Slashing Away: A Dark Psychological Thriller (Gushers Series Book 2)

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Slashing Away: A Dark Psychological Thriller (Gushers Series Book 2) Page 12

by Chuck Buda

Spencer seethed. Hearing this information shortly after his run-in with her at school had him livid. His blood was still boiling from the encounter. Now Leah tossed gasoline on his fire.

  “How do you know this? And why tell me about it?” Spencer took Leah’s information with a grain of salt. Zoe could have put her up to this as some sort of test. Or maybe Leah was trying to get him to fuck up because he beat up her little friend.

  “Zoe told Aiden she wanted to learn as much about the occult as she could because she didn’t like the way you were doing things. I didn’t believe Aiden when he told me. I mean, why would Zoe reveal such a thing to him after he defied her? And it’s not like Zoe to let people know what she is thinking. Not when it comes to this. It would give away her plans.”

  Spencer huffed. He screamed in his head. THAT BITCH!

  “So I decided to investigate it further. It just didn’t sit well with me. I called Zoe and thanked her for allowing Aiden back in. And then I asked some questions to see if she would reveal anything to me as well. And she did! Zoe told me she wanted to keep all the power the rituals conjured up. She felt that you were harnessing too much of the energy which is why things were going haywire recently. You know? Aiden trying to quit. Todd and Jordyn taking sides.” Leah paused. “She thinks it’s all because of you.”

  “You haven’t answered my question. Why are YOU telling me this?” Spencer believed Leah’s story. It fit completely with Zoe’s behavior lately. He just didn’t trust Leah.

  “Don’t you want to know? After her rage against Aiden, Zoe has taken things too far. I’m afraid of what might come next. She has been erratic. Well, maybe not erratic per se. But her attitude has gone far beyond what we’ve known.”

  Spencer agreed with Leah. But he needed clarification before he could end the call. “I thought you were pissed at me for what I did to Aiden. If so, why would you want to help ME?”

  Leah sighed. “If I’m being honest, Spencer? You are the lesser of two evils. I AM still pissed at you for what you did to Aiden. But somehow, I think you got carried away by all the drama. It wasn’t the REAL Spencer who lashed out. You had never done any harm to any of us over the years. Whereas Zoe has always been an obnoxious bitch.”

  He agreed with her again. Spencer felt easier about trusting Leah and her reasons for sharing the news. It made sense that Zoe had burned the group individually and collectively many times. Now, with the power of the occult behind her, Zoe had taken egomaniac to new heights. Or depths.

  “Did she say what she was doing about it? Other than studying up as quick as she could?”

  “Nope. That was it. I’m really worried about Aiden, and all of us for that matter. I’m appealing to the REAL Spencer to help us since you know what she can do with these spells. You’re the only one who can save us from Zoe’s danger.”

  Spencer thanked Leah for the information. He asked her to keep the conversation between them. He assured Leah he would handle it, make sure Zoe wouldn’t harm anyone in the future. She asked him what he intended to do about it but he refused to share his thoughts. There was no need to put something out into the universe before its time. It could be thwarted or talked about. Spencer preferred to keep his plans to himself. Especially when it came to Zoe.

  Spencer reflected on the sex he had with Zoe. The time he taught her how to bleed herself. The back seat of his car. Spencer had enjoyed the time he had with her. Before it became complicated. Now, it was time to move on. Spencer could still make things work out with Jordyn and Leah. He had no need for Zoe and her prissy fucking attitude. Why should he? Zoe had no need for him, apparently.

  He opened his Calculus book to finish his homework. Concentrating was difficult as the news swirled in the back of his mind. It forced itself forward, demanding his attention.

  Spencer slammed the textbook closed. He needed some special instruments to make things stronger on his side. Spencer knew he had to tap into his father’s special artifacts to leverage the ancient power which resided in the weapons. It would be like rolling out the cannons during a gun battle.

  Spencer remembered some special spells he had read in satanic tomes. He preferred occult practices over Satanic, but he needed to fight evil with evil. He’d double down with some help from the Devil in addition to the Black Magick he was more familiar with. Zoe wouldn’t frighten easily. So pouring on the energy would be the best way to put her out of business. For good.

  Chapter 31

  Todd sped up through the intersection. The light turned yellow right before he punched the gas pedal down. His car lifted slightly off the ground. They made it across just as the light turned red. Ryan howled from the passenger seat. Todd kissed his fingers and pressed them to the roof of his car. The good luck gesture had served him well since he got his license.

  Ryan turned up the radio volume. Slayer’s Raining Blood wailed through the speakers.

  Todd felt great. The energy circulating through the car pumped him up. He suddenly felt like the world had righted itself after a bleak period. Todd was back to cruising the streets in his sports car with his best pal, Ryan, riding shotgun. It never mattered what else was going on when the two friends tore through town. School grades no longer mattered. Choosing colleges no longer mattered. His parent’s rules no longer mattered. It was just him, Ryan and the crunching metal tunes which fed the gas pedal.

  They drove across Tenafly and followed County Road through Cresskill, Demarest and into Closter. From that point, they usually chose between a handful of roads which took them to the state border with New York. The northern stretches of the county were less congested and the scenery broke up the doldrums of their hometown.

  Todd lowered the radio. “Tomorrow night better go back to normal. I can use some tail to relax after a stressful week.”

  Ryan started singing Bon Jovi’s In and Out of Love while dry humping the air. Todd cracked up and swerved to avoid hitting an oncoming vehicle as he slipped across the double yellow lines. Ryan raised up a hand for Todd to high-five.

  “You think Zoe is going to pull some shit or is everyone going to calm down and chill?” Todd glanced at Ryan in between concentrating on the road.

  Ryan bobbed his head back and forth as if it could go either way. “I don’t know. I hope it goes back to normal because I want to bury my face up to my ears in Jordyn’s snatch.” Ryan mimicked tucking his hair into a bathing cap like he was going to dive into a pool.

  Todd laughed and slapped the steering wheel. “I’m so horny, I’m gonna put someone’s eye out when I bust my nut.”

  They high-fived to celebrate their manly bravado.

  Todd got serious again. “I just hope if shit goes down, you have my back this time. I can’t go through another night of fighting Zoe’s bullshit and losing my best friend.”

  Ryan stared at Todd. “I won’t leave you hanging again. I promise. I will be there for you.” Ryan mimed a sloppy blowjob, including plenty of slurpy noises to enhance his joke.

  “Knock it off, dude. I’m serious. Our friendship is way more important than getting our knobs polished. Zoe and Jordyn are hot as balls. But none of it matters if they come between us.”

  Ryan stared out the passenger window. Todd shot him a few looks and began to worry about his friend’s priorities. Could Ryan be considering another back-stabbing?


  Ryan turned back to Todd. “What?”

  “Did you hear what I said?”

  Ryan shrugged. “Yeah, I heard ya.”

  Todd frowned. “So what’s there to think about?”

  “Which pussy I’m gonna fuck first, bro.” Ryan screamed out his answer like a wolf baying at the moon.

  Todd found himself caught up in Ryan’s clowning. They high-fived with one hand, then did the same with the opposite hand. Which could only be followed by a two-handed high-five. Todd used his knees to keep steering the vehicle.

  “I know one way we could get back at Zoe?” Ryan chuckled to himself. “We can take her to the

  Todd scrunched up his face in disgust. He knew ATM was slang for ass-to-mouth. “Gross, dude. Make sure you pull that shit AFTER I finish with her.”

  Todd drove around the border towns, crossing into New York State several times as they cruised. Unlike New York City, it was free to travel over the state lines, as long as they avoided the Parkway.

  On the way home, Todd pulled into a convenience store to buy a soda. Ryan’s cell phone vibrated as they parked. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and checked the text message. Ryan sighed.

  “Who is it?” Todd left the keys in the ignition.


  Todd immediately understood Ryan’s reaction now. “What did she say?”

  Ryan continued to stare at the screen for a few moments. “She said I better be on her side if anything happens.”

  Todd smirked. “Guess you’re caught between a dick and a cock, huh?”

  Ryan smiled. “Yeah. I mean, no. I’m on your side. I just have to pretend I’m on her side.”

  “And how the fuck are you gonna do that? If the shit hits the fan, you can’t fake your way on both sides, bro. You have to know who’s side you’re on. BEFORE shit happens.”

  Ryan nodded. His expression didn’t completely match his head’s motion.

  “You’re still not sure, are you? You’re still willing to sacrifice our friendship for pussy?”

  Ryan put his phone down. Todd could swear he saw the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. “No, but...”

  “But WHAT, man? There’s no BUT.”

  Ryan rubbed his chin. “It’s more than fucking her, dude. She scares me.”

  Todd laughed. “How can a skinny little chick scare you? She can’t do anything to you. The worst that can happen is she kicks you to the curb. Maybe spread false rumors around the school. At that point, she’ll be doing it to me and Jordyn and anyone else who challenges her too. You won’t be alone.”

  “I wish it were that simple.” Ryan rubbed his crotch as if he were petting a scared kitten.

  Todd glared at Ryan. “Dude, if you fuck me over again, I’m telling you, I will find the biggest thing I can carry and I will jam it way up your ass.”

  Ryan smirked. “You won’t be the only one.”

  Todd groaned. “I’m going inside to get a drink. You coming?”


  Todd and Ryan went into the store. They found drinks and a few small snacks then hit the road again. As they passed through the towns, another classic metal tune came on the radio. Ryan cranked up the volume and howled out the window. Todd got caught up in Ryan’s mood and they enjoyed the rest of the trip.

  Todd dropped Ryan off at his house. He drove home in silence the rest of the way, thinking about Ryan and their struggles. It had been quite a roller coaster over the last week. Ryan went from best friend to traitor and hated enemy. Then he became Todd’s best friend again. After tonight’s ride, Todd wasn’t sure where they stood with each other. Both now and in the future. Todd hoped everything panned out tomorrow night at the next First Cut meeting. If it didn’t, then Todd knew the end would be near. The end of The First Cut. And the end of his high school friendships.

  Chapter 32

  Samantha found Holden waiting at home for her.

  She had picked up Tommy from baseball practice and then Samantha hit the grocery store to buy some missing ingredients for dinner. Her plan was to whip up a quick bow tie pasta in a vodka sauce for the kids. For her and Holden, Samantha would toss in some baby shrimp, too.

  Holden sat in the dining room, still dressed in his suit from work. Samantha almost fell over when she found him home. He had parked his car up the street so she wouldn’t think he was already home. Holden wanted to surprise her and take her out to dinner. Just the two of them.

  Samantha couldn’t believe how well things had been between the two of them since they talked it out. They made love. Holden was affectionate and more attentive. He even started calling her by the pet name he had made up for her when they first started dating.

  “What about the kids?” Samantha still worried about taking care of the children.

  “I gave Leah some money. She’ll get something delivered for them. Go get dressed and let’s go.”

  Samantha hurried up the stairs. She had showered earlier in the day but wished she could take another quick one. She jumped in and washed up in record time. Samantha didn’t wash her hair so the preparation would be shorter. All she needed to do was spritz it a few times and put it up. It made her look more elegant. She grabbed a nice dark dress from the closet. Samantha was grateful it didn’t require ironing. A few minutes later, they were out the door.

  Samantha asked Holden where he was taking her. He told her it was a surprise. Samantha could tell by the roads Holden chose that they were heading north toward New York. She began to go through a list of favorite restaurants they liked in the area. Each time she thought she had correctly guessed the place, Holden continued driving past. The secret made her giggle. Several times Holden squeezed her hand, keeping the other hand on the wheel. Samantha felt young and excited again.

  Holden crossed the state border and wound the car through the tiny streets of the waterfront town of Piermont. Samantha loved the little town. It was basically one street with artist’s shops and a few places to eat or drink. The residents of the community reminded Samantha of the folks who lived in Cape Cod or Key West. Lots of artsy-fartsy types in jeans with sandals. A mixed collection of old hippies and new hipsters.

  Across the Hudson River, the lights of Manhattan dotted the sky. The landscape trailed off into Hastings-On-Hudson and Dobbs Ferry. The smell of bay water floated among the gentle breeze swooping from the northeast. Samantha remembered the days early in their marriage, before children, when they used to come to Piermont to walk the pier and sit on the large rocks. They used to talk about their hopes and dreams. It was a romantic place to relax just beyond the craziness of the city.

  Holden chose a fine Italian restaurant. He ordered an expensive Sauvignon Blanc and toasted to her beauty. Holden ordered her dinner, too. He chose her favorite, from over twenty years ago, even remembering to ask the waiter to hold the capers. Holden charmed her all night. His conversation was light and whimsical. No mention of the job or the children. He didn’t bring up money or any of the projects they had to complete on the house. The entire conversation focused on her cherished subjects. Reading, food, travel. The evening was perfect.

  After dinner, Holden removed his tie and stuffed it into his jacket pocket. He held hands with Samantha for the first time in ages. They slowly walked the darkened pier to the end. He laid his suit jacket over one of the large boulders which dotted the pier so she could sit without ruining her dress. The chilly breeze brought goosebumps to her arms. But Holden sat next to her and wrapped his muscular arms around her, keeping her warm. The moon wasn’t quite full but the light was bright enough to cast a hazy stripe along the choppy waters of the Hudson River. They talked and laughed for another hour.

  When Samantha could no longer take the chilly air, they rose to walk back to the car. Holden clutched her in his hands and pulled her into his chest. They kissed, passionately, like teenagers making out in a movie theater. Samantha shuddered. Her life had appeared to be on the brink of disaster. And now she was happy again. Holden had understood her concerns. And he had paid more attention to her. Samantha felt like a new woman. Like an individual, instead of a cook, maid and cab driver.

  Holden drove them home. He offered to pull over for ice cream but Samantha wanted to get home and climb into her pajamas before she turned into an ice cube. When they got home, Holden hustled around the car and opened the door for her. He offered her his arm to lead her up the walk to the house.

  Inside, Leah had made sure the kitchen was spotless and the den was picked up. The house was quiet. Samantha assumed Leah had gotten Tommy bathed and had put him to bed. She poked her head in to make sure, finding Tommy breathi
ng regularly. His room smelled like soap and tooth paste. She figured Leah must have been asleep. No light shine under her bedroom door.

  Holden and Samantha hurried to the bedroom. They undressed each other in between hot kisses and heavy breathing. He slowed his passion down to attend to her needs. Samantha stared at the dark ceiling, thanking God their marriage had improved. It had always been a good relationship, although a bit distant lately. Ever since the night across the street, their marriage had been floundering. But now it seemed to be heading in the right direction again.

  Holden brought her to orgasm twice before climbing above to join the fun. Samantha tried to indicate she would take care of him a little, but Holden denied her request. He only wanted to be inside her. His motions were slow and rhythmic. As he reached his point of no return, Samantha gave into another tremor, clutching at Holden’s back and digging her nails in. She struggled to keep her eyes open so she could watch the pleasure flow through his face, the cords on his neck bulging out.

  They spent the rest of the night sleeping and intermittently caressing each other’s skin. Samantha felt that if her time had come, now she could go to sleep forever. She was exactly where she wanted to be. In her home, with her family, in the arms of the man she loved more than anyone. It was a perfect ending to a perfect evening.

  She closed her eyes and allowed sleep to carry her away. Samantha rested, knowing the worst was now behind them.

  Chapter 33

  Jordyn got dressed for school. The morning was like any other. Even though it wasn’t. Today was Friday. And today would be nothing like any other Friday Jordyn had known.

  Her hands shook as she tried to apply her make-up. Jordyn had to close her eyes and pause every few minutes to get the trembling under control. She hadn’t slept well last night and the nervous energy had been at work already. Jordyn felt a pit forming in the bottom of her stomach. It reminded her of when she tried to skip breakfast, especially when she felt too bloated to eat. The acids would swirl in her tummy. She knew if she tried to eat something today to help quiet the feeling, she might end up throwing it all up.


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