Leviathan's King (The Search for the Brights Book 3)

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Leviathan's King (The Search for the Brights Book 3) Page 12

by Aaron Thomas

  Twilix was seeing it now, she had truly captured Ria’s thought. The old wizard sat staring at the book and pulled out a piece of paper. Ria drew on the paper the symbol of the Elder Wizards. Each element was represented in a circle equally with its opposite diagonal from it. Water fire, earth, and the wind, each within the circle. After she had finished the symbol, she drew a smoking skull to the left of the circle and a question mark on the right.

  Ria held out the piece of paper, “If each magic has an opposite, what would be the opposite of despair?”

  Twilix spoke in almost a whisper, “Inspiration.”

  Both women looked into each other's eyes as if they were on the verge of grand knowledge but were interrupted by Captain Wells.

  “Your majesty?” Wells said, standing in the doorway to the antechamber.

  Twilix blinked and looked away from Ria, “What is it, Captain?”

  “I hate to bother you, but there is a knight demanding entrance at the east gate,” He said looking nervous. “He has the flag of the Elders.”

  Twilix nearly jumped out of her seat, “Take me to the wall.”

  Captain Wells bowed and turned on his heel to lead the way.

  Twilix pulled up the hem of her dress and followed quickly after. She stopped at the door to see Ria moving to catch up, “Continue this discussion later?”

  Ria smiled and nodded her head, then gave a hand motioning her to follow the Captain.

  Horses were waiting just outside the castle's main entrance, and they quickly galloped through the town to the east gate where the newly trained soldiers stood about. As soon as the men noticed Wells they formed ranks and held their various weapons ready. Wells slowed his horse near the gate and dismounted, handing the reins to one of the men. He quickly came to aid Twilix out of her saddle. As soon as she turned the entire section of men went to a knee. She ignored them and raced to the top of the wall. Ria was not far behind and took the steps two to three at a time with strength imbued legs.

  Looking over the battlements Twilix saw him, he was a large burly man with a thick red beard hanging out from under his helmet. He stood near a large war roan covered in an armor of its own. The white flag of the Elders flapped in the gentle breeze coming off the lake. He stood looking out over the water with no sense of fear from above.

  Twilix backed away from the wall and faced Ria, “What do I call him?”

  She smiled, “Weapon Bearer, of course.”

  Twilix, feeling silly, nodded her head. Leaning again over the battlement to look below she called out, “Weapon Bearer, I will order this gate opened, but you will remain where you are.”

  The large man looked up only a moment before saying, “It will be as you say.”

  Nervously, Twilix backed away from battlements and walked back down to the soldiers below. Captain Wells was grabbing men by their makeshift armor and pointing them to positions inside the walls. The most heavily armored formed a line at the gate with their backs towards her. She was so nervous that she felt nausea starting to seep back into her stomach, but was sure that it was just the meeting causing it.

  Twilix gave a nod to Wells, he commanded the gate to be raised half way. It was just high enough that a man and horse walking could enter but not one riding. Twilix approached the line ignoring the caution that Wells gave her. The protective Captain pulled his sword out and walked out beside her. After speaking with Kilen, she was sure that the loyal Captain would give his life for hers in an instant. She had to do her best to prevent it happening today.

  “State your business,” Twilix called out to the wielder standing with his back towards the gate.

  He turned and slowly approached, “I was sent to represent the Elder Wizards to his majesty, Kilen Everheart.”

  Twilix was unsure if she should trust the man yet. The Earth Realm soldiers were just outside the city and could have created a ploy for one man to get inside and kill Kilen or herself. She needed to work out a way to see if he was lying.

  “Ria, is there a way to see if he really is a wielder for the Elders?” Twilix asked.

  “Nothing that he would carry. He would just have to be questioned on his knowledge,” She walked a couple steps towards the line of soldiers before stopping.

  Twilix knew that Ria was still having a hard time remembering that she was queen.

  “Your Majesty, may I speak with the wielder?” She asked bowing her head and finally giving proper respect to a queen.

  Twilix cooed, “Very well.”

  Ria nodded her head again and stepped past the line of soldiers. Twilix followed but stayed just beyond the line of men. Wells stood in front of her and to the side, offering his warning of danger. Twilix laid a hand on his shoulder as she listened to Ria.

  “Wielder, we have had some trouble of late trusting some people. As you can see, we have an army at the foot of our gate, and yet somehow you have made it past them. Are you an enemy? Are you with the Earth Realm?” Ria asked bluntly.

  The wielder scoffed, “I would rather lick all the boots behind you then be a soldier in the employ of Atmos’ brat of a son. No, I am not the enemy.”

  “Then how should you prove yourself?” Ria countered.

  “My name is Ray. I have been with the Elder Wizards for a long time. Seeing as how you are a wizard perhaps you have met them before. Maybe we know of the same ones?” The wielder said.

  “Well, Ray, it has been some time since I have resided with the Elders. I may know some of the leaders. Who is in charge now?” Ria asked while folding her hands in front of her.

  “Elder Warick leads them for now. He is also the one that gave the quill and book for your king to sign as a weapon bearer,” Ray said showing signs of frustration.

  Ria turned and looked about, “Well, I don’t see our king here to verify your story so try again. Name another that would know you.”

  “I would, but I don’t see Alexander here either. Listen, mistress, I am growing tired of answering your questions when all I did was come here to help. I have already cleared the soldiers off your stoop and am willing to give up my weapons and imbuements to prove myself, but if you would allow me to see the king he will clear this up,” Ray said while stretching his neck as if he was bored.

  Twilix stepped forward, “Our King is indisposed at the moment. Perhaps I can take the message to him?”

  Ray’s eyes went immediately to the crown and took a knee. He clasped his fist to his chest and spoke, “My apologies your majesty. I did not see the crown.”

  “Stand up, Ray. Do you have a message for the court?” Twilix asked, still standing back a bit.

  Ray stood and shook his head, “I was sent to aid your husband like I had with the Elders. Atmos is forming an army, and I may be able to help defend the castle.”

  Ria laughed, “One man help more than our king. You do know he can use multiple elementals at once, don’t you?”

  The man stood and gave Ria a sideways glare before returning to face Twilix.

  “I was his sword trainer while Master Everheart was with the Elders. He was a novice with the sword when he came to us but a true master of the elements. He will need my sword and battle skills to face Atmos and win,” Ray said.

  Ria started to open her mouth, but Ray held up his hand.

  “I also have extensive knowledge of Leviathan to include access to the imbuement armory.”

  Twilix’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest. They had been looking day and night for the armory. It appeared on no maps and was not spoken of in any of the text. If this man knew where it was and could open it, they might actually stand a chance of winning against Atmos.

  Twilix turned her head to Wells, “Captain, take the man’s sword and imbuements. I want his belongings searched, and want him stripped of his armor.”

  Ria approached Twilix as the men cautiously approached the foreign wielder. “With the armory found we will need to redouble our effort in finding information on soul wizards.”

  Ray cleared h
is throat, and the men stopped short of him. He pulled his sword from the sheath and laid it on the ground.

  “Your majesty, if you are seeking information on soul wizards I may be able to help,” Ray slowly backed up and started opening one of his horse’s bags. He pulled a package wrapped in leather out and gave it to Wells. “The Elders thought you might need a bit of background on the subject just in case they fail.”

  Ria clicked her tongue a couple times, “Warick was always a bit of a show off when it came to predicting events.”

  Ray laughed, “Yes, yes he is. I was a bit skeptical that Kilen would survive the Fire Realm battle. Warick made me train him anyways, and he survived. Warick also told me that Kilen would be my replacement before I had even met the boy.”

  “Your replacement?” Twilix asked.

  Ray cleared his throat giving a glance to Wells. He slowly reached up and pulled the helmet off of his head. Wells gasped and went halfway to a knee then rose again unsure what to do. Wells turned to Ria who had an eyebrow raised.

  “What is it, Captain?” Twilix asked.

  “Your Majesty, he is the former king of Leviathan,” Captain Wells said cautiously.

  Ria’s eyes narrowed as she turned slightly towards Twilix. “We will need to discuss some things before he is given any freedom in your city.”

  Ria’s bluntness was all the caution that Twilix needed. Twilix renewed the order to have Ray stripped of his armor and imbuements and was disarmed of the three-element blade that had laid on the ground. Most of the soldiers were former residents of Leviathan and offered apologies while stripping him. He told them to do as they were ordered and showed no sign of irritation.

  Ria grasped Twilix’s arm pulling her back inside Leviathan.

  “Twilix, I am unsure this is a good idea. If he is the former king of this castle, he could very well steal this castle out from underneath you. The people of Keepers and the only residents of this city stayed behind ten years to see this castle raised from the depths. He was their former king, and they may still do his bidding over yours. I would send him away,” Ria said while watching the soldiers.

  “While all this is true, he still knows more about this city than we do. We must at least allow him to stay until the armory can be opened,” Twilix said.

  “We will need to watch him closely, and it should not be by someone that was in Keepers,” Ria said.

  “Ria, you and I are the only ones that are not from Keepers,” Twilix said.

  “Then the task falls to me, Majesty,” Ria said as she walked away.

  Captain Wells was still standing like a statue like he had seen a ghost. Ria snatched the leather package away and gave him a small push. Wells started giving orders again and collecting all the imbuements.

  Ria unwrapped the package as she approached Twilix.

  “This is a book I’ve never seen before. It appears to contain all knowledge collected on soul wizards,” Ria said, handing the book to Twilix.

  “Good, we should be able to find what we need then,” Twilix replied.


  It was only a week since they left Basham and Kilen was already starting to feel like a failure. Every noble, city, or farmstead that he stopped at turned him away. Each gave some supplies but other than that they offered no aid, and no willingness to join.

  Kilen sat atop his horse staring at the river that raged in front of him. It was the same story in every direction. The rivers started flowing in the opposite direction taking out bridges and structures as they changed and increased in strength. Some of the cities near ponds were now flooded with the increase of water flowing to their towns. Raising Leviathan changed the Water Realm back to what it had been; a land rich with water.

  Kilen wasn’t the only one feeling the frustration either. Brent started pouring through notes trying to locate the next town or noble that could offer aid. Kara and the rest of the fire wizards had to start walking because their wagon’s wheels were broken while trying to cross a shallow river, the current was too much for the old untreated wood. Unfortunately, Kilen and Max didn’t possess the understanding of how to do it correctly.

  He tried to look on the bright side: he was making a good pace across the Water Realm, already crossing a quarter the distance to the coast. Max was able to keep his party energized and strengthened. Tokeye kept the party healed of sores and wounds. They traveled all day keeping a quick march. Kilen knew as soon as he started taking on men he would not be able to keep the party healed and moving without someone growing suspicious. He would at least take advantage of it while he had the chance.

  Jace whispered in the wind, “A shallow spot to the south will allow you to pass.”

  Kilen repeated the information to Brent as Jace’s small swirl of dirt disappeared out onto the river. Kilen led the group until he found Tokeye waiting in the form of a man on the bank. The icy figure strode out into the water to show its depth. The river was swift and strong but only as deep as Kilen’s knees.

  Holding a rope, Max’s stone form spanned the river and stood anchored in the bank on the far side. One by one Kilen’s party used the rope to steady themselves as they crossed the river. Kara joined Kilen on his new horse to avoid getting her dress wet.

  “How far are we going to keep moving without any soldiers?” Kara asked.

  Kilen’s reply was not diplomatic but the truth, “We will keep going until we meet the ocean.”

  His sister didn’t look happy, but then again neither did he. He wished for just one stop, they would gain a single man. Kilen kept telling himself if only one man joins, the trip would be worth it. He looked back to see Leroy and Erica being careful to cross the river in only the most stable spots. The wagon they were in charge of was the last in their employ.

  Fortunately for Kilen, Leroy was no stranger to the water. While crossing the river, the manservant managed to drag a fishing net, catching a day’s worth of food. Erica and Leroy worked quickly to set a fire and prepare the food while the others rested and the horses were watered. Kilen sat sketching out a map of the Water Realm as he visited the villages and cities.

  When he looked up from his book, he noticed a short stone wall and small shrubs running its length into the distance. The shrubs seemed to get larger and taller as the wall extended out of sight. The closest portion of the wall looked unfinished with small rocks scattered about the field nearby. It looked as though the rocks pushed themselves out of the ground.

  The skinny water wizard sat down beside him and handed him a plate of seasoned fish, bread, and cheese. He took the bowl and started eating. It amazed Kilen that no matter how many times Leroy made fish it seemed to taste different each time. The bass he was served today was not Leroy’s best work.

  Kilen looked up at the short stone wall, “Another noble’s property?”

  “No, Sire. The wall marks one of the boundaries of Jennifer Augustine’s land,” Brent replied.

  “She is not a noble?” Kilen asked.

  “No, she is a wizard of some note. She has acquired a lot of land through the years and uses it as a refuge for the less fortunate, mostly women,” Brent curled his lip at the taste of the fish on his plate.

  Kilen smiled, “Not his best work.”

  Brent shook his head, “No, not at all. I think a bit of that Kapal spice might burn the taste out of this. I would ask him, but he would probably give me the spice thinking I wanted it every time.”

  Leroy spoke to them both from the fire where he was cooking, “It would be better had we not lost my cooking supplies in the last wagon.”

  Erica punched him in the arm, “You are speaking to a king. You should apologize for the taste, not make excuses.”

  Leroy looked at Kilen as though he wanted to argue, but didn’t.

  “Sire, I apologize for the taste. As soon as we get the more suitable equipment I will make it up to you,” Leroy said flourishing an exaggerated bow.

  Kilen gave a laugh, and Erica gave an irritated nod of appro
val. Leroy started complaining about the size of the fire until Al’tore added some magic and caused the cookpot to disappear in flames. When the flames died away, everyone laughed except for Leroy.

  “It’s not funny, it’s going to be ruined,” Leroy said stirring the contents.

  Al’tore smiled from his side of the fire, “It was ruined before I did anything.”

  The laughing renewed and Leroy took the contents of the pot to the water to wash it out. Kilen found himself gazing back at the wall.

  “Tell me more about Mrs. Augustine,” Kilen said to Brent.

  “She is a wind wizard of great skill. The first time she used her magic it was to cut out her father’s tongue,” Brent said, tearing away a piece of bread. “Her father was an abusive man and was giving it to her mother and her one night until she had her awakening. She was tired of him screaming at her and accidently disconnected his ability to speak.”

  “Sounds like she could have gotten in trouble for something like that,” Kilen said.

  “She could have, and did, but it didn’t last long. After the incident, word spread of what she did and women came to her from all over seeking refuge from abusive men. Each woman brought skills and talents with them that Mrs. Augustine used to keep them all from starving. After a couple years she opened a store, farm, and employed a peddler,” Brent took a bite of cheese.

  He continued as he tucked the cheese inside the side of his cheek, “Over the decades the business has grown, and she has purchased more and more lands. I can only assume that this is her most recent acquisition.”

  “So the women all live together and work together, sort of like Keepers?” Kilen asked.

  “Yes, sort of. Mrs. Augustine now takes in those that cannot care for themselves,” Brent replied.

  “You said men were not allowed to enter?” Kilen asked.


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