Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3) Page 3

by T. L Hodel

  Parker stepped in, pressing his hard body against mine. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. I just stood there staring at his chest like an idiot. He was so… hard.

  “What if you want a girl you have no business being with?”

  My eyes snapped up to his. Did he mean…

  That’s when I saw it. The loneliness and want etched across his face. His hand twitched at his side as his brows furrowed.

  “What if she doesn’t agree?” I said.

  He leaned in and grazed his lips across the shell of my ear, making me shiver. “Then she’s stupid.”

  “Or she’s brave,” I breathed out quietly.

  Was it hot in here? It suddenly felt really hot in here.

  “Bravery is just another word for stupid.”

  I tipped my chin up and studied him. I mean, really studied him. Parker Whitley was the team’s star running back, on the honor roll, and had his choice of scholarships to choose from. He was what every parent wanted their son to be. Ashen Springs’ golden boy. And not once had it occurred to me that he didn’t want any of it.

  “What are you so afraid of, Parker? That you’ll disappoint them,” I stepped in, pressing my body against his, “Or yourself?”

  “It’s not always that simple, Angel.”

  My brows furrowed as I looked up at him. “Yes it is.”

  “Is it?”

  I licked my lips, swallowing my nerves, and nodded my head.

  “Prove it.” He bent down and softly growled in my ear, “Take your shirt off.”

  It was that man, the brief glimpse I got into Parker Whitley, that I prayed was the father of my child. Because the other option was too much to bare.

  My brows furrowed at a couple of students pointing at me and staring with wide eyes.

  Something was definitely up.

  The only time people in Ashworth paid any attention to me was when Mason Kessler decided to torment Harper. Since I wasn’t about to let him push my best friend around, I’d also become a target of the youngest Kessler. When we were kids, I thought Mason was sweet, until he showed his true colors. Maybe all men lied about who they were? Even the ones you trusted the most.

  I wiped the tear off my cheek before anyone could see, and rounded the corner. Harper and Shelby were waiting for me by my locker. Normal for Harper, but Shelby was usually with Riley. More concerning was the look on their faces. Somewhere between worry and sympathy. I forced the lump of guilt down into my gut and focused on Shelby. Her light brown eyes didn’t make my skin crawl.

  In the short time I’d known her, I’d learned two things. Shelby had a huge heart–she once spent an hour chasing down a fly so it could be released safely outside–and she was completely insane. Anyone that loved Logan Hudson as much as she did had to have a screw loose. That boy was not right in the head.

  “Did someone die?” I was only teasing, but then they both flinched.

  “Depends if Riley finds them,” Harper grumbled under her breath.

  That didn’t explain much. Someone was always on Riley’s shit list. Mainly Micha. He seemed to occupy the top spot ninety percent of the time. Why those two were together, I had no idea. They argued more than Nan and our goat. I don’t know how many times Nan had come charging into the house muttering that Henry was about to find himself at the slaughterhouse.

  “Hey,” Shelby’s pretty face scrunched up as her hand swept down my back, “How are you doing?”

  The girls had been super sweet about this whole thing. I loved them for that, but I still shied away from Shelby’s touch.

  “Are you okay?” Shelby stared down at me, eyes glimmering with unshed tears. “Is there anything you need?”

  “Alright.” I spun around, dodging Shelby’s comforting hand, “What’s going on?”

  Right then, Jasmine decided to walk by with Naomi’s other minions. She flicked her dark hair over her shoulder and muttered, “Orphan Annie moving up to Mommy,” as she sauntered past.

  I swallowed and glanced down at my belly. Was I busted? Of course I was. There was only so much Ashworth’s sweater could hide, and my bump was definitely starting to show.

  “Knew I shouldn’t have changed in the locker room,” I grumbled under my breath.

  Harper’s worried gaze darted around as she leaned in and whispered, “It wasn’t that.”

  “My idiot boyfriend and his friends decided to inform everyone,” Shelby explained, with an exaggerated eye roll.

  Of course they did.

  “Rye’s currently hunting them down.”

  Was it wrong that I hoped she found them? Riley was a tiny thing, but the girl had bite. This was her first year at Ashworth, and she’d managed to do something I never could. Get Mason to leave Harper alone. When she was around, anyway.

  “Let me guess,” I released a loud sigh and glanced at Shelby, “Micha’s leading the charge?”

  Every time I went to see Riley, Micha made it quite clear how he felt about me avoiding Parker. The last time he called me a selfish bitch. Trust me, I would love nothing more than to be able to talk to Parker, because the other option made me sick.

  Shelby shook her head. “That would be Parker.”

  I snorted. Parker Whitley didn’t lead shit. “I think it’s more likely it was your boyfriend.” This crap screamed Logan.

  Harper added in a quiet voice, “Sean said Mason told him.”

  Sean knew?

  I swallowed the bile rising in my throat, and quickly turned my attention back to my locker.

  Hoots and hollers came from down the hall as Logan pranced towards us, with Riley over his shoulder. She beat her fists off his back and kicked her feet, which of course didn’t detour Logan any. He continued on his way with a big smile on his face.

  Shelby’s boyfriend wasn’t someone I’d associate with relief, but when she dropped her face in her hands, I’d never been more thankful to see the charming asshole. I’d take any distraction I could get. Even if it was in the form of Logan Hudson.

  “Oh my God.” Shelby’s blonde hair swayed as she shook her head. “Lord take me now.”

  “Logan,” Riley’s screech echoed off the walls. “Put me down, right now!”

  “No can do, Sis,” Logan shot Shelby a wink. “You started this shit.”

  I could see the rage building in Riley’s face. She was not happy, which usually meant bad things for the person that pissed her off. She was like a tiny feral kitten. Fluffy and cute to look at, but if you tried to touch it, it’d scratch your face off. Mind you, Logan was the type to poke the feral kitten. Like I said, the boy was not right in the head.

  “You started this shit! Running your mouth around the whole damn school,” Riley growled. “I’m so gonna kick your ass.”

  “Sorry, Sis,” Logan chuckled, green eyes sparkling, “I’m the one in control of asses here.”

  To reiterate his point, he swung his arm up, palm landing with a resounding smack on her butt.

  The thing that got to me was how not one person questioned what was happening. I shouldn’t be surprised. Even if Logan wasn’t one of the infamous Knights, he was ‘that guy’. Blessed with looks and impossible charm. The guy that nobody could hate. Nobody except me, because I truly did hate Logan Hudson. Loathed the very ground he walked on. Not because of anything he did to me. Until recently, I don’t think he even knew I existed. Harper, on the other hand…

  My lip curled as he strutted over and leaned in to kiss Shelby. I don’t know what she saw in him. Shelby could give Naomi a run for her money, and unlike Ashworth’s queen bee, she wasn’t a complete bitch.

  “Uh huh,” Shelby held up her hand, cutting off his kiss. “You think I’m gonna kiss you after this crap?”

  Logan let out a long groan and stood up. “But, baby…”

  “Don’t ‘but baby’ me.”

  Gotta say, I liked the snide look Shelby shot him. It made me like her a little more. Not many girls turned down Logan Hudson. None, actually. In fact, I could see three
in the hall right now, waiting to swoop in and pick up the pieces of his broken heart. But did all that female attention bother Shelby? Nope. She was utterly confident in Logan’s devotion to her.

  “You see that, Sis,” Logan sighed and rolled his eyes back to a fuming Riley. “Now you’re fucking with my pussy.”

  “Good,” she snarled. “Don’t you give in to him, Shell.”

  “That’s it,” he smirked at me, asshole, and sauntered down the hall, “I’m taking you to your boyfriend. Maybe he can control your crazy ass.”

  Riley lifted her head, looking back at us, and held up her fist, “Stay strong.”

  Shelby gave her own reaffirming fist bump and draped her arm over my shoulder. I bit my lip and forced myself to accept her comfort. For some reason, these two girls had my back. I’d never done anything to deserve it, yet they were standing up to their boyfriends for me. I quickly swept away the tear running down my cheek and sniffed back my sob.

  Stupid hormones

  Chapter 3


  I could feel eyes on me all morning. Rooms would suddenly get quiet when I entered, and despite what my friends said, I could hear them whispering. My friends had my back. Riley made that quite apparent when she punched a guy in English class for calling me a slut. I couldn’t talk to the one person I wanted to, though.

  From the time we were in diapers, it was Harper and I against the world. She was my best friend. My confidant. The girl who knew all my secrets. And now, the person I dreaded seeing every day. I couldn’t talk to her, couldn’t even look at her, because there were only two people she had in this world, and if she found out what happened, she’d lose them both. I’d never felt more alone in my life.

  I wove my way through the rows of desks to take my seat, trying to ignore all the sideways glances. Was it wrong that I was relieved to be in a class without my best friend? That for an hour, I didn’t have to see her face, or tell her everything was okay, when it wasn’t. Nothing would ever be okay again.

  “Slut,” someone in the room coughed, making me wish that Riley wasn’t stuck in the office waiting for reprimand.

  These people would like nothing more than to see me run out of the room in tears. As far as they were concerned, I didn’t belong. I didn’t have a trust fund, or powerful parents, and I was proud of that. I could hold my head high knowing that everything I had, I earned. How many of them could say that?

  So, no, I wasn’t going to run out of the room. I’d never give them the satisfaction. A few rumors weren’t going to chase me away. I belonged here, just as much as they did, and I wasn’t about to be bullied out of a spot I rightfully earned.

  Speaking of bullied…

  Mason Kessler strutted in and loudly announced, “I know you all missed me, but you don’t need to cry anymore. I’m back.”

  Was I surprised by Mason Kessler’s grand entrance? No. Quiet wasn’t his style. Hence Harper’s hyper terrified state. The only time I wished I had influence was when Mason Kessler was around. I’d like nothing more than to wipe that stupid smile off his face. Of course, influence in this town didn’t matter much when it came to the Kesslers. You couldn’t out-power someone who had it all.

  “Hey, Lana banana.” Mason dropped down into the desk next to me and shot me a grin. “Miss me?”

  “Hardly,” I muttered, while pulling my books out of my bag.

  I’d come to the conclusion long ago that arrogance must be a Kessler trait. Even their father walked around like his shit didn’t stink. If I had to guess, I’d say Louis Kessler had more skeletons in his closet than anyone else. It was nice to see him humbled, even if I was just a little. Shelby’s mom insisted on things like family dinners. I knew this, because Micha was constantly complaining about it. And no, he didn’t go to any of her required family functions. Not unless Riley made him.

  The teacher came in and started class. Not that that mattered much to Mason. While I was trying to pay attention, he kept poking me. Quietly calling my name, and flicking little balls of paper my way.

  As much as I tried to ignore him, my frustration built up until I finally snapped, “What!” in a growled whisper.

  “What’d Parker do to piss you off?”

  I glanced down at the book open on my desk. The Scarlet Letter. Fate sure had a sense of humor. Studying a book about a woman being dubbed a whore, when that’s exactly how Parker made me feel. Throwing money at me the next morning!

  “None of your business.”

  “That bad, huh?” Mason sat back and hummed.

  I’d seen that look before. The dark glint in his bright eyes was unmistakable. Whatever he was thinking, it wasn’t good.

  “Well, whatever it is, you better get over it quick.”

  He had no idea what I had to get over. Was I mad at Parker, yes. I hated him for how he treated me. But that wasn’t what weighed me down everyday.

  “You belong to him now.”

  My glare snapped his way. “Says who?”

  “Says that.” He tipped his chin to the bump I was trying to hide, making me blink back the tears threatening to burst forth.

  This baby didn’t prove anything, because I didn’t know who put this baby in me. The man who filled my dreams with tender words and gentle kisses. Or the one who haunted my nightmares. I hated Mason for reminding me of that. For making me once again wonder if I could love the child I was carrying. Would I hate it for being a living reminder of the worst night of my life?

  “I’m curious, Mason, why didn’t daddy cover up your stint in rehab?” I twisted my neck and gave a small frown. “Has he finally given up on his youngest son? It’s got to be hard, living in your brother’s shadow.”

  The tick in his jaw brought a satisfied grin to my lips. Unfortunately, I forgot the number one rule when it came to dealing with Mason Kessler. Never underestimate him.

  “Lana,” he pronounced loudly, “That is so inappropriate.”

  Suddenly everyone’s eyes were on me.

  “Mr. Kessler,” our teacher, Mr. Hanes, said, “Is there a reason you’re interrupting my class?”

  “I’m sorry sir, it’s really hard to concentrate when someone keeps propositioning me.” Mason paused to slide his gaze my way. “I keep telling her I’m not interested, but she won’t leave me alone.”

  This son of a…

  “I did no such thing!” I shrieked.

  “Look, I’m sure there are plenty of guys you can find into butt stuff.”

  Snickers filled the room as my jaw dropped. He did not just say that.

  “Miss Crawford, kindly leave Mr. Kessler alone.”

  I stared at the teacher, shocked. “But I wasn’t–”

  “You heard the man,” Mason interrupted me.

  I spent the rest of class plotting Mason Kessler’s death. Even had the tombstone picked out. A nice wooden cross. Blessed in holy water to keep his evil spirit in the ground.

  By the time lunch came, I was more than ready for this day to be over. Thanks to Mason, I wasn’t just the school slut, I was the girl that liked butt stuff. On the upside, I had about twenty detailed plans on how to rid the world of the youngest Kessler. I just needed to get my hands on a hive of bees, and a woodchipper.

  I sat back and closed my eyes, enjoying the gentle breeze toying with my hair. Out here, it was just me, the fresh air, and the sun. Peaceful solitude. The only thing I missed was Harper. I could’ve brought her out here with me, but then I ran the risk of the football team starting a search. I understood why. The last time Harper didn’t show up for lunch, it was because Mason had trapped a claustrophobic Harper in a locker.

  Guilt welled up in my gut as I thought of my friend sitting in the cafeteria, with no one to protect her. Yes, Riley and Shelby were there, but Harper wasn’t comfortable around them. Riley scared her. Heck, Riley scared me sometimes, and Shelby was too touchy feely.

  They were both incredibly loyal and sweet in their own ways. That wasn’t the problem. The only person Harper was co
mfortable around was me. And now, I wasn’t comfortable around her. I sniffed and wiped away the tear rolling down my cheek. It felt like I had lost my parents all over again.

  “Well, this is a first.”

  I jumped back and turned my head to see the new assistant coach, Luke Lannister. I didn’t personally know him, but Shelby said he was nice. Which Logan was not impressed about. That boy gave jealousy a new name. He once went after a guy just because he talked to Shelby.

  Mr. Lannister tipped his chin at my bag. “Don’t you guys usually eat in the cafeteria?”

  “I’m sorry,” I sat up and started collecting my things. “I’ll go.”

  Should’ve known someone would have a problem with me eating out here. Ashworth was a strictly by the books school. Students belonged in desks, and food in the cafeteria.

  “No, no. You’re fine.” I couldn’t help but notice the way his light eyes sparkled when he leaned in and whispered, “I won’t tell anyone.”

  That made me eye him. Ashworth was all about image. An orphaned scholarship kid didn’t exactly help their reputation. They’d like nothing more than to kick me out. Yet another reason to hide my current predicament. Last year, Krissy Smythe got pregnant and was sent to a more ‘appropriate’ school, and she was from a prominent family.

  I guess Mr. Lannister sensed my apprehension, because he quickly added, “It’s kind of nice to have someone normal to talk to.”

  “What do you mean normal?”

  “No offense to the staff here,” he sighed and propped his elbow up on the bleachers, “But I doubt any of them has had to live off peanut butter.”

  I couldn’t help but snicker. Okay, maybe he wasn’t as bad as the rest. “You can’t forget the jam.”

  “I’m more of a honey guy, myself.”

  “No thanks,” my nose scrunched up, “Too sweet for me.”

  “Ah, you’re more of the salty snack type?”

  “Give me a bag of chips over a chocolate bar any day.”

  My heart fluttered a bit when he smiled. He was probably only a couple years older than me, and definitely handsome, with his thick chestnut hair and bright blue eyes, but so not someone I would go for. Not to mention that he was technically a teacher, and I had enough rumors floating around about me. It was still flattering, though.


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