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Havoc Page 2

by Alexis Noelle

  I can feel the anger rising in my body like the ocean at high tide. “I’m sorry, Jessie.”

  “It’s Jackie,” she says her annoyance obvious.

  “Right. That was one of my brothers and there is an issue I need to go help him handle. Good to meet you.” I stand up and almost run to my bike. If she thinks this little stunt will work, she’s got another thing coming.

  I pull out of the parking lot headed straight for her apartment. This calm conversation just became a whole new monster. Her place is only five minutes from the diner and I get there in less than three.

  Pressing the buzzer, I wait for an answer, each second feeling like an hour.

  “Hey! How much do I owe you?” Her voice pours through the speaker having no idea that it’s me on the other side.

  A car pulls up and a young kid climbs out holding a brown paper bag. “That food for 208?” I nod toward him.

  “Yea. You order?”

  I nod pulling a couple twenties out of my pocket. “Keep the change.”

  “Damn, thanks man.” He hands the bag to me.

  “Hellllooooo. You have my food or not?” Chrissy’s voice sounds again.

  I press the buzzer doing my best to disguise my voice. “Yea, it’s $25.87.” Jesus Christ, she spent a lot of money on food.

  “Okay, I’ll buzz you in.” I open the door and head up to her place. Standing to the side of the peephole, I knock on the door.

  “Here you go, keep the—” her sentence drops when she sees me standing there.

  Without waiting for her to say a word, I bend down and throw her over my shoulder. Taking a few steps in I kick the door closed.

  “Put me down, you big ape.” Her fists hit my back and its almost laughable that she thinks she’s hurting me.

  Then I feel the stinging of her teeth biting into my flesh. “Shit!” I drop the bag of food and pull her down in front of me. My mouth presses against hers and for each step she takes in retreat I match it, holding her to me. She stops when her back hits the kitchen counter. Pulling away, my teeth drag over her bottom lip, the metallic taste of blood faint.

  “You asshole.” Her hands push against my chest.

  “I thought you like it rough?” I laugh and her eyes catch fire.

  “Did you not get the message? I thought it’d been loud and clear.” Her arms cross over her chest.

  “See the thing is…” I dip my head, my lips pressing against the curve of her neck. “I had a whole different message I wanted to give you.” My teeth nip her skin tracing a line to her collarbone and she relaxes against me. “You want to hear it?”

  Her deep breathing fills the space.

  “I want to hear you say it. Tell me you want this.” My tongue darts out tracing the v of her shirt.

  “Shit, yes.” She almost moans her answer.

  My hands grip her hips lifting her onto the counter. I take a few steps back wanting to look at her sitting there. Her legs spread, beads of sweat starting to form on her soft skin, the look of lust in her eyes. “Take off your clothes.”

  She slowly moves her hands lifting the hem of her shirt slowly. She’s taking her time, playing with me. I keep my eyes trained on hers as I start to take off my clothes, needing her. It’s crazy how much I want her. She was with me last night, but it feels like days.

  Once we’ve both made a pile on the floor, I walk closer, sinking down in front of her. Lifting her leg, I kiss the inside of her knee slowly working my way up the inside of her thigh. The closer I get to her pussy the quicker her breaths come. She likes the anticipation, likes to be teased.

  When I let my tongue run between her lips she moans.


  Moving my hands to her ass, I pull her closer to me, dipping my tongue inside her as her thighs squeeze my shoulders. Her hands find my hair, gripping it as I move my finger up to her clit. I slowly circle it before pressing down on it as I delve deeper into her. Everything inside her tightens as she tips over the edge screaming my name. The sweet taste fills my mouth as I look up at her. Her head falls back as her chest is heaving.

  While she’s trying to catch her breath, I stand up, pulling her legs so she lands on the floor and quickly spinning her around. Sinking deep inside of her, she groans, her hands gripping the edge of the counter as she presses her ass back against me.

  I grip her tits, my fingers rolling her nipples as I thrust in and out of her.

  “Rock!” she yells, her voice hoarse.

  Hearing my name pour from her lips like that is like an instant shot to my dick. I’m close but I want to get her there again. My one hand moves down to her clit slowly rubbing it as the other moves up to her hair. I grip it, pulling her head back to me. “Come apart for me again. Let me hear you scream.”

  Her pussy tightens around me before she screams out. I follow her, a low growl sounding from my chest as I finish.

  Both of us collapse onto the counter too exhausted to even consider moving.

  Chrissy slides out from under me. “Thanks for the food, and the sex.” She winks with a smile. “You need to leave though.”

  What the fuck.

  Chapter Three


  “I got some secrets I forgot to mention

  Haven't learned my lesson

  I've got some damn bad intentions

  I see the world in 25 dimensions

  I've seen evil reign over perfection

  Blood heat over tension

  And I know” - Niykee Heaton

  I cannot believe I let him come in here and do that to me. Well, I can because let’s be honest, the man is a master.

  I have to get him out of here though.

  “I’m not goin’ anywhere, babe.” He pulls on his briefs and jeans before flopping down on my couch and opening the take-out bag.

  “Hell no, that shit is not yours.” I move to grab the bag from him but he quickly switches arms and I can’t reach it.

  “I paid for it.” He laughs as he starts to go through the contents. “You ordered a lot of food.”

  “What can I say?” I shrug at him. “A girl needs her options, one thing for too long gets boring.”

  He raises an eyebrow at me. “Yea? I’d say the way you were screaming was the farthest thing from boring.”


  “You need to go, Rock. I meant what I said about us being done. I’m moving on.” I turn away from him so he can’t see the indecision on my face.

  “The fuck you are.” I hear the crumple of the paper bag. “Maybe the pussies you’ve dated in the past have accepted that shit, but babe, that ain’t me. I’ve had a taste of you and I have no intention of being without you.” I can feel him behind me. My body wants to step back into him.

  I force my feet to stay where they are. “Well, you better come to terms with it, because that’s what’s happening.”

  He spins me to face him. “No, I’ll tell you what’s happening. You’re gonna try to fight this, to fight me. The difference this time is that it won’t work. You’re mine. I’m fucking claiming you tomorrow. I’ll be there every time you think you’re gonna be going out with some asshole. Every time you’re out, I’ll be there. Until you accept the fact that you’re not getting rid of me.” His hands cup my face. “You, Chrissy Daniels, are mine.”

  “And if I don’t want to be?” My voice shakes no matter how much I try to stop it.

  “If I actually bought that bullshit, I wouldn’t be here.” He walks back over to the couch. “Now I’m gonna eat some of this food and watch TV. You’re welcome to join me.” He strolls over to the couch and opens my food dipping a fork in and taking a bite.

  Anger spikes inside of me, then he turns on the TV.

  Fucking ESPN.

  That shit does not get watched here.

  Tonight was supposed to be an eat shitty food, and binge watch Netflix until I pass out night.

  Goddamn men ruin everything.

  My fists clench as I watch him make himself at h

  I go to my room slamming the door, locking it, and heading for my stash of junk food in the nightstand.

  I really need to move.


  I wake up way too hot.

  My chest is heavy.

  Opening my eyes, I see Rock laying down next to me.

  How the hell did he get in here? And why is he still here? I figured he’d get bored and leave. Did he really mean all that crap he said last night? It sounded great but I know how this will end.

  I’ll fall for him, believe all his bullshit, and then get crushed in the end. Hopefully before we bring any kids into the picture and screw them up in the process. Did I just think about having kids with him?

  I’m losing it.

  I lift my leg up and give him a hard kick rolling him a few inches and making him fall off the bed. I start laughing so hard that it hurts to breathe. It only gets worse when his head peeks over the side of the bed.

  There’s a mix of anger and confusion on his face. “What the fuck, Chris?”

  “Maybe next time you won’t come where you aren’t invited.”

  “If I remember correctly I was invited to come last night.” He smirks at me.

  I grab my pillow hitting him in the face with it. “You’re disgusting. How the hell did you even get in here?”

  “The lock on your door is pretty shitty. All I had to do was stick my license through and it popped right open.” He shrugs as he slips his jeans on.

  I roll my eyes in irritation, then narrow them at him. “Right, I forgot you were a criminal.”

  “Don’t pretend like that shit doesn’t turn you on.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Later, babe. I have something I need to do in an hour.” He leans over kissing me.

  “No, no later.” I stand up tugging my t-shirt down lower. “I meant what I said last night, Rock.”

  “So did I, babe.” He walks out of the room before I can respond.

  A part of me kind of hopes that’s true.

  That must be the glutton for punishment inside of me.

  Sorry to disappoint but there is no way that’s happening.

  As much as Rock is sure I’ll give in, I’m determined not to.

  I decide to go to the gym and take out my aggravation there. Running a few miles on the treadmill always helps me to clear my head, or at least exhausts me enough that thinking takes too much effort.

  The rest of the day is filled with mindless errands and me pretending that every time I check my phone it isn’t with a hope that Rock texted me. I decide to text my friend, Anna, to see what she’s doing tonight. She always seems to know when anything is happening.

  Me: I neeeeeeed to get out tonight. Drinks? Boys?

  Anna: My favorite combination, haha. I’m heading to a new bar that opened tonight. Want to join?

  Me: Hell yes.

  Smoothing my hair into place I take one last look in the mirror. I opted for a little black dress tonight. It’s a strapless dress that has a small slit running up my thigh. It’s so form fitting that a part of me is scared it might actually rip on me.

  I want to let loose, have a few drinks, and find someone to make me forget about Rock. I’m sure it’s all I need.

  A distraction.

  Someone new.

  No leather, no cocky smirk, and no caveman tendencies.

  My phone dings letting me know that my ride is here. I text Anna in the car and she’s already there. My phone buzzes and when I look at it I see the last person I expected.

  Rock: You look hot tonight.

  My eyes dart around me.

  Get a grip Chrissy.

  He’s just messing with you. I slip my phone into my purse deciding to ignore it and not let him ruin my night.

  Pulling up to the bar I groan as I take in the long line. When I get out, I start to move to the back, then I hear my name. Turning around I see Anna waving at me from the exit door.

  “Hey, Johnny, she’s with us,” she says to the bouncer. He gives me a nod and Anna pulls me into the bar. “I’m so glad you could make it!”

  I give her a hug. “I needed this. Thanks for saving me from that long line!”

  “Anytime. Let’s grab a couple drinks.” We head to the bar and order the featured drink of the night; the bar is packed so both of us order two. I have no idea what’s in it except a crap ton of alcohol.

  “So, you said drinks and then boys, right?” Anna arches an eyebrow at me.

  “Yes, please.” I laugh and we walk out onto the dance floor.

  After one song, I feel someone behind me. Looking back, I see a tall guy, blond hair, a little preppy, but definitely passable. I step back against him, moving to the beat of the music as his hands grip my hips. Closing my eyes, I try to lose myself in the moment but it’s almost like I can feel Rock. No matter how much I try to push him out of my mind, I can’t.

  “I suggest you back the fuck away, quickly.” A deep voice sounds in front of me and my eyes spring open. A very hot and very pissed off biker is standing in front of me.

  I look behind me and preppy’s eyes are huge as he backs away from me. I turn back to look at Rock anger rising inside of me. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “I thought we already went over thi,s babe.” He steps toward me until we are almost touching. “You’re. Mine.”

  “The hell I am.” I turn away from him.

  His hands slip around my waist pulling me against his body. “I might believe you if I didn’t know you. If I didn’t see the way your hands fidget because you want to touch me. The way you can’t look me in the eye when you deny me because you know I’ll see through you. The way your voice shakes when you tell me to leave, because as much as you don’t want to admit it, you want me to stay.” He presses his mouth against the skin on my neck and it catches fire.

  He might be right but there’s no way I’ll admit that to him.

  Chapter Four


  “She's blood, flesh, and bones

  No tucks or silicone

  She's touch smell sight, taste, and sound

  But somehow I can't believe that anything should happen” –Tal Bachman

  We all walk into the backroom and take our seats around the table. Pres is standing, so I know that some shit must have pissed him off. The guys who were starting to sell in our territory have started getting more aggressive and trying to screw up our runs. We all knew church was going to be about how to deal with them.

  Once the door closes his voice fills the room. “Motherfuckers tried to hit us again!” A loud bang sounds as his fist hits the table. “Whip and Torch barely made it out of that shit with the cash. Last time they went for the shipment we were carrying. This isn’t about one thing or another. These assholes just want to fuck with our shit.”

  His eyes scan the room, almost stopping on each one of us. “Find. These. Fucking. Assholes. Now.” His chest heaves with labored breaths. “We change routes until we catch them. Double the brothers going out on runs. No one rides alone until these fuckers are six feet under. Torch has your assignments, watch your backs. We aren’t on mandatory lockdown, but I suggest you get the people you care about squared away.”

  The gavel bangs, but unlike with most of the other meetings, no one moves. This went from a minor annoyance to a legitimate threat.

  I walk up to Torch knowing with everything brewing I need to speed something up that I’ve been putting off. “Rock, you have your normal runs, plus one more every other week.” He looks away like that’s all I was coming to him for.

  “Yea, I know this isn’t the best time. I’m claiming Chrissy.”

  His head snaps up. “Shit, it may not be the best time but it’s about damn time. I’ll let Pres know. We already had a party in the works so you can announce it to the club tonight.” He claps me on the back and walks out of the room.

  It is about damn time.

  I can’t help but laugh knowing how pissed Chrissy will be. She’s
used to dealing with boys who let her run the show. The difference now is that I’m a man and there is no way I’m letting her go.

  I find Tracker in the common area at the bar. “I just claimed Chrissy.”

  “No shit.” His head turns toward me. “She know that?”

  “She will tonight at our party.”

  Izzy, one of the old ladies, walks up to us. “So, she has no idea you just tied her to the club?”

  I look over at her. I don’t know Izzy too well. She’s Pres’s sister and Lady’s old lady. “Nope, been a long time coming though.”

  “Holy shit. I can’t wait to see this.” She turns away from us. “Hey, Nikki!” Nikki is Pres’s old lady. “Make sure you make plenty of popcorn tonight girl, there’s gonna be a show.”

  “Don’t go startin’ trouble.”

  “Oh, you’re one to talk. Don’t worry, though. I’ll just sit back, watch, and enjoy.” She gives me a wink before heading over to some of the other brothers.

  “I need Megan to make sure she’s here.”

  Tracker nods. “I’ll have her take care of it. You may want to wear a cup tonight, brother.”


  Megan got Chrissy to agree to come, even though I’m pretty sure she told her I was on a run. Club parties can get pretty wild and in the past, I’ve told Megan not to tell Chrissy about them. Which makes tonight pretty damn funny.

  The brothers have all heard about me claiming her, so now we have a party to celebrate it. A part of me can’t wait to let everyone knows she’s mine, and the other part is excited to see her get all pissed off.

  I never thought I’d find a girl that I liked enough to claim. We take this shit serious, so you better know what you’re doing if you’re gonna put a patch on a girl. You can’t change your mind down the line and take it back.

  Tonight, when she walks in, it will be the start of a whole new life.

  Chapter Five


  “You know just what to say

  Shit, that scares me, I should just walk away

  But I can't move my feet

  The more that I know you, the more I want to


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