whatever was going on between herself and Zack, she needed to sort it. The case with Jason. Work. Everything.

  “You’re not seriously staying here all day looking after me, are you?” she asked, defensively pulling the quilt closer to her lap.

  Zack looked up from his phone. “For now, yes.”

p; “Even after the shit we’ve argued about,” she hinted, “we—haven’t really talked about that.” What have we really talked about? she asked herself then. She’d only dismissed the question and then tried to shift the blame completely onto him, acting as if his reaction was unnecessary. How could she blame the guy? As far as she knew he saw it, he wasn’t deceiving anyone. She was.

  Zack exhaled gently. “Claire,” he paused. Her phone buzzed on the left bedside table. She looked at it, picked it up, and swallowed. Jason. “Even if I wanted to. What’s there to talk about, really?” His eyes flicked to her phone. He must have sensed it was him, or he must have caught a glimpse of the several other notifications on her phone received from the exact same person sent earlier this day.


  “Just get some rest. Sleep it off and drink plenty. I’ll be around most of the morning, but then I’m out later. I’ve got some errands to run,” he replied, standing up and sliding his phone into his pocket. Zack didn’t stand there much longer, soon moving towards her bedroom door and leaving her alone with her thoughts.

  Claire sighed, throwing her phone she hadn’t realised she was clenching onto the floor.

  What was she so afraid of?


  Thank you to Limitless Publishing for enabling this book to come to life. My editor, Toni, who has supported me endlessly through the ups and downs.

  I thank my loving parents who've never stopped believing in me since day one, pushed me to do things I thought were never possible and who continue to support me. I thank my family, my grandparents who offer their unconditional support. My best friend Daniella, who's always been there, proud of me for chasing my dreams. Without them, the possibility of this book being published would be slim. They give me confidence to push myself to do things I would never attempt otherwise.

  I'd like to thank Wattpad, from where it all begun and where I'll continue to grow and learn as a writer. I thank my readers from there, who without, this wouldn't be possible. I thank them for their votes, comments and support. They made me more than anything, believe in myself when my confidence slipped.

  I thank you, those who've helped, inspired and made the possibility of this book, possible.

  Thank you as I continue to learn, grow as a writer.

  About the Author

  Romance is just one thing J.S.Badham cannot get enough of! Whether it’s the typical cliché love-at-first-sight or I-hate-you-but-also-love-you compelling stories, they’re always close to her heart! Most will probably see it as trash literature but love is what makes the world go around! So, why not romance?

  Her spark for writing began at the age of fifteen; a passion ignited thanks to her favourite author, Rachel Caine (Morganville Vampires) encouraging her that writing is the ability to be able to share inner stories and connect to the world.

  J.S. Badham’s journey began on Wattpad, her path continues to grow, she continues to learn hoping that some day she’ll share a story that is inspiring.







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