Slashing Away: A Dark Psychological Thriller (Gushers Series Book 2)

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Slashing Away: A Dark Psychological Thriller (Gushers Series Book 2) Page 6

by Chuck Buda

  “Thank you.” Todd smiled at the waitress and began digging into his food.

  Aiden watched the waitress. She gaped at Todd’s response. Then she shook her head and waddled away.

  Chapter 14

  As Aiden walked Leah home from the diner, she wondered how far he would be willing to go. Aiden was a quiet, peaceful person. Leah thought maybe his words would turn out to be more flash than substance.

  “Anyway, I didn’t want to bring them in on our plan until I spoke with you first.” Aiden scuffed his feet along the sidewalk. The sound started to irritate Leah.

  “I’m glad you didn’t. Todd and Jordyn say all the right things but I never know how much to trust them. I feel like their allegiance lies with Zoe first because of the long history. You and I have just been tag a longs.”

  Aiden grumbled.

  “We still haven’t figure out an actual plan though. I’ve scrambled my brain for ideas but I keep coming back to fighting Spencer. And that won’t work.”

  “Definitely not.” Leah sensed Aiden’s displeasure with her response but she was just being truthful. “I still think we can topple the tower from the inside. We lay low and then when they least expect it, we strike.”

  Leah felt strong. She had never been in this role before. It felt empowering to stand up and fight for something she believed in. She laughed to herself that she was like a hermit crab coming out of its shell.

  “Yeah, but what does that mean? I mean, I know what it means. But I don’t know how to do it.”

  Leah rolled her eyes. Aiden was beginning to whine. He sounded like Todd when he talked about Ryan. Leah thought it funny how women were supposed to be the weaker sex. Yet all guys did was whine like babies. She stopped walking and turned to Aiden.

  “Think about it for a minute. Who is pulling all the strings?”


  “Are you asking me or telling me, Aiden?” Leah realized her shortness came out in her tone.


  Leah smiled. “More or less, Zoe. But Spencer is doing his best to take over. Or at least, be seen as an equal to Zoe.”

  Aiden shrugged. He didn’t understand her so Leah decided to paint the scene for him.

  “See, right now Zoe thinks she is in control and she is. Spencer thinks he is close to taking over or at least standing alongside Zoe. Together, they are formidable. They both want it. Whatever IT is. And they have tipped their hands to show the lengths they are willing to go to in order get IT.”

  Aiden blinked. Leah smirked at him. She loved him to death but he was a guy. Subtle nuances in life couldn’t break through the rugged exterior of men.

  “If we can get them to turn against each other then it falls apart. Zoe will focus her power trips on Spencer. And the rest of us will be free to sit back and watch it implode. Zoe can’t blame us or take anything out on us when “Spencer” is the one who ruined it for everyone.”

  Aiden nodded profusely. “Oh, I get it.”

  “Thanks for joining the team.” Leah punched Aiden’s shoulder. He grimaced at her barb and then smiled.

  “Okay, so the job is all about Zoe and Spencer. That’s such a relief. I really thought I was going to have to fight him. Or Zoe.”

  Leah laughed. The picture in her mind of Aiden raising his fists in a fight with Zoe as the kids at school circled them was hilarious. She tried to wipe it from her mind but the giggling ran out of control. Leah remembered a moment from her youth when she had the giggles in church once. She knew once she reached that state, there was no easy way to shut off her funny bone.

  Leah continued to crack up as they kept walking along the neighborhood. Every few steps, Aiden would turn and shake his head at her. He kept asking her what was so funny but she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs to explain it to him. Finally, the silliness wore off and she collected herself. Aiden still wanted to know what she found so funny. She told him to forget about it. Leah didn’t think he would find it too funny. She would keep the secret fight scene to herself.

  “Now that you have calmed down, how do we get Spencer and Zoe to hate each other?”

  Leah thought for a few more minutes. “I’m not sure but the key will be finding out what they each want most out of The First Cut. Then we use that information to turn the screw. Get each of them to see how the other is working against their biggest desires. Then let them fight it out to the end.”

  They reached Leah’s house. Both of them stopped on the sidewalk by the mailbox. Aiden glanced over at Jordyn’s house. The lights were on as dusk began to creep in. No action was present through any of the windows.

  Aiden grabbed Leah and kissed her. The motion was awkward and their teeth clashed together a bit. Leah started to laugh and then gave into his lips. She felt a flutter in her chest at his aggression. Leah wondered if this is what it felt like when a girl was getting swept off her feet. She liked the flutter feeling. It shortened her breath. So she took some of Aiden’s right from his mouth.

  As soon as the kiss ended, Aiden stepped back as if they hadn’t just been in each other’s arms at all. Leah wiped at her lips, feeling for the sensation of Aiden which lingered a moment longer. She smiled at him. Aiden’s cheeks turned rosy. Leah thought he was so cute and innocent. Even though he had lost his virginity recently, Aiden was still a little boy trapped in a young man’s body. She found it charming.

  “That was...interesting.”

  “Sorry. I...uh, just...” Aiden appeared flummoxed with his own actions.

  Leah laughed and placed her hand on his chest. “I didn’t mind it, stupid.”

  Aiden exhaled and smiled slowly.

  “I’m sorry you had to see know.” She was mortified even referencing the orgy night. Deep inside, she felt she owed an explanation. She wasn’t a slut. Even if the evidence appeared to the contrary. Leah had surprised herself that night as much as she did Aiden.

  “I’m sorry too. For Jordyn...” Aiden was so uncomfortable. He shifted his feet and looked everywhere except at Leah. “I wanted the first to be you.”

  Leah’s heart sank. She found his admission so sweet. She felt the same way about him. Leah had imagined her and Aiden hooking up and then figuring out how to DO IT as their dating progressed. She never imagined things to play out the way it had. Leah decided to keep that knowledge to herself. It would come in handy to hold something over Aiden if she ever needed to make him feel guilty. She chuckled inside.

  “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at school. Thanks for walking me home.”

  Leah spun and walked up the brick path to her front door. She opened the door and turned to wave to Aiden. He hadn’t moved. He had waited to make sure she got inside safely. Leah smiled and closed the door. Aiden was everything she had dreamed he would be.

  Chapter 15

  Ryan had a dilemma.

  Which side would he choose?

  He dumped the bags of groceries into the trunk. After he wheeled the cart back to the sidewalk outside King’s, he casually strolled back to his car. Ryan helped out whenever his mother was busy with work. She had texted him to say she would be home late from the real estate office because of a late walk-in. So Ryan was asked to pick up a bunch of things they needed to make dinner. Ryan’s mother preferred King’s because they had lots of fresh sauces on hand for the pasta.

  He opened the door and slid in behind the wheel. Ryan glanced into the back seat. The back seat he had fucked Zoe in. The back seat he had watched Gina bleed out in. The back seat he had to clean all the blood out of.

  Ryan rested his head on the steering wheel.

  So much had changed recently. Ryan had gotten to fuck Zoe. And Jordyn. And Leah. He had some of the best times of his life with The First Cut. Ryan lived for sex, especially with hot chicks. And The First Cut gave him plenty of it. He also saw death. Up close and personal. Gina died in his car. The old man in Westwood.

  Some of the visions replayed through his mind. And they didn’t care when they showed them
selves. Ryan sat in math class. And Gina gagged on her blood and his cock. Ryan took a dump late at night. And the old man by the railroad tracks stared up at him with crossed eyes while Zoe and Spencer drained blood from his skull. Ryan shopped for groceries to save his mother time. And Gina and the old man begged him for help, bloody hands outstretched. Death groans croaked from their dying lips.

  Ryan smelled the blood. It overwhelmed his senses. The scent so strong he tasted its metallic tang on the back of his tongue.

  He had been having horrific dreams since it all started.

  But the sex.

  Every time Ryan felt like giving up or running away, the sex took over. The delicious curves of Jordyn ass. Zoe’s scentless pussy. Leah’s perfect handful of breast. And all three of their asses. Perfectly round. Squeezable flesh. Meat which rippled away from his groin as he pounded into it.

  Ryan had never been a deeply introspective person. Not because he was less intelligent than others. Ryan was smart enough. He chose to not worry about details and life’s bigger meanings. He was content having fun and chasing tail. Life was always a party and Ryan liked to be the master of ceremonies.

  Now life had gotten complex.


  He was part of something bigger than he could feel comfortable with.


  The First Cut had gotten way out of control. And he was caught in the middle.

  Ryan loved hanging out with Todd. He and Todd had been thicker than thieves through middle school and high school. Ryan loved how Todd enjoyed the same things he did. They both enjoyed sports and goofing around. And pussy. There were times when Todd and Ryan got together and hardly a word would be spoken. Yet they enjoyed each other’s company. It was always fun doing shit with Todd.

  Todd hated him now.

  Todd definitely wasn’t pleased with Ryan’s choice to go with Zoe and Spencer. But he chose pussy over Todd. Ryan thought it was a great choice at the time. Now he questioned it.

  Zoe never liked him.

  Ryan wasn’t a fool. Zoe had always complained about his behavior and antics. She didn’t like the way he spoke about women and sex. She didn’t care for his hygiene. Zoe treated him like a retarded step-brother she had to keep around. Ryan knew Zoe never considered him a REAL friend. Then she sucked his dick. And let him fuck her tight ass over and over. It was hard to argue with such precious moments. After all, Zoe’s body was sick. She had hidden it so well through the years. Ryan thought she was slender and cute, but once he got a look under the clothing, a taste...he couldn’t get it out of his mind.

  So his dilemma was which side to choose. Todd? Or Zoe? Best friend? Or endless delicious pussy and an ass so fine it sent shudders through his body?

  Ryan started the engine. His frustration mounted as he contemplated what to do about his situation. He slapped the steering wheel several times in beat to the Iron Maiden song on the radio. Then he punched the button to turn the song off. Ryan couldn’t think with all the noise.

  The frustration transformed into anger. Ryan was tired of being tossed aside. His parents were too busy for him. Todd shunned him. Zoe only used him for what she wanted. Ryan felt like raging against all of them. Maybe he should put them all to the test. Maybe it was time for him to see who was on HIS side. Take control. Call the shots the way HE wanted. It felt unnatural but why should he take a back seat to them?

  Back seat.

  Ryan slumped down. His shoulder sunk. Making a decision this weighty hurt him. It caused heartache and doubt. It made him want to puke all over the fucking place. Ryan glared at a woman pushing her cart in front of his car. He squeezed the steering wheel, imagining his car jumping forward. Ryan’s foot down to the pedal. The woman’s body crunching under the tires. The blood splashing across his windshield.

  He shook himself from the angry day dream. Ryan felt like he was losing his mind. He had to come to a conclusion about the group. Would The First Cut consume him and spit him out as a chewed up wad of beef? Or would he use The First Cut to achieve his own happiness? Fucking and sucking. Licking and dicking. Using them as his crusty tube sock. And ignoring everything else. All the feelings.

  Ryan suddenly knew his course. The haze of anger and hurt emotions dissipated. He saw his path clearly for the first time in years. Ryan would play both sides. He would make amends with Todd so he could get his best friend back. And he would do what Zoe wanted so he could keep fucking her. Most importantly, Ryan would take the bull by the horns. He would handle things in whatever manner led to his own satisfaction. His pleasure would come first.

  And maybe he would have a little fun too.

  Ryan had been manipulated. Now he would give them a taste of their own medicine. Ryan grinned as he backed the car out of the spot. He put the car in gear and made his way back home.

  He tapped the steering wheel to his own beat, the radio still off.

  Ryan would turn up the heat between Zoe and Todd. Between Aiden and Spencer. They would be sorry for putting him in the middle and stretching his arms like a child between two divorcing parents.

  Ryan would show them he was more, MUCH more than the Ryan they all thought they knew.

  Chapter 16

  Holden clenched his butt cheeks together as he filled Rebecca up with his seed. The shudders worked their way through his torso down to his toes. Each spasm a pleasurable firework exploding through every cell of his body.

  Rebecca pulled Holden into her, grinding her pubic region against his. She giggled just the way he loved, cooing and moaning her satisfaction with him. Holden had held off long enough for her orgasm first. Then, in the throes of her ecstasy, he lost his own will within her vagina.

  Holden toppled over and panted. He dropped a forearm over the bridge of his nose as he caught his breath. He felt Rebecca roll toward him. The heaviness of her breast sat on his chest. He felt her nipple, still engorged, jutting into his skin.

  “That was fun. Were you thinking about Saturday too?”

  Holden suddenly had an urge to dart out the door and never come back. He loved the sex with her and didn’t want it to end. But more and more each day, his guilt sapped the excitement from the experience. After the fact, anyway. Holden used to enjoy talking to Rebecca through the afterglow. Now He loathed it.

  “Something like that.” He tried to placate her and hoped it would quiet her down. Holden knew that wouldn’t be the case.

  “Sooooo, Turner had a good time. He even threw out an idea to see how I felt about it. Wanna guess what it was?” Rebecca played with the red hair on his chest as she spoke.

  “Um, he wanted to know if you wanted to try green light bulbs next time.”

  Rebecca laughed. “Ha-ha, smart ass. No, Turner asked me what I thought about swinging. Can you believe it?” Her tone accentuated her happiness with Turner’s willingness to fuck others. It gave Rebecca sexual license to do as she pleased. Which is exactly what she wanted. Needed.

  Holden pulled his arm away from his face. He looked at Rebecca. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” He read the hurt on her face almost immediately.

  “What? You don’t think that’s good?” She sat up and put a hand over her heart. Holden stole a glance at her full breasts as they hung down over him.

  “I’m not sure Samantha would go for something like that. She didn’t even enjoy this weekend.” Holden promised he wouldn’t admit Samantha’s true feelings on the matter. But he felt like a cornered rat.

  “She didn’t have fun? How can somebody not enjoy fucking in public?”

  Holden groaned. Did Rebecca really think everyone was as perverted as she was? “She liked the sex. She thought it was exciting to be watched or seen. She enjoyed the whole evening until...”

  “Until what?” Rebecca folded her arms.

  Holden sighed. “Until she caught me staring at you.”

  Rebecca laughed out loud. “Aw, she doesn’t need to be jealous of all this.” Rebecca shook her tits back and forth. The heavy globes shi
mmied and danced. It got his dick stirring again.

  “She’s not jealous, Rebecca. She knows.”

  Rebecca stopped playing around. “She knows?”

  “About us. Samantha figured it out. We gave it away with the staring.” He lay back against the pillow. As the guilt squirmed through his chest he couldn’t help but realize he was lying in Turner’s spot in the bed. Not only was he betraying his wife but he was betraying his neighbor too.

  “You admitted it? Are you fucking crazy? All you have to do is say, “Oh, Sammy, it’s not like that.”

  Holden glared at Rebecca. “She doesn’t go by “Sammy.” And I didn’t admit anything. I’m not an asshole. Once it’s out there, it can never be taken back. I can’t lose my family. Ever.”

  Rebecca’s eyes teared up. “I’m not a home wrecker, you know. I just like to have fun. And besides, it takes two to tango, buster. I don’t see you shying away from sticking your prick in me every chance you get.”

  Holden rubbed his eyes. He couldn’t believe they were fighting like a couple. Holden loved the freedom and the lack of rules and emotions in this tryst. Now it had gotten too heavy. And real. He began to wonder if Rebecca had developed feelings for him. He hoped he was wrong.

  “So what did she say?”

  “She hasn’t said ANYTHING. It’s the silence in between the words which clued me in. Something is different now. She is...distant. All of our conversations have been”

  Rebecca shrugged her hands up in the air. “Oh, so she doesn’t know-know. You get me all upset over nothing? We can still make this work. Geez.” Rebecca got out of the bed and wandered to the mirror. Her nudity was a work of art. At her age, so many women were flabby or droopy. Butts full of pock-marked cottage cheese. Not Rebecca. Her body was a playground for men. Both to the touch and to the eyes. Holden shook himself from his admiration.

  “You know, Turner also mentioned he would find it very hot if Sammy and I hooked up in front of you guys. I’m sure that sight would be a thrill for you, huh? Me eating your wife’s pussy. Her kissing me slowly.” Rebecca lifted her hair above her head, revealing her smooth neckline. She watched Holden in the reflection.


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